The following messages are stored in message class EMDUS: .
It is part of development package EE_MDUS in software component IS-U-BI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MDUS Integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Obligatory input parameter is initial
002Input parameter &1 not filled
003Internal Error
004Billing order &1 &2 &3 has invalid request status &4
005Billing order &1 &2 &3: MDUS request reversed
006Error during reversal of MDUS requests
007MDUS request for installation &1 cancelled
008Billing order requires reversal of document &1
009Billing order requires deletion of previous orders
010Start of MDUS request: Date: &1 Time: &2
011End of MDUS request: Date: &1 Time: &2
012MDUS requests not possible with dynamic period control
013Method &1 of business add-in &2 produced an error
014MDUS requests not possible for Waste Management division category
015Budget billing simulation not possible for MDUS requests
016You cannot bill profile &1 with the RTP interface
017No TOU interface found for rate &1 and fact group &2
018Choose a time-of-use interface
019End of validity &2 is before start of validity &1
020Date field is empty
021Profile &1 cannot be billed with rate &2
022Profile &1 has different interval length to TOU interface &2
023Profile allocation incomplete for device &1 &2
024Error during rebilling for document &1: MDUS request required
025Error during MDUS request for billing order &1 &2 &3
026Error during call of service for generating MDUS requests
027MDUS request created for billing order &1 &2 &3
028Number of reversed MDUS requests______________: &1
029Number of MDUS requests generated________________: &1
030Incorrect creation of rate &1
031Billing order &1 &2 &3 has MDUS status &4
032No interval registers for billing order &1 &2 &3
033Billing order &1 &2 &3 requires MDUS request
034Result parameter &1 belongs to operand category &2
035Result parameter &1 has unit of measurement &2
036MDUS status changed for billing order &1 &2 &3
037Billing order &1 &2 &3 does not require an MDUS request
038Log. reg, no. &1, date &2: Role cat. not unique (profile roles &3, &4)
039Simulation type &1 not possible for MDUS-relevant registers
040Error during MDUS request for billing order &1 &2 &3
041Rate &1 not permitted for billing period category &2
042Start date &1 already exists
043Choose a start date of a day group
044Start time &1 already exists
045Define an interval length
046Define an interval length in minutes
047Interval length cannot be more than 24h (&1 minutes)
048Interval ID &1: Interval length is 0; enter a value
049Start time &1 not compatible with the selected interval length
050Customizing transport order created successfully
051Formula &1 not active; you can only use active formulas
052Status of TOU interface &1 obsolete or not active
053Season &2 of TOU interface is not allocated to a day group
054Season &1, day group &2: Day &3 allocated more than once
055Not all days are allocated to day groups of season &1
056Time-of-use interface is error-free
057Allocate a season group to TOU interface &1
058Allocate a division to TOU interface &1
059Allocate an interval length to TOU interface &1
060Allocate parameter &1 to formula &2
061Parameter category of parameter &1 not suitable for formula &2
062Unit of measurement of parameter &1 not suitable for formula &2
063Formula &2: Parameter &1 of category 'profile' must be a runtime value
064Formula &1: Parameter 1 cannot be selected as a runtime value
065Formula &2: Parameter &1 is a runtime value and cannot have a value
066Formula &1: At least one input parameter must be allocated
067Selected interval length is not from category "Minute"
068You do not have authorization for &1
069You do not have authorization for division &1
070Time-of-use interface &1 already edited by &2
071Time-of-use interface &1 is already locked
072Time-of-use formula &1 already edited by &2
073Time-of-use formula &1 already locked
074End time &1 not compatible with selected interval length
075Start time &1 cannot be after end time &2
076Time-of-use period starting on &1 is not complete
077No MDUS request for billing order &1 &2 &3
078Utility installation &1 disconnected
079You can only define max. 5 input and 5 output parameters in the formula
080The oldest billing order &1 &2 &3 was not selected
081No time-of-use periods defined for day group &1
082Unknown result parameter &1 was allocated
083Formula &1, output par. &2 must be alloc. to a res. par. of oprnd cat. &3
084Formula &1, output par. &2 alloc. to invalid res. par. of oprnd cat. &3
085Exception days defined but not allocated to a day group
086Exception days not complete; date missing
087Exception day &1 entered more than once
088Rslt par. &1: 'No Proration' ind. only permitted for operand cat. DEMAND
089Name of interface &1 contains forbidden characters
090Name of formula &1 contains forbidden characters
091Unit of measurement from result parameter &1 does not match formula &2
092MDUS is not unique
093No MDUS system found
094Cannot find an MDUS system for profile &1
095No formula class defined for formula &1
096You cannot use formula class &2 of formula &1
097Formula class &1 does not offer an input parameter at position &2
098Formula class &1 expects category &3 as input parameter at position &2
099Formula class &1 requires &2 input parameters; &3 parameters defined
100Formula class &1 expects category &3 as output parameter at position &2
101Formula class &1 requires &2 output parameters; &3 parameters defined
102Result parameter &1 not used
103No result parameter was defined
104Formula &2: A value must be defined for parameter &1 from cat. "Profile"
105No day group or entire period defined for season &1
106Technical information displayed in tree
107Formula &1 only suitable for billing in an external system
108Formula &1 only suitable for billing in EDM
109Exclusive display mode active - no changes permitted
110Allocate a result parameter
111There are no formula groups maintained in the system
112Days are already allocated to other day groups in season &1
113Specify a consumption pattern
114Alternative division assigned
115Different interval lengths assigned
116Simulation type &1 not possible for time-of-use billing
117Assign a profile to consumption pattern &1
118Rate &1: Percentage minimum share has not been maintained
119TOU interface &1: Consumption pattern has not been maintained
120Profile &1: Rate data for simulation is inconsistent
121No variant with simulation for TOU interface with external profile values
122Define the total quantity on the time-of-use periods tab page
123Define a unique total quantity in the period as of &1
124Result parameter &1 can only be used with the total quantity
125Formula class &1 is not possible
126Formula &2: Incorrect entry for input parameter &1
128Inconsistent Billing Periods Due to BAdI ISU_BI_RTP_TOU
300No gap-free numbering of items in request &1
301No gap-free numbering of input parameters in request &1 item &2
302No gap-free numbering of output parameters in request &1 item &2
303No gap-free numbering of exception days in request &1 item &2
304MDUS request is simulated; service call not possible
305MDUS request &1 not found in database
306Positive confirmation for MDUS request &1 already received
307Unexpected number of output parameters from MDUS request &1 item &2
308Invalid output parameter from MDUS request &1 item &2 parameter &3
309Invalid UoM for output parameter of MDUS request &1 item &2 parameter &3
310Output parameter &3 for request &1 and item &2 not found in database
311Item &2 for MDUS request &1 not found in database
312Unexpected number of items from MDUS request &1
313Conf. of MDUS req. for inst. &1 on billing date &2 processed successfully
314MDUS request for installation &1 for billing date &2 sent successfully
315MDUS reversal for installation &1 and billing date &2 sent successfully
316Rvrsl of MDUS req. for instlltn &1 and billing date &2 proc. successfully
400No result function found for result parameter &1 and TOU interface &2
401Multiple profiles allocated to rate &2 on &1
402No profile is allocated to rate &3 between &1 and &2
403MDUS request does not contain an item with ID &1
404No result entry for request item ID &1 and parameter number &2
405Input parameter &1 must be filled during runtime
407Result parameter &1 not found
408Result function &1 unknown
409Choose an installation
410Choose the planned billing date of the billing order
411Choose a billing transaction
413Choose a time zone
414Choose rate periods for the time-of-use interface
415Choose a start date for the rate period
416Choose an end date for the rate period
417Choose a rate
418Choose profile periods
419Choose result parameters
420Choose the valid-from date of profile &1
421Choose the valid-to date of profile &1
422Choose a profile
423Choose a logical register
424Choose a result parameter
425Choose the ID of the MDUS request
426Billing period of result parameter &1 is before the rate period
427Billing period of result parameter &1 is after the rate period
428Billing periods for result parameter &2 overlap
429UUID generation error
430Restrict times for result parameter &1
431No simulated MDUS results found
434Obligatory profile cannot be determined during runtime
435Formulas only allocated to time-of-use interface &1 as of &2
436No formulas allocated to time-of-use interface &1 for time-of-use period
437No input parameters allocated to formula &1
438'Indicator' check box not permitted for parameter type &1
439'Value' not permitted for parameter type &1
440Day group &1 already exists in season &2
441'Profile' not permitted for parameter type &1
442Enter a valid day group
443MDUS request for billing has changed (header data)
444MDUS request for billing has changed (item data)
445MDUS request for billing has changed (input parameters)
446MDUS request for billing has changed (output parameters)
447MDUS request for billing has changed (exception period)
448Alternative time zone &1 has a different rule to time zone &2
449No time zone rule found for time zone &1
500Formula &1 created successfully
501Formula &1 changed successfully
502Formula &1 deleted successfully
503&1 not compatible with input parameter category &2
504Enter a unit of measurement for input parameter category &1
505No other values permitted with runtime values
506Cannot save interface &1
507Interface &1 already exists
508No output parameters exist; create at least one parameter
509&1 is initial
510Restricted editing only for active formulas
511You can only delete inactive formulas
512Time-of-use interface &1 does not exist
513Time-of-use formula &1 does not exist
514Cannot save time-of-use formula &1
515Time-of-use formula &1 already exists
516Input parameters missing for profile
517Changes not permitted; interface obsolete
518Profile parameter must be first parameter
519Time-of-use formula not found in any interface
520Used formulas cannot be set to inactive
521Changes not permitted; formula obsolete
522No texts found in language &1
523Formula ID in MDUS already in use
524No formula exists
525Activity cancelled
526Interface &1 created successfully
527Interface &1 changed successfully
528Interface &1 deleted successfully
529Choose a season
530Input parameter &1 not found in interface &2
531Choose a day group
532Used result parameters cannot be deleted
533Season group &1 does not exist
534Enter a season group
535During creation using a template, the season group must be initial
536Select day group and entire period
537Time-of-use period not compatible
538Time-of-use period already exists
539Select a time-of-use period
540Day group not compatible
541Select an entry
542Runtime value must be selected for additional profile parameter
543Enter result parameter &1 in full
544Time-of-use interface already in use
545Time-of-use interface &1 does not exist
546Time-of-use formula already in use; deletion not possible
547Number of parameters limited to five
548Time-of-use formula is consistent
549Result parameter &1 already exists
550First profile parameter is not a runtime value
551Interface &1 unchanged; saving not necessary
552Cannot delete interface &1
553Cannot delete time-of-use formula &1
554Description of result parameter in line &1 is missing
555TOU interface &1 has been deleted in the meantime
556TOU formula &1 has not been changed; saving is not necessary
557Enter either the formula ID or the formula class
558Enter a formula ID or a formula class
559Formula class &1 does not exist
560Formula template &1 is not compatible
561Interface template &1 is not compatible
562Error in formula class &1: &2
563Formula class &1 deleted. Create again for editing
564Time-of-use interface not found in any rates
565&1 is initial for &2 &3
567Interface template &1 is not compatible
600Customizing not maintained for archiving MDUS request data
601Customizing setting for MDUS request data: Archive
602Customizing setting for MDUS request data: Delete
603MDUS request data not found in archive
604Note for billing simulation
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