EQ - ISU-�bergreifende Funktionen

The following messages are stored in message class EQ: ISU-�bergreifende Funktionen.
It is part of development package EE00 in software component IS-U. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: General (Domains and General Objects)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Installation &1 does not belong to contract &2
002Enter a premise or search parameter
003Move-in date &4 invalid: Contract &1 belongs to installation &2 from &3
004Contracts &1 &2 belong to different accounts &3 &4
005Specify an installation for contract &1
006No contract is allocated to installation &1 on date &2
007No contracts are allocated to the installations historically
008Contract &1 is not allocated to a contract on &2
009Contract &1 is not allocation to an installation from &2 to &3
010Specify a move-in date for installation &1
011Enter a business partner or search criteria
012For installation &1, contract &2 has already been allocated
013Contract &1 was already billed on &2
014No &1 found
015Enter the new premise or search parameter
016For contract account &1 there already exists move-in document &2
017Enter the new business partner or search criteria
018Contract &1 has move-in date &2
019Contract &1 has move-out date &2
020Please select a contract
021Please save the move-in document first
022Installation &1 on &2 not available.
023Various move-out documents affected by update: &1 &2 &3 &4
024Various number of entries EAUSEV/OLD_EAUSV: &1 &2 &3 &4
025Change documemnt for EAUSV not possible: &1 &2 &3 &4
026Enter a move-in date and an installation
027Enter a contract account
028Contract account &1 does not exist
029No installation could be found for the specified search parameters
030No budget billing plan exists for contract &1 on &2
031You must specify a &1 or a premised for move-out
032Business partner &1 does not exist
033You must specify a &1, a premise or a move-out document
034Contract account &1 belongs to business partner &2, not BP &3
035Contract account &1 does not contain a business partner
036Enter a contract account category
037Contract account &1 has contract account category &2
038Customer contact &1 was created
039Move-in document &1 created
040Move-in document &1 changed
041Move-in document &1 was reversed
042Customer contact &1 was changed
043Business partner &1 created
044Business partner &1 was changed
045Contract account &1 created
046Contract account &1 changed
047Comp.code &1 does not belong to company code group &2 of contract acct &3
048Move-in document &1 does not exist
049Contract &1 does not exist
050&1, premise or move-in document missing
051Contract &1 (divis. &2), inst. &3 (divis. &4): allocation not possible
052Move-in document &1 was partially reversed
053Contract account category &1 not permissible
054Internal error: Incorrect error processing in step &1 of update
056Different move-in documents affected by UPDATE: &1 &2 &3 &4
057Change document for EEINV not possible: &1 &2 &3 &4
058To delete bank details, delete all entries except bank ID
059Contract &1 belongs to contract account &2
060Contract &1 created for installation &2 (move-in date &3)
061Contract & changed
062New ID &1 being added
063Joint invoicing for contract account &1 not confined to the move-in doc.
064Bank details &1 being deleted
065Internal error: deviating move-in dates
066Customer contact does not exist for move-in document &1
067Check the reference for move-in document &1
068Not possible to save move-in for move-in document &1
069Not possible to save move-in for premise &1
070Budget billing plan could not be created
071Contract &1 does not contain a move-in date
072Choose appropriate reference for installation &1 (division &2)
073Flag INSTLN_USE intended for internal use only!
074Installation &1 in automation data does not match move-in document
075Cont. acct &1 of cont. &3 (inst. &4) does not match cont. acct &2
076The welcome letter could not be created
077The customer contact could not be created
078The customer contact could not be changed
079Contract & has already been specified
080Parameter message handle is specified, but the message class is inactive
081Parameter message handle is not maintained when message object is active
082Move-in document &1 has already been reversed for contract &2
083Move-in reading exists for device &1
084Budget billing plan &2 assigned to contract &1
085Move-in document &1 has already been reversed
086Installation &2: select a reference from company code &1
087Budget billing plan &1 for contract &2 could not be deleted
088Budget billing plan &1 for contract &2 was deleted
089Enter a note
090Note text not found
091Enter a valid object type
092Entry of a move-in document number required
093Entry of a move-out document number required
094Note &1 does not exist in TE582
095Text to note &1 does not exist in TE582T
096Form group &1 does not exist in TE584
097Text for note &1 was incorrectly transferred
098Number of texts in note &1 is larger than the number of placeholders
099Transaction is not yet released
100====== Messages 100 - 199 reserved for IS-U navigator =================
101No valid configuration was found
102Please check configuration &1 for logic errors
103Enter a valid initial object for the data environment
104Specify a configuration that belongs to the initial object
105Check table relationships of navigator configuration &1
106Enter an object type defined in the business object repository
107Select an initial object other than the current one
108No additional functions are available for the selected object
109Enter a valid configuration
110You can only create a father from the object at the top of the hierarchy
111You can only create a brother below the initial object
112Object could not be noted due to technical reasons
113A configuration already exists under the name &1
114Initial object cannot be deleted
115Please select sub-tree first
116Please position cursor on an object in order to carry out function
117You have cancelled the object selection
118Error in transport system; configuration was not saved
119Configuration &1 was not saved
120Enter a configuration description
121There are no navigation options
122Children can only be created below the initial object
123Object was noted
124Contract &1 for the business partner item does not have a move-in date
125No installation was found for premise &1
126No contract was found for premise &1
127No installation was found for business partner &1
128No contract was found for business partner &1
129No premise was found for &1
130Specify a valid initial object
131Choose a navigator configuration appropriate for the initial object
132You cannot change this business object
133No document number entered; the last move-out doc. created is displayed
134No document number entered; the last move-in doc. created is displayed
135No document number entered; the last move-out doc. used is displayed
136Move-in and move-out apply to same premise
137Move-in and move-out apply to same business partner
138Move-in/out incomplete: Only move-out was processed
139No premise could be determined for move-in for &1
140No premise could be determined for move-out for &1
141No active contract could be determined for the move-out
142Enter the data for the premise selection
143Premise &1 was already selected
144Premise &1 was selected for the move-out
145No contract could be determined for the premises determined
146No installation could be determined for the premises determined
147No contract could be determined for business partner &1, premise &2
148A print action record exists for &1 &2
149&3 could not be created; See the long text
150&3 could not be changed; See the long text
151&3 could not be displayed; See the long text
152&3 could not be reversed; See the long text
154Refresh not possible. Access data ennvironment again
155Move-in document &1 and move-out document &2 were reversed.
156Move-in doc &1 reversed, move-out doc. &2 could not be reversed due to
190Object type &1 has no equivalent in then IS-U structure reader
191There is no BOR object type for structure reader entity &1
192Enter a valid configuration; &1 does not exist
193Enter a configuration
194Enter an object type
195Enter a valid object type; &1 is not defined
199Function has not yet been performed or released
200=========== Messages 200 to 399 reserved for move-out ==================
201Move-out document &1: &2 &3 &4
202Contract account &1: &2 &3 &4
203Move-out document &1 created
204&1 &2 &3
205Parameters for move-out processing: contract &1, move-out date &2
206Enter a contract for which a move-out is to be entered
207Parameters for move-out processing incomplete or inconsistent
208It is not possible to save move-out processing for move-out document &1
209It is not possible to save move-out processing for account &1
210Move-out document &1 changed
211The number of contracts for the move-out is too high
212Creation of processing block for contract account canceled with error
213Reading of data for move-out document &1 canceled due to error
214Reading of master data for customer &1 cancelled due to error
215Reading of master data for account &1 cancelled due to error
216Reading of master data for contract &1 cancelled due to error
217Reading of master data for installtn &1 and date &2 canceled due to error
218Reading of master data for premise &1 cancelled due to error
219Contract &1 has been entered twice
220Move-out document no. &1: error in number range management
221Move-out document number &1 not permitted
222Enter a permissible move-out document number
223No move-out document found for move-out document number &1
224Internal error during reading of move-out document header for doc. &1
225Internal error reading contract &1
226No contract found for contract number &1
227Contract &1 is not suitable for creation of a move-out document
228No move-in date is specified for contract &1
229Contract &1 is not allocated to an account
230Contract &1 is not allocated to an installation
231Account &1 of contract &2 does not match account &3 of other contracts
232Move-out &3 on &2 has already been entered for contract &1
233Incorrect parameter data specified for move-out document &1
234Move-out document parameter &1 and DB structure EAUS (&2) do not match
235Move-out document parameter &1 and DB structure EAUSV (&2) do not match
236For parameter EAUS the parameter EAUSV is missing (move-out document &1)
237For parameter EAUSV the parameter EAUS is missing (move-out document &1)
238Parameter message handle is not maintained when message object is active
239Parameter message handle has been specified but message obj. is inactive
240Direct input mode and dialog suppression not possible at the same time
241The ok_code field is empty in the automation data in direct input mode
242Internal error switching off/on application log
243For contract &1 move-out document &2 already entered
244Check for a move-out document for contract &1 is canceled
245Move-out document &1 has already been reversed
246Reversed move-out document &1 in direct input mode cannot be changed
247Move-out document &1 reversed; you can only display it
248Processing mode for move-out document &1 changed to display
249Move-out date &1 and move-out date &2 are too far apart
250An error has occurred during move-out date check for contract &1
251Move-out date &1 for contract &2 is not permitted
252Move-out date &1 for contract &2 is earlier than move-in date &3
253The move-out date &1 for inst. &2 is before the future move-in &3
254Contract &1 already billed up to &2; move-out date &3
255For move-out date &1 and contract &2 reorg. already carried out on &3
256Error has occurred reading contract &1, inst. &2 and move-out date &3
257An error has occurred reading installation &1 for &2 (contract &3)
258An error has occurred reading contract account &1
259Contract account &1 contains data for more than one business partner
260An error has occurred reading contract &1
261An error has occurred reading contract &1
262Move-out date &1 in doc. &2 does not match move-out date &3 in contr. &4
263Database structures for move-out document &1: key is blank
264Database structure parameter EAUS for move-out doc. &1 not up-to-date
265Account category &1 for account &2 not permitted for move-out processing
266Move-out document no. &1 different from number in automation data (&2)
267Contract account no. &1 is different from number in automation data (&2)
268Customer number &1 different from number in automation data (&2)
269No. contr.-related automation data entries &1 diff. from no. contracts &2
270Move-out document &1 in automation data different from &2 (contract &3)
271Installation &1 in automation data different from &2 (contract &3)
272Premise &1 in automation data different from &2 (contract &3)
273Automation data for contract &1 is missing
274A move-out document exists for contract &1 and move-out doc. no. &2
275There are no allocated contracts for installation &1
276Move-out document already exists for number &1
277Check on move-out document terminated for number &1
278Error reading premise &1 (contract &2)
279Internal error determining end of billing period for installation &1
280Move-out date &1 in document &2 (contract &3) is before &4
281Move-out date &1 in document &2 (contract &3) is after &4
282Internal error, move-out without move-in: &1, exception: &2, contract: &3
283Move-out without move-in field can only be maintained at contract level
284Later move-in for &2 exists; move-out without move-in not possible
285Automatic processing for move-out document &1 incomplete
286Internal error: import parameter X_EVER empty
287Program termination in funct. &1, move-out doc. &2, contract account &3
288Move-out confirmation created
289Function terminated
290Move-out document &1 is reversed
291New move-in already occurred for intallation &1
293Billing document &1 outsorted during billing
294Invoicing document &1 outsorted in invoicing
295Adjustment reversal: billing doc. &1 reversed, invoicing doc. &2 active
296Final billing not possible until all meter readings are taken
297Specify a reconciliation key for G/L accounting
298Premise &1 is not allocated to business partner &2
299Internal error: function &1 not supported
300Internal error in program: &1, move-out document &2, contract account &3
301Error in form &1/&2, move-out document &3, contract account &4
302Move-out document: &1, termination of function: &2 (&3)
303Error occurred during final billing: final billing terminated
304Error occurred during invoicing: billing completed
305Error occurred during print formatting: inovicing completed
306Final billing completed
307Internal Error: status conflict in program &1, function &2
308The function is not supported for the selected field
309Internal error in data collection for move-out document &1
310Internal error: unknown function code &1
311Final billing document &2 from the legacy system exists for contract &1
312Not possible to change move-out date once move-out documents are billed
313If you change the move-out date, the meter reading results are deleted
314You can only change move-out date in create or change mode
315Enter a move-in date
316You have not entered a new date for "Change move-out date"
317Per. change date for cont. &1 could not be determined for notif. date &2
318Enter either the notification date or the contract change date
319Printing of move-out confirmation terminated
320Printing of move-out confirmation for move-out document &1 terminated
321Print request created for move-out confirmation
322You cannot change move-out date for special move-out with contract change
323Cust. contact Customizing for contact "move-out created" contains errors
324Reversal of final billing not possible from move-out document
325A contract change reason is required for the contract change
326Contract change reason &1 is reserved for change of supplier
327Confirm the default values and enter the data missing
328New ID &1 being added
329Credit card ID is being deleted
330To delete credit card, delete all entries except the credit card ID
331Move-out &1 cannot be reversed
332Move-out date cannot be changed
334Object cannot be created
335Move-out document cannot be reversed
336Error stopping budget billing plan
337Move-out document cannot be saved
338An error occurred during printing of meter reading documents
339An error occurred while saving the meter reading results
340Move-out &1 cannot be reversed because transfer contracts are affected
341Final billing already carried out for move-out doc. &1 with inv. doc. &2
342Enter a reason for the customer change
343Contract change with budget billing transfer to new CA is not possible
344Error during reversal of adjustment reversal
345Contract change reason &1 is reserved for contract change with invoicing
346Contract change reason &1 is reserved for contract change w/o invoicing
347Print order created
348Rate change confirmation created
349Print of rate change notification canceled
350No automatic billing reversal for move-in/out removal
351Move-out date cannot be changed because CRM replication still open
352You cannot change the move-out date of the move-out adjusted for reversal
353The action remove move-in/out for individual documment &1 is not possible
354Rate change confirmation cannot be created
355Printout not possible since a contract does not exist the installation
356Document &1 is not part of a customer change
357Document &1 is not part of a contract change
358You have not entered a new date for the funct.: chge actual move-out date
359&1 &2 will be added as new standard indstry sector
360Sevral industries are allocated. Please delete in maintenance.
361The move-out date &1 for inst. &2 is later than the future move-in &3
362Actual move-out date for contract &2 comes before the move-in date &3
363Error stopping budget billing plan
364Move-out date changed
365Move-out document &1 has been changed; &2&3
366Final billing is only possible after completion of MDUS prebilling
367Move-out date &1: Installation &2 has a later move-in date &3
400====== messages 400 - 499 reserved for dis-/reconnection ================
401Enter either a logic number or an equipment number for the selection
402Disconn. doc. for disconn. reasons 01 and 02 cannot be created manually
403Enter a valid reference object
404Specify the key for the reference object
405The data environment cannot be displayed for the reference object
406The reference object cannot be displayed
407No reference object exists
408Enter the order to be confirmed
409You have terminated entry of the disconnection
410There is no current disconnection document for contract account &1
411Event "disconn. reason obsolete" cannot be generated for disconn. doc. &1
412Error during database change of disconnection document with the number &1
413Enter a future date as a planning date
414Enter a date in the past
415Enter a contract account as reference object for disconnection reason 03
416Enter a premise as reference object for disconnection reason 02
417Enter a reference object with a valid category
418Enter a valid reference object
419The system cannot display servic order
420No authorization for processing disconnection document &
421General error processing disconnection document &
422Disconnection document & is currently blocked
423Installation &2 is not affected by a disconnection on &1
424Device &2 is not affected by a disconnection on &1
425No charge category for charge schema &1; Charge not posted
426No objects can be disconnected in data environment of reference object
427Status of disconnection document is not 99 and cannot be changed
497Device action not possible; device or installation is disconnected
498Disconnection object &1 is not disconnected
499Disconnection object &1 is already disconnected
500=========== Messages 500 to 699 reserved for rate maintenance ===========
501Enter installation or contract account
502Installation &1 is not allocated to an account
503Installation &1 is allocated to another account (&2)
504Installation &1 does not yet exist on &2
505Enter a &1 or additional business partner search parameters
506Enter an installation
507Data for installation &1 was changed
508You cannot change move-out date for move-out due to change of contract
509Save your changes first
510Rate for rate category &1, installation &2 changed to &3
526Specify a valid parameter name
600Premise &1 does not belong to connection object &2
700=========== Messages 700 to 899 reserved for initial data creation ======
701Initial data creation document &1 does not exist
702Error reading initial data creation document &1, sy-subc = &2
703Installation data &2 does not exist for initial data creation document &1
704Error reading instal. data &2 for IDC document &1, sy-subrc = &3
705There is no installation data for initial data creation document &1
706Error reading installation data for IDC docuement &1, sy-subrc = &2
707Inconsistent IDC document &1; deviating document number &2
708Initial data creation document &1 is reversed
709No initial data creation document found for premise &1
710No initial data creation document found for connection object &1
711Specify connection object, premise, or initial data creation doc. number
712Connection object and premise do not match
713Enter a connection object or premise
714Enter an initial data creation date
715Enter at least one division
716No number was entered or determined for initial data creation document
717Initial data creation document &1 created
718Initial data creation document &1 was changed
719No change made
800--------------------- EC60 messages -------------------------------
801Enter a move-in date
802Enter a move-out date
803For move-in/out, move-in date must be after move-out date
804No business partner found with search criteria entered
805No premise could be determined for the contract you entered
806For contract change, move-in date must be one day after move-out date
807Enter a move-in date and/or a move-out date
808Business partner must not be changed for contract change
809All contracts of contract change must belong to the same contract account
810Enter a &1 or further business partner search criteria
811Enter business partner or business partner category with BP grouping
812Enter a contract account category
813No &1 found using search criteria entered
814No premise was found for the search parameter
815No business partner found with search criteria entered
816No move-in document selected/found
817No move-ou document selected/found
818Enter a reason for the contract change in table &1
819Enter a permissible reason for the contract change in table &1
820Enter business partner for customer change
821Enter valid reason for customer change in table &1
822Move-out document &1 is not part of customer change
823Enter an actual move-in date and/or actual move-out date
824Customer change not possible for contract &1
825Contracts have different billing date
826Business partner must not be changed for contract change
827Function only possible in case of contract or customer change
828Move-out document &1 is not part of a contract change
829Transfer only possible in case of contract change without invoicing
830Move-out date must be after move-in date
831Installation &1 already allocated to contract &4 from &2 to &3
832Installation &1 not allocated active contract after &2
833Contract or customer change not possible
834Contract change without invoicing not possible for contract &1
835Move-in document &1 cannot be reversed using the funct.'reverse move-in"
836Contract or customer change not possible
838No move-in document found/selected for move-in/out
839Enter the date on which you want the product link to be deleted
840Product link deleted for contract &1
841No product allocated to contract &1; no changes permitted
842No valid time slice for contract &1 found for the move-out date
843Product change for contr. &1 must be reversed before the customer change
844Bank details were derived from the IBAN
845Bank details differ from the IBAN
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