ER - ISU Regionalstruktur
The following messages are stored in message class ER: ISU Regionalstruktur.
It is part of development package EE00 in software component IS-U. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: General (Domains and General Objects)".
It is part of development package EE00 in software component IS-U. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: General (Domains and General Objects)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | System error during construction of hierarchy graphics |
002 | There is no hierarchy level under level &1 |
003 | Number range problems, create not possible |
004 | Internal error calling function module - transfer data missing |
005 | Internal error calling function module - transfer data missing |
006 | There is already a hierarchy level with this description |
007 | Selected entry is reference node |
008 | Nothing may be attached to reference nodes |
009 | Reference to a higher hierarchy level is not allowed |
010 | Hierarchy not yet available for country/region &1, you can create one |
011 | There exist reg. struct. elements for the hierarchy levels to be deleted |
012 | Reference not allowed (cross reference) |
013 | Street &1 does not exist in regional structure; display not possible |
014 | City &1 does not exist in regional structure; display not possible |
015 | No regional structure elements exist for country/region &1 |
016 | No hierarchy levels of pol. regional structure exist for ctry/region &1 |
017 | County code &1 does not exist in country/region &2 and region &3 |
020 | Enter an existing temperature area |
021 | Enter an existing air pressure area |
022 | Enter an existing calorific value district |
023 | Enter an existing water pressure area |
024 | Enter an existing water hardness area |
025 | Enter an existing element of the political regional structure |
026 | Enter only 'X' for service territory indicator or leave the field empty |
027 | Enter an existing gas pressure area |
030 | Database inconsistency city &1, notify system administrator |
031 | Internal program error, handle &1 not available |
032 | Enter division category |
033 | Enter a billing class |
034 | You can use only the division categories 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, and 99 |
035 | Enter an existing billing class |
036 | Enter a meter reading unit |
037 | Combination of division cat. &1 and billing class &2 occurs twice |
038 | Internal program error; object with handle &1 not opened |
039 | Database inconsistency city &1; notify system administrator |
040 | Enter an existing company code |
041 | Enter an existing division |
042 | Enter a franchise contract |
043 | Franchise contract &1 has wrong company code (&2 instead of &3) |
044 | Franchise contract &1 has wrong division (&2 instead of &3) |
045 | The combination company code &1 and division &2 occurs twice |
046 | Database inconsistency TE227/TE225; notify system administrator |
047 | Hierarchy level &1 of reg. struct. element &2 &3 not permitted for city |
048 | Hierarchy level &1 of reg. struc. element &2 &3 not permitted for street |
049 | For numbering type enter '1', '2' or ' ' only |
050 | Enter a house number range |
051 | Do not specify a house number indicator without house numbers |
052 | Database inconsistency street &1, notify system administrator |
053 | Allocation to division &1 was already maintained |
054 | Enter a company code |
055 | Combination of company code &1 and division &2 is not permitted |
056 | Database inconsistency city &1; notify system administrator |
057 | Enter a division |
058 | No meter reading units exist for street &1 house number &2 &3 |
059 | Enter an existing business area |
060 | You have not entered a city or street |
061 | Enter a valid service provider |
062 | Enter a service provider that is a distribution company |
063 | No division-dependent data available for street &1, house number &2 &3 |
064 | Allocation to voltage level &1 already maintained |
065 | Enter a valid voltage level |
066 | Enter a voltage level |
067 | Enter a valid grid |
068 | Grid &1 is not allocated to voltage level &2 (see table EGRIDVL) |
069 | Database inconsistency in city &1 |
070 | Database inconsistency in street &1 |
071 | No grids available for street &1 and house number &2 &3 |
072 | There is already an entry without voltage level |
073 | Enter an existing grid level type |
074 | Enter a grid level type |
075 | Enter a grid level |
076 | Allocation to grid level &1 (grid level type &2) is already maintained |
077 | Enter a grid |
078 | Grid has the incorrect grid level type &1 |
079 | Grid &1 is not allocated to grid level &2 |
080 | Database inconsistency in city &1 |
081 | Database inconsistency in street &1 |
083 | Enter an advanced metering system |
084 | Enter a valid advanced metering system |
085 | Allocation to advanced metering system &1 (division &2) already made |
086 | An entry already exists for division &1 |
087 | You can only set AMS as default once |