ERP_SALES_LCM - Meldungen f�r Lean Customer und Kundenstammblatt
The following messages are stored in message class ERP_SALES_LCM: Meldungen f�r Lean Customer und Kundenstammblatt.
It is part of development package ERP_SALES_LCM_API in software component LO-MD-BP-CM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Lean Customer Maintenance API".
It is part of development package ERP_SALES_LCM_API in software component LO-MD-BP-CM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Lean Customer Maintenance API".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Transaction type is not supported |
002 | Incorrect account group &1 |
003 | Program error: &1 missing in &2 for &3 |
004 | Partner &1 &2 still active in partner func. for customer &3 sales area &4 |
005 | Complete all fields |
006 | Required entry field &1 &2 missing on interface |
007 | Partner &1 in function &2 cannot be changed |
008 | Customers of type "consumer" are not supported |
009 | &1 is not a known function of the contact person |
010 | &1 is not a known department of the contact person |
011 | Partner role &1 is unknown |
012 | Customer &1 has been saved |
013 | Account group &1: Number &2 is already being used |
014 | Bank Data: Function is not active (business function '&') |
015 | Customer &1 locked by another user |
016 | Reference customer &1 does not exist |
017 | Locked by Another User |
018 | No authorization for reading customer data |
019 | No authorization for creating customer data |
020 | No authorization for changing customer data |
021 | Customers &1 locked by another user |
022 | System Error |
023 | Unexpected data type in Flash &1 |
024 | Error when reading master data from example customer |
025 | Error when reading master data of customer &1 |
026 | Payment card has already been assigned to this customer |
027 | Validity date of card is in the past |
028 | Credit card is assigned to another customer |
029 | Enter the e-mail address |
030 | Enter the telephone number |
031 | Enter the fax number |
032 | Customer &1 is locked by you |
033 | You have not specified any data to be changed |