ESH_ADM_BIN_MSG - Texts for resolution of urls or binary documents

The following messages are stored in message class ESH_ADM_BIN_MSG: Texts for resolution of urls or binary documents.
It is part of development package S_ESH_ENG_MONITORING_ADMIN in software component BC-EIM-ESH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Monitoring and Admin Component".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Enter a value for the following key parameter &1
002Record for keys &1 &2 &3 &4 does not exist
003&1 &2 &3 &4
004Connector with key ID &1 type &2 could not be found
005Namespace with key ID &1 could not be found
006Object type of software component &1 with key ID &2 could not be found
007&1 &2 &3 &4
008&1 &2 &3 &4
009&1 &2 &3 &4
010Parameter &1 could not be found in generic connectivity database
011&1 &2 &3 &4
012Record with key &1 &2 &3 is locked for user &4
013Error during determination of common data for connector &1 type &2
014&1 &2 &3 &4
015&1 &2 &3 &4
016&1 &2 &3 &4
017Web service (proxy &1) not available
018No root node for software component &1 object type &2
019Not authorized to change DPS templates
020&1 &2 &3 &4
021&1 &2 &3 &4
022&1 &2 &3 &4
023No data available for restart
024Connection GUID could not be determined
025&1 &2 &3 &4
026&1 &2 &3 &4
027Scenario &1 is not valid
028Status &1 is not valid
029Error during creation of error GUID
030No MIME type for current xstring
031Initial value for current xstring
032No key fields for current xstring
033Error during conversion of xstring
034Internal error concerning key fields for xstring
035Internal error concerning language field for xstring
036Default language for current xstring taken from TREX
037No language for current xstring; not even default language
038Error from TREX with code &1
039Content of xstring could not be converted into HTML; TREX code &1
040Reorganization could not be done
041Error during conversion of timestamp
042At least one error occurred during indexing of file data (xstring or URL)
043No MIME type for current URL
044No MIME type for current DPS URL
045At least one error occurred during indexing of file data (xstring or URL)
046No MIME type for current URL
047Initial value for current URL
048No key fields for current URL
049Internal error concerning language field for URL
050Default language for current URL taken from TREX
051No language for current URL; not even default language
052Content of URL could not be converted into HTML; TREX code &1
053Return code 401 for URL: URL no longer valid or authorization issue
054No MIME type for current URL in DPS
055Parameter error for DPS: All URLs skipped
056Initial value for current URL in DPS
057MIME type is invalid
058For URL &1 bypass of TREX wanted but not possible due to HTTPS
059Wrong construction for content URL of document service
060Multiple occurrence of endpoint in content URL of DPS URL
061Wrong construction for content URL of document service, path not in URL
062Error during determination of DPS path
063Error occurred during indexing: Connector ID could not be determined
064Error in Web service framework (DPS)
065Logical port &1 does not exist anymore (DPS)
066No properties available for log.port &1 (DPS). Is service is available?
067Error getting handle for application log
068Parameter object type does not exist in DPS URL
069Error getting instance for application log
070Parameter content_url does not exist in DPS URL
071Parameter destination does not exist in DPS URL
072Parameter error_guid does not exist in DPS URL
073Parameter connector_id does not exist in DPS URL
074Parameter connector_type does not exist in DPS URL
075Parameter bin_node_id does not exist in DPS URL
076Parameter bin_attr_id does not exist in DPS URL
077Parameter bin_created_on does not exist in DPS URL
078Parameter bin_performance_data does not exist in DPS URL
079Parameter debug_mode does not exist in DPS URL
080Creation of DPS HTTP client: Argument not found
081Creation of DPS HTTP client: Plug-in not active
082Creation of DPS HTTP client: Internal error
083Sending to DPS client: Invalid state
084Sending to DPS client: HTTP processing unsuccessful
085Sending to DPS client: HTTP invalid timeout
086Sending to DPS client: General error
087Receiving from DPS client: Communication unsuccessful
088Receiving from DPS client: Invalid state
089Receiving from DPS client: HTTP processing unsuccessful
090Receiving from DPS client: General error
091Response from DPS client was code "&1" reason "&2"
092Error calling "HTTP_GET" for URL
093Error during creation of GUID for binary error log in DPS scenario
094Error during save of application log
095No key fields for current URL in DPS scenario
096Internal error concerning language field for URL in DPS scenario
097Default language for current URL taken from TREX in DPS scenario
098No language for current URL (DPS); not even default language
099Content of URL (DPS) could not be converted into HTML; TREX code &1
100Error calling "HTTP_GET" for URL in DPS scenario
101Parameter sysrel_id does not exist in DPS URL
102Parameter mime type does not exist in DPS URL
103Parameter table_index does not exist in DPS URL
104URL is in HTTPS protocol. This is not possible in this scenario
105General error calling TREX (preprocessor stellant) for xstring
106General error calling TREX (preprocessor stellant) for URL
107General error calling TREX (preprocessor stellant) for URL (DPS)
108Error during determination of path in current URL (DPS)
109Error during determination of WS endpoint via connector conversion (DPS)
110Creation of DPS HTTP client: Destination not found
111Creation of DPS HTTP client: No authority for destination
112Sending to DPS client: HTTP communication failure
113Receiving from DPS client: Response with code &1 and reason &2
114MIME type mismatch: Given &1 received &2 (DPS)
115Error occurred during indexing: Connectivity could not be determined
116Conversion error in TREX during conversion of DPS URL into HTML
117General error in TREX during conversion of DPS URL into HTML
118Conversion error in TREX during conversion of xstring into HTML
119General error in TREX during conversion of xstring into HTML
120No destinations available for any URL
121At least one URL without destination
122Creation of HTTP client: Argument not found
123Creation of HTTP client: Plug-in not active
124Creation of HTTP client: Internal error
125Creation of HTTP client (dest): Argument not found (destination &1)
126Creation of HTTP client (dest): Destination not found (destination &1)
127Creation of HTTP client (dest): No authorization for destination &1
128Creation of HTTP client (dest): Plug-in not active (destination &1)
129Creation of HTTP client (dest): Internal error (destination &1)
130Sending to client: HTTP communication failure (destination &1)
131Sending to client: Invalid state (destination &1)
132Sending to client: HTTP processing unsuccessful (destination &1)
133Sending to client: HTTP invalid timeout (destination &1)
134Sending to client: General error (destination &1)
135Receiving from client: Communication unsuccessful (destination &1)
136Receiving from client: Invalid state (destination &1)
137Receiving from client: HTTP processing unsuccessful (destination &1)
138Receiving from client: General error (destination &1)
139Response from client was code "&1" reason "&2" (destination &3)
140MIME type mismatch: Given &1 received &2
141Conversion error in TREX during conversion of URL into HTML
142General error in TREX during conversion of URL into HTML
143There is no MIME type for at least one URL
144Error occurred during indexing: Connector ID could not be determined
145Error occurred during indexing: Destination could not be determined
146Logical port &1 does not exist any more
147No properties available for log.port &1. Check if service is available
148Parameter 'content_url' does not exist
149Error during connectivity creation in adapter &1
150Error occurred during indexing: Path could not be determined
151MIME type &1 is not supported
152Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: no connection
153Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: no software component
154Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: no object type
155Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: internal error
156Error during indexing for URL/xstring binary data: key not found
157Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no connection
158Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no software component
159Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no object type
160Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no source data
161Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no xstring attribute
162Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no target data
163Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no language data
164Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no attribute for mime type
165Error during indexing for xstring binary data: internal error in TREX
166Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: no data
167Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: internal error in TREX
168Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: no node name
169Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: no application log
170Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no node name
171Error during indexing for xstring binary data: no application log
172Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: no connector
173Error during indexing for URL-related binary data: URL &1 not valid
174Error during determination of sysrel &1
175TREX destination error: &1 (TREX code &2)
176To check the MIME type, the following class was called: &1
177Resolving KPRO URL: HTTP internal error
178Resolving KPRO URL: HTTP communication failure
179Resolving KPRO URL: HTTP connection failed
180Resolving KPRO URL: HTTP timeout
181Resolving KPRO URL: TCPIP error
182Resolving KPRO URL: Data error
183Resolving KPRO URL: System failure
184Resolving KPRO URL: Undefined error
185Resolving KPRO URL: Conversion failure
186Resolving KPRO URL: Undefined error during Conversion
187Resolving KPRO URL: Response from client was code "&1" reason "&2"
188DPS related destination &1 does not exist
189Internal error reading RFC destination &1
190To check the file size, the following class was called: &1
191Error in URL parsing during HEAD call
192Creation of HTTP client in HEAD call: Argument not found
193Creation of HTTP client in HEAD call: Plug-in not active
194Creation of HTTP client in HEAD call: Internal error
195Sending to client during HEAD call: HTTP communication failure
196Sending to client during HEAD call: Invalid state
197Sending to client during HEAD call: HTTP processing unsuccessful
198Sending to client during HEAD call: HTTP invalid timeout
199Sending to client during HEAD call: General error
200Receiving from client during HEAD call: Communication unsuccessful
201Receiving from client during HEAD call: Invalid state
202Receiving from client during HEAD call: HTTP processing unsuccessful
203Receiving from client during HEAD call: General error
204Response from client during HEAD call was code "&1" reason "&2"
205The content for the following URL exceeded maximum size (default 100 MB):
207The content for the URL exceeds maximum size (see aplication log)
208The content for the xstring exceeds maximum size (default 100 MB)
210Repository ID for KPRO not found during URL indexing
211Document ID for KPRO not found during URL indexing
212Bad storage type in HEAD call for KPRO during URL indexing
213Bad request in HEAD call for KPRO during URL indexing
214Unauthorized for KPRO HEAD call during URL indexing
215Document not found during KPRO HEAD call in URL indexing
216Conflict during KPRO HEAD call in URL indexing
217Internal server error during KPRO HEAD call in URL indexing
218HTTP server error during KPRO HEAD call in URL indexing
219Signature error during KPRO HEAD call in URL indexing
220Configuration error during KPRO HEAD call in URL indexing
221Hierarchy error during KPRO HEAD call in URL indexing
222Parameter error during KPRO HEAD call in URL indexing
223General error during KPRO HEAD call in URL indexing
224KPRO scenario: Global switch for resolution of URLs on TREX activated
225To check switch of URL resolution, the following class was called: &1
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