ESH_AU_AUTHORIZATION - ESH: Checking for authorizations

The following messages are stored in message class ESH_AU_AUTHORIZATION: ESH: Checking for authorizations.
It is part of development package S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION in software component BC-EIM-ESH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Authorization".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Authorization object &1 successfully read from local system
002Authorization object &1 successfully read from RFC destination &2
003Authorization object &1 not found in local system
004Authorization object &1 not found via RFC destination &2
005No authorization object name provided
006No RFC destination found for logical system &1
007Profile parameter auth/new_buffering is not set for immediate update
008Client &1 could not be registered for user update for ESH
009Registration of modified user data was unsuccessful in current client &1
010User does not have authorization. Trace on the Auth.Check (TA ST01)
011Error while calling method for invalidation of runtime buffer
012Enterprise Search runs in hub mode. No user info will be passed to BW
013Method &1 of class &2 does not exist or is not implemented
014Software component &1 has no templates defined in Enterprise Search
015No connectors available for soft. comp. &1. No user info passed to BW
016User has authorization to work with the selected activity
017Reference roles do not exist. Authorization check cannot be performed
020Error while user invalidation in ESH share memory for client &1
021Wrong parameter combination while calling the program &1
022User invalidation completed successfully in ESH share memory client &1
023Method &1 of class &2 was successfully executed in all clients
024Method &1 of class &2 was successfully executed in the current client
025Method &1 of class &2 was successfully executed for the changed users
026User invalidation successful in ESH share memory for changed users
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