ESH_ENG_CDSVAL_ES - ES-CDS/ABAP: Validation of domain @EnterpriseSearch

The following messages are stored in message class ESH_ENG_CDSVAL_ES: ES-CDS/ABAP: Validation of domain @EnterpriseSearch.
It is part of development package S_ESH_ENG_CDS_ABAP in software component BC-EIM-ESH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Enterprise Search: CDS/ABAP-integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
000CDS-Domain @EnterpriseSearch
001'enabled' must be annotated at a view
002Parameter &1: No fitting @Environment.systemField-annotation
003Annotation &1 is obsolete; use &2
004'expand' must be annotated at an association
005'key' must be annotated at an element
006'@ObjectModel.semanticKey' must be annotated at view
007'usageMode' must be annotated at an element
008'presentationMode' must be annotated at an element
009'commonAttributes' must be annotated at an element
010'usageMode' '&2' unknown (&1)
011'presentationMode' '&2' unknown (&1)
012@EnterpriseSearch-annotations require 'enabled' for the view
013Key field &1 is not from table &2, as the others
014'@ObjectModel.semanticKey': Unknown element &1
015&1: 'usageMode #AUTO_FACET' cannot be used with data type &2
016Unknown annotation '&1'
017'defaultValueSuggestElement' without '@Search.defaultSearchElement' (&1)
018Use 'technicalDescription' with character-format only (&1)
019At least 1 'presentationMode' TITLE required
020'presentationMode' HIDDEN cannot be combined with others (&1)
021'@EnterpriseSearch' requires '@Search'
022'usageMode' should be annotated at some element
023'fieldGroupForSearchQuery' needs tag 'name'
024View is not activated for Enterprise Search
025View is not activated and transported for Enterprise Search
026'fieldGroupForSearchQuery' needs array 'elements'
027'' must not be empty
028'fieldGroupForSearchQuery.elements' must not be empty
029'fieldGroupForSearchQuery.elements': unkown element &1
030'' '&2' unknown (&1)
031'filteringFacet.order.direction' '&2' unknown (&1)
032'filteringFacet.order.byReference': unkown element &2 (&1)
033'': @Consumption.labelElement missing (&1)
034'filteringFacet.displayPosition': Duplicate value &2 (&1)
035'filteringFacet': Empty object does not make sense (&1)
036'&1' is currently not considered in ABAP
037'@UI' must be annotated (at header and elements)
038'' and 'order.byReference' are mutually exclusive (&1)
039Annotation &1 is obsolete
040'fieldGroupForSearchQuery.elements': 1-element-group does not make sense
041Test: &1&2&3&4
042'@Metadata.allowExtensions: true' is missing
043'enabled' set to 'false' - ES-Connector will not be activated
044'filteringAttribute.displayPosition': Duplicate value &2 (&1)
045'filteringAttribute': Empty object does not make sense (&1)
046'filteringFacet' and 'filteringAttribute' are mutually exclusive (&1)
047'defaultValueSuggestElement': invalid data type (&1)
048'snippets' requires fulltext index (&1)
049Category '&1' does not exist
050@EnterpriseSearch: Validation successful
051'snippets' missing (&1)
052'snippets.maximumLength' requires 'snippets.enabled' (&1)
053'snippets.maximumLength' above &1 is ignored (&2)
054DCL too complex
055@EnterpriseSearch.enabled missing - no ES-Connector!
056'configurationSet' &1 does not exist (&2)
057'hidden': no ES-Connector will be generated!
058'hidden' must be annotated at view level
059Test search error: &1
060View is deprecated: no ES-Connector will be generated!
061Sucessor &1 lacks @EnterpriseSearch-annotations
062DDL w/o @EnterpriseSearch must not be succeeded by one with this anno
063Fatal DDIC-inconsistency
064&1 is a shared multi-tenancy table - cannot be used (&2)
065Sensitive data must not be used in search (&1)
066DDIC-type of element &1 does not fit to ConfigurationSet IDSEARCH
067No field with annotation @Consumption.semanticObject: 'Measure'
068Several fields with annotation @Consumption.semanticObject: 'Measure'
069No field with annotation @Consumption.semanticObject: 'Dimension'
070Several fields with annotation @Consumption.semanticObject: 'Dimension'
071&1 is no valid value for @EnterpriseSearch.nlp.semanticDomain
072'filteringFacet.iconUrl': unkown element &2 (&1)
073'filteringFacet.iconUrl': element &1 references &2 with wrong type
074&1 is not supported up to now
075'hierarchy.parentChild.definition: &1' is not a parent child hierarchy
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