ESH_ESAAS_MSG - Search as a Service (ESaaS)

The following messages are stored in message class ESH_ESAAS_MSG: Search as a Service (ESaaS).
It is part of development package S_ESH_TST_ESAAS in software component BC-EIM-ESH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Enterprise Search as a Service (ESaaS), Test of ESaaS Client".
Message Nr
Message Text
001HTTP connection for destination &1 could not be instantiated
002Error document is not convertible
003Meta data read/create or update has failed (&1)
004Meta data read, create or update was successful (&1)
005Provide an object name ('.../&1/<iv_object_name>')
006Search was successful
007Search has failed
008Data update was successful (&1)
009Data update has failed (&1)
010Supported http methods for service &1: &2
011Meta data delete has failed (&1)
012Meta data delete was successful (&1)
013No meta data found for search model &1
014Generic data extraction not supported: Data source &1, data provider &2
015Reading from database has failed for table &1
016Structure for result item properties cannot get generated
017Navigation path step &1 does not exist
018Node &1 does not exist
019Request field &1 does not exist
020Export to file has failed
021Reading from database has failed for schema &1, table &2
022Reading default data base schema has failed
023Nav. path step &1, relation &2 does not match node &3
024Node &1 contains multiple language fields
025Meta data read of all collections has failed
026Netweaver authorization checks are not supported by ESaaS
027Response field &1 does not exist
028Provide a collection Id (service 'metadata', http method POST)
029ESaaS Service connectivity is unknown
030Conversion of ESaaS metadata(xml) to DDL structures has failed
031ESaaS client controller, provide http destination or connection GUID
032Health check call was successful
033Health check call has failed
034Info call was successful
035Info call has failed
036Search Service (ESaaS) is healthy
037Search Service (ESaaS) has issues
038Info of Search Service (ESaaS) is not available
039Info of Search Service (ESaaS)
040HANA Build version (HANA_BUILD_VERSION): &1
041HANA Search-API version (HANA_ESH_API_VERSION): &1
042Search service version (ESAAS_VERSION): &1
043Default search version prefix (DEFAULT_ESH_VERSION_PREFIX): &1
044HANA build branch (HANA_BUILD_BRANCH): &1
045Search-Service server (ESaaS) is available (ping was successful)
046Search-Service server (ESaaS) is not available (ping was not successful)
047Starting asynchronous ESaaS request has failed
048There are no connections for Connector Type '&1'
049HTTP code 401 Unauthorized: Missing or bad authentication
050HTTP code 403: Forbidden, user does not have necessary permissions
051HTTP code 500: Internal server error
052Response search-metadata (XML) cannot be processed
053There are no connections for Connector Type '&1', parameter '&2'
054Remote search adapter: Instantiation has failed
055Mapping not found (collection: &1)
056Mapping not found (collection: &1)
057The service 'health' seems to be not existing, even if http code is 403
058For SAP Analytics Cloud, no Demo Search-UI exists
059Data added to update queue (&1)
060Status of async. service call (ESaaS) is not available
177HTTP code 429: Too many requests
178HTTP code 502: Bad gateway
179HTTP code 503: Service unavailable
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