ESH_EX - Extraction

The following messages are stored in message class ESH_EX: Extraction.
It is part of development package S_ESH_ENG_EXTRACTION in software component BC-EIM-ESH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Extraction".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error opening real-time indexing job
001Error submitting real-time indexing job
002Error closing real-time indexing job
003Error deleting real-time indexing job
004Error aborting real-time indexing job
005RFC communication failure:
006RFC system failure:
007Insufficient authorization for real-time indexing
008Technical error during real-time indexing
009Data extractor process could not be scheduled
010Attempt to start process while running; second instance terminated
011Technical error with enqueue server; process could not be locked
012RFC system failure calling hub destination: &1&2&3&4
013RFC communication failure calling hub destination: &1&2&3&4
014Logical system/connection GUID for &1 client &2 not defined on hub
015Destination &1 does not connect to Enterprise Search Hub
016RFC ping: RFC communication failure during back connection from hub
017RFC ping: RFC system failure during back connection from hub
018Technical error on test connection
019Real-time indexing is not supported at destination &1
020Enter a date in the parameter "Deletion-To Date"
021Real-time indexing is starting; refresh your screen
022Real-time indexing is auto-restarting; refresh your screen
023Real-time indexing is running
024Real-time indexing is not running
025Real-time indexing process has terminated unexpectedly
026Process is stopping; process will be set to hold after current execution
027Real-time indexing is on hold
028Real-time indexing is stopping; idle time has been exceeded
029Idle time has been exceeded; process will be auto-restarted on request
030Real-time indexing is stopping with technical errors: &1 &2 &3 &4
031Real-time indexing has failed with technical errors: &1 &2 &3 &4
032Current status: &1&2&3&4
033Real-time indexing manually started in debug mode
034Real-time indexing manually started in single execution mode
035System is currently locked for updates, e.g. because backup is running
036No objects registered for real-time indexing
037Real-time indexing scheduled for restart after errors: &1 &2 &3 &4
038&1: Real-time indexing auto-restarted
039&1: Real-time indexing auto-restarted from status 'Temporarily Stopped'
040&1: Real-time indexing restarted from status 'On Hold'
041&1: Real-time indexing restarted from preceding status: Failed
042&1: Real-time indexing restarted from preceding status: Temporary Error
043&1: Real-time indexing manually started in debug mode
044&1: Real-time indexing manually started in single execution mode
045&1: Real-time indexing started
046Real-time indexing has been set to 'On Hold' by user &1
047Stopping with exception: &1
048Processing successfully completed; status has been reset
049Last real-time indexing processsed at &1
050Migratn to new change-pointer handling unsuccessful (real-time indexing)
051Real-time indexing (migration to new change-pointer handling)
052Could not schedule next real-time indexing execution
053Real-time indexing has been rescheduled for immediate execution
054Real-time indexing has been rescheduled for restart in 5 minutes
055Change pointer migration: Successfully migrated: &1, already present: &2
056Change pointer migration: Could not migrate change pointer data
057Could not schedule change pointer reorganization
058User &1 does not exist
059User &1 does already exist
060Could not generate extraction user: &1 &2 &3 &4
061SAP default extraction roles cannot be modified on customer system
062Custom extraction roles cannot be maintained on SAP system
063Referenced default role with reference key &1 does not exist
064Selected extraction role &1 does not exist
065Enter a custom extraction role - Possibilities: &1 &2 &3
066Selected software component &1 does not exist
067Selected object &1 does not exist in software component &2
068&1 "&2" differs in model &3 and in connector metadata - update &4
069Cannot determine metadata for object type &1
070Application has raised exception while extracting data for object type &1
071Technical error during extract of data for object type &1
072Instances of object type &1 have been set to status 'Failed'
073Open SQL error when trying to update change pointers for &1. Skip object
074Source system, source client not provided on RFC communication
075Schedule indexing request can only be delegated to enterprise search hub
076Schedule indexing request delegated from back end with unknown connection
077Object &1 (SWC &2) has been registered for real-time indexing
078Object &1 (SWC &2) has been deregistered from real-time indexing
079Object &1 (SWC &2): Real-time indexing registration has been updated
080Real-time indexing job could not automatically be restarted
081Could not register/deregister &1 (SWV &2) for real-time indexing: &3 &4
082Could not register object &1 (SWV &2) for real-time indexing: &3 &4
083Could not call registration handler &3 on registration of &1 (SWC &2)
084Could not call deregistration handler &3 on deregistration of &1 (SWC &2)
085Open SQL error when trying to update next transaction pointer for &1
086Manual real-time indexing session (&1, &2) has been terminated before &3
087Customized extraction packagesize cannot be read from backend system
088Customized extraction packagesize cannot be read: Unknown logical system
089SQL error on update of unprocessed changepointers after initial load
090&1 unprocessed changepointers updated to status &2 after initial load
091Not all changepointers could be cleaned up prior to initial load
092Changepointer cleanup prior to initial load successfully completed (&1)
093Could not instantiate real-time indexing handler on "push data"
094&1 change pointers of object type &2 reset for reprocessing - &3 &4
095&1 change pointers of object type &2 set to status 'E' - &3 &4
096&1 change pointers in open/non-final status reset for reprocessing - &2
097&1 change pointers in status 'Failed' reset for reprocessing - &2
098-- log section skipped [&1 lines] --
099-- Start: Job &1 --
100Indexing is currently suspended -> exit indexing
101Indexing has been suspended globally
102Processing object type &1 [Packge ID &2] ended with errors
103Execution time (failed package): &1 [RTI Extraction User Time Zone]
104Package Details: Package Size &1 (Inserts/Updates: &2, Deletes: &3)
105Indexing failed at step &1
106Preceding process may have terminated without concluding all tasks
107Objects of object type &1 could not be processed - &2 &3
108Application errors occured for object type &1 - &2
109Open change pointers of object type &1 (total: &2) have been set to &3
110Extractor Implementation Class: &1
111-- End: Job &1 --
112Processing completed - &1 - job has terminated
113Processing successfully completed - &1 - job has terminated
114Currently no real-time indexing job running
115Processing stopped - &1 - job has terminated
116Process started in debug mode has terminated - &1
117Process started in single execution mode has terminated - &1
118Process has terminated without concluding all tasks - &1
119No final status recorded
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