ESH_IF_INA - ES-InA-Adapter: Messages

The following messages are stored in message class ESH_IF_INA: ES-InA-Adapter: Messages.
It is part of development package S_ESH_ENG_INTERFACE_INA in software component BC-EIM-ESH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Enterprise Search: InA-Interface".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Parameter missing: Indicate Connector or Category
001Parameter missing: Indicate Connector
002Parameter missing: Indicate Category
003No authorization for category '&1'
004Category '&1' is not searchable
005Freestyle search terms are not possible for distinct attributes
006Parameter missing: Indicate input for auto-complete
007No attributes for Auto-Compelete; neither in request nor in model
008This service is only available for HANA-systems
009Context is '&1' invalid; use e. g. 'Search' or 'Suggestions2'
010Nothing found
011Named Values cannot be indicated in a federated search
012Attribute '&1' does not exist
013Ressource path is missing
014Mime type is missing
015Mime type '&1' not supported
016Access only to objects of path &1
017Platform '&1' not supported
018Technology '&1' not supported
019Template Type '&1' not supported
021Search and Analytics cannot be executed in a single call
022No provider found; use e. g. modes 'Search' or 'Suggestions2'
023Service &2: interface &1 has several implementations
024Error calling the search UI
025Attribute &1 is not possible for catalog search
026'SupportedService' has to be indicated as filter attribute
027&1 is not a vliad 'SupportedService'
028UI requires connectors ESH_CONNECTOR and ESH_CATEGORY to be active
030Comparison operator &1 in filter not supported
031Query must not be empty; '*' is required at least
032Suggestion requires at least one character as input term
033Connector cannot be searched
034Connector &1 must be active
035Connector &1 must be searchable
036Authorization lacking for connector &1
037&1 does not represent a valid UI technology
038CSRF token validation failed
039Password is initial and has to be changed first
040Protocol not supported any more
300Protocol is missing
301Host is missing
302Port is missing
303DB-Schema is missing
304Error creating http-client
306Data source has to be specified
307HANA version does not support search configuration
308View not a Join-View
309&1: Search Configuration successfully created in HANA
310&1: Error on creating the Saerch Configuration in HANA
311Error reading Meta Data
312Destination Name is missing
313HTTP-Destination got deleted
314Cannot reset user data for user &1 � locked.
315Cannot reset user data for user &1 � technical error while trying to lock
316Cannot activate/deactivate personalization for user &1 � locked.
317Cannot activate/deactivate personalization for user &1 � technical error
318HTTP connection has already been closed for destination &1
319OAuth 2.0 client credential grant failed for profile &1
320Error in OAuth 2.0 client configuration for profile &1
400Property &1 is missing
401Invalid value &1 for property &2
402Policy does not allow user decision
403Indicate 'PersonalizedSearch' or 'NavigationEvent'
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