ESH_TREX_ADMIN - TREX Indexing and Index Administration

The following messages are stored in message class ESH_TREX_ADMIN: TREX Indexing and Index Administration.
It is part of development package S_ESH_ENG_TREX in software component BC-EIM-ESH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TREX handling for Enterprise Search".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Index &1 could not be cleared
001Index &1 could not be copied
002Index &1 could not be created
003Join index &1 could not be created
004Language index &1 could not be created
005Attributes could not be defined for index &1
006Index &1 could not be deleted
007Could not retrieve attribute definitions for index &1
008Could not get list of indexes
009MIME types could not be determined
010Could not determine TREX version information for destination &1
011Could not check on TREX whether index &1 exists
012Could not rename index &1
013Indexes could not be renamed
014Index &1 could not be shown
015Indexes could not be shown
016Index information cannot be retrieved for index &1
017Could not add message to app. log
018Could not read model for object type &1 and node &2
019Could not read nodes for object type &1 and node &2
020Index composition unsuccessful for &1 - &2 - &3
021TREX index components could not be determined for &1 - &2
022Could not call function module &1
023Could not create a hash value
024Could not read the authorization check for node &1
025Could not create a dynamic structure for index: &1
026Could not update index &1
027Attributes could not be redefined for index &1
028Attribute could not be deleted for index &1
029Index metadata for object type &1 and node &2 could not be determined
030Node information for root node &1 is missing
031Could not determine authorization check node
032Could not determine root node for object type &1
033Decomposition for index &1 unsuccessful
034Error while creating the data structure for index &1
035No data package was provided for index &1
036The information to be indexed in &1 has no populated language attribute
037Could not retrieve metadata for index &1
038Index request did not succeed
039Search was unsuccessful
040Serializing data to XML stream unsuccessful for index &1
041Indexing an internal table unsuccessful for index &1
042Could not read the model because necessary instances are not bound
043Searching for related authorization information unsuccessful for &1
044Depopulating index data unsuccessful for object type &1 in index &2
045Populating index data unsuccessful for object type &1 in index &2
046Depopulating in dependent nodes unsuccessful for index &1
047Authorization indexing unsuccessful for object type &1
048Index request unsuccessful for index &1
049Index request unsuccessful for object type &1
050Extraction of URL content unsuccessful for object type &1 and node &2
051Unknown TREX version
052There was nothing to be indexed for index &1
053TREX with RFC destination &1 is not available
054Could not determine metadata for the index &1
055Could not resolve a TREX destination
056Could not determine logsys for connection GUID &1
057Method was not called with the right parameters
058Could not determine update action for node &1
059Could not determine update action within the &1 model
060Could not retrieve metadata for object &1
061Real-time index request unsuccessful for object &1.
062Could not create data-mining join for index &1
063Could not optimize index &1
064For object type &1 - node &2 there was no extraction data to be indexed
065Search for authorization not successful for index &1
066Retrieving join index information unsuccessful for index: &1
067Error while checking the response attributes of object &1 node &2
068Error while checking the request attributes of object &1 node &2 req. &3
069Request attribute &1 refers to an inactive node field &2 &3 &4
070Instantiation unsuccessful
071Could not retrive index metadata for index &1
072No hash code generated for node &1, check &2
073Population of normalized authority index unsuccessful for index: &1
074Template USER_MAPPING is not available
075Authorization check &1: no path to authorization node was found
076Authorization check field &1 was not found for &2 &3 &4
077Calculating related data unsuccessful for check &1
078Extraction data seems to be corrupt - no related data could be determined
079Error while composing the index name for object type &1, node &2, type &3
080Error in method CREATE_JOIN_INDEX: ASSERT &1
081Error while reading the model for the object type &1
082There was an error while communicating with TREX (&1) for object &2
083Error while retrieving landscape information for destination &1; &2
084Error while retrieving landscape summary for destination &1; &2
085TREX server is in a bad state. Check the TREX landscape summary
086TREX version &1 is not up-to-date. Update to the latest revision
087Extraction data is corrupt for object type &1. Check the extraction
088Invalid delta index request for authority check &1
089Error occured on adjusting authorization indexes
090Delta authority indexing did not succeed for check &1 and index &2
091Error occured while trying to fill new/addded authorization indexes
092Error while retrieving TREX load history for destination &1; &2
093Ownership violation error on index modification operation
094Attempt to create index &1 with name not in ESH namespace
095Attempt to delete index &1 not in ESH namespace
096Attempt to alter index &1 not in ESH namespace
097Attempt to copy index &1 to an index not in ESH namespace
098Attempt to rename index &1 to a name not in ESH namespace
100&1 &2 &3 &4
101Starting analysis of extracted data package &1
102Node &1: Received &2 records in table &3
103No key fields defined for node &1
104End of data analysis
105Node &1: Analyze field values in table &2
106Found invalid language code &1 for node &2 field &3 in line &4
107Found invalid value &1 for node &2 field &3 in line &4
108Found duplicate record for node &1
109Found duplicate key values &1
110Analyze relations that have node &1 as target node
111Analyze relation &1 from node &2 to node &3
112The relation has cardinality &1:&2
113Superior node &1 does not contain any data
114Related node &1 does not contain the same number of entries as node &2
115No relation fields defined for relation ID &1
116Found record for node &1 in line &2 with no parent/source record
117Found record for node &1 in line &2 with no target record
118All field values are consistent
119No relations found that have node &1 as target node
120Found record for node &1 in line &2 with &3 source records
121Found record for node &1 in line &2 with &3 target records
122Could not determine logical system from &1 and &2
123Could not determine connection GUID from logical system &1
124Error when creating the model metadata instance
125Join index &1 created
126Error when creating the join index
131TREX call terminated with TREX engine error. Error code: &1
132TREX call terminated with technical error
133Error message: &1&2&3&4
134Further specific error messages could not be retrieved
135Error message as follows
136TREX sanity check: &1&2&3&4
137Not sufficient free disk space
138TREX sanity check failed
139Exception on BADI Call "Adjust ODP Indices" (BADI: BADI_ESH_ODP)
140Error while trying to handle generic deletions for index &1
141Error calculating normalized authorization data for &1, auth-check &2
142Error on serialization of object nodes for &1
143Could not set property &1 for index &2. Should have been set to &3.
144Index check on join creation: Cannot check indexes for existence: &1
145Index check on join creation: Cannot check index &1 for existence
146Cannot interpret index suffix for index id &1
147Index check on join creation: Cannot recreate missing index &1
148Could not merge deltas for index &1
149Error executing DFD Query: Deletion from dependent node &1 failed
150Error compiling DFD Query: Cannot map relation attribute &1 of node &2
151Error compiling DFD Query: Bracket error while processing node &1
152Error compiling DFD Query: Data reference error for node &1
153Cannot lock auth-index &1 for update: Technical error with enqueue server
154Error on initial population of normalized auth-index &1 for node &2
155Could not update object USER_AUTHORITY for new authorization checks
156Technical Error: Load administration tool cannot be instantiated
157Could not index auth data for auth check &1 of object &2, node &3
158Technical Error: Authorization update handler cannot be instantiated
159Affected authorization objects: &1&2&3&4
160Delta authorization update: Accessing data from auth index ended w. error
161Delta authorization update: Could not update auth index with new records
201Bulk search execution not successful
202Handle status for parallel query could not be retrieved
203Search result for handle of parallel query could not be retrieved
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