FAA_CFG_CHECK - Message Class for consistency check of CFG objects

The following messages are stored in message class FAA_CFG_CHECK: Message Class for consistency check of CFG objects.
It is part of development package FINS_FAA_CFG_IMG in software component FI-AA-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IMG Activities and Consistency Checks".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*********Messages from Configuration Consistency Check ******************
001********* For messages from Company Code Check 002-099 ******************
002CoCode &1, area &2: Assignment of the area is not unique
003CoCode &1: None of the ledgers assigned to AccPr &2 is active in FI-AA
004CoCode &1, AP &2, ldr &3: Another ldr &4 to same AP is assigned to AA
005CoCode &1, ldr &2: Validity of area &3 is longer than that of the ledger
006CoCode &1, area &2: The start date is later than the end date
007CoCode &1, area &2: Area posts to GL; FY variant must not be specified
008CoCode &1, ldr &2, area &3: FYVariant identical to GL; no entry necessary
009CoCode &1, FYV &2: Start/end date cannot be determined; check impossible
010CoCode &1: FYV &2 has different start/end date to GL FYV &3
011CoCode &1, ldr &2, area &3: Valid-to date beyond the validity of ledger
012CoCode &1, ldr &2: ValView &3 not assigned to the corresponding AP &4
013CoCode &1, ldr &2: More than one ValView assigned posting APC in realtime
014CoCode &1, ldr &2: No ValView assigned posting APC in realtime
015CoCode &1, ldr &2: Assignment for ValV &3 must be the same as for ValV &4
016CoCode &1, ldr &2, area &3: Changes to assigned ValView not allowed
017CoCode &1, area &2: Area cannot be deleted; asset master data exists
018CoCode &1, area &2: Parallel area for currency type &3 is missing
019CoCode &1, area &2: More than one parallel area for crcy type &3 defined
020CoCode &1, area &2: Index &3 for crcy type &4 is incompatible with GL
021CoCode &1, area &2: Currency type &3 is not defined in GL for the CoCode
022CoCode &1, area &2: Crcy type &3 is parallel crcy; deletion not possible
023CoCode &1, area &2: Area posts to GL; different FYV not allowed
024CoCode &1, ledger &2: No accounting principle is assigned
025CoCode &1, area &2: No valuation view is assigned
026No accounting principle assigned to ledger &1 and company code &2
027CoCode &1, area &2: Valid-from year must be before valid-to year
028CoCd &1, area &2 posts to GL and must have same validity as ledger &3
029CoCd &1: Unique AP cannot be determined by ledger in Account Approach
030CoCode &1: Either Ledger or Accpr must be given for determination
031CoCd: &1, area &2: no area with the transfer rule assigned to the CoCode
032CoCd: &1, area &2: no base area of the calculated area assigned to CoCode
033CoCd: &1, area &2: Parallel area must be different as the base area
034CoCd: &1, area &2: Parallel area shall not be assigned to the CoCode
035CoCd: &1, area &2: Area for value adjustment not assigned to the CoCode
036CoCode: &1, area &2: No runtime settings found; see long text
037CoCode &1, ledger &2: FYV &3 has other start date than leading ledger
038CoCode &1, ledger &2: FYV &3 has other end date than leading ledger
039Valview &1 isn't assigned to any depreciation area in CoCode &2
040No ledger can be proposed; please enter the depreciation area manually
041Ledgers have been proposed; please check the new entries
042CoCode &1: All ledgers are assigned; no further ledger can be proposed
043Number for proposed area is reserved; please enter the area manually
044CoCode &1, ldgr &2: Fallback ledger cannot be assigned in Asset Acctg
045CoCode &1, ldgr &2: Cash ledger cannot be assigned in Asset Accounting
046CoCode &1: area &2 is not assigned to the company code
098No data Changed; Data already saved
099Check object cannot be created; check not possible
100*** 101-199 reserved for the messages from Acc Principle and Valview*****
101ValView &1 with type "General Valuation View" is to manage APC values
102ValView &1 with type "Investment Support" has wrong value maintenance
103ValView &1 with type "Revaluation" has wrong value maintenance
104ValView &1 with type "Transfer of Reserves" has wrong value maintenance
105You have to specify the type of valuation view &1
106ValView &1 with type "Calculated Valview" has wrong value maintenance
107Calculated valuation view &1 must have at least 2 source val. views
108Calculated valuation view &1 has wrong valuation view type
109Source ValView &1 is a calculated ValView; replace with real ValView
110Valuation view &1/&2 not found
111Calculated ValView &1 must not adopt values and depreciation terms
112Calculated ValView &1 must not have a calculation sequence
113Calculated ValView &1 must not post in real time
114Source ValView &1 and calc. ValView &2 must have same acctng princ. &3
115Acc. Princ. &1: No settings found relevant for Asset Accounting
116Chart of depreciation &1 is not defined
117Chart of depreciation &1 is a sample and can only be copied
118ValView &1 must not be deleted because it is still used in Customizing
119ValView &1 must not be deleted because it is still used in Customizing
120AccPr &1: No ValView assigned posting APC to GL in realtime
121ValView &1: Type "Calculated Valuation View" cannot be changed
122AP &1, ValV &2: No transfer rules allowed for ValView posting in realtime
123AP &1, ValView &2: ValView &3 for transfer rules must assigned to same AP
124AP &1, transf of values fr. ValV &2: Identflag must not be set for ValV&3
125AP &1: Sign rules for ValView &2 must be subset of those for ValView &3
126AP &1, ValView &2: No transfer rule allowed
127ValView &1: �Identical� flag is set; please specify transfer rule
128AP &1, ValView &2: Valuation view type &2 is not allowed in transfer rule
129AP &1, ValView &2: Only value "MSNA"/"MNSA" allowed as sequence of depr.
130AP &1, ValView &2: Please maintain transfer rule
131AP &1, amount type &2: There are gaps or overlaps in Validity time slices
132AP &1, amount type &2: Amount types must be higher or equal
133CoCode &1: Accounting principle &2 is not assigned
134AP &1: Initial valuation view is assigned; please check
135AP &1, amount type &2, currency &3: Only one time interval allowed
136AP &1, amount type &2, currency &3: The valid-to date must be 12.31.9999
137ValView &1: Complete your settings for value maintenance
138AP &1, ValView &2: Transfer rules from the same valview is not allowed
139CoCode &1: No chart of depreciation is assigned to the company code
140AP &1, amount type &2, curr. &3: The valid-from date should be 01.01.1000
141AP &1, amount type &2, curr. &3: Delimited date earlier than before
142Ledger &2 defined in CoCd &1 is not active in Asset Accounting
143CoCode &1: Specify the LVA maximum amount for acctg princ. &2/currency &3
144CoCode &1: No valuation view is assigned to accounting principle &2
145No valuation view is defined in your system; see long text
146ValView &1: Valuation view type "Investment Support" is not supported
147ValView &1: Valuation view type "Revaluation" is not supported
148ValView &1: Valuation view type "Transfer of Reserves" is not supported
149ValView &1: Type cannot be changed to "Calculated Valuation View"
150Assignment of ValView &2 to accounting principle &1 cannot be deleted
200********* 201-299 reserved for the messages from Asset Class ************
201Asset class &1: Number range is missing
202Asset class &1: Account determination is missing
203Asset cl. &1: LI settlement and inv. measure cannot be set concurrently
204Asset cl. &1, comp. code &2: Screen layout is missing
205AssetCl &1: Assigned valuation view &2 is not assigned to Acc Princ. &3
206AssetCl &1: ValView &3 adopts value from ValView &4 that is not assigned
207AssetCl &1: ValV &3 adopts parameters from ValV &4 that is not assigned
208AssetCl &1: Calculated ValView &2 must not be assigned to asset class
209AssetCl &1: Validity of ValView &2 greater than the adopting ValView &3
210AssetCl &1: Overlap/gaps in time intervals of ValView &2/Acc Princ. &3
211AssetCl &1: ValView &2 has different depr. terms to its adopting ValView
212Asset class &1 has entries in another table; deletion not possible
213Asset class &1 doesn't exist
214Asset class &1: Assigned company code &2 does not exist
215Screen layout rule &1 not defined
216Asset class &1: Assigned CompCode &2 is not active in Asset Accounting
217AssetCl &1: More than one time interval for ValV &2 not supported
218AssetCl &1, ValView &2: The valid-to date must be 12.31.9999
219Asset Class &1: Asset master records exist; deletion is not possible
220Creation or deletion of entries only allowed for customer namespace 'Z'
300**** 301-399 reserved for the messages from Account Determinatination ***
301AcctDet &1: Only generic AcctDet allowed for symbolic acct 'KTLDT'
302Acct &2/&1 can only be either an offsetting or a recon. acct, not both
303Account Determination &1 is not defined
304AcctDet &1 must not be deleted because it is still used in Customizing
305Chart of Accounts &1, AcctDet &2: No ValView specified in AcctDet
306AcctDet &1 cannot be deleted as it is assigned to at least one asset
307G/L account &1 has posting from FI-AA; change of AcctAssignm not possible
308AcctDet &1: Assignment of G/L account for interest not allowed in Cloud
309COA &1: Acct for symbolic acct 'KTLDT' and 'KTACI' cannot be the same
310Chart of accounts &1, AcctDet &2: G/L Account &3 cannot be assigned
311AcctDet &1: Only generic valuation view allowed for symbolic acct 'KTACI'
312COA &1, AcctDet &2: G/L account for "&3" and "&4" must not be identical
313Generic AcctDet is only allowed if the valuation view is generic as well
400********* 401-499 reserved for the messages from Account Assignment *****
401The addition of account assignment &1 is not supported
402Account assignment &1: Entry must not be deleted
403Value of field &1 must not be empty
500********* 501-599 reserved for the messages from Transaction Type *****
501No appropriate subledger-specific line item type was found
502Subledger-specific line item type &1 does not exist
503Tty &1: Indicator for adoption of depreciation start date cannot be set
504Tty &1: Indicator for entering gross acquisition cannot be set
505Tty &1: Ind. for capitalization and deactivation are mutually exclusive
506Tty &1: Indicators for capitalization and retiremt are mutually exclusive
507Tty &1: Indicator for capitalization of fixed asset cannot be set
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