FAA_CMP - Asset Accounting: Configuration Object Company Code

The following messages are stored in message class FAA_CMP: Asset Accounting: Configuration Object Company Code.
It is part of development package FINS_FAA_CFG_CMP in software component FI-AA-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Asset Accounting: Configuration Object Company Code".
Message Nr
Message Text
000********* Company code runtime settings E R R O R messages **************
001Switch to update mode not possible; activity canceled
002Switch to display mode not possible; activity canceled
003Data cannot be saved; activity canceled
004You are not authorized to maintain company code settings
005Activity canceled by user
006Settings for company code &1 unchanged; you do not have to save
007Legacy data transfer status &1 is not defined
008Company code status &1 is not defined
009Editing not possible due to LDT assets in company code &1
010Error when validating field &1: Field content &2 is not correct
011No segment for legacy data transfer was created yet in company code &1
012Error when updating table FAAT_CMP; contact your system administrator
013Error when updating table FAAT_CMP_LDT; contact your system administrator
014Processing had to be terminated because of an internal error in method &1
015Transfer date &1 is in the closed fiscal year &2
016LDT segment &1 could not be completed for company code &2
017You are not authorized to display company code &1
018You are not authorized to edit company code &1
019Editing not possible due to company code status
020Editing not possible due to legacy data transfer status
021Before you can create a new LDT segment, the last one must be saved
022It is only possible to create a new LDT segment in update mode
023Before you can create a new LDT segment, the last one must be completed
024Legacy data transfer segment can only be completed in edit mode
025It is not possible to complete the LDT segment in status &1
026It is not possible to complete the LDT segment if you changed its data
027It is only possible to complete the current LDT segment
028The legacy data transfer date is missing for company code &1
029Legacy data transfer date &1 is in the future
030Legacy data transfer date &1 is in a closed fiscal year
031It is not possible to change and save data in display mode
032The validation of general settings failed for company code &1
033Legacy data transfer: New segment could not be created for comp. code &1
034Validation failed; LDT segment could not be completed
035The system could not read the current LDT segment
036Document type is missing from company code &1
037Validation failed; LDT segment of company code &1 could not be saved
038Validation failed; settings for company code &1 could not be saved
039Validation failed for legacy data transfer settings of company code &1
040Ledger &2, depreciation area &3: Closed fiscal year is set to &1
041Ledger &2: Current fiscal year is set to &1
042Check failed due to LDT postings not reversed in company code &1
043CoCode &1: You are not allowed to change the LDT status to a previous one
044Check failed due to LDT assets existing in company code &1
045A newly created legacy data transfer segment can't be completed
046You are not allowed to change LDT data if company code is deactivated
047Posting not possible in company code &1; specify open fiscal year
048Posting not possible in company code &1; specify closed fiscal year
049Editing not possible for ledger nodes
050Editing not possible for depreciation area nodes
051You are not allowed to have more than 2 fiscal years open
052Configuration settings for company code &1 are inconsistent
053SAP has locked company code &1 against changes in Asset Accounting
054Fiscal year entered can be a max. of 3 years apart from current fisc. yr
055Current fiscal year of ledger &1 is initial
056Ledger &2, depreciation area &1: Closed fiscal year is initial
057Ledger &2, depreciation area &1: Closed fiscal year is invalid
058Runtime settings of company code &1 are inconsistent
059LDT date &1 is in the future but BCF was not executed and postings exist
060Legacy data transfer date &1 is invalid for company code &2
061Legacy data transfer date &1 must not be before G/L migration date &2
062Not all previous legacy data transfer segments have status 'completed'
063Fiscal years could not be derived from LDT date for ledger &1
064LDT date changed; check if the fiscal year has to be adjusted
065LDT date must be later than the LDT dates of previous LDT segments
066Only possible to deactivate company code if there are no active assets
067Multiple changes for fisc. year only possible for same closed fisc. year
068CoCd &1: Settings inconsistent; synchronization w/o config. not possible
069Change of LDT date only possible if LDT status is 'In Preparation'
070Not all ledgers of company code &1 have the same current fiscal year
071The opening of a fiscal year is only allowed via balance carryforward
072Closing of fiscal year &1 failed for depreciation area &2
073Reopening of fiscal year &1 failed for depreciation area &2
074Reopening of closed fisc. year only possible if current LDT is completed
075CoCd &1 could not be synchronized and was therefore removed from display
076It is only possible to delete LDT segment for current segment
077It is not possible to delete LDT segment if assets exist for this segment
078Only one open FY is allowed if legacy data transfer is at end of year
079The last closed fiscal year &1 is the same as the current fiscal year &2
080Closed fiscal year is not allowed to be higher than current fiscal year
081Mandatory entries are missing. Please check your entries.
082Company code &2: No fiscal year was opened via BCF for ledger &1
083Company code &1 is locked against changes in Asset Accounting
084Quantity migration not possible in &1; specify open fiscal year
085Depr. recalcualtion is required to update planned values of ledger &1
086Planning horizon feature is currently not enabled
087The maximum planning horizon is limited to 5 years
088Planning values will be deleted for ledger &1 from fiscal year &2 onwards
089Planning horizon for ledger &1 changed to &2 fiscal year(s)
090Ldgr &1: Balance carryforward necessary before you reopen the fiscal year
091The legacy data transfer has to be performed in an open fiscal year
092Year-end transfer: Subsequent year must be the highest fiscal year
093Navigation to SAP Fiori app is not supported by current implementation
094Status of deactivated company code &1 cannot be changed
095No valid run could be determined for the selected closing parameters
096You cannot reopen the year before the year of first legacy data segment
097Depr. area &1: Fiscal year must be changed for all constituent areas
100******* Company code runtime settings S U C C E S S messages ************
101Settings for company code &1 saved successfully
102No errors found for company code &1
103Legacy data transfer segment &1 completed for company code &2
104New legacy data transfer segment &1 created for company code &2
105Validation successful for legacy data transfer segment of company code &1
106Validation successful for general settings of company code &1
107Objects in the display have now been synchronized with configuration
108Closed fiscal year is set to &1
109Current fiscal year is set to &1
110Fiscal year &1 is already closed for company code &2 and ledger &3
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