FAA_POST - Nachrichten FIAA Buchen (Objekt-Orientierter Kernel)
The following messages are stored in message class FAA_POST: Nachrichten FIAA Buchen (Objekt-Orientierter Kernel).
It is part of development package FAA_TP_TC in software component FI-AA-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Doc.creation".
It is part of development package FAA_TP_TC in software component FI-AA-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Doc.creation".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | New General Ledger Accounting is not active; see long text |
001 | Posting not possible; asset &1 manages correction items |
002 | New Asset Accounting is not compatible with JVA |
003 | New Asset Accounting not compatible with Classic Real Estate (RE) |
004 | FI-AA (new) is not compatible with Lease Accounting Engine (LAE) |
005 | FI-AA (New) is not compatible with old depreciation calculation |
006 | Requests with reference to asset exist; FI-AA (New) cannot be activated |
007 | Posting is not possible, old depreciation calculation not supported |
008 | Posting not possible; new Asset Accounting is inconsistent |
009 | LAE is not compatible with Asset Accounting (new) |
010 | Request with reference to asset not supported in FI-AA (new) |
011 | No process could be determined for bus. transaction &1 transaction &2 |
012 | Internal process &1 does not exist or is incomplete |
013 | Asset &1, accounting principle &2: area &3 has different posting amount |
014 | &2: posting is not possible (asset &1 does not manage areas to be posted) |
015 | New General Ledger Accounting is a prerequisite for new Asset Accounting |
016 | Neither transaction nor transaction type exists for asset transaction |
017 | Enter revenue amount in local currency |
018 | &1 Depreciation area &2: More than two open fiscal years |
020 | company code &1 is deactivated; Posting not possible |
021 | Transaction type &1 is obsolete and cannot be used |
023 | Asset transaction was posted with document number &1 |
030 | Change of add.acct assgmt applies for all rel. acctg princ.;see long text |
031 | Account &1 is already used in automatic account determination (T095) |
032 | Account &1 is already used in automatic account determination (T095B) |
033 | Account &1 is already used in automatic account determination (T095P) |
034 | Technical clearing account is not maintained for chart of accounts &1 |
035 | Error when creating document; further processing not possible |
036 | Error during configuration of technical clearing account |
037 | Technical clearing account &1 is already used in table T030 |
038 | Chart of accts &2, CC &3: Acct &1 must be reconciliation acct for assets |
039 | Tech. clearing acct &1 not allowed in CoCode &2 with chart of accounts &3 |
040 | Chart of accts &2, CC &3: Line item display not permitted for account &1 |
041 | Posting to real estate object &3 is contrary to field status control |
042 | Balance in techn. clearing account: ledger &1, currency &2, &3, &4 |
043 | Asset account assignment is only changeable in entry view |
044 | Debit/credit indicator differs from that of transaction type |
045 | There is no ledger-group-specific document for ledger &1 |
046 | Could not determine any areas to be posted for accounting principle &1 |
047 | Data inconsistency: posting with restricted transaction type |
048 | No addit. account assignments are available for the selected item |
049 | No default account assignment possible for generic retirement |
050 | Account assignment objects were overwritten with values from asset |
051 | You are not allowed to define a reconc. account (&2) for acct symbol &1 |
052 | Fiscal year &1 must be closed before the legacy data transfer |
053 | Error in document structure; Document must be resimulated |
054 | Valuation type &1 is not allowed to be posted on a reconciliation account |
060 | Asset &1 is not updated from G/L viewpoint; see long text |
061 | Asset &1 is not updated from G/L viewpoint; see long text |
065 | Asset &1: post-capitalization not possible; no initial acquisition data |
066 | Asset &1 is not a group asset; posting is not allowed |
067 | Not all assets of group asset &1 are deactivated (example &2-&3-&4) |
070 | It is not possible to post as asset &1 for area &3 is already deactivated |
073 | Complete transfer not possible: Down payments on && not cleared |
074 | Complete retirement not possible: Down payments on & & not cleared |
075 | Settlement not possible: Down payments on & & not cleared |
080 | Asset &1: entering a quantity only allowed for APC posting |
081 | Asset &1: quantity entry not allowed; area &2 is not posted |
082 | Down payment must be posted as a special general ledger transaction |
083 | Fixed asset &1: Posting with quantity not allowed |
084 | Fixed asset & & is archived in company code & |
085 | Asset &1-&2: quantity-related retirement not possible; see long text |
090 | *********************** Update ***************************************** |
091 | Asset transaction was posted with AA document no. &1 in acctg princ. &3 |
092 | Asset transaction was posted with document no. &1 &2 in acctg princ. &4 |
093 | Asset transaction was posted with document number &1 in ledger &3 |
094 | Asset transaction was posted with document number &1 &2 in ledger &4 |
100 | ****************** Messages from Document Reversal ********************** |
101 | You cannot reverse the document; see long text |
103 | System error during conversion of FI doc. to accounting interface doc. |
104 | Document cannot be reversed in Asset Accounting; see long text |
105 | Document from depreciation run cannot be reversed; see long text |
106 | Real reversal not possible, document will be reversed by inverse posting |
107 | Document for acct assignment changes in master record cannot be reversed |
120 | Reconciliation account &1 excluded from balance carryforward |
121 | CCode &2: Balance carryforward for account &3 in ledger &1 is not correct |
122 | Data incomplete for company code &1 fiscal year &2 |
123 | Posting generates double entries for asset document &1 &2 &3 &4 |
124 | Balance carryforward is required for CoCode &1 and ledger &2 in year &3 |
199 | Reversal legacy data transfer does not allow an alternative posting date |
200 | Messages from Posting Legacy Data Transfer |
201 | Offsetting acct not defined for legacy data transfer in chart of accts &1 |
202 | Posting not possible; Asset &1 not created for legacy data transfer |
203 | Legacy data transfer not possible; Asset &1 already has values |
204 | &1: Transaction is before year of legacy data transfer |
205 | &1: Transfer trans. violates rule for pos/neg. net book value in area &2 |
206 | &1: Transaction is before the legacy data transfer |
207 | &1: Depreciation must be posted on group asset |
208 | &1: Accumulated depreciation in area &2 not allowed |
209 | Asset &1 is a group asset; transfer of APC/support not allowed |
210 | New transfer of accumulated values not possible (asset &1) |
211 | New transfer of posted depreciation not possible (asset &1) |
212 | Reversal of transfer transaction on asset &1 not possible |
213 | Not possible to transfer posted values for asset & &; base amount missing |
214 | &1: Legacy data transfer not possible; more than 1 fiscal year open |
215 | &1: Accumulated values for activation date not allowed in transfer year |
216 | Transfer date &2 of asset &1 not equal to configuration; Cannot post |
217 | Last posted period for area &1 does not match transfer date &2 |
218 | Last posted period for area &1 differs from area &2 |
219 | &1: Posted values only allowed for transfers during the year |
220 | &1: Transfer of posted deprec. values not possible(area &2 does not post) |
221 | &1: Posted interest not allowed (area &2 does not post interest) |
222 | &1: Posted revaluation not allowed (area &2 does not post revaluation) |
223 | &1-&2: Posted interest not allowed (deprec. key &3 has no interest phase) |
224 | Transaction type & is not allowed; use a different transaction |
250 | ********* Messages from subsequent posting new ledger ******** |
251 | Year &1 for the balance carryforward and open year &2 are not the same |
252 | No target area &1 exists for fixed asset &3 in company code &2 |
253 | There is no assignment to area &1 in company code &2 |
280 | Error when converting the original document &1-&2-&3 |
281 | Cmpy code &1, area &2: G/L acct &3 locked; Not possible to post to acct |
300 | *********Fixed assets transfer posting due to acct assgmt change********* |
301 | Transfer posting only allowed in the oldest opened fiscal year &1 |
302 | Transfer not allowed; Postings exist after date for acct asmnt change(&1) |
303 | Transfer not possible as CoCode &1 and &2 in different countries/regions |
400 | *********Ledger-specific messages++++++****************** |
401 | Ledger &2: Acquisition not posted as transaction type &1 is not allowed |
402 | CoCd &1, fiscal year &2, ledger &3: Not possible to post on fixed assets |
403 | Ledger &2: Posting on fixed asset not possible; fiscal year closed |
404 | Ledger group not supported; BF FIN_AA_POSTING_REDESIGN_1 is active |
405 | &1 only supports value adjustment for a certain area |
406 | Line items per depreciation area for proportional values not supported |
500 | ********* Messages from Legacy Data Transfer ******** |
501 | Line item type &1 for cumulated transfer values is invalid |
502 | Line item type &1 for posted depreciation transfer values is invalid |
503 | Line item type &1 for proportional transfer values is invalid |
504 | Cumul. values not allowed as asset value date &1 is in transfer year &2 |
505 | The fiscal year of the posting (&1) does not match the transfer year &2 |
506 | Company code &1, ledger &2: Depreciation area &3 is not defined |
507 | Sheet &2, CoCd &1: Enter amounts in functional currency or CoCode crcy |
508 | Sheet &2, CoCd &1: Autom. translation; no foreign crcy values necessary |
509 | Posting date &1 is not within the permitted date limit |
510 | Sheet &2; Crcy type &1: Specify the historical foreign currency values |
511 | Sheet &2: Entry not allowed as currency type &1 is not defined |
512 | Specify a ledger |
513 | Currency translation: Specify a base amount for line item type &1 |
514 | Transfer of open down payments to independent AuC (TTy 910) not possible |
515 | Fixed asset &1: Transfer at year end occurs w/o transfer of transactions |
516 | Enter opening bal. for quantit. w/o "Seq. No. of Asset Line Items in FY" |
890 | Function not supported; BF FIN_AA_CONFIG_REDESIGN_1 is not active |
891 | Event ADD_LATE missing from table TRWPR despite active feature toggle &1 |