FARP_MESSAGE - message for ap/ar apps

The following messages are stored in message class FARP_MESSAGE: message for ap/ar apps.
It is part of development package APPL_FIN_ODATA_OPS_GEN in software component FI-FIO-AR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "oData Services - AP/AR generic".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Date format invalid
002It is not possible to change &1 for line item &4.
003Invaild request
004No change authorizations for customer accounts
005No change authorizations for company &1
006No change authorizations for supplier accounts
007Property &1 is not supported, use &2 to restrict the query
008Payment block &1 cannot be changed, due to configuration
009You are not authorized to select w/o company code
010No display authorization for vendor accounts
011No display authorization for customer accounts
012Journal entry type &2 cannot be used with the selected account type
013Reverse needed for document &1 &2 &3
014Reverse not possible for document &1 &2 &3
015Invalid Parameter &1
016Missing authorization for account type customer, supplier or G/L accounts
017Dunning master data missing for customer &1 in company &2
018Dunning master data missing for supplier &1 in company &2
020&1 is missing
021Clearing fiscal year is missing. Contact your system administrator.
022Technical problem occured, could not read document
023This request is not supported by the service
025No display authorization for company &1
026No display authorization for document type &1
027No display authorization for account type &1
028Item has been archived and can not be changed
029Item not found
030Explicit selection of properties not supported
031Request contained an incomplete key for Entity UpdatableItem
032Changing parked documents is not supported
033Balance of the cleared items is not zero. Items might have been archived.
034Not all Cleared Items are shown, because items have been archived
035No display authorization for blocked business partners
036Set only one date range for key date restriction in the user role.
039Clearing &1 &2 &3 was reset or clrg entry or all items might be archived.
040Clrg not supported by App.Has only payment card itms not cleared via F110
042Entity Type is invalid. Access is not possible.
050Deserialization error while preparing items for mass change job
060Parked document &1 &2 &3 cannot be changed.
100Select special G/L indicator defined for account type 'D'
101Select special G/L indicator defined for account type 'K'
102Company code &1 is not defined. Enter a valid company code.
103No authorization for selected company codes
104No authorization for company code &1
105Errors have occurred; please check the error list spool
106Address could not be determined for business partner &1
107Enter a business partner in the 'reply to' field
108Enter a valid date for reply
109Invalid customer &1
110Invalid input for field &1
111Enter a description in the 'description' field
112Business partner of type person not possible for 'Reply To'
113As Reply To enter bus. partner of category �organization� or �group�.
201Line item &1 of journal entry &2 could not be changed.
202Line item &1 of journal entry &2 was changed.
203Line item has been changed in the meantime. Please check the line item.
204&1 items were changed.
205&1 items could not be changed due to errors. Please check the log.
206&1 items were processed.
207Line item &1 of journal entry &2 is being processed.
208All items were processed.
209Field &1 to be changed to value &2.
210&1 items were selected for the background job.
211&1 fields have been determined as change fields.
212Number of messages from line item processing: &1
213Line item &1 of journal entry &2 was changed with warning. Check the log.
214Line item &1 of journal entry &2 does not need to be changed.
215&1 items have been changed with warnings. Pleaae check the log.
216No changes made to &1 items. Please check the log.
220Enter a value that is within the valid range for value &1 in field &2.
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