FARR_ACCR_MAIN - Revenue Accounting - Accrual Management
The following messages are stored in message class FARR_ACCR_MAIN: Revenue Accounting - Accrual Management.
It is part of development package FARR_ACCR_MAIN in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue Accounting: Accruals Management Business Logic".
It is part of development package FARR_ACCR_MAIN in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue Accounting: Accruals Management Business Logic".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No deferral items found for fulfillment event &1 |
001 | Quantity of deferral item &1 is zero |
003 | Recon. key &1 of company code &2 is locked |
004 | Recon. key &1 of company code &2 is unlocked |
005 | Recon. key &1 of co. code &2 selected for posting (acct. principle &3) |
006 | Recon. key &1 of company code &2 set to status '&3' |
007 | Document &2 posted for company code &1 &3 |
008 | You cannot perform accrual run for company code &1 for a future period |
009 | Recon. key &1 of company code &2 in period &3 does not exist |
010 | No recon. key exists between &3 and &4 for period &2 of company code &1 |
011 | Date does not fall in specified posting period for co. code &1 |
012 | Error while processing time-based performance obligations |
013 | Parallel processing not configured correctly |
014 | Accrual run was not started in a background job |
015 | There is no calculation method defined for Acct.Principle &1 |
016 | Specified day does not exist in certain months of the schedule |
017 | Error while retrieving messages |
018 | Revenue reconciliation key &1 of company code &2 set to "Failed" |
019 | Accrual run completed for company code &1 |
020 | Revenue reconciliation key &1 of company code &2 closed |
021 | Aggregated postings amount to zero for company code &1 |
022 | Posting period &1 of company code &2 is not open |
023 | No company codes in the specified range are enabled for acct principle &1 |
024 | Revenue posting started at &1 |
025 | You have not performed accrual postings for earlier period for CoCode &1 |
026 | No accrual run data found for co. code &1 since last run for period &3 |
027 | User &1 is running a revenue posting job for company code &2 |
028 | Posting for recon. key &1 of company code &2 completed |
029 | Contr. liabilities and assets are not relevant to accounting principle &1 |
030 | Revenue posting completed at &1 |
031 | Posting date does not fall into the specified posting period for CoCd &1 |
032 | No transfer account found for CoCode &1 |
033 | Extra recon. key &4 created for per. &3, co.cd &1 and acct. principle &2 |
034 | Posting optimization of Company code &1 is open |
035 | Error while obtaining Run ID from number range 01 |
036 | Error while generating Run IDs |
037 | Exception &1 has been triggered in function module &2 |
038 | Revenue accounting period setting not defined for CoCd &1 AcctPr. &2 |
039 | Period &3 is closed for rev. acct. for co. code &1 acct. principle &2 |
040 | Error while closing period &3 for rev. acct for co. cd &1 acct prncpl &2 |
042 | Enter a valid period |
043 | Error while locking contract &1 |
044 | Status for revenue reconciliation key &1 cannot be set to 'Transferred' |
045 | A value date of today (or greater) is only feasible with fixed exch. rate |
046 | Status for revenue reconciliation key &1 cannot be set to 'Closed' |
050 | Transfer revenue started at &1 |
051 | Transfer revenue completed at &1 |
052 | No company codes have been found that are applicable for this operation |
053 | Company code &1 is under migration |
054 | You cannot tranfer revenue of future period &1 for company code &2 |
055 | You cannot transfer revenue of contract &1 |
056 | &1 of &2 contracts have been processed |
057 | You cannot calc liability/asset of future period &1 for company code &2 |
058 | Cannot calculate the contract liab. and contract asset for contract &1. |
059 | Changes for whole contract block were discarded |
060 | No search results found |
061 | No new postings needed for accounting principle &2 and company code &1 |
062 | No Difference Found |
063 | The input runid has no association with FI document |
064 | Account assignments have been rederived during FI-GL posting. |
065 | Error retrieving date for fixed exchange rate with contract &1 |
066 | Error while generating a revenue reconciliation key |
067 | Reconciliation key &1 doesn't exist; Contact SAP. |
068 | ---------------------------Begin of Report------------------- |
069 | ---------------------------End of Report--------------------- |
070 | &1 of &2 selected periods have been set to In-Closing successfully |
071 | Contract &1: Version not determined; processing not possible |
081 | Error while saving accrual list |
100 | Posting period &1 for company code &2 is invalid |
101 | No accrual run data found for company code &1 since last run |
102 | Another accrual run task for company code &1 is in process |
103 | Revenue reconciliation key &1 does not exist |
104 | Previous period is not closed |
105 | Status for revenue reconciliation key &1 is not 'Open' |
106 | Status for revenue reconciliation key &1 is not 'Timebase' or 'Canceled' |
107 | Status for revenue reconciliation key &1 is not 'Liability' |
108 | Cannot create reconciliation key greater than &1 for period &2 |
109 | Status for revenue reconciliation key &1 is not 'Failed' |
110 | Reverse postings not permitted for recon. key &1; status is not closed |
111 | Reverse postings not permitted for recon. key &1; status is not closed |
112 | Rev. Posting - Period &1 |
113 | Reconciliation key &1 is locked by &2 |
114 | All posting periods are closed for company code &1 |
115 | Acct. principle-specific settings not defined for CoCd &1 AcctPr. &2 |
116 | Cannot run task for periods earlier than &3 for co.cd &1, acct. prncpl &2 |
117 | This action impossible; migration in process (co.cd &1, acct. prncpl &2) |
118 | Only for testing; migration in process for co.cd. &1 and acct. prncpl. &2 |
119 | Recon key &3 for CoCd &1 AcctPr. &2 has not been migrated successfully. |
120 | ----------------ReconKey end------------ |
121 | ----------------Reverse begin------------ |
122 | Current date does not fall in an open posting period of company code &1 |
123 | No accrual postings have occurred recently for company code &1 |
124 | Error while reading FI document &1 for company code &2 |
125 | Local logical system is not defined |
126 | Document &1 has been reversed with document &2 for company code &3 |
127 | Error while reversing document &1 |
128 | Selected reconciliation key is no longer the latest one; new latest is &1 |
129 | Postings associated with Run ID &1 have been reversed |
130 | The system is under migration; revenue acct transactions are not possible |
131 | Reversal started at &1 |
132 | Reversal ended at &1 |
133 | Run ID &1 was reversed by Run ID &2 |
134 | Run ID &1 reversal started |
135 | Reference key &1 reversal succeed |
136 | Reference key &1 reversal failed |
137 | Total &1 success, &2 fail |
138 | Input period is not compatible with runid's. |
139 | Reverse failed, as nothing involved in this Runid. |
140 | ----------------Reverse end------------ |
141 | Invalid input parameter &1 |
142 | Invalid field name &1 |
143 | ----------------Lock accrrun begin------------ |
144 | User &1 is running a revenue posting job for company code &2 |
145 | The co. cocd &2 and acct. prncpl &3 is locked by &1. |
146 | ----------------Lock accrrun begin------------ |
147 | Unexpected error while locking table &2 (company code &1) |
150 | |
151 | Error while obtaining account of unbilled receivable for contract &1 |
152 | Error while obtaining account of contract asset for contract &1 |
153 | Error while obtaining account of contract liability for contract &1 |
154 | Error while obtaining account of deferred revenue for contract &1 |
155 | Empty reconciliation key returned for contract &2 |
156 | Contract &1 does not exist |
157 | Error while obtaining account of receivable adjustment for contract &1 |
200 | --------Reserving 200 to 300 for parallel processing jobs-------------- |
201 | ***Process data of co. code &1, acct. principle &2, recon. key &3*** |
202 | Subarea &1 to &2 is ready to be processed |
203 | Subarea &1 to &2 is being processed |
205 | Subarea &1 to &2 is complete |
206 | Internal error converting the GUID areas (&1, rc=&2) |
208 | Error while retrieving messages |
209 | Job started in simulation mode |
210 | Not authorized to run posting for company code &1 and acct principle &2 |
211 | Not authorized to run simulation for co. code &1 and acct. principle &2 |
212 | Job &1 started at &2 |
213 | Job completed at &1 |
214 | Interval &1 was complete at &2 |
216 | Posting simulation fails for contract &1 |
217 | Error while retrieving selection criteria |
218 | Error while saving selection criteria |
219 | Post. entries for &1 of &2 contracts created; &3 contracts in migration. |
220 | Error while saving changes to deferral items |
223 | Error while processing deferral items for contract &1 |
224 | Start processing contracts with KeyPP from &1 to &2 &3 |
225 | Error while simulating posting for contract &1 |
226 | End processing contracts with KeyPP from &1 to &2 &3 |
227 | Posting check failed for &2 of &1 contracts |
228 | Error while posting for company code &1 |
230 | ******Liability & Assets Program ******* |
231 | Contr liab. not calculated for contr &1, CoCd &2, fiscal yr. &3, per. &4 |
232 | Cannot lock contr. &1 to calculate liab. CoCd &2, fis. yr. &3, per. &4 |
233 | Contract liabilities and assets already calculated for contract &1 |
234 | Contract liabilities and assets have been calculated |
235 | No contract found for contract liability calculation |
236 | Calculating contract liabilities and assets started at &1 |
237 | Calculating contract liabilities and assets completed at &1 |
238 | Not authorized to run calculation for co. code &1 and acct principle &2 |
239 | Not authorized to run the report for co. code &1 and acct principle &2 |
240 | The system failed to update &1 contracts in the range from &2 to &3. |
241 | |
242 | |
243 | Start processing contracts at time &1 |
244 | End processing contracts at time &1 |
245 | Acct principle &1 company code &2 migration package &3 is in migration. |
246 | Contract &1 balance of trans. and local currency have different signs |
247 | Contr &1 POB &2 balance of trans. and local currency have different signs |
300 | --------End reserving for parallel processing jobs-------------- |
301 | --------Contract Shift Management------------ |
302 | Error while shifting; revenue transfer not performed for cont. &1 |
303 | Error while shifting; contr. liab./asset calc. not performed for cont. &1 |
304 | Shifting failed postings to the next period not possible for contract &1 |
305 | Error while shifting postings for contract &1; a technical issue occurred |
306 | &1 lines of posting entries will be processed. |
307 | No posting entry was reversed. |
308 | &1 posting entries were inserted to posting table. |
309 | No migration package exists in accounting principle &1. |
310 | No migration package meets the selection criteria. |
311 | Accounting principle &1 is not maintained in Customizing activities. |
312 | The system received data of performance obligations. |
313 | No performance obligation meets the selection criteria. |
314 | &1 contracts are in transition. |
315 | No contract is in transition. |
316 | The FARR_D_INVOICE table was updated. |
317 | The FARR_D_INV_FX_ED table was updated. |
318 | |
319 | The company code &1 and accounting principle &2 isn�t in transition. |
320 | Invoice of POB &1, GUID &2 has wrong flag of IS_CALCULATED |
321 | Shift reason &1 is not valid; enter a valid shift reason |
322 | Period &1 &2 for &3 &4 does not have posting status In-Closing |
323 | Suspend contract &1 before shifting to next period |
324 | No contract data found |
325 | Not authorized to run cntr. shift for co. code &1 and acct. principle &2 |
326 | Contract shift started at &1 |
327 | Contract shift completed at &1 |
329 | --------END Contract Shift Management------------ |
330 | No posting entry is generated. |
331 | Migration packages under acct. prin. &1 and co. code &2 are in transition |
332 | No migration package is in transition phase. |
333 | Posting category of &1 and &2 will be reversed. |
334 | Reversal started at &1 |
335 | Reversal completed at &1 |
336 | |
369 | |
370 | --------Contract Rounding Calculation------------ |
371 | Contract rounding calculation started at &1 |
372 | Contract rounding calculation completed at &1 |
373 | No contracts found for rounding calculation |
374 | Error occured during background job execution. Please check Job Monitor. |
410 | --------Contract Shift Management------------ |
411 | Application log error |
412 | Contract &1 cannot be shifted; rec. key with status F,A,P,O, or S needed |
413 | &1 of &2 contracts have been shifted |
414 | Program is executed in productive mode |
415 | Program is executed in simulation mode |
440 | --------Contract Shift Management end------------ |