FARR_ACCR_UI - Revenue Accounting - Accrual Management

The following messages are stored in message class FARR_ACCR_UI: Revenue Accounting - Accrual Management.
It is part of development package FARR_ACCR_UI in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue Accounting: Accruals Management User Interface".
Message Nr
Message Text
000---------------------------Begin of search UI----------------------------
001Use the Run Mode field only once
002Select a run mode
003You can only perform this task for one fiscal year at a time
004You can only perform this task for one posting period at a time
005Enter a company code
006Enter a fiscal year
007Enter a posting period
008Company code &1 not found
009Background job &1 (Count &2) created
010You have not performed accrual postings for earlier period for CoCode &1
011No search results found
012You cannot schedule the job for a time in the past
013No accrual run data found from co. code &1 to co. code &2
014Test run for co. code &1, acct. prin. &2 may include contract liab/asset
015Another posting job is in process for posting per. &1 of company code &2
016No authorization to run simulation for co. code &1 and acct. prin. &2
017No authorization to run posting for co. code &1 and acct. principle &2
018Use the Posting Check field only once
019&1 items found
020You cannot perform accrual run for company code &1 for a future period
021Use the Close Period for Revenue Accounting field only once
022You can only perform this task against one accounting principle at a time
023Use the "Include Contract Liabilities and Assets" field only once
024Posting period &1 for company code &2 is in the future
025Posting period &1 for company code &2 is not open
026Accounting principle &1 not found
027You can only perform this task for one company code at a time
028No accrual run data found for co. code &1 since last run for period &3
029Date does not fall in specified posting period for co. code &1
030Enter an accounting principle
031Invalid company code range specified; &1 is greater than &2
032No In-Closing rev. acct period found for co. cd &1 acct principle &2
033&1 of &2 contracts have been shifted
034No failed postings exist for fiscal year &1 period &2
035Enter a result view mode
051----------------------------End of search UI----------------------------
052----------------------------Begin of Job Monitor------------------------
053Error while retrieving the job list
054Job &1 deleted
055Job list refreshed
056You can only search for one contract at a time
057No revenue posting job is available
059----------------------------End of search UI----------------------------
060---------------------------Begin of Job Definition-----------------------
061Enter a job description
062Enter an interval
063Enter a start date
065Error while scheduling posting job
067Invalid interval entered; enter a number
069Number of intervals must fall between 1 and 1000
079---------------------------End of Job Definition-------------------
100---------------------------Begin of Report-------------------
101You can only run the report for one fiscal year at a time
102You can only run the report for one company code at a time
103You can only run the report for one posting period at a time
104You can only run the report against one accounting principle at a time
106You can only run the report for one run ID at a time
107No Difference Found
108You can only run the report in one result view mode
109Specify the Has Difference option only once
110Specify the Run in Background option only once
111No job information is available for this Run ID.
112Specify the Only from RAR option only once
120--------------------Begin of RA Close Multi
121Please select at least one item
122Invalid posting period range specified; &1 is greater than &2
123&1 of &2 selected periods have been set to In-Closing successfully
124You can not input more than one fiscal year
125The period of CoCd &1 and AcctPr. &2 has already been In-Closing
126No search results found
127Not authorized to display periods of CoCd &1 and AcctPr. &2
128Not authorized to set periods of CoCd &1 and AcctPr. &2 to In-Closing
150---------------------------End of Report-------------------
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