FARR_ACCR_UI - Revenue Accounting - Accrual Management
The following messages are stored in message class FARR_ACCR_UI: Revenue Accounting - Accrual Management.
It is part of development package FARR_ACCR_UI in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue Accounting: Accruals Management User Interface".
It is part of development package FARR_ACCR_UI in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue Accounting: Accruals Management User Interface".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ---------------------------Begin of search UI---------------------------- |
001 | Use the Run Mode field only once |
002 | Select a run mode |
003 | You can only perform this task for one fiscal year at a time |
004 | You can only perform this task for one posting period at a time |
005 | Enter a company code |
006 | Enter a fiscal year |
007 | Enter a posting period |
008 | Company code &1 not found |
009 | Background job &1 (Count &2) created |
010 | You have not performed accrual postings for earlier period for CoCode &1 |
011 | No search results found |
012 | You cannot schedule the job for a time in the past |
013 | No accrual run data found from co. code &1 to co. code &2 |
014 | Test run for co. code &1, acct. prin. &2 may include contract liab/asset |
015 | Another posting job is in process for posting per. &1 of company code &2 |
016 | No authorization to run simulation for co. code &1 and acct. prin. &2 |
017 | No authorization to run posting for co. code &1 and acct. principle &2 |
018 | Use the Posting Check field only once |
019 | &1 items found |
020 | You cannot perform accrual run for company code &1 for a future period |
021 | Use the Close Period for Revenue Accounting field only once |
022 | You can only perform this task against one accounting principle at a time |
023 | Use the "Include Contract Liabilities and Assets" field only once |
024 | Posting period &1 for company code &2 is in the future |
025 | Posting period &1 for company code &2 is not open |
026 | Accounting principle &1 not found |
027 | You can only perform this task for one company code at a time |
028 | No accrual run data found for co. code &1 since last run for period &3 |
029 | Date does not fall in specified posting period for co. code &1 |
030 | Enter an accounting principle |
031 | Invalid company code range specified; &1 is greater than &2 |
032 | No In-Closing rev. acct period found for co. cd &1 acct principle &2 |
033 | &1 of &2 contracts have been shifted |
034 | No failed postings exist for fiscal year &1 period &2 |
035 | Enter a result view mode |
051 | ----------------------------End of search UI---------------------------- |
052 | ----------------------------Begin of Job Monitor------------------------ |
053 | Error while retrieving the job list |
054 | Job &1 deleted |
055 | Job list refreshed |
056 | You can only search for one contract at a time |
057 | No revenue posting job is available |
059 | ----------------------------End of search UI---------------------------- |
060 | ---------------------------Begin of Job Definition----------------------- |
061 | Enter a job description |
062 | Enter an interval |
063 | Enter a start date |
065 | Error while scheduling posting job |
067 | Invalid interval entered; enter a number |
069 | Number of intervals must fall between 1 and 1000 |
079 | ---------------------------End of Job Definition------------------- |
099 | |
100 | ---------------------------Begin of Report------------------- |
101 | You can only run the report for one fiscal year at a time |
102 | You can only run the report for one company code at a time |
103 | You can only run the report for one posting period at a time |
104 | You can only run the report against one accounting principle at a time |
106 | You can only run the report for one run ID at a time |
107 | No Difference Found |
108 | You can only run the report in one result view mode |
109 | Specify the Has Difference option only once |
110 | Specify the Run in Background option only once |
111 | No job information is available for this Run ID. |
112 | Specify the Only from RAR option only once |
120 | --------------------Begin of RA Close Multi |
121 | Please select at least one item |
122 | Invalid posting period range specified; &1 is greater than &2 |
123 | &1 of &2 selected periods have been set to In-Closing successfully |
124 | You can not input more than one fiscal year |
125 | The period of CoCd &1 and AcctPr. &2 has already been In-Closing |
126 | No search results found |
127 | Not authorized to display periods of CoCd &1 and AcctPr. &2 |
128 | Not authorized to set periods of CoCd &1 and AcctPr. &2 to In-Closing |
150 | ---------------------------End of Report------------------- |