FARR_CONTRACT_MAIN - Revenue Accounting: Contract Management
The following messages are stored in message class FARR_CONTRACT_MAIN: Revenue Accounting: Contract Management.
It is part of development package FARR_CONTRACT_MAIN in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue Accounting: Contract Management Business Logic".
It is part of development package FARR_CONTRACT_MAIN in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue Accounting: Contract Management Business Logic".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Required field '&1' of performance obligation &2 is empty. |
001 | Total standalone selling price of POBs is less than or equal to zero |
002 | Multiple performance obligations in contract &1 are marked as residual |
003 | Logistics adapter ID of contract &1 is empty |
004 | Logistics adapter &1 of contract &2 not found |
005 | Changes not applied; resolve conflicts in the conflicts worklist |
006 | Either a duration or an end date must be specified for perf. oblig. &1 |
007 | Contract &1 and its performance obligations are marked as deleted |
008 | Number range number &1 of contract category &2 does not exist |
009 | Error while obtaining performance obligation ID from number range 01 |
010 | Standalone selling price of performance obligation &1 less than zero |
011 | Duplicate performance obligation ID &1 found |
012 | Performance obligation &1 has duplicate deferral &2 |
013 | Performance obligation &1 has duplicate condition type &2 |
014 | Leading POB &1 of POB &2 not found |
015 | Higher-level perf. obligation &1 of perf. obligation &2 not found |
016 | Performance obligation &1 for condition type &2 not found |
017 | Performance obligation &1 for deferral &2 not found |
018 | The contract cannot be created due to inconsistent data. |
019 | Performance obligation &1 cannot have costing condition type &2 |
020 | Required field '&1' of contract &2 is empty |
021 | Contract &1 created |
022 | Contracts combined into contract &1 |
023 | Error while obtaining per. end date (start dat &1, dur. &2, dur. unit &3) |
024 | Linked perf. oblig. &1 does not have a leading perf. oblig. specified |
025 | Error while combining contracts |
026 | Linked perf. oblig. &1 must not have rights of return |
027 | Updating fields '&1' of performance obligation &2 is not permitted |
028 | The leading perf. oblig. &1 of perf. oblig. &2 is not a leading one |
029 | End date and dur. of RightOfReturn cannot be both specified (POB &1) |
030 | RoR end date must be later than start date, current date (POB &1) |
031 | Contract &1 updated |
032 | Company code &1 specified for performance obligation &2 does not exist |
033 | Perf. oblig. &1 points to itself as higher-level or leading perf. oblig. |
034 | Deletion not permitted; relevant events already occurred for POB &1 |
035 | Error while updating contract &1; see log for details |
036 | Deletion is not permitted; all perf. oblig. in the BOM must be deleted |
037 | Contract ID is empty |
038 | Neither duration nor end date specified for RgtOfRtrn. of perf.oblig. &1 |
039 | Neither duration nor start date specified for RtOfRtrn. of perf.oblig. &1 |
040 | Start date of right of return not specified for performance obligation &1 |
041 | Contract &1 is locked by user &2 (&3) |
042 | Error while locking contract &1 |
043 | Field &1 must not be specified for non-time-based perf. oblig. &2 |
044 | Creation of linked POB is not possible; POB &1 is not a leading POB |
045 | POB &1 is not marked as linked; it cannot have a leading POB |
046 | Deletion is not permitted; contract &1 contains performance obligations |
047 | Contract &1 not saved |
048 | Standalone selling price of performance obligation &1 not specified |
049 | Residual performance obligation &1 has a standalone selling price |
050 | POB &1 is a linked one; cannot be leading POB of POB &2 |
051 | Duplicate perf. oblig. names &1 point to the same leading perf. oblig. &2 |
052 | Field &1 cannot be changed on right-of-return for perf. oblig. &2 |
053 | Linked performance obligation &1 cannot be marked as Exclude from Alloc. |
054 | Certain pricing conditions are incorrectly assigned on perf. oblig. &1 |
055 | POB &1 and its leading POB &2 have different higher-level POBs |
056 | Temp. ID &1 of the new POB does not start with prefix &2 |
057 | Perf. oblig. &1 is marked as both Residual and Exclude from Allocation |
058 | Start date of time-based performance obligation &1 is empty |
059 | POB &1 is leading and also has a leading POB. This is not allowed. |
060 | Time-based POB &1 cannot have linked POBs. |
061 | Compound POB &1 has a compound/non-distinct POB as its higher-level POB |
062 | Distinct POB &1 has a compound/non-distinct POB as its higher-level POB |
063 | Non-distinct POB &1 does not have a compound POB as its higher-level POB |
064 | Compound POB &1 does not have a non-distinct, lower-level POB |
065 | Contract &1 saved |
066 | Multiple perf. oblig. are marked as residual in the same group (incl. &1) |
067 | Field &1 of performance obligation &2 has an invalid value &3 |
068 | Condition type &1 of performance obligation &2 has invalid category &3 |
069 | Non-distinct POB &1 cannot have linked POBs |
070 | Field &1 of deferral &2 in performance obligation &3 is empty |
071 | Changing POB &1 from non-distinct to compound is not permitted |
072 | Marking performance obligation &1 as non-distinct is not permitted |
073 | Marking performance obligation &1 as non-distinct is not permitted |
074 | Marking performance obligation &1 as compound is not permitted |
075 | Marking performance obligation &1 as compound is not permitted |
076 | Marking performance obligation &1 as compound is not permitted |
077 | Marking performance obligation &1 as non-distinct is not permitted |
078 | Changing perf. oblig. &1 from compound to non-distinct is not permitted |
079 | No changes made since contract &1 was last saved |
080 | POB &1 cannot be changed; POB ID is missing |
081 | POB &1 cannot be changed; POB does not exist |
082 | Contract &1 saved with new price allocation |
083 | Perf. oblig. &1 has these incorrect acct. assignments or G/L accounts: |
084 | Updating field '&1' of contract &2 is not permitted |
085 | Changing perf. oblig. &1 from compound to distinct is not permitted |
086 | Contract &1 deleted |
087 | Changing POB &1 from non-distinct to distinct is not permitted |
088 | Not authorized to delete initial load data (co.code &1, acct.princpl. &2) |
089 | Performance obligation &2 cannot include reserved condition type &1 |
090 | Contract &1 refreshed |
091 | Contract &1 does not exist |
092 | End date and duration cannot both be specified on perf. oblig. &1 |
093 | Contract &1 has multiple customer IDs |
094 | This operation causes target contract to contain multiple customer IDs |
095 | Field &1 of right-of-return deferral for perf. oblig. &2 is empty |
096 | Contracts &1 and &2 have different customer groups |
097 | Accounting principle of contract &1 is empty |
098 | You are not authorized to create new revenue accounting contracts |
099 | Contracts &1 and &2 have different accounting principles |
100 | Customer &1 of perf. oblig. &2 does not exist |
101 | Customer &1 of perf. oblig. &2 is not created in company code &3 |
102 | Contracts &1 and &2 have different transaction price currencies |
103 | Contract category of contract &1 is empty |
104 | Error while obtaining contract ID from number range &1 |
105 | No reference account found for performance obligation &1 |
106 | BRF+ exception while determining accounts; details: &1 |
107 | Not authorized to change contract &1 (company code &2, sales org. &3) |
108 | Not authorized to display contract &1 (company code &2, sales org. &3) |
109 | Moving perf. oblig. &1 (contr. &2) impossible; postings already occurred |
110 | Moving perf. oblig. &1 (contr. &2) impossible; already invoiced |
111 | SSP tolerance is specified both in amount and in percentage for POB &1 |
112 | Compound POB &1 has only one non-distinct, lower-level POB |
113 | Performance obligatations &1 and &2 belong to different BOMs |
114 | Contract &1 has multiple company codes |
115 | This operation causes target contract to contain multiple company codes |
116 | Perf. oblig. &1 must have exactly one pricing condition marked as Main |
117 | Perf. oblig. &1 must have exactly one costing condition marked as Main |
118 | Leading POB &1 (for linked POB &2) has no main price cond. |
119 | SSP tolerance for performance obligation &1 is not a valid percentage |
120 | SSP tolerance for performance obligation &1 cannot be negative |
121 | Cannot edit spreading for periods where postings occurred (POB &1) |
122 | Only one currency is allowed |
123 | Perf. oblig. fulfilled by PoC can only have an event type of Manual |
124 | Non-distinct performance obligation &1 cannot be time-based |
125 | Event type must be manual for linked, non-time based POB &1 |
126 | Start date type is required for time-based performance obligation &1 |
127 | Event type cannot be specified on performance obligation &1 |
128 | Event type is required for performance obligation &1 |
129 | Event type of POB &1 must be the same as its leading POB |
130 | Start date of performance obligation &1 must not be specified |
131 | End date of perf. oblig. &1 must not be earlier than its start date. |
132 | Start date type of POB &1 cannot be changed from &2 to &3. |
133 | Recognized Revenue acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2 |
134 | Receivable Adj. acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2 |
135 | Deferred Cost acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2 |
136 | Recognized Cost acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2 |
137 | Revenue Adjustment acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2 |
138 | RevAdj. for Linked POB cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2 |
139 | Right of Return acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2 |
140 | Recon. account not defined for customer &1 of company code &2 |
141 | Source account missing on condition type &1 for performance obligation &2 |
142 | Cannot exclude perf. oblig. &1 from allocation; it is manually created |
143 | Not authorized to change status of POB &1 (co.code &2, sales org &3) |
144 | Cannot find ref. acct.; no cond. is provided for perf. oblig. &1 |
145 | Reprocessing account determination is complete for contract &1 |
146 | Performance obligation &1 does not exist |
147 | Performance obligation &1 is not time-based as expected |
148 | Time-based performance obligation &1 contains incorrect spreading data |
149 | Error while reprocessing account determination; contract &1 not updated |
150 | ======== Message 150 - 199 to be used by Fulfillment Management ========= |
151 | Cannot generate fulfillments; company code is empty |
152 | Empty input event data |
153 | Cannot generate fulfillments; duration is empty |
154 | Fulfillment events processed |
155 | GUID generation error while creating fulfillments |
156 | Wrong fulfillment quantity of POB &1 from BAdI call &2,deferral method &3 |
157 | Derived account &1 for performance obligation &2 does not allow posting |
158 | Changing duration for performance obligation &1 is not permitted |
159 | No valid performance obligation found for the input event data |
160 | No deferral item found for the input event data |
161 | Changing duration impossible; perf. oblig. &1 is already fully fulfilled |
162 | Error generating fulflmt. for changes made to fulfil. time of perf.ob. &1 |
163 | Required field &1 of event &2 is empty |
164 | Events cannot occur on compound performance obligation &1 |
165 | Error while saving manual changes to revenue spreading |
166 | Changes to revenue spreading have been applied |
167 | Target account missing on condition type &1 for performance obligation &2 |
168 | Contract &1 contains no manually changed performance obligations |
169 | Event type is not specified for performance obligation &1 |
170 | No decimal number is to be converted |
171 | Fulfillment event passed in does not match event type on perf. oblig. &1 |
172 | Error when process contract &1; Please reprocess this contract. |
173 | Cost correction has been performed for performance obligation &1 |
174 | No change after reprocesssing account determination for contract &1 |
175 | Account reprocessing for contract &1 completed with errors |
176 | Rcvbl. adjust. account &1 cannot be changed; postings already occurred |
177 | Perf. oblig. &1 has invalid value for deferral category |
178 | Changing quantity unit to percentage (%) for perf. oblig. &1 impossible |
179 | Qty unit of performance obligation &1 cannot be changed to non-percentage |
180 | No fulfillment is generated according to duration of perf. oblig. &1 |
181 | Deletion is not permitted; Invoice is not cleared for perf. oblig. &1 |
182 | Perf. oblig. &1 of contract &2 is suspended after the rev is transferred. |
183 | Non distinct POBs under the compound POB &1 have different CO Object No. |
184 | Attributes of the selected contracts have been updated. |
185 | Contract &1 still has conflict on price allocation or Revenue Schedule. |
186 | Perf. Oblig. &1 with event type &2 cannot have costing Cond. type &3 |
187 | Cond. type &1 for acquisition cost on Perf. Oblig. &2 cannot set as main |
188 | POB &1 cannot has non-acquisition cost Cond. type &2 |
189 | Perf. Oblig. &1 should be time based since event type is CC |
190 | Perf. Oblig. &1 for acquisition cost should prevent allocation |
191 | Perf. Oblig. &1 for acquisition cost should not have normal price/cost |
192 | It's not possible to create manual performance obligations |
193 | Performance obligation &1 must not have a linked performance obligation |
194 | Not all revenues can be suspended. |
195 | Events cannot occur on performance obligation &1 |
196 | &1 rows have been deleted from mapping table of manual POB |
197 | ***************** M A S S T R A N S F E R ********************** |
198 | Mass activity was started in simulation mode |
199 | User &1 is running comparative report for &2, &3 |
200 | ======== Message 200 - 249 to be used by Allocation/Simulation ========== |
201 | Original Amount |
202 | Error occurs when deleting data from &1. |
203 | Data deleted from table &1. |
204 | Amount from Higher-Level Performance Obligation |
205 | Performance Obligation Standalone Selling Price * Quantity |
206 | Sum (Standalone Selling Price * Quantity) |
207 | Performance Obligation Transaction Price |
208 | Sum (Transaction Price) |
209 | Source contract &1 has been processed in Transfer Revenue in open periods |
210 | Allocable Transaction Price of Contract |
211 | Transaction Price from Higher-Level Performance Obligation |
212 | Sum (Standalone Selling Price * Quantity of Non-Residual POB) |
213 | Quantity of Residual Performance Obligation |
214 | Zero assumed when &1 > &2 |
215 | Sum (Original Transaction Price of Non-Residual POB) |
216 | Non-Allocable Transaction Price |
217 | Original Transaction Price |
218 | Transaction Price After Allocation |
219 | Manual created perf. oblig. &1 cannot be marked as acquisition cost. |
220 | Linked perf. oblig. &1 cannot be marked as acquisition cost. |
221 | The contractual price of POB &1 with 'Negative value' must be negative. |
222 | Contract &1 does not need to be reprocessed in account determination. |
223 | SSP of POB &1 is &2. This value must not be negative |
224 | Alloc. BAdI distribute: total amt &1 <> &2 of Cnty &3 of POB &4 |
225 | Alloc. BAdI inserted new condition type &1 amt &2 for POB &3 |
226 | Alloc. BAdI: sum of allocation difference &1 <> old sum &2 (contract &3) |
227 | Alloc. BAdI: mid-tier POB &1 has Cnty &2 with amount &3 |
228 | Alloc. BAdI returned duplicate entries for Cnty &1 of POB &2 |
229 | Alloc. BAdI error: contract &1, see detail in log |
230 | Alloc. BAdI: Incorrect contr. &1 of CnTy &2 (POB &3, contr. &4) |
231 | Alloc. BAdI: POB &1 of CnTy &2 does not exist in contract &3 |
232 | Alloc. BAdI: Incorrect curr. &1 of CnTy &2 of POB &3 (correct &4) |
233 | Alloc. BAdI: Field STATISTIC of CnTy &1 must be empty (POB &2) |
234 | Alloc. BAdI: Field CATEGORY of CnTy &1 must be &2 (POB &3) |
235 | Alloc. BAdI: Field MAIN_COND_TYPE must be empty (CnTy &1, POB &2) |
236 | Alloc. BAdI: sign of CnTy &1 inverted when distributed from &2 to &3 |
237 | Alloc. BAdI: Alloc. amt of POB (not excl. from alloc) has differ. sign |
238 | Alloc. BAdI changed &1 of condition type &2 of POB &3 |
239 | Alloc. BAdI removed condition type &1 from POB &2 |
240 | Alloc. BAdI changed &1 of CnTy &2 (distribute from POB &3 to &4) |
241 | The contractual price of POB &1 without 'Negative value' must be positive |
242 | Perf. oblig. &1 must not have the right of return. |
243 | Linked POB &1 cannot be defined as start date type 3 |
244 | Field &1 of revenue contract &2 has an invalid value &3 |
245 | Please select max. 1000 performance obligations per block. |
246 | Alloc. BAdI: Total SSP amount of non-residual POBs cannot be zero. |
247 | Alloc. BAdI: Incorrect curr. &1 of POB &2 (correct &3) |
248 | Alloc. BAdI: POB &1 (&2) not found in the allocation candidates. |
249 | Alloc. BAdI: sum of allocation price &1 <> old sum &2 (contract &3) |
250 | For POB &1, update modes of start date and start date type are different. |
251 | ========contract manual fulfillment messages========= |
252 | Error while saving changes to manual fulfillment |
253 | The attributes can't be supported for POB &1 that is fulfilled by POD |
254 | Number of Revenue Accounting Contracts must be a positive value. |
255 | Get latest account failed on POB &1 condition type &2 |
256 | The signs of posting amnt are diff. on Post cat &1 POB &2 cond. type &3 |
257 | Contract &1 fulfilled |
258 | Cost Recognition must not be enabled for linked POB &1 |
259 | Changing the POB name of linked POB &1 is not supported |
260 | Contract &1 has already been fulfilled |
261 | Not authorized to change status/review reason. |
262 | Not authorized to change review reason. |
263 | SSP percentage of POB &1 is &2 but cannot be negative or exceed 100 |
264 | Start date type of perf. obli. &1 for contr. acquisi. cost can't be the 3 |
265 | Fulfillment type of POB &1 for acquisi. cost cannot be event-based. |
266 | POB &1 marked as contr. acquisit. cost but fulfillment type is PoC. |
267 | Perf. oblig. &1 must not have the right of return. |
268 | Creating linked POB is impossible; POB &1 marked as contr. acquisit. cost |
269 | POB &1 cannot have condition type &2; &2 is not for acquisition cost. |
270 | Perf. oblig. &1 for acquisition cost should not have statistic condition. |
271 | Condition type &1 for acquisition cost on POB &2 cannot be set as price. |
272 | Contract &1 contains inconsistent change type data. |
273 | POB &1 marked as contr. acquisit. cost cannot be updated to standard POB. |
274 | Standard POB &1 cannot be updated to POB marked as contr. acquisit. cost. |
275 | Cost recognition flag for performance obligation &1 must be set. |
276 | Standard POB &1 cannot only contain condi. type of contr. acquisit. cost. |
277 | Change type already saved in database can not be deleted. |
278 | For POB &1,�actual qty &2 is unequal to qty &3 in the event;event date &4 |
279 | Change type of POB &1 fiscal year &2 period &3 already exists |
280 | The fulfillment percentage &1 of POB &2 is inconsistent with &3 |
281 | Current posting category &1 is not supported for contract combination |
282 | Effective date of manually changed contract &1 is required |
283 | POB &1 must have a positive quantity |
284 | Mandatory field "&1" for perf. oblig. &2 must be filled |
285 | Deriving internal WBS element failed from external WBS element &1 |
286 | Cannot manually specify Start Date Type 3 for performance obligations |
293 | Quantity unit &1 is not defined in the system |
299 | Time-base POB &1 cannot be defined as start date type 3 and event type CI |
300 | ========message 300-329 is reserved for FX2 management========= |
301 | Deleting base contract &1 is not permitted |
302 | Transfer future revenue of period &1 is not allowed. |
303 | Contract &1 data is missing in build up liability balance |
304 | Failed to get local amnts with act. rate when transferring rev. of POB &1 |
305 | The Invoice Agent instance is initial. |
306 | The Balance instance is initial. |
307 | Failed to get Ex. Rate with act. rate when transferring rev. of POB &1 |
308 | Inv. Distri. Error on Contract &1: Input &2 <> Output &3 on currency &4 |
309 | Inv. Distri. Error on Contract &1: POB &2 cannot have invoice distributed |
310 | Inv. Distri. Error on Contract &1: POB &2 is missing |
311 | Distributed invoice of contract &1 doesn't equal to total invoice amount |
312 | Inv. Distri. Error on Contract &1: Amt. &2 <> &3 on currency &4 |
313 | Condition type for exchange rate difference for cost is not defined |
314 | Error obtaining account of ExRateDifCost for contract &1, ref. account &2 |
330 | POB &1 manual spd. amt &2 & org amt &3 inserted into manual change table |
331 | Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support. |
332 | Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support. |
333 | Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support. |
334 | Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support. |
335 | Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support. |
336 | Performance obligation is pending but contract &1 is not pending. |
337 | No performance obligation is pending but contract &1 is pending. |
338 | POB &1 is spreading conflict but spreading amount = allocated amount. |
339 | POB &1 is spreading conflict but allocated amount = 0. |
340 | POB &1 is spreading conflict but fully fulfilled. |
341 | The correction condition type value is initial. |
342 | Change &1 spreading is impossible; the total revenue schedule amount is 0 |
343 | Transaction currency in invoice &1 is different with it in contract &2 |
344 | Error while getting reconciliation key for contract &1 |
345 | Company code &1 excludes second local currency &2 calculation. |
346 | Company code &1 excludes third local currency &2 calculation. |
347 | There are multiple periods when processing invoice on contract &1 |
348 | Contract &1 processes invoice RAI at period &2 by invoice agent |
349 | Contract &1 processes invoice RAI at period &2 by contract mgmt. |
350 | ========message 350-400 is reserved for customer invoice========= |
351 | Quantity is missing in invoice for performance obligation &1 |
352 | Condition type is missing in invoice for performance obligation &1 |
353 | Cond. category is missing for customer invoice on POB &1 cond. type &2 |
354 | Source account on cond. type &2 is missing in invoice for perf. oblig. &1 |
355 | Target account on cond. type &2 is missing in invoice for perf. oblig. &1 |
356 | The invoiced quantity is larger than the quantity on perf. oblig. &1 |
357 | Cond. type &1 on the invoice points to an incorrect perf. oblig. &2 |
358 | Cond. &2 for perf. oblig. &1 on the invoice is not a pricing cond. |
359 | Transaction price is empty for performance obligation &1 |
360 | GUID generation error while creating invoices |
361 | Invoice entry is empty for performance obligation &1 |
362 | GUID generation error while handling posting entry |
363 | Error while obtaining account of unbilled receivable for contract &1 |
364 | Error while obtaining account of deferred revenue for contract &1 |
365 | Posting date missing on invoice for performance obligation &1 |
366 | No performance obligation data provided on invoice |
367 | Error while obtaining account of contract liability for contract &1 |
368 | Error while obtaining account of contract asset for contract &1 |
369 | Error obtaining accounts of ExRateDif for cont. &1, recvble adj. acct. &2 |
370 | Error while obtaining account of receivable adjustment for contract &1 |
371 | Error while processing invoice |
372 | Error retrieving date for fixed exchange rate with contract &1 |
373 | Error retrieving fixed exchange rate with contract &1 |
374 | Exchange rate of source item &1 is empty |
375 | There is no any calculation method defined for Acct.Principle &1 |
376 | Performance obligation &1 has been soft deleted |
377 | Account has been updated from &1 to &2 for posting category &3 |
378 | Empty reconciliation key returned for contract &1 |
379 | Initial load flag is inconsistent with recon key &1 status |
380 | Currency code is missing on invoice of performance obligation &1 |
381 | Error in BADI result because perf. oblig. &2 doesn't exist in contract &1 |
382 | Error in BADI result when calculating liability and asset with contr. &1 |
383 | Acct. principle-specific settings not defined for CoCd &1 AcctPr. &2 |
384 | Failed to process contract ID &1 |
385 | Succeed to migrate exchange rate difference. |
386 | There are exchange rate difference need to be reversed. |
387 | There are exchange rate difference need to be reposted. |
388 | There is no data which needs to be handled. |
389 | Only one acct. principle can be supported while clearing contr. liability |
390 | First local amount should be provided for perf.ob.&1 condition type &2 |
391 | There are &1 contracts to be upgraded,&2 Please execute upgrade. |
392 | The signs of transact. amnt &2 and local amnt &3 are different on POB &1� |
393 | The signs of local amounnts are different on performance obligation &1� |
394 | The signs of local amounnts are different on contract &1� |
395 | The signs of transact. amnt &2 and local amnt &3 are diff. on contr. &1� |
396 | Error in BAdI result when distributing amount of contract &1. |
397 | Category on invoice cond. &1 is "&2" but it's "&3" on deferral item |
398 | Statistic on invoice cond. &1 is "&2" but it's "&3" on deferral item |
399 | Performance obligation &1 is not found. |
400 | ========message 350-400 is reserved for Contract Liability========= |
401 | Error while retrieving company code &1 |
402 | Error while converting foreign currency &1 to local currency &2 |
403 | Start obtaining amount from posting table at &1 |
404 | Start calculating the aggregated amount at &1 |
405 | Start obtaining invoice/invoice due amount at &1 |
406 | Start obtaining the exchange rate of contract at &1 |
407 | Start calculating unbilled/deferred revenue at &1 |
408 | Start generating posting entries at &1 |
409 | Start calculating foreign currency exchange rate difference at &1 |
410 | Start saving results at &1 |
411 | Saved the results at &1,created posting: &2,updated posting: &3 |
412 | Start calculating contract liability/asset at &1 |
413 | Start processing revenue postings at &1 |
414 | Start processing clearing contract liability at &1 |
415 | Start processing postings for accrual run at &1 |
416 | You set a finalization date for POB&1, but the POB is in Suspend Posting. |
417 | POB &2 of contract &1 under company code &3 failed in the currency check. |
418 | Temporary contract instance for ID &1 not found |
419 | First local currency is missing on invoice of performance obligation &1 |
420 | ========message 420-450 is reserved for Initial Load========= |
421 | Posted revenue for performance obligation &1 is not specified |
422 | Performance obligation &1 has no deferral items |
423 | No posted quantity is specified for time-based performance obligation &1 |
424 | Posted qty. is specified unexpectedly for perf. obl. &1 (not time-based) |
425 | Contract &1 was created with errors; no deferral items found |
426 | Main currency is incorrect (performance obligation &1, cond. type &2) |
427 | Condition type &1 does not exist in deferal items |
428 | The specified quantity unit is incorrect(performance obligation &1) |
429 | Invalid spreading for per. &1 (perf.ob. &2) |
430 | Contract &1 contains incorrect spreading data |
431 | Ex. Rate for local currency is empty on contract &1 for initial load |
432 | Ex. Rate for 2nd local currency is empty on contract &1 for initial load |
433 | Ex. Rate for 3rd local currency is empty on contract &1 for initial loadE |
434 | Clean up initial load data failed, refer to log for details. |
435 | perf.ob. &1 is excluded from allocation, but it has a condition &2 |
436 | You cannot change revenue of performance obligation &1 before period &2. |
437 | Migration package &1 contains contracts with no authority to delete |
438 | BOM header &1 can't have cost condition type &2 |
439 | Contract data is not provided to posting mgmt. |
440 | Transaction & local invoice amount have different signs for POB &1 |
441 | Invoice RAI &1 should be processed before migration of Results Analysis |
442 | Migration exchange rate difference calculation started at &1 |
443 | Migration exchange rate difference calculation completed at &1 |
444 | No contracts found for migration exchange rate difference calculation |
445 | Failed to get transferred date for company code &1, actp principle &2 |
446 | Failed to get transferred date for Comp.code &1/acct.pr. &2/pack &3 |
447 | Error while obtaining contr. termination expense account for contract &1 |
448 | Condition type for contract termination expense is not defined |
449 | Error while obtaining account of accrued cost for contract &1 |
450 | Error while obtaining account of deferred cost for contract &1 |
451 | ----------450-500 reserved for combining contract----------- |
452 | Specify at least one contract as the source contract |
453 | Specify at least two contracts to combine |
454 | Target contract &1 is in the source contract list |
455 | Contracts cannot be combined; errors in contract &1 |
456 | Error while combining contracts |
457 | All changes made during the failed combination are reversed |
458 | Duplicate contract id &1 has been provided |
459 | Contract &1 has errors |
460 | Contract &1 has conflicts |
461 | Combining impossible; contr. &1 is associated with non-productive pkg &2 |
462 | Contracts &1 and &2 have different company code |
463 | Contract &1 has posting entries in failure status |
464 | Change mode must be provided for combination |
466 | Change mode must be "Change of estimates" on contract &1 |
467 | Invalid internal change mode &1 for POB &2 Contract &3 |
468 | Change mode must be not initial on contract &1 |
469 | Invalid external change mode &1 for Contract &2 |
470 | Data Migration of initial new fields in change type table started at &1 |
471 | Data Migration of initial new fields in change type table completed at &1 |
472 | Need to set value of Initial field for &1 contracts |
473 | Fail to set migrated flag as TRUE for Company code &1 |
474 | Data Migration for POB &1 of Contract &2 in Period &3 is complete |
475 | Data Migration for Contract &1 is complete |
476 | Need to run the UDO reports first to add fields to FARR_D_CHG_TYPE |
477 | POB &1 must be applied with a change of estimates for acct. period &2 |
478 | Change type reason code &1 is invalid for POB &2 |
479 | Deriving profitability segment failed for perf. oblig. &1 |
500 | Fulfillment date of perf. oblig. &1 does not fall in the current period |
501 | Fulfillment date of perf. oblig. &1 falls in a closed, previous period |
502 | Fulfillment date of perf. oblig. &1 is earlier than the creation date |
503 | Leading perf. oblig. &1 of perf. oblig. &2 has not been fully fulfilled |
504 | Fulfil. date of perf.oblig. &1 (cont. &2) does not fall in current period |
505 | Fulfil. date of perf.obl. &1 (cont. &2) falls in a closed, previous per. |
506 | Fulfil. date of perf.obl. &1 (cont. &2) earlier than the creation date |
507 | Leading perf. oblig. &1 of perf. oblig. &2 not fully fulfilled (cont. &3) |
508 | Transaction price currency of contract &1 is empty |
509 | Cannot find the BRF+ function &1 in application &2 |
510 | No BRF+ application customizing data found for account determination |
511 | Either customer id or receivable account should be filled |
512 | Total quan <= fulfilled quantity, with price increase on &1 - NOT support |
513 | Fulfilled qty of simplified invoice perf. obl. &1 cannot exceed total qty |
514 | Condition &1 that does not exist in operat. docmn. cannot be fulfilled. |
515 | Multiple change of a contract instance (&1) is not supported |
520 | Open job failed. |
521 | The jobs of Upgrade were completed. |
522 | The jobs of Upgrade were not completed. |
523 | Acct. principle-specific settings not defined for CoCd &1 AcctPr. &2 |
524 | The package size cannot be less than 1 |
525 | The perf. oblig. &1 will be upgraded Contract Acquisition Cost category. |
526 | Start processing upgrade perf. oblig. ID from &1 to &2. |
527 | The perf. oblig. &1 was upgraded as Contract Acquisition Cost category. |
528 | &1 perf. oblig. were upgraded as Contract Acquisition Cost category. |
529 | Cannot upgrade perf. oblig. &1 as its start date type is 3. |
530 | No perf. oblig. upgrade |
534 | Occurred error when split the performance obligation ID list |
536 | Due date missing on invoice for performance obligation &1 |
540 | You cannot cancel performance obligation &1 of contract &2. |
543 | Cannot update the UI with the "Edit Change Type" and any other UI change |
544 | Only allow to "Edit Change Type" for one item |
546 | No contracts found for the selection criteria |
547 | &1 contracts (of Contract Management Classic) selected for processing |
548 | &1 contracts (of Contract Management) have been selected for processing |
552 | The unbilled receivable account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed. |
553 | The deferred revenue account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed. |
554 | The liability account &1 of performance obligation &2 won't be changed. |
555 | The asset account &1 of performance obligation &2 won't be changed. |
556 | The unbilled receivable account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 won't be changed. |
557 | The deferred revenue account &1 of perf. obligation &2 won't be changed. |
558 | The liability account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed. |
559 | The asset account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed. |
560 | The receivable adjustment account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed |
570 | BAdI FARR_BADI_CALC_LIAB_ASSET is not implemented |
571 | Calculate liability asset for contract &1 failed. |
590 | Revenue can't be fully suspended for &1 &2 |
591 | Review reason &1 is not allowed for mass suspend |
592 | Contract in process: &1 |
595 | Contract &1 has no exchange rate in contract header but invoice has |
597 | Performance obligation &1 validate result is error |
598 | Contract &1 validate result is error |
599 | Invoice condition type &1 has no entry in deferral item table |
600 | ===========Reserved for status management================================ |
601 | Perf. oblig. &1 pending review cannot be directly marked as completed |
602 | Marking perf. oblig. &1 as completed not possible; not fully fulfilled |
603 | Perf. oblig. &1 and &2 have different statuses of Suspend Revenue Posting |
604 | Perf. oblig. completed cannot be directly marked as pending review |
605 | POB &1 cannot be marked as completed until fully fulfilled |
606 | Started cleaning up initial load contract related data for &1 with &2 |
607 | Performing authorization check |
608 | Authorization check complete |
609 | Checking company code/migration package and accounting principle data |
610 | Checking company code/migration package and accounting principle data end |
611 | Started retrieving data |
612 | Retrieving data complete |
613 | Started deleting data from database |
614 | Deleting data from database complete |
615 | Initial load cleanup for contract related data was successful |
616 | Error while cleaning up initial load data |
617 | Initial load cleanup terminated with errors; no changes are committed |
618 | Not all 'Productive' posting under &1 with &2 had been reversed |
619 | Error while locking contract &1 |
620 | Error while deleting contract from database |
621 | Error while deleting contract events from database |
622 | Error while deleting contract &1 from error database |
623 | Error while deleting performance obligation history for contract &1 |
624 | Error while deleting change history of contract &1 |
625 | Error while deleting notes for contract |
626 | Error while deleting attachments for contract |
627 | Error while deleting performance obligation history for contract &1 |
628 | Error while deleting notes for performance obligations |
629 | Error while deleting attachments for performance obligations |
630 | Error while deleting performance obligation data from database |
631 | Error while deleting deferrals from database |
632 | Error while deleting deferral items from database |
633 | Error while deleting fulfillment items from database |
634 | Error while deleting invoices from database |
635 | Error while deleting performance obligation manual changes |
636 | Error while deleting posting data for performance obligations |
637 | Started cleaning up performance obligation data |
638 | Cleaning up performance obligation data complete |
639 | Started cleaning up contract data |
640 | Cleaning up contract data complete |
641 | Error while deleting contract liability entries |
642 | Company code &1 under accounting principle &2 is not in Migration status |
643 | Error while deleting recon keys for co. code &1, accounting principle &2 |
644 | Company code or accounting principle can't be empty |
645 | &1 rows have been deleted from performance obligations table |
646 | &1 rows have been deleted from deferral items table |
647 | &1 rows have been deleted from fulfillments table |
648 | &1 rows have been deleted from invoices table |
649 | &1 rows have been deleted from posting table |
650 | &1 rows have been deleted from deferrals table |
651 | &1 rows have been deleted from manual changes table |
652 | Data has been deleted from performance obligation notes table |
653 | Data has been deleted from performance obligation attachments table |
654 | Data has been deleted from contract notes table |
655 | Data has been deleted from contract attachments table |
656 | Change history of contracts have been deleted |
657 | &1 rows have been deleted from reconciliation keys table |
658 | &1 rows have been deleted from contracts table |
659 | &1 rows have been deleted from contract events table |
660 | &1 rows have been deleted from contract errors table |
661 | &1 rows have been deleted from performance obligation history table |
662 | Contract &1 could not be cleaned up as its postings are not reversed |
663 | &1 contracts found |
664 | &1 performance obligations found |
665 | Migration package &1 (CoCode &2, AccP &3) is not in Migration status |
666 | Contract &1 with multiple package &2 cannot be deleted |
667 | Perf. oblig. &1 is set to Completed even though you specified otherwise |
668 | Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed; contract has pending conflicts |
669 | POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; invoiced amount incompatible. |
670 | POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; has suspended revenue posting. |
671 | POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; it has pending conflicts. |
672 | POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; it has errors. |
673 | POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; has ongoing fulfillments &2. |
674 | POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; it has ongoing price changes. |
675 | POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; does not have posted entries. |
676 | Contract &1 cannot transition directly from pending review to completed |
677 | Contract &1 cannot transition directly from completed to pending review |
678 | Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed; POB &2 is not completed. |
679 | Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed; contract has errors. |
680 | Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed since having not posted entries |
681 | Contract &1 has balance &2 in transaction currency for post category &3 |
682 | Contract &1 has balance &2 in local currency for post category &3 |
683 | Contract &1 has balance &2 in 2nd local currency for post category &3 |
684 | Contract &1 has balance &2 in 3rd local currency for post category &3 |
685 | Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed since having undue invoice |
686 | Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed since invoice <> revenue |
687 | Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed since allocation revenue <> 0 |
688 | POB &1 is completed and not allowed to process fulfillment |
689 | POB &1 is completed and not allowed to process invoice |
690 | Contract &1 cannot set as pending review since no POB is pending review |
691 | Contract &1 cannot set as in process since still has POB pending review |
692 | POB &1 is set to In Process according to fully fulfill flag removed |
693 | Contract &1 is set to In Process since not all POB completed |
694 | Other performance obligations are reversed to In Process |
695 | No difference found for revenue accounting items already processed |
696 | &3 rev. acct. items for co. code &1 and acct. principle &2 not processed |
697 | Reconcltn. for co.cd &1 and acct.principle &2 covers time period &3 to &4 |
698 | Reconcltn. for co.cd &1 and acct.principle &2 covers time period up to &3 |
699 | &1 rev. acct. items for performance obligation &2 not processed |
700 | =========== Reconciliation between logistics and RA ==================== |
701 | One of the co. codes under acct. principle &1 is not enabled for Rev.Acct |
702 | Start date (&3) is later than last successful reconcltn. (&4), co.code &1 |
703 | Differences found for co. code &1 acct. principle &2, from &3 to &4 |
704 | No differences found for co. code &1 acct. principle &2, from &3 to &4 |
705 | Not authorized to run the report for company code &1 acct. principle &2 |
706 | User &1 is running this report for company code &2 |
707 | Failed to initialize message handler |
708 | Failed to initialize RAI service |
709 | Enter a start date |
710 | You cannot schedule the job for a time in the past |
711 | Latest execution time must not be earlier than planned start time |
712 | Latest execution time must not be 1 year later than planned start time |
713 | No Revenue Accounting Items match the selection criteria |
714 | Acct. determ. error while processing invoice; cond. type &1, perf. ob. &2 |
715 | Receivable Adjustment acct. cannot be derived for contract &1 |
716 | No diff. found for rev. acct itm processed for co. cd &1 acct prncpl &2 |
717 | No application log exists |
718 | Receivable Account cannot be empty for contract &1 |
719 | Job run in simulation mode; changes are not saved |
720 | &1 contracts have been found |
721 | &1 performance obligations have been found |
722 | &1 contracts have been assigned a completion date |
723 | &1 performance obligations have been marked as completed |
724 | Current operation on perf. obligations of contract &1 cannot continue. |
725 | POB &1 and &2 cannot have different co object NO. or integr. typ. |
726 | The perf. oblig. &1 is still in conflict status due to other conflict. |
727 | Perf. oblig. &1 cannot have integr. typ. because it has no co object NO. |
728 | Perf. oblig. &1 with co object NO must have a integration type. |
729 | Perf. oblig. &1 and &2 cannot have different simplified invoice flags. |
730 | POB &1 cannot have simplified invoice as its high level POB &2 have ROR. |
731 | POB &1 cannot have simplified invoice flag as it is a linked POB. |
732 | POB &1 cannot have simplified invoice flag as it has right of return. |
733 | Event type of perf. oblig. &1 cannot be CI as it has simpl. invoice flag. |
734 | POB &1 cannot have invoice RAIs as it has simplified invoice flag. |
735 | POB &1 cannot have credit memo RAIs as it has simplified invoice flag |
736 | POB &1 cannot have debit memo RAIs as it has simplified invoice flag |
737 | Performance obligation &1 cannot be marked as contract acquisition cost. |
738 | Failed to get account assignments for perf. oblig. &1 of contract &2. |
739 | Per. Obli. &1 fulfillment qty. &2 is greater than the effective qty. &3 |
740 | -------------Begin of Used for Transition---------------------- |
741 | Company code &1 is not ready for transition. |
742 | No company code is ready for calculating cumulative catch-up effect. |
743 | Exception &1 has been triggered in function module &2 |
744 | Job &1 started at &2 |
745 | Job completed at &1 |
746 | User &1 is processing contracts in KeyPP &2 of company code &3. |
747 | KeyPP &1 of company code &2 has been processed. |
748 | The new condition type &1 for perf. oblig. &2 does not exist in RevAcc. |
749 | POB &1 (condition &4) does not have currency key for local currency &2 &3 |
750 | The amount of POB &1 (condition &4) in local currency &2 &3 cannot be 0. |
751 | Currency key of contract &1 is different from what is configured in IMG. |
752 | No new main cond type when deleting old main cond type &1 on POB &2. |
753 | Invoice quantity is zero in invoice item &1 for quantity based POB &2 |
754 | POB &1 has SSP &2. This value must not be negative. |
755 | |
756 | |
757 | The statistic flag on cond type &1 for perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed. |
758 | &1 rows have been deleted from invoice with exchange difference table. |
759 | &1 rows have been deleted from change type table. |
760 | -------------End of Used for Transition---------------------- |
761 | Virtual compound POB of POB &1 cannot have CI event type. |
762 | Contract &1 Pob &2 has inconsistent inv amt: &3 and inv_delta_amt: &4. |
763 | High/low level BOM POB &1 cannot have event type CI & value relevant TRUE |
764 | Compound POB &1 cannot have event type CI and value relevant TRUE |
765 | Non-distinct POB &1 cannot have event type CI and value relevant TRUE |
766 | |
767 | Linked POB &1 has been soft-deleted. The leading POB was &2. |
768 | Contract &1 has no exchange rate,set "Use Transfer Date's Rate" as TRUE |
769 | Error while obtaining account of Early Terminatn EoC for POB &1 |
770 | Error occured while reading POB &1 |
771 | No receivable account or customer ID found in POBs of contract &1 |
772 | The system cannot find contract &1. |
773 | The trans. amount (trans. currency &2) of POB &1 (condi. &3) cannot be 0. |
774 | Local currency &1 &2 of perf. oblig. &3 (condition &4) is inconsistent. |
775 | First Ex. Rate Difference &1 must be zero for Cond. &2 of POB &3 |
776 | Local curr. &1 and &2 must have same amount for Cond. &3 of POB &4 |
777 | Checking Company Code and Accounting Principle data. |
778 | Checking Company Code and Accounting Principle data end. |
779 | Productive Cleanup for contract related data was successful. |
780 | Error while cleaning up productive data. |
781 | No authorization to change status of contracts |
782 | &1 performance obligation entries have been flagged as "cost recognition" |
783 | Error while updating performance obligation entries to database |
784 | No Contract(s) specified - Deletion not possible! |
785 | Initial contract ID found: No deletion possible! |
786 | Initial POB ID found: No deletion possible! |
787 | Compound POB &1 cannot be a time-based POB. |
788 | Non-distinct POB &1 cannot be a time-based POB with SDT3. |
789 | POB &1 cannot be a time-based POB. |
790 | Not allow to change the manual spreading as POB &1 is impair of asset. |
791 | Error while retrieving messages |
792 | Save &1 contracts failed. |
793 | &1 of &2 contracts have been processed. |
794 | CO object numbers in use. Include Header ID &1, contract &2 at cleanup. |
795 | Currency of SSP for perf. ob. &1 is empty |
796 | Currency of contract &1 can't be changed as it already has posting entry |
797 | Currency of SSP for perf. ob. &1 is different with other condition type |
798 | Price conditions and SSP in contract &1 can only have one currency |
799 | Currency of condition type &1 for perf. ob. &2 is empty |
800 | Pf.ob. &1 cannot have linked pf.ob.; it is distinct and has lower levels |
801 | Contract &1 saved with errors |
802 | Certain standalone selling prices are 0 unexpectedly (including &1) |
803 | All relevant perf. oblig. are excluded from allocation (including &1) |
804 | Fulfil. type of perf. ob. &1 is not updated; fulfillments events occurred |
805 | Event type of perf. ob. &1 is not updated; fulfillments events occurred |
806 | Status of perf. oblig. &1 differs from status of compound perf. oblig. &2 |
807 | OpsDoc &1 no longer associated with contr &2; all items in OpsDoc removed |
808 | Modifying contract &1 is not possible; it has been archived |
809 | Reprocessing contract is complete |
810 | Time-based perf. oblig. &1 must not have rights of return |
811 | Unit-distinct cannot be marked for compound and non-distinct perf. ob. &1 |
812 | Unit-distinct cannot be marked for for Perc-of-completion perf. oblig. &1 |
813 | The RoR start date of perf. obl. &1 not updated; posting already occurred |
814 | Field unit-distinct should be Distinct or Non-distinct for perf. ob. &1 |
815 | Compound perf. ob. &1 should be 'Not Unit Distinct' |
816 | Non-distinct perf. ob. &1 should be 'Not Unit Distinct' |
817 | PoC perf. ob. &1 should be 'Not Unit Distinct' |
818 | POB &1 cannot have RoR; all non-distinct POBs are time-based |
819 | The Accounting Principle &1 of contract is invalid |
820 | Accounting principles are not identical |
821 | POB &1 (not value relevant) cannot be manually completed. |
822 | The fulfillment type of perf. oblig. &1 cannot be changed to time-based. |
823 | The deferred cost account &1 of con. typ &3 on perf. obl. &2 won't be chg |
824 | The system fails to calculte time-based revenue for contract &1 |
825 | Perf. oblig. &1 was validated as error as it was manual spreading changed |
826 | Perf. oblig. &1 and &2 should both be unit distinct or not unit distinct |
827 | The receivable adjustment account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed |
828 | Field &1 of perf. oblig. &2 which has been posted cannot be changed. |
829 | You cannot perform manual price allocation on the contract. |
830 | The refund liability account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed. |
831 | The refund asset account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed. |
832 | The liability account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed. |
833 | The asset account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed. |
834 | The liability account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 won't be changed. |
835 | The asset account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 won't be changed. |
837 | The event type &1 of POB &2 cannot be changed to &3. |
838 | Remaining standalone selling price�of POB�&1�cannot be determined |
839 | The contract &1 cannot be updated due to inconsistent data. |
840 | Souce contract &1 cannot find deferral item buffer in target contract &2 |
841 | BAdI &1 is not implemented for deferral method &2 |
842 | Field &1 in fulfillment entry of perf. oblig. &2 has an invalid value &3 |
843 | Please check data returned from BAdI call &1; deferral method &2 |
844 | The fulfillment type &1 of POB &2 cannot be changed to &3. |
845 | POBs cannot be deleted in BAdI FARR_BADI_DERIVE_VALUES. |
846 | POBs cannot be created in BAdI FARR_BADI_DERIVE_VALUES. |
847 | POB &1 is skipped when transfer schedule fulfill as allocated amount is 0 |
848 | Reprocessing contract &1 is complete. |
849 | Please specify contract IDs. |
850 | Importing parameter for new allocation is initial! |
851 | Contract &1 cannot be found |
852 | No alive performance obligation can be found for contract &1 |
853 | The new allocated amount should not be negative for POB &1 |
854 | Duplicate POB &1 in the importing parameters |
855 | Soft-deleted POB &1 should not have new allocated amount |
856 | Performance obligation &1 is not belonged to contract &2 |
857 | Performance obligation &1 of contract &2 don't have allocated amount |
858 | The total allocated amount &1 is not equal to contract price &2. |
859 | The new allocation is same with current allocation for contract &1 |
860 | Cost conditions in contract &1 can only have one currency. |
861 | Migration date must be later than start date of time-based perf. Obl. &1 |
862 | You cannot set change type of perf. oblig. &3 to Contract Modification |
863 | Fulfilled quantity of perf. obl. &1 must be 0 if its migrated rev. is 0 |
864 | Time-based performance obligation &1 cannot have open revenue |
865 | Perf. oblig. &1 that has been 100% fulfilled cannot have open revenue |
866 | Perf. oblig. &1's invoice amount must not exceed its contractual price. |
867 | Perf. oblig. &1's invoice amount must be equal to its contractual price. |
868 | Perf. oblig. &1's invoice quantity must not exceed its total quantity. |
869 | Perf. oblig. &1's invoice quantity must be equal to its total quantity. |
870 | You cannot set change type of contr. &1 to Contract Modification |
871 | Accounting principle &1 is locked by user &2 |
872 | -------------Begin of Used for POB Cancellation---------------------- |
873 | No Performance obligation meets the selection criteria. |
874 | Revenue acct transactions are impossible for the system is in migration. |
875 | Performance obligation &1 cancellation has been processed successfully. |
876 | Performance obligation &1 cancellation was processed failed. |
877 | Contract &1 is in Error status; the cancellation has failed. |
878 | -------------End of Used for POB Cancellation---------------------- |
879 | -------------Begin of acct. determination, cont. --------------------- |
880 | Recognized Revenue acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1 |
881 | Receivable Adj. acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1 |
882 | Deferred Cost acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1 |
883 | Recognized Cost acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1 |
884 | Revenue Adjustment acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1 |
885 | Right of Return acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1 |
886 | POB &1 cannot have time-based fulfillment with start date type 1 or 2. |
887 | Cost correction posted but no goods issue found for per. ob. &1 |
888 | You cannot update or add condition type &1. |
889 | Performance obligation &1 cannot be found. Contact the system admin. |
890 | Contract &1 skipped because no. of POBs is higher than block size. |
891 | Contract &1 was not reprocessed due to an error at contract &2. |
892 | Performance obligation &1 cannot have multiple cost condition types. |
893 | Contract &1 cannot be instanced |
894 | Contract &1 not found for deletion |
895 | Sum of REV_AMT_DELTA does not equal with allocated amt of POB &1. |
896 | Sum of fulfillment qty does not equal with effective qty of POB &1. |
897 | Started cleaning up contract related productive data for &1 with &2. |
898 | Can't delete POB &1; Compound POB &2 must have more than 1 low level POB |
899 | Deferral items with reconcilation key closed can't be deleted. |