FARR_CONTRACT_MAIN - Revenue Accounting: Contract Management

The following messages are stored in message class FARR_CONTRACT_MAIN: Revenue Accounting: Contract Management.
It is part of development package FARR_CONTRACT_MAIN in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue Accounting: Contract Management Business Logic".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Required field '&1' of performance obligation &2 is empty.
001Total standalone selling price of POBs is less than or equal to zero
002Multiple performance obligations in contract &1 are marked as residual
003Logistics adapter ID of contract &1 is empty
004Logistics adapter &1 of contract &2 not found
005Changes not applied; resolve conflicts in the conflicts worklist
006Either a duration or an end date must be specified for perf. oblig. &1
007Contract &1 and its performance obligations are marked as deleted
008Number range number &1 of contract category &2 does not exist
009Error while obtaining performance obligation ID from number range 01
010Standalone selling price of performance obligation &1 less than zero
011Duplicate performance obligation ID &1 found
012Performance obligation &1 has duplicate deferral &2
013Performance obligation &1 has duplicate condition type &2
014Leading POB &1 of POB &2 not found
015Higher-level perf. obligation &1 of perf. obligation &2 not found
016Performance obligation &1 for condition type &2 not found
017Performance obligation &1 for deferral &2 not found
018The contract cannot be created due to inconsistent data.
019Performance obligation &1 cannot have costing condition type &2
020Required field '&1' of contract &2 is empty
021Contract &1 created
022Contracts combined into contract &1
023Error while obtaining per. end date (start dat &1, dur. &2, dur. unit &3)
024Linked perf. oblig. &1 does not have a leading perf. oblig. specified
025Error while combining contracts
026Linked perf. oblig. &1 must not have rights of return
027Updating fields '&1' of performance obligation &2 is not permitted
028The leading perf. oblig. &1 of perf. oblig. &2 is not a leading one
029End date and dur. of RightOfReturn cannot be both specified (POB &1)
030RoR end date must be later than start date, current date (POB &1)
031Contract &1 updated
032Company code &1 specified for performance obligation &2 does not exist
033Perf. oblig. &1 points to itself as higher-level or leading perf. oblig.
034Deletion not permitted; relevant events already occurred for POB &1
035Error while updating contract &1; see log for details
036Deletion is not permitted; all perf. oblig. in the BOM must be deleted
037Contract ID is empty
038Neither duration nor end date specified for RgtOfRtrn. of perf.oblig. &1
039Neither duration nor start date specified for RtOfRtrn. of perf.oblig. &1
040Start date of right of return not specified for performance obligation &1
041Contract &1 is locked by user &2 (&3)
042Error while locking contract &1
043Field &1 must not be specified for non-time-based perf. oblig. &2
044Creation of linked POB is not possible; POB &1 is not a leading POB
045POB &1 is not marked as linked; it cannot have a leading POB
046Deletion is not permitted; contract &1 contains performance obligations
047Contract &1 not saved
048Standalone selling price of performance obligation &1 not specified
049Residual performance obligation &1 has a standalone selling price
050POB &1 is a linked one; cannot be leading POB of POB &2
051Duplicate perf. oblig. names &1 point to the same leading perf. oblig. &2
052Field &1 cannot be changed on right-of-return for perf. oblig. &2
053Linked performance obligation &1 cannot be marked as Exclude from Alloc.
054Certain pricing conditions are incorrectly assigned on perf. oblig. &1
055POB &1 and its leading POB &2 have different higher-level POBs
056Temp. ID &1 of the new POB does not start with prefix &2
057Perf. oblig. &1 is marked as both Residual and Exclude from Allocation
058Start date of time-based performance obligation &1 is empty
059POB &1 is leading and also has a leading POB. This is not allowed.
060Time-based POB &1 cannot have linked POBs.
061Compound POB &1 has a compound/non-distinct POB as its higher-level POB
062Distinct POB &1 has a compound/non-distinct POB as its higher-level POB
063Non-distinct POB &1 does not have a compound POB as its higher-level POB
064Compound POB &1 does not have a non-distinct, lower-level POB
065Contract &1 saved
066Multiple perf. oblig. are marked as residual in the same group (incl. &1)
067Field &1 of performance obligation &2 has an invalid value &3
068Condition type &1 of performance obligation &2 has invalid category &3
069Non-distinct POB &1 cannot have linked POBs
070Field &1 of deferral &2 in performance obligation &3 is empty
071Changing POB &1 from non-distinct to compound is not permitted
072Marking performance obligation &1 as non-distinct is not permitted
073Marking performance obligation &1 as non-distinct is not permitted
074Marking performance obligation &1 as compound is not permitted
075Marking performance obligation &1 as compound is not permitted
076Marking performance obligation &1 as compound is not permitted
077Marking performance obligation &1 as non-distinct is not permitted
078Changing perf. oblig. &1 from compound to non-distinct is not permitted
079No changes made since contract &1 was last saved
080POB &1 cannot be changed; POB ID is missing
081POB &1 cannot be changed; POB does not exist
082Contract &1 saved with new price allocation
083Perf. oblig. &1 has these incorrect acct. assignments or G/L accounts:
084Updating field '&1' of contract &2 is not permitted
085Changing perf. oblig. &1 from compound to distinct is not permitted
086Contract &1 deleted
087Changing POB &1 from non-distinct to distinct is not permitted
088Not authorized to delete initial load data (co.code &1, acct.princpl. &2)
089Performance obligation &2 cannot include reserved condition type &1
090Contract &1 refreshed
091Contract &1 does not exist
092End date and duration cannot both be specified on perf. oblig. &1
093Contract &1 has multiple customer IDs
094This operation causes target contract to contain multiple customer IDs
095Field &1 of right-of-return deferral for perf. oblig. &2 is empty
096Contracts &1 and &2 have different customer groups
097Accounting principle of contract &1 is empty
098You are not authorized to create new revenue accounting contracts
099Contracts &1 and &2 have different accounting principles
100Customer &1 of perf. oblig. &2 does not exist
101Customer &1 of perf. oblig. &2 is not created in company code &3
102Contracts &1 and &2 have different transaction price currencies
103Contract category of contract &1 is empty
104Error while obtaining contract ID from number range &1
105No reference account found for performance obligation &1
106BRF+ exception while determining accounts; details: &1
107Not authorized to change contract &1 (company code &2, sales org. &3)
108Not authorized to display contract &1 (company code &2, sales org. &3)
109Moving perf. oblig. &1 (contr. &2) impossible; postings already occurred
110Moving perf. oblig. &1 (contr. &2) impossible; already invoiced
111SSP tolerance is specified both in amount and in percentage for POB &1
112Compound POB &1 has only one non-distinct, lower-level POB
113Performance obligatations &1 and &2 belong to different BOMs
114Contract &1 has multiple company codes
115This operation causes target contract to contain multiple company codes
116Perf. oblig. &1 must have exactly one pricing condition marked as Main
117Perf. oblig. &1 must have exactly one costing condition marked as Main
118Leading POB &1 (for linked POB &2) has no main price cond.
119SSP tolerance for performance obligation &1 is not a valid percentage
120SSP tolerance for performance obligation &1 cannot be negative
121Cannot edit spreading for periods where postings occurred (POB &1)
122Only one currency is allowed
123Perf. oblig. fulfilled by PoC can only have an event type of Manual
124Non-distinct performance obligation &1 cannot be time-based
125Event type must be manual for linked, non-time based POB &1
126Start date type is required for time-based performance obligation &1
127Event type cannot be specified on performance obligation &1
128Event type is required for performance obligation &1
129Event type of POB &1 must be the same as its leading POB
130Start date of performance obligation &1 must not be specified
131End date of perf. oblig. &1 must not be earlier than its start date.
132Start date type of POB &1 cannot be changed from &2 to &3.
133Recognized Revenue acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2
134Receivable Adj. acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2
135Deferred Cost acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2
136Recognized Cost acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2
137Revenue Adjustment acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2
138RevAdj. for Linked POB cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2
139Right of Return acct. cannot derive from ref. acct. &1 for POB &2
140Recon. account not defined for customer &1 of company code &2
141Source account missing on condition type &1 for performance obligation &2
142Cannot exclude perf. oblig. &1 from allocation; it is manually created
143Not authorized to change status of POB &1 (co.code &2, sales org &3)
144Cannot find ref. acct.; no cond. is provided for perf. oblig. &1
145Reprocessing account determination is complete for contract &1
146Performance obligation &1 does not exist
147Performance obligation &1 is not time-based as expected
148Time-based performance obligation &1 contains incorrect spreading data
149Error while reprocessing account determination; contract &1 not updated
150======== Message 150 - 199 to be used by Fulfillment Management =========
151Cannot generate fulfillments; company code is empty
152Empty input event data
153Cannot generate fulfillments; duration is empty
154Fulfillment events processed
155GUID generation error while creating fulfillments
156Wrong fulfillment quantity of POB &1 from BAdI call &2,deferral method &3
157Derived account &1 for performance obligation &2 does not allow posting
158Changing duration for performance obligation &1 is not permitted
159No valid performance obligation found for the input event data
160No deferral item found for the input event data
161Changing duration impossible; perf. oblig. &1 is already fully fulfilled
162Error generating fulflmt. for changes made to fulfil. time of perf.ob. &1
163Required field &1 of event &2 is empty
164Events cannot occur on compound performance obligation &1
165Error while saving manual changes to revenue spreading
166Changes to revenue spreading have been applied
167Target account missing on condition type &1 for performance obligation &2
168Contract &1 contains no manually changed performance obligations
169Event type is not specified for performance obligation &1
170No decimal number is to be converted
171Fulfillment event passed in does not match event type on perf. oblig. &1
172Error when process contract &1; Please reprocess this contract.
173Cost correction has been performed for performance obligation &1
174No change after reprocesssing account determination for contract &1
175Account reprocessing for contract &1 completed with errors
176Rcvbl. adjust. account &1 cannot be changed; postings already occurred
177Perf. oblig. &1 has invalid value for deferral category
178Changing quantity unit to percentage (%) for perf. oblig. &1 impossible
179Qty unit of performance obligation &1 cannot be changed to non-percentage
180No fulfillment is generated according to duration of perf. oblig. &1
181Deletion is not permitted; Invoice is not cleared for perf. oblig. &1
182Perf. oblig. &1 of contract &2 is suspended after the rev is transferred.
183Non distinct POBs under the compound POB &1 have different CO Object No.
184Attributes of the selected contracts have been updated.
185Contract &1 still has conflict on price allocation or Revenue Schedule.
186Perf. Oblig. &1 with event type &2 cannot have costing Cond. type &3
187Cond. type &1 for acquisition cost on Perf. Oblig. &2 cannot set as main
188POB &1 cannot has non-acquisition cost Cond. type &2
189Perf. Oblig. &1 should be time based since event type is CC
190Perf. Oblig. &1 for acquisition cost should prevent allocation
191Perf. Oblig. &1 for acquisition cost should not have normal price/cost
192It's not possible to create manual performance obligations
193Performance obligation &1 must not have a linked performance obligation
194Not all revenues can be suspended.
195Events cannot occur on performance obligation &1
196&1 rows have been deleted from mapping table of manual POB
197***************** M A S S T R A N S F E R **********************
198Mass activity was started in simulation mode
199User &1 is running comparative report for &2, &3
200======== Message 200 - 249 to be used by Allocation/Simulation ==========
201Original Amount
202Error occurs when deleting data from &1.
203Data deleted from table &1.
204Amount from Higher-Level Performance Obligation
205Performance Obligation Standalone Selling Price * Quantity
206Sum (Standalone Selling Price * Quantity)
207Performance Obligation Transaction Price
208Sum (Transaction Price)
209Source contract &1 has been processed in Transfer Revenue in open periods
210Allocable Transaction Price of Contract
211Transaction Price from Higher-Level Performance Obligation
212Sum (Standalone Selling Price * Quantity of Non-Residual POB)
213Quantity of Residual Performance Obligation
214Zero assumed when &1 > &2
215Sum (Original Transaction Price of Non-Residual POB)
216Non-Allocable Transaction Price
217Original Transaction Price
218Transaction Price After Allocation
219Manual created perf. oblig. &1 cannot be marked as acquisition cost.
220Linked perf. oblig. &1 cannot be marked as acquisition cost.
221The contractual price of POB &1 with 'Negative value' must be negative.
222Contract &1 does not need to be reprocessed in account determination.
223SSP of POB &1 is &2. This value must not be negative
224Alloc. BAdI distribute: total amt &1 <> &2 of Cnty &3 of POB &4
225Alloc. BAdI inserted new condition type &1 amt &2 for POB &3
226Alloc. BAdI: sum of allocation difference &1 <> old sum &2 (contract &3)
227Alloc. BAdI: mid-tier POB &1 has Cnty &2 with amount &3
228Alloc. BAdI returned duplicate entries for Cnty &1 of POB &2
229Alloc. BAdI error: contract &1, see detail in log
230Alloc. BAdI: Incorrect contr. &1 of CnTy &2 (POB &3, contr. &4)
231Alloc. BAdI: POB &1 of CnTy &2 does not exist in contract &3
232Alloc. BAdI: Incorrect curr. &1 of CnTy &2 of POB &3 (correct &4)
233Alloc. BAdI: Field STATISTIC of CnTy &1 must be empty (POB &2)
234Alloc. BAdI: Field CATEGORY of CnTy &1 must be &2 (POB &3)
235Alloc. BAdI: Field MAIN_COND_TYPE must be empty (CnTy &1, POB &2)
236Alloc. BAdI: sign of CnTy &1 inverted when distributed from &2 to &3
237Alloc. BAdI: Alloc. amt of POB (not excl. from alloc) has differ. sign
238Alloc. BAdI changed &1 of condition type &2 of POB &3
239Alloc. BAdI removed condition type &1 from POB &2
240Alloc. BAdI changed &1 of CnTy &2 (distribute from POB &3 to &4)
241The contractual price of POB &1 without 'Negative value' must be positive
242Perf. oblig. &1 must not have the right of return.
243Linked POB &1 cannot be defined as start date type 3
244Field &1 of revenue contract &2 has an invalid value &3
245Please select max. 1000 performance obligations per block.
246Alloc. BAdI: Total SSP amount of non-residual POBs cannot be zero.
247Alloc. BAdI: Incorrect curr. &1 of POB &2 (correct &3)
248Alloc. BAdI: POB &1 (&2) not found in the allocation candidates.
249Alloc. BAdI: sum of allocation price &1 <> old sum &2 (contract &3)
250For POB &1, update modes of start date and start date type are different.
251========contract manual fulfillment messages=========
252Error while saving changes to manual fulfillment
253The attributes can't be supported for POB &1 that is fulfilled by POD
254Number of Revenue Accounting Contracts must be a positive value.
255Get latest account failed on POB &1 condition type &2
256The signs of posting amnt are diff. on Post cat &1 POB &2 cond. type &3
257Contract &1 fulfilled
258Cost Recognition must not be enabled for linked POB &1
259Changing the POB name of linked POB &1 is not supported
260Contract &1 has already been fulfilled
261Not authorized to change status/review reason.
262Not authorized to change review reason.
263SSP percentage of POB &1 is &2 but cannot be negative or exceed 100
264Start date type of perf. obli. &1 for contr. acquisi. cost can't be the 3
265Fulfillment type of POB &1 for acquisi. cost cannot be event-based.
266POB &1 marked as contr. acquisit. cost but fulfillment type is PoC.
267Perf. oblig. &1 must not have the right of return.
268Creating linked POB is impossible; POB &1 marked as contr. acquisit. cost
269POB &1 cannot have condition type &2; &2 is not for acquisition cost.
270Perf. oblig. &1 for acquisition cost should not have statistic condition.
271Condition type &1 for acquisition cost on POB &2 cannot be set as price.
272Contract &1 contains inconsistent change type data.
273POB &1 marked as contr. acquisit. cost cannot be updated to standard POB.
274Standard POB &1 cannot be updated to POB marked as contr. acquisit. cost.
275Cost recognition flag for performance obligation &1 must be set.
276Standard POB &1 cannot only contain condi. type of contr. acquisit. cost.
277Change type already saved in database can not be deleted.
278For POB &1,�actual qty &2 is unequal to qty &3 in the event;event date &4
279Change type of POB &1 fiscal year &2 period &3 already exists
280The fulfillment percentage &1 of POB &2 is inconsistent with &3
281Current posting category &1 is not supported for contract combination
282Effective date of manually changed contract &1 is required
283POB &1 must have a positive quantity
284Mandatory field "&1" for perf. oblig. &2 must be filled
285Deriving internal WBS element failed from external WBS element &1
286Cannot manually specify Start Date Type 3 for performance obligations
293Quantity unit &1 is not defined in the system
299Time-base POB &1 cannot be defined as start date type 3 and event type CI
300========message 300-329 is reserved for FX2 management=========
301Deleting base contract &1 is not permitted
302Transfer future revenue of period &1 is not allowed.
303Contract &1 data is missing in build up liability balance
304Failed to get local amnts with act. rate when transferring rev. of POB &1
305The Invoice Agent instance is initial.
306The Balance instance is initial.
307Failed to get Ex. Rate with act. rate when transferring rev. of POB &1
308Inv. Distri. Error on Contract &1: Input &2 <> Output &3 on currency &4
309Inv. Distri. Error on Contract &1: POB &2 cannot have invoice distributed
310Inv. Distri. Error on Contract &1: POB &2 is missing
311Distributed invoice of contract &1 doesn't equal to total invoice amount
312Inv. Distri. Error on Contract &1: Amt. &2 <> &3 on currency &4
313Condition type for exchange rate difference for cost is not defined
314Error obtaining account of ExRateDifCost for contract &1, ref. account &2
330POB &1 manual spd. amt &2 & org amt &3 inserted into manual change table
331Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support.
332Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support.
333Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support.
334Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support.
335Database inconsistency on POB &1; contact technical support.
336Performance obligation is pending but contract &1 is not pending.
337No performance obligation is pending but contract &1 is pending.
338POB &1 is spreading conflict but spreading amount = allocated amount.
339POB &1 is spreading conflict but allocated amount = 0.
340POB &1 is spreading conflict but fully fulfilled.
341The correction condition type value is initial.
342Change &1 spreading is impossible; the total revenue schedule amount is 0
343Transaction currency in invoice &1 is different with it in contract &2
344Error while getting reconciliation key for contract &1
345Company code &1 excludes second local currency &2 calculation.
346Company code &1 excludes third local currency &2 calculation.
347There are multiple periods when processing invoice on contract &1
348Contract &1 processes invoice RAI at period &2 by invoice agent
349Contract &1 processes invoice RAI at period &2 by contract mgmt.
350========message 350-400 is reserved for customer invoice=========
351Quantity is missing in invoice for performance obligation &1
352Condition type is missing in invoice for performance obligation &1
353Cond. category is missing for customer invoice on POB &1 cond. type &2
354Source account on cond. type &2 is missing in invoice for perf. oblig. &1
355Target account on cond. type &2 is missing in invoice for perf. oblig. &1
356The invoiced quantity is larger than the quantity on perf. oblig. &1
357Cond. type &1 on the invoice points to an incorrect perf. oblig. &2
358Cond. &2 for perf. oblig. &1 on the invoice is not a pricing cond.
359Transaction price is empty for performance obligation &1
360GUID generation error while creating invoices
361Invoice entry is empty for performance obligation &1
362GUID generation error while handling posting entry
363Error while obtaining account of unbilled receivable for contract &1
364Error while obtaining account of deferred revenue for contract &1
365Posting date missing on invoice for performance obligation &1
366No performance obligation data provided on invoice
367Error while obtaining account of contract liability for contract &1
368Error while obtaining account of contract asset for contract &1
369Error obtaining accounts of ExRateDif for cont. &1, recvble adj. acct. &2
370Error while obtaining account of receivable adjustment for contract &1
371Error while processing invoice
372Error retrieving date for fixed exchange rate with contract &1
373Error retrieving fixed exchange rate with contract &1
374Exchange rate of source item &1 is empty
375There is no any calculation method defined for Acct.Principle &1
376Performance obligation &1 has been soft deleted
377Account has been updated from &1 to &2 for posting category &3
378Empty reconciliation key returned for contract &1
379Initial load flag is inconsistent with recon key &1 status
380Currency code is missing on invoice of performance obligation &1
381Error in BADI result because perf. oblig. &2 doesn't exist in contract &1
382Error in BADI result when calculating liability and asset with contr. &1
383Acct. principle-specific settings not defined for CoCd &1 AcctPr. &2
384Failed to process contract ID &1
385Succeed to migrate exchange rate difference.
386There are exchange rate difference need to be reversed.
387There are exchange rate difference need to be reposted.
388There is no data which needs to be handled.
389Only one acct. principle can be supported while clearing contr. liability
390First local amount should be provided for perf.ob.&1 condition type &2
391There are &1 contracts to be upgraded,&2 Please execute upgrade.
392The signs of transact. amnt &2 and local amnt &3 are different on POB &1�
393The signs of local amounnts are different on performance obligation &1�
394The signs of local amounnts are different on contract &1�
395The signs of transact. amnt &2 and local amnt &3 are diff. on contr. &1�
396Error in BAdI result when distributing amount of contract &1.
397Category on invoice cond. &1 is "&2" but it's "&3" on deferral item
398Statistic on invoice cond. &1 is "&2" but it's "&3" on deferral item
399Performance obligation &1 is not found.
400========message 350-400 is reserved for Contract Liability=========
401Error while retrieving company code &1
402Error while converting foreign currency &1 to local currency &2
403Start obtaining amount from posting table at &1
404Start calculating the aggregated amount at &1
405Start obtaining invoice/invoice due amount at &1
406Start obtaining the exchange rate of contract at &1
407Start calculating unbilled/deferred revenue at &1
408Start generating posting entries at &1
409Start calculating foreign currency exchange rate difference at &1
410Start saving results at &1
411Saved the results at &1,created posting: &2,updated posting: &3
412Start calculating contract liability/asset at &1
413Start processing revenue postings at &1
414Start processing clearing contract liability at &1
415Start processing postings for accrual run at &1
416You set a finalization date for POB&1, but the POB is in Suspend Posting.
417POB &2 of contract &1 under company code &3 failed in the currency check.
418Temporary contract instance for ID &1 not found
419First local currency is missing on invoice of performance obligation &1
420========message 420-450 is reserved for Initial Load=========
421Posted revenue for performance obligation &1 is not specified
422Performance obligation &1 has no deferral items
423No posted quantity is specified for time-based performance obligation &1
424Posted qty. is specified unexpectedly for perf. obl. &1 (not time-based)
425Contract &1 was created with errors; no deferral items found
426Main currency is incorrect (performance obligation &1, cond. type &2)
427Condition type &1 does not exist in deferal items
428The specified quantity unit is incorrect(performance obligation &1)
429Invalid spreading for per. &1 (perf.ob. &2)
430Contract &1 contains incorrect spreading data
431Ex. Rate for local currency is empty on contract &1 for initial load
432Ex. Rate for 2nd local currency is empty on contract &1 for initial load
433Ex. Rate for 3rd local currency is empty on contract &1 for initial loadE
434Clean up initial load data failed, refer to log for details.
435perf.ob. &1 is excluded from allocation, but it has a condition &2
436You cannot change revenue of performance obligation &1 before period &2.
437Migration package &1 contains contracts with no authority to delete
438BOM header &1 can't have cost condition type &2
439Contract data is not provided to posting mgmt.
440Transaction & local invoice amount have different signs for POB &1
441Invoice RAI &1 should be processed before migration of Results Analysis
442Migration exchange rate difference calculation started at &1
443Migration exchange rate difference calculation completed at &1
444No contracts found for migration exchange rate difference calculation
445Failed to get transferred date for company code &1, actp principle &2
446Failed to get transferred date for Comp.code &1/acct.pr. &2/pack &3
447Error while obtaining contr. termination expense account for contract &1
448Condition type for contract termination expense is not defined
449Error while obtaining account of accrued cost for contract &1
450Error while obtaining account of deferred cost for contract &1
451----------450-500 reserved for combining contract-----------
452Specify at least one contract as the source contract
453Specify at least two contracts to combine
454Target contract &1 is in the source contract list
455Contracts cannot be combined; errors in contract &1
456Error while combining contracts
457All changes made during the failed combination are reversed
458Duplicate contract id &1 has been provided
459Contract &1 has errors
460Contract &1 has conflicts
461Combining impossible; contr. &1 is associated with non-productive pkg &2
462Contracts &1 and &2 have different company code
463Contract &1 has posting entries in failure status
464Change mode must be provided for combination
466Change mode must be "Change of estimates" on contract &1
467Invalid internal change mode &1 for POB &2 Contract &3
468Change mode must be not initial on contract &1
469Invalid external change mode &1 for Contract &2
470Data Migration of initial new fields in change type table started at &1
471Data Migration of initial new fields in change type table completed at &1
472Need to set value of Initial field for &1 contracts
473Fail to set migrated flag as TRUE for Company code &1
474Data Migration for POB &1 of Contract &2 in Period &3 is complete
475Data Migration for Contract &1 is complete
476Need to run the UDO reports first to add fields to FARR_D_CHG_TYPE
477POB &1 must be applied with a change of estimates for acct. period &2
478Change type reason code &1 is invalid for POB &2
479Deriving profitability segment failed for perf. oblig. &1
500Fulfillment date of perf. oblig. &1 does not fall in the current period
501Fulfillment date of perf. oblig. &1 falls in a closed, previous period
502Fulfillment date of perf. oblig. &1 is earlier than the creation date
503Leading perf. oblig. &1 of perf. oblig. &2 has not been fully fulfilled
504Fulfil. date of perf.oblig. &1 (cont. &2) does not fall in current period
505Fulfil. date of perf.obl. &1 (cont. &2) falls in a closed, previous per.
506Fulfil. date of perf.obl. &1 (cont. &2) earlier than the creation date
507Leading perf. oblig. &1 of perf. oblig. &2 not fully fulfilled (cont. &3)
508Transaction price currency of contract &1 is empty
509Cannot find the BRF+ function &1 in application &2
510No BRF+ application customizing data found for account determination
511Either customer id or receivable account should be filled
512Total quan <= fulfilled quantity, with price increase on &1 - NOT support
513Fulfilled qty of simplified invoice perf. obl. &1 cannot exceed total qty
514Condition &1 that does not exist in operat. docmn. cannot be fulfilled.
515Multiple change of a contract instance (&1) is not supported
520Open job failed.
521The jobs of Upgrade were completed.
522The jobs of Upgrade were not completed.
523Acct. principle-specific settings not defined for CoCd &1 AcctPr. &2
524The package size cannot be less than 1
525The perf. oblig. &1 will be upgraded Contract Acquisition Cost category.
526Start processing upgrade perf. oblig. ID from &1 to &2.
527The perf. oblig. &1 was upgraded as Contract Acquisition Cost category.
528&1 perf. oblig. were upgraded as Contract Acquisition Cost category.
529Cannot upgrade perf. oblig. &1 as its start date type is 3.
530No perf. oblig. upgrade
534Occurred error when split the performance obligation ID list
536Due date missing on invoice for performance obligation &1
540You cannot cancel performance obligation &1 of contract &2.
543Cannot update the UI with the "Edit Change Type" and any other UI change
544Only allow to "Edit Change Type" for one item
546No contracts found for the selection criteria
547&1 contracts (of Contract Management Classic) selected for processing
548&1 contracts (of Contract Management) have been selected for processing
552The unbilled receivable account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed.
553The deferred revenue account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed.
554The liability account &1 of performance obligation &2 won't be changed.
555The asset account &1 of performance obligation &2 won't be changed.
556The unbilled receivable account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 won't be changed.
557The deferred revenue account &1 of perf. obligation &2 won't be changed.
558The liability account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed.
559The asset account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed.
560The receivable adjustment account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed
570BAdI FARR_BADI_CALC_LIAB_ASSET is not implemented
571Calculate liability asset for contract &1 failed.
590Revenue can't be fully suspended for &1 &2
591Review reason &1 is not allowed for mass suspend
592Contract in process: &1
595Contract &1 has no exchange rate in contract header but invoice has
597Performance obligation &1 validate result is error
598Contract &1 validate result is error
599Invoice condition type &1 has no entry in deferral item table
600===========Reserved for status management================================
601Perf. oblig. &1 pending review cannot be directly marked as completed
602Marking perf. oblig. &1 as completed not possible; not fully fulfilled
603Perf. oblig. &1 and &2 have different statuses of Suspend Revenue Posting
604Perf. oblig. completed cannot be directly marked as pending review
605POB &1 cannot be marked as completed until fully fulfilled
606Started cleaning up initial load contract related data for &1 with &2
607Performing authorization check
608Authorization check complete
609Checking company code/migration package and accounting principle data
610Checking company code/migration package and accounting principle data end
611Started retrieving data
612Retrieving data complete
613Started deleting data from database
614Deleting data from database complete
615Initial load cleanup for contract related data was successful
616Error while cleaning up initial load data
617Initial load cleanup terminated with errors; no changes are committed
618Not all 'Productive' posting under &1 with &2 had been reversed
619Error while locking contract &1
620Error while deleting contract from database
621Error while deleting contract events from database
622Error while deleting contract &1 from error database
623Error while deleting performance obligation history for contract &1
624Error while deleting change history of contract &1
625Error while deleting notes for contract
626Error while deleting attachments for contract
627Error while deleting performance obligation history for contract &1
628Error while deleting notes for performance obligations
629Error while deleting attachments for performance obligations
630Error while deleting performance obligation data from database
631Error while deleting deferrals from database
632Error while deleting deferral items from database
633Error while deleting fulfillment items from database
634Error while deleting invoices from database
635Error while deleting performance obligation manual changes
636Error while deleting posting data for performance obligations
637Started cleaning up performance obligation data
638Cleaning up performance obligation data complete
639Started cleaning up contract data
640Cleaning up contract data complete
641Error while deleting contract liability entries
642Company code &1 under accounting principle &2 is not in Migration status
643Error while deleting recon keys for co. code &1, accounting principle &2
644Company code or accounting principle can't be empty
645&1 rows have been deleted from performance obligations table
646&1 rows have been deleted from deferral items table
647&1 rows have been deleted from fulfillments table
648&1 rows have been deleted from invoices table
649&1 rows have been deleted from posting table
650&1 rows have been deleted from deferrals table
651&1 rows have been deleted from manual changes table
652Data has been deleted from performance obligation notes table
653Data has been deleted from performance obligation attachments table
654Data has been deleted from contract notes table
655Data has been deleted from contract attachments table
656Change history of contracts have been deleted
657&1 rows have been deleted from reconciliation keys table
658&1 rows have been deleted from contracts table
659&1 rows have been deleted from contract events table
660&1 rows have been deleted from contract errors table
661&1 rows have been deleted from performance obligation history table
662Contract &1 could not be cleaned up as its postings are not reversed
663&1 contracts found
664&1 performance obligations found
665Migration package &1 (CoCode &2, AccP &3) is not in Migration status
666Contract &1 with multiple package &2 cannot be deleted
667Perf. oblig. &1 is set to Completed even though you specified otherwise
668Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed; contract has pending conflicts
669POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; invoiced amount incompatible.
670POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; has suspended revenue posting.
671POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; it has pending conflicts.
672POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; it has errors.
673POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; has ongoing fulfillments &2.
674POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; it has ongoing price changes.
675POB &1 cannot be marked as completed; does not have posted entries.
676Contract &1 cannot transition directly from pending review to completed
677Contract &1 cannot transition directly from completed to pending review
678Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed; POB &2 is not completed.
679Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed; contract has errors.
680Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed since having not posted entries
681Contract &1 has balance &2 in transaction currency for post category &3
682Contract &1 has balance &2 in local currency for post category &3
683Contract &1 has balance &2 in 2nd local currency for post category &3
684Contract &1 has balance &2 in 3rd local currency for post category &3
685Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed since having undue invoice
686Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed since invoice <> revenue
687Contract &1 cannot be marked as completed since allocation revenue <> 0
688POB &1 is completed and not allowed to process fulfillment
689POB &1 is completed and not allowed to process invoice
690Contract &1 cannot set as pending review since no POB is pending review
691Contract &1 cannot set as in process since still has POB pending review
692POB &1 is set to In Process according to fully fulfill flag removed
693Contract &1 is set to In Process since not all POB completed
694Other performance obligations are reversed to In Process
695No difference found for revenue accounting items already processed
696&3 rev. acct. items for co. code &1 and acct. principle &2 not processed
697Reconcltn. for co.cd &1 and acct.principle &2 covers time period &3 to &4
698Reconcltn. for co.cd &1 and acct.principle &2 covers time period up to &3
699&1 rev. acct. items for performance obligation &2 not processed
700=========== Reconciliation between logistics and RA ====================
701One of the co. codes under acct. principle &1 is not enabled for Rev.Acct
702Start date (&3) is later than last successful reconcltn. (&4), co.code &1
703Differences found for co. code &1 acct. principle &2, from &3 to &4
704No differences found for co. code &1 acct. principle &2, from &3 to &4
705Not authorized to run the report for company code &1 acct. principle &2
706User &1 is running this report for company code &2
707Failed to initialize message handler
708Failed to initialize RAI service
709Enter a start date
710You cannot schedule the job for a time in the past
711Latest execution time must not be earlier than planned start time
712Latest execution time must not be 1 year later than planned start time
713No Revenue Accounting Items match the selection criteria
714Acct. determ. error while processing invoice; cond. type &1, perf. ob. &2
715Receivable Adjustment acct. cannot be derived for contract &1
716No diff. found for rev. acct itm processed for co. cd &1 acct prncpl &2
717No application log exists
718Receivable Account cannot be empty for contract &1
719Job run in simulation mode; changes are not saved
720&1 contracts have been found
721&1 performance obligations have been found
722&1 contracts have been assigned a completion date
723&1 performance obligations have been marked as completed
724Current operation on perf. obligations of contract &1 cannot continue.
725POB &1 and &2 cannot have different co object NO. or integr. typ.
726The perf. oblig. &1 is still in conflict status due to other conflict.
727Perf. oblig. &1 cannot have integr. typ. because it has no co object NO.
728Perf. oblig. &1 with co object NO must have a integration type.
729Perf. oblig. &1 and &2 cannot have different simplified invoice flags.
730POB &1 cannot have simplified invoice as its high level POB &2 have ROR.
731POB &1 cannot have simplified invoice flag as it is a linked POB.
732POB &1 cannot have simplified invoice flag as it has right of return.
733Event type of perf. oblig. &1 cannot be CI as it has simpl. invoice flag.
734POB &1 cannot have invoice RAIs as it has simplified invoice flag.
735POB &1 cannot have credit memo RAIs as it has simplified invoice flag
736POB &1 cannot have debit memo RAIs as it has simplified invoice flag
737Performance obligation &1 cannot be marked as contract acquisition cost.
738Failed to get account assignments for perf. oblig. &1 of contract &2.
739Per. Obli. &1 fulfillment qty. &2 is greater than the effective qty. &3
740-------------Begin of Used for Transition----------------------
741Company code &1 is not ready for transition.
742No company code is ready for calculating cumulative catch-up effect.
743Exception &1 has been triggered in function module &2
744Job &1 started at &2
745Job completed at &1
746User &1 is processing contracts in KeyPP &2 of company code &3.
747KeyPP &1 of company code &2 has been processed.
748The new condition type &1 for perf. oblig. &2 does not exist in RevAcc.
749POB &1 (condition &4) does not have currency key for local currency &2 &3
750The amount of POB &1 (condition &4) in local currency &2 &3 cannot be 0.
751Currency key of contract &1 is different from what is configured in IMG.
752No new main cond type when deleting old main cond type &1 on POB &2.
753Invoice quantity is zero in invoice item &1 for quantity based POB &2
754POB &1 has SSP &2. This value must not be negative.
757The statistic flag on cond type &1 for perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed.
758&1 rows have been deleted from invoice with exchange difference table.
759&1 rows have been deleted from change type table.
760-------------End of Used for Transition----------------------
761Virtual compound POB of POB &1 cannot have CI event type.
762Contract &1 Pob &2 has inconsistent inv amt: &3 and inv_delta_amt: &4.
763High/low level BOM POB &1 cannot have event type CI & value relevant TRUE
764Compound POB &1 cannot have event type CI and value relevant TRUE
765Non-distinct POB &1 cannot have event type CI and value relevant TRUE
767Linked POB &1 has been soft-deleted. The leading POB was &2.
768Contract &1 has no exchange rate,set "Use Transfer Date's Rate" as TRUE
769Error while obtaining account of Early Terminatn EoC for POB &1
770Error occured while reading POB &1
771No receivable account or customer ID found in POBs of contract &1
772The system cannot find contract &1.
773The trans. amount (trans. currency &2) of POB &1 (condi. &3) cannot be 0.
774Local currency &1 &2 of perf. oblig. &3 (condition &4) is inconsistent.
775First Ex. Rate Difference &1 must be zero for Cond. &2 of POB &3
776Local curr. &1 and &2 must have same amount for Cond. &3 of POB &4
777Checking Company Code and Accounting Principle data.
778Checking Company Code and Accounting Principle data end.
779Productive Cleanup for contract related data was successful.
780Error while cleaning up productive data.
781No authorization to change status of contracts
782&1 performance obligation entries have been flagged as "cost recognition"
783Error while updating performance obligation entries to database
784No Contract(s) specified - Deletion not possible!
785Initial contract ID found: No deletion possible!
786Initial POB ID found: No deletion possible!
787Compound POB &1 cannot be a time-based POB.
788Non-distinct POB &1 cannot be a time-based POB with SDT3.
789POB &1 cannot be a time-based POB.
790Not allow to change the manual spreading as POB &1 is impair of asset.
791Error while retrieving messages
792Save &1 contracts failed.
793&1 of &2 contracts have been processed.
794CO object numbers in use. Include Header ID &1, contract &2 at cleanup.
795Currency of SSP for perf. ob. &1 is empty
796Currency of contract &1 can't be changed as it already has posting entry
797Currency of SSP for perf. ob. &1 is different with other condition type
798Price conditions and SSP in contract &1 can only have one currency
799Currency of condition type &1 for perf. ob. &2 is empty
800Pf.ob. &1 cannot have linked pf.ob.; it is distinct and has lower levels
801Contract &1 saved with errors
802Certain standalone selling prices are 0 unexpectedly (including &1)
803All relevant perf. oblig. are excluded from allocation (including &1)
804Fulfil. type of perf. ob. &1 is not updated; fulfillments events occurred
805Event type of perf. ob. &1 is not updated; fulfillments events occurred
806Status of perf. oblig. &1 differs from status of compound perf. oblig. &2
807OpsDoc &1 no longer associated with contr &2; all items in OpsDoc removed
808Modifying contract &1 is not possible; it has been archived
809Reprocessing contract is complete
810Time-based perf. oblig. &1 must not have rights of return
811Unit-distinct cannot be marked for compound and non-distinct perf. ob. &1
812Unit-distinct cannot be marked for for Perc-of-completion perf. oblig. &1
813The RoR start date of perf. obl. &1 not updated; posting already occurred
814Field unit-distinct should be Distinct or Non-distinct for perf. ob. &1
815Compound perf. ob. &1 should be 'Not Unit Distinct'
816Non-distinct perf. ob. &1 should be 'Not Unit Distinct'
817PoC perf. ob. &1 should be 'Not Unit Distinct'
818POB &1 cannot have RoR; all non-distinct POBs are time-based
819The Accounting Principle &1 of contract is invalid
820Accounting principles are not identical
821POB &1 (not value relevant) cannot be manually completed.
822The fulfillment type of perf. oblig. &1 cannot be changed to time-based.
823The deferred cost account &1 of con. typ &3 on perf. obl. &2 won't be chg
824The system fails to calculte time-based revenue for contract &1
825Perf. oblig. &1 was validated as error as it was manual spreading changed
826Perf. oblig. &1 and &2 should both be unit distinct or not unit distinct
827The receivable adjustment account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed
828Field &1 of perf. oblig. &2 which has been posted cannot be changed.
829You cannot perform manual price allocation on the contract.
830The refund liability account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed.
831The refund asset account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed.
832The liability account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed.
833The asset account &1 of contract &2 won't be changed.
834The liability account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 won't be changed.
835The asset account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 won't be changed.
837The event type &1 of POB &2 cannot be changed to &3.
838Remaining standalone selling price�of POB�&1�cannot be determined
839The contract &1 cannot be updated due to inconsistent data.
840Souce contract &1 cannot find deferral item buffer in target contract &2
841BAdI &1 is not implemented for deferral method &2
842Field &1 in fulfillment entry of perf. oblig. &2 has an invalid value &3
843Please check data returned from BAdI call &1; deferral method &2
844The fulfillment type &1 of POB &2 cannot be changed to &3.
845POBs cannot be deleted in BAdI FARR_BADI_DERIVE_VALUES.
846POBs cannot be created in BAdI FARR_BADI_DERIVE_VALUES.
847POB &1 is skipped when transfer schedule fulfill as allocated amount is 0
848Reprocessing contract &1 is complete.
849Please specify contract IDs.
850Importing parameter for new allocation is initial!
851Contract &1 cannot be found
852No alive performance obligation can be found for contract &1
853The new allocated amount should not be negative for POB &1
854Duplicate POB &1 in the importing parameters
855Soft-deleted POB &1 should not have new allocated amount
856Performance obligation &1 is not belonged to contract &2
857Performance obligation &1 of contract &2 don't have allocated amount
858The total allocated amount &1 is not equal to contract price &2.
859The new allocation is same with current allocation for contract &1
860Cost conditions in contract &1 can only have one currency.
861Migration date must be later than start date of time-based perf. Obl. &1
862You cannot set change type of perf. oblig. &3 to Contract Modification
863Fulfilled quantity of perf. obl. &1 must be 0 if its migrated rev. is 0
864Time-based performance obligation &1 cannot have open revenue
865Perf. oblig. &1 that has been 100% fulfilled cannot have open revenue
866Perf. oblig. &1's invoice amount must not exceed its contractual price.
867Perf. oblig. &1's invoice amount must be equal to its contractual price.
868Perf. oblig. &1's invoice quantity must not exceed its total quantity.
869Perf. oblig. &1's invoice quantity must be equal to its total quantity.
870You cannot set change type of contr. &1 to Contract Modification
871Accounting principle &1 is locked by user &2
872-------------Begin of Used for POB Cancellation----------------------
873No Performance obligation meets the selection criteria.
874Revenue acct transactions are impossible for the system is in migration.
875Performance obligation &1 cancellation has been processed successfully.
876Performance obligation &1 cancellation was processed failed.
877Contract &1 is in Error status; the cancellation has failed.
878-------------End of Used for POB Cancellation----------------------
879-------------Begin of acct. determination, cont. ---------------------
880Recognized Revenue acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1
881Receivable Adj. acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1
882Deferred Cost acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1
883Recognized Cost acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1
884Revenue Adjustment acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1
885Right of Return acct. cannot derive for per. ob. &1
886POB &1 cannot have time-based fulfillment with start date type 1 or 2.
887Cost correction posted but no goods issue found for per. ob. &1
888You cannot update or add condition type &1.
889Performance obligation &1 cannot be found. Contact the system admin.
890Contract &1 skipped because no. of POBs is higher than block size.
891Contract &1 was not reprocessed due to an error at contract &2.
892Performance obligation &1 cannot have multiple cost condition types.
893Contract &1 cannot be instanced
894Contract &1 not found for deletion
895Sum of REV_AMT_DELTA does not equal with allocated amt of POB &1.
896Sum of fulfillment qty does not equal with effective qty of POB &1.
897Started cleaning up contract related productive data for &1 with &2.
898Can't delete POB &1; Compound POB &2 must have more than 1 low level POB
899Deferral items with reconcilation key closed can't be deleted.
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