FARR_CONTR_LIFECYCLE - Message from Contract Lifecyle (RAR 2.0 Object Model)

The following messages are stored in message class FARR_CONTR_LIFECYCLE: Message from Contract Lifecyle (RAR 2.0 Object Model).
It is part of development package FARR_CONTRACT_LIFECYCLE in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Contract Lifecycle / Object Model objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Changing &1 (field &4) from '&2' to '&3' is not permitted.
002Customizing for free face value condition type &1 is inconsistent.
004Performance obligation &1 has company code &2 instead of &3.
005Customizing entry for allocation difference condition type is missing.
006Contract &1 was terminated early. Further changes are not supported.
007Either new or updated condition type must be filled.
008No main pricing condition found in input parameters.
009Condition type must be filled.
010Accounting principle could not be determined.
011Contract &1 was terminated early. Freeze is not supported.
012Neither receivable account nor customer ID given in POB &1.
013Failed to determine reconciliation account of customer &1 (CoCode &2).
014Receivable account isn't identical for all POBs in contract &1.
015Cannot change POB &1 to residual allocation as POB &2 already is.
016Receivable adjustment account isn't identical for all POBs in contract &1
017Unsupported contr balance presentation <&1> for accounting principle &2.
018Unsupported liability/asset posting level <&1> for acctg principle &2.
019Unsupported changes on attributes for Conditions of perf. oblig. &1.
020Customizing entry for Alloc/ExchRate difference condition type is missing
021No reference acct found f. detn of deferred revenue acct on contr. level.
022Account determination for contract &1 failed, see error log.
023P/L account for recognized revenue of performance obligation &1 not found
024Receivable adjustment account not found for contract &1.
025Cannot change start date of POB &1 if contract was terminated early.
026Cannot change def. method of POB &1 if contract was terminated early.
027Account redetermination for contract &1 failed: see error log.
029SSP currency &2 of POB &1 differs from contract price currency &3.
030Cannot change main price cond. type of perf. oblig. &1 to statistic.
031Cannot add main price cond. type to perf. oblig. &1.
032Linked performance obligation &1 cannot have a main price cond. type.
033Cannot delete main price cond. type from performance obligation &1.
034Performance obligation &1 must have exatly one main cost cond. type.
035Derecognition cannot exceed recognized revenue from perf. oblig. &1.
036Transaction price of perf. oblig. &1 cannot change from pos. to neg.
037Transaction price of perf. oblig. &1 cannot change from neg. to pos.
038Cannot determine recon key for fulfillment for perf. oblig. &1.
039Cannot process defitem list for fulfillment for perf. oblig. &1.
040Not authorized to change contracts for company code &1.
041Unspecified exception in Customer BadI farr_badi_deferral_method_v2.
042No implementation for filter &1 in BAdI farr_badi_deferral_method_v2.
043BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries returned empty fiscal period f. POB &1
044"BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries" returned empty event date for POB &1
045BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries returned 0 days in period &1 f. POB &2
047"BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries" returned wrong event date for POB &1
048"BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries" returned wrong event date for POB &1
049Error occurred with contract &1 fulfillment; see error log.
050Change of POB &1 start date during a prospective change is not possible.
051Manual Fulfillment item for POB &1 has invalid fulfillment type &2.
052Fulfillment type of POB &1 and of its fulfillment item do not match.
053Required field "Quantity" of fulfillment item of POB &1 must be empty
054BAdI for change type det. overrode predetermined &1 Type for POB &2.
055BAdI for change type determination did not return a result for POB &1.
056BAdI for change type det. returned an invalid change type for POB &1.
057Cannot apply the change type from the BAdI to POB &1.
058Prospective change cannot perform on POB &1 with deferral method changed.
059Prospective change cannot perform on POB &1 with start date changed.
060Effective date of change on contr. &1 can't be earlier than creation date
061Cannot change POB &1 end date to be earlier than the last change date.
062Prospective change cannot perform on POB &1.
063Prospective change cannot perform on POB &1 with soft deletion flag.
064Cannot perform prospective change on POB &1 with changed end date.
065Retro. change can't be performed on POB &1. Contr. was terminated early.
066Contr. &1 early termination date cannot be prior to latest change.
067Contr. &1 cannot be terminated early in closed periods.
068Can't combine contr. &1 using effect. date &2. Period &3 is closed.
069Can't combine contr &1 as effect. date &2 is before the last change on &3
070Invoice quantity is zero for quantity-based performance obligation &1.
071Quantity unit of POB &1 and its fulfillment item must be the same.
072Quantity unit of POB &1 and its invoice item must be the same.
073Required field 'Quantity unit' of invoice item of POB &1 is empty.
074POB &1 has been invoiced already. Soft deletion is not allowed.
075POB &1 has been fulfilled already. Soft deletion is not allowed.
076Invoice for POB &1 can't have an allocation difference condition type &2.
077POB &1 has received actual cost already. Soft deletion is not allowed.
078POB &2 cannot be added manually to contract &1; contract was deleted.
079POB &2 cannot be added manually to contract &1; status is Pending Review
080POB &1 cannot be deleted manually.
081Transaction price of negative perf. oblig. &1 must be negative.
082Transaction price of positive perf. oblig. &1 cannot be negative.
083Quantity of performance obligation &1 turned negative.
084Quantity of performance obligation &1 turned positive.
085Start date missing for time-based POB &1; cannot calc. scheduled revenue.
086Manual POB &1 cannot have a main price condition type.
087POB &1: Delivered quantity cannot be negative.
088POB &1: Delivered quantity cannot be positive.
089POB &1: Effective quantity &2 does not equal total reported quantities &3
090POB &1: Total fulfilled quantity cannot be negative.
091POB &1: Total fulfilled quantity cannot be positive.
092POB &1: Total invoiced amount cannot be negative.
093POB &1: Total invoiced amount cannot be positive.
094POB &1: Freeze date &2 must not be after the original POB end date &3.
095POB &1: Freeze date &2 must be after the POB start date &3.
096POB &1: Unfreeze date &2 must be before the POB end date &3.
097POB &1: Unfreeze date &2 must be after the freeze date &3.
098POB &1: Freeze date &2 must be on or after effective date &3.
099POB &1: POB start date must be filled if freeze periods exist.
100POB &1: Freeze periods must not overlap.
101POB &1: Unfreeze date &2 before effective date &3 must not be changed.
102POB &1: Freeze date &2 must not be on the same day as unfreeze date &3.
103POB &1: Freeze date &2 must be before POB end date &3.
104POB &1: Unfreeze date &2 must be after effective date &3.
105POB &1: changing def. method f. &2 to F is not support. w. freeze periods
106Error occurred w. contract &1 when applying freeze period; see error log.
107POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported with deferral method F.
108POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported with deferral method L.
109POB &1: Freeze periods before effective date &2 must not be changed.
110For field '&1', value '&2' on source differs from value '&3' on target.
111Contract &1 is terminated early and therefore cannot be combined.
112Contract &1 is soft-deleted and therefore cannot be combined.
113Contract &1 cannot be combined.
114Revenue not transferred for all periods before eff. date: contract &1.
115Element TestDataIndicator not supported.
116The funcion module &1 must not be called externally.
117The receivable adjustment account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed.
118The asset account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed.
119The liability account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed.
120The unbilled receivable account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed.
121The deferred revenue account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed.
122The asset account &1 of performance obligation &2 cannot be changed.
123The liability account &1 of performance obligation &2 cannot be changed.
124The unbilled receivable account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed.
125The deferred revenue account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed.
126The funcion module &1 encountered an error.
127Error occurred with contract &1 costs; see error log.
128The accrued cost account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed.
129The deferred cost account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed.
130Error while obtaining account of deferred cost for contract &1.
131Error while obtaining account of accrued cost for contract &1.
132Error while processing costs for contract &1. No change type is expected.
133An error occurred during inbound processing of &1.
134Revenue up to current period is not transferred for contract &3.
135An error occurred during inbound processing.
136Mapping not found for source document &1 &2 &3 &4.
137Finalized performance obligation &1 cannot have fulfillment RAI.
138POB &2: Finalization and Contract termination at same time not supported.
139POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported for finalized POB.
140Contracts &1 and &2 cannot be combined: Revenue transfer in future period
141Contract &1 cannot be combined as it has POB with finalization date.
142POB &1: PoC fulfillment with a greater event date already exists.
143POB &2: Finalization and Contract termination at same time not supported.
144POB &1: No Finalization possible: Invoiced qty. exceeds fulfilled qty.
145POB &1: No Finalization possible: POB has to be 100% fulfilled
146Fulfillment of POB &1: Percentage to be fulfilled cannot exceed 100%
147Fulfillment of POB &1: Percentage to be fulfilled cannot be negative
148POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported for a non-distinct POB
149Bill of Material header (POB &1) cannot be deleted.
150POB &1 cannot be updated manually. POB &1 is a billing element
151POB &1 cannot be updated manually. POB &1 is an acquisition cost
152Performance obligation &1 cannot have statistical main cost cond. type.
153Performance obligation &1 cannot have statistical main price cond. type.
154Manual performance obligation cannot have a negative quantity.
155POB cannot be deleted because total fulfilled quantity is not zero.
156Contract was not created for acct principle &1
157Non-statistical pricing cond. of POB &1 cannot be invoiced as statistical
158Fulfillment of POB &1: Total fulfilled amount cannot be negative.
159Required field 'Migration date' of contract &1 is empty.
160Technical error in custom field transfer of POB &1 from contract &2
161Technical error in custom field transfer from RAR posting to FI
162Data successfully forwarded to Inbound Processing
163Contract &1 has postponed postings and therefore cannot be combined.
164Contr. &1 early termination and structural change cannot be at same time
165POB &1:Change of start or end date is not supported for start date type 3
166POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported for a Start Date Type 3 POB
167Manual price allocation is not allowed for impaired contract &1
168Contract &1 has less than 2 allocation-relevant POBs
169Total man. alloc. amount &1 &2 is not equal to contr. price &3 &4
170Account assignment for performance oblig. &1 of contract &2 is empty
171Manual price alloc. currency &1 differs from contr. price currency &2
172Manually alloc. price is reset to price alloc. by system for contract &1
173An assertion failed during the inbound processing
174Direct posting to FI for Acquisition Cost is not supported.
175Unexpected error occured during AC document posting to FI
176Different contract ID expected for multi-event FX management
177Contract &1 has status Pending Review and therefore it cannot be combined
178Mapping of posting category &1/&2 is not found in FARR_PST_CAT_MAP
179Handling of mig. contract &1 with direct posting is forbidden
180Manually allocated amount for POB &1 has incorrect sign
181Manual price allocation is not supported for billing elements
182Inconsistent settings of ledger &1 for acc.princ. &2 and CoCode &3
183Account approach is not supported for direct postings
184POB &1 cannot be suspended. POB &1 is a billing element.
185POB &1 cannot be suspended. POB &1 is a compound group POB.
186Suspension date of POB &1 must be equal to system date.
187Contract &1 was early terminated. Suspension is not supported.
188POB &1 cannot be suspended. POB &1 is a non-distinct POB.
189Contract &1 is pending review and cannot be terminated early
190Suspension date of POB &1 is empty.
191The asset impairment account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed.
192An error occured during call of BAdI FARR_BADI_INV_CORR_ACCT_DERIV
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