FARR_CONTR_LIFECYCLE - Message from Contract Lifecyle (RAR 2.0 Object Model)
The following messages are stored in message class FARR_CONTR_LIFECYCLE: Message from Contract Lifecyle (RAR 2.0 Object Model).
It is part of development package FARR_CONTRACT_LIFECYCLE in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Contract Lifecycle / Object Model objects".
It is part of development package FARR_CONTRACT_LIFECYCLE in software component FI-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Contract Lifecycle / Object Model objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Changing &1 (field &4) from '&2' to '&3' is not permitted. |
002 | Customizing for free face value condition type &1 is inconsistent. |
004 | Performance obligation &1 has company code &2 instead of &3. |
005 | Customizing entry for allocation difference condition type is missing. |
006 | Contract &1 was terminated early. Further changes are not supported. |
007 | Either new or updated condition type must be filled. |
008 | No main pricing condition found in input parameters. |
009 | Condition type must be filled. |
010 | Accounting principle could not be determined. |
011 | Contract &1 was terminated early. Freeze is not supported. |
012 | Neither receivable account nor customer ID given in POB &1. |
013 | Failed to determine reconciliation account of customer &1 (CoCode &2). |
014 | Receivable account isn't identical for all POBs in contract &1. |
015 | Cannot change POB &1 to residual allocation as POB &2 already is. |
016 | Receivable adjustment account isn't identical for all POBs in contract &1 |
017 | Unsupported contr balance presentation <&1> for accounting principle &2. |
018 | Unsupported liability/asset posting level <&1> for acctg principle &2. |
019 | Unsupported changes on attributes for Conditions of perf. oblig. &1. |
020 | Customizing entry for Alloc/ExchRate difference condition type is missing |
021 | No reference acct found f. detn of deferred revenue acct on contr. level. |
022 | Account determination for contract &1 failed, see error log. |
023 | P/L account for recognized revenue of performance obligation &1 not found |
024 | Receivable adjustment account not found for contract &1. |
025 | Cannot change start date of POB &1 if contract was terminated early. |
026 | Cannot change def. method of POB &1 if contract was terminated early. |
027 | Account redetermination for contract &1 failed: see error log. |
029 | SSP currency &2 of POB &1 differs from contract price currency &3. |
030 | Cannot change main price cond. type of perf. oblig. &1 to statistic. |
031 | Cannot add main price cond. type to perf. oblig. &1. |
032 | Linked performance obligation &1 cannot have a main price cond. type. |
033 | Cannot delete main price cond. type from performance obligation &1. |
034 | Performance obligation &1 must have exatly one main cost cond. type. |
035 | Derecognition cannot exceed recognized revenue from perf. oblig. &1. |
036 | Transaction price of perf. oblig. &1 cannot change from pos. to neg. |
037 | Transaction price of perf. oblig. &1 cannot change from neg. to pos. |
038 | Cannot determine recon key for fulfillment for perf. oblig. &1. |
039 | Cannot process defitem list for fulfillment for perf. oblig. &1. |
040 | Not authorized to change contracts for company code &1. |
041 | Unspecified exception in Customer BadI farr_badi_deferral_method_v2. |
042 | No implementation for filter &1 in BAdI farr_badi_deferral_method_v2. |
043 | BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries returned empty fiscal period f. POB &1 |
044 | "BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries" returned empty event date for POB &1 |
045 | BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries returned 0 days in period &1 f. POB &2 |
047 | "BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries" returned wrong event date for POB &1 |
048 | "BAdI: Generate Fulfillment Entries" returned wrong event date for POB &1 |
049 | Error occurred with contract &1 fulfillment; see error log. |
050 | Change of POB &1 start date during a prospective change is not possible. |
051 | Manual Fulfillment item for POB &1 has invalid fulfillment type &2. |
052 | Fulfillment type of POB &1 and of its fulfillment item do not match. |
053 | Required field "Quantity" of fulfillment item of POB &1 must be empty |
054 | BAdI for change type det. overrode predetermined &1 Type for POB &2. |
055 | BAdI for change type determination did not return a result for POB &1. |
056 | BAdI for change type det. returned an invalid change type for POB &1. |
057 | Cannot apply the change type from the BAdI to POB &1. |
058 | Prospective change cannot perform on POB &1 with deferral method changed. |
059 | Prospective change cannot perform on POB &1 with start date changed. |
060 | Effective date of change on contr. &1 can't be earlier than creation date |
061 | Cannot change POB &1 end date to be earlier than the last change date. |
062 | Prospective change cannot perform on POB &1. |
063 | Prospective change cannot perform on POB &1 with soft deletion flag. |
064 | Cannot perform prospective change on POB &1 with changed end date. |
065 | Retro. change can't be performed on POB &1. Contr. was terminated early. |
066 | Contr. &1 early termination date cannot be prior to latest change. |
067 | Contr. &1 cannot be terminated early in closed periods. |
068 | Can't combine contr. &1 using effect. date &2. Period &3 is closed. |
069 | Can't combine contr &1 as effect. date &2 is before the last change on &3 |
070 | Invoice quantity is zero for quantity-based performance obligation &1. |
071 | Quantity unit of POB &1 and its fulfillment item must be the same. |
072 | Quantity unit of POB &1 and its invoice item must be the same. |
073 | Required field 'Quantity unit' of invoice item of POB &1 is empty. |
074 | POB &1 has been invoiced already. Soft deletion is not allowed. |
075 | POB &1 has been fulfilled already. Soft deletion is not allowed. |
076 | Invoice for POB &1 can't have an allocation difference condition type &2. |
077 | POB &1 has received actual cost already. Soft deletion is not allowed. |
078 | POB &2 cannot be added manually to contract &1; contract was deleted. |
079 | POB &2 cannot be added manually to contract &1; status is Pending Review |
080 | POB &1 cannot be deleted manually. |
081 | Transaction price of negative perf. oblig. &1 must be negative. |
082 | Transaction price of positive perf. oblig. &1 cannot be negative. |
083 | Quantity of performance obligation &1 turned negative. |
084 | Quantity of performance obligation &1 turned positive. |
085 | Start date missing for time-based POB &1; cannot calc. scheduled revenue. |
086 | Manual POB &1 cannot have a main price condition type. |
087 | POB &1: Delivered quantity cannot be negative. |
088 | POB &1: Delivered quantity cannot be positive. |
089 | POB &1: Effective quantity &2 does not equal total reported quantities &3 |
090 | POB &1: Total fulfilled quantity cannot be negative. |
091 | POB &1: Total fulfilled quantity cannot be positive. |
092 | POB &1: Total invoiced amount cannot be negative. |
093 | POB &1: Total invoiced amount cannot be positive. |
094 | POB &1: Freeze date &2 must not be after the original POB end date &3. |
095 | POB &1: Freeze date &2 must be after the POB start date &3. |
096 | POB &1: Unfreeze date &2 must be before the POB end date &3. |
097 | POB &1: Unfreeze date &2 must be after the freeze date &3. |
098 | POB &1: Freeze date &2 must be on or after effective date &3. |
099 | POB &1: POB start date must be filled if freeze periods exist. |
100 | POB &1: Freeze periods must not overlap. |
101 | POB &1: Unfreeze date &2 before effective date &3 must not be changed. |
102 | POB &1: Freeze date &2 must not be on the same day as unfreeze date &3. |
103 | POB &1: Freeze date &2 must be before POB end date &3. |
104 | POB &1: Unfreeze date &2 must be after effective date &3. |
105 | POB &1: changing def. method f. &2 to F is not support. w. freeze periods |
106 | Error occurred w. contract &1 when applying freeze period; see error log. |
107 | POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported with deferral method F. |
108 | POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported with deferral method L. |
109 | POB &1: Freeze periods before effective date &2 must not be changed. |
110 | For field '&1', value '&2' on source differs from value '&3' on target. |
111 | Contract &1 is terminated early and therefore cannot be combined. |
112 | Contract &1 is soft-deleted and therefore cannot be combined. |
113 | Contract &1 cannot be combined. |
114 | Revenue not transferred for all periods before eff. date: contract &1. |
115 | Element TestDataIndicator not supported. |
116 | The funcion module &1 must not be called externally. |
117 | The receivable adjustment account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed. |
118 | The asset account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed. |
119 | The liability account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed. |
120 | The unbilled receivable account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed. |
121 | The deferred revenue account &1 of contract &2 cannot be changed. |
122 | The asset account &1 of performance obligation &2 cannot be changed. |
123 | The liability account &1 of performance obligation &2 cannot be changed. |
124 | The unbilled receivable account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed. |
125 | The deferred revenue account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed. |
126 | The funcion module &1 encountered an error. |
127 | Error occurred with contract &1 costs; see error log. |
128 | The accrued cost account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed. |
129 | The deferred cost account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed. |
130 | Error while obtaining account of deferred cost for contract &1. |
131 | Error while obtaining account of accrued cost for contract &1. |
132 | Error while processing costs for contract &1. No change type is expected. |
133 | An error occurred during inbound processing of &1. |
134 | Revenue up to current period is not transferred for contract &3. |
135 | An error occurred during inbound processing. |
136 | Mapping not found for source document &1 &2 &3 &4. |
137 | Finalized performance obligation &1 cannot have fulfillment RAI. |
138 | POB &2: Finalization and Contract termination at same time not supported. |
139 | POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported for finalized POB. |
140 | Contracts &1 and &2 cannot be combined: Revenue transfer in future period |
141 | Contract &1 cannot be combined as it has POB with finalization date. |
142 | POB &1: PoC fulfillment with a greater event date already exists. |
143 | POB &2: Finalization and Contract termination at same time not supported. |
144 | POB &1: No Finalization possible: Invoiced qty. exceeds fulfilled qty. |
145 | POB &1: No Finalization possible: POB has to be 100% fulfilled |
146 | Fulfillment of POB &1: Percentage to be fulfilled cannot exceed 100% |
147 | Fulfillment of POB &1: Percentage to be fulfilled cannot be negative |
148 | POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported for a non-distinct POB |
149 | Bill of Material header (POB &1) cannot be deleted. |
150 | POB &1 cannot be updated manually. POB &1 is a billing element |
151 | POB &1 cannot be updated manually. POB &1 is an acquisition cost |
152 | Performance obligation &1 cannot have statistical main cost cond. type. |
153 | Performance obligation &1 cannot have statistical main price cond. type. |
154 | Manual performance obligation cannot have a negative quantity. |
155 | POB cannot be deleted because total fulfilled quantity is not zero. |
156 | Contract was not created for acct principle &1 |
157 | Non-statistical pricing cond. of POB &1 cannot be invoiced as statistical |
158 | Fulfillment of POB &1: Total fulfilled amount cannot be negative. |
159 | Required field 'Migration date' of contract &1 is empty. |
160 | Technical error in custom field transfer of POB &1 from contract &2 |
161 | Technical error in custom field transfer from RAR posting to FI |
162 | Data successfully forwarded to Inbound Processing |
163 | Contract &1 has postponed postings and therefore cannot be combined. |
164 | Contr. &1 early termination and structural change cannot be at same time |
165 | POB &1:Change of start or end date is not supported for start date type 3 |
166 | POB &1: Freeze periods are not supported for a Start Date Type 3 POB |
167 | Manual price allocation is not allowed for impaired contract &1 |
168 | Contract &1 has less than 2 allocation-relevant POBs |
169 | Total man. alloc. amount &1 &2 is not equal to contr. price &3 &4 |
170 | Account assignment for performance oblig. &1 of contract &2 is empty |
171 | Manual price alloc. currency &1 differs from contr. price currency &2 |
172 | Manually alloc. price is reset to price alloc. by system for contract &1 |
173 | An assertion failed during the inbound processing |
174 | Direct posting to FI for Acquisition Cost is not supported. |
175 | Unexpected error occured during AC document posting to FI |
176 | Different contract ID expected for multi-event FX management |
177 | Contract &1 has status Pending Review and therefore it cannot be combined |
178 | Mapping of posting category &1/&2 is not found in FARR_PST_CAT_MAP |
179 | Handling of mig. contract &1 with direct posting is forbidden |
180 | Manually allocated amount for POB &1 has incorrect sign |
181 | Manual price allocation is not supported for billing elements |
182 | Inconsistent settings of ledger &1 for acc.princ. &2 and CoCode &3 |
183 | Account approach is not supported for direct postings |
184 | POB &1 cannot be suspended. POB &1 is a billing element. |
185 | POB &1 cannot be suspended. POB &1 is a compound group POB. |
186 | Suspension date of POB &1 must be equal to system date. |
187 | Contract &1 was early terminated. Suspension is not supported. |
188 | POB &1 cannot be suspended. POB &1 is a non-distinct POB. |
189 | Contract &1 is pending review and cannot be terminated early |
190 | Suspension date of POB &1 is empty. |
191 | The asset impairment account &1 of perf. oblig. &2 cannot be changed. |
192 | An error occured during call of BAdI FARR_BADI_INV_CORR_ACCT_DERIV |