FBICRC_MAIN - ICR: Main Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class FBICRC_MAIN: ICR: Main Message Class.
It is part of development package FB_ICRC_MAIN in software component FI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Inter-Company Reconciliation (Main Logic)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Data for company &1 in period &3 of year &2 is locked by &4
001Failed to retrieve mails from inbox
002Mail sent
003Fill in all required entry fields
004You are only authorized to display the data for the specified companies
005Data for company &1 in period &3 of year &2 is locked by &4
006User unauthorized
007Enter a valid mail address
008Failed to send mail
009Error writing to database
010Error deleting entries in database
011Select at least one data record
012Display categories &1 and &2 contain identical data records
013No additional field will be added
014Failed to create application log
015No additional field created; no proper transport request chosen
016Failed to save changes to transport request
017Failed to insert data to database table
018Data inserted to database table
019Changes saved to transport request &1
020Status '&1' has been added to &2
021Error while adding objects to change request
022Unassigned type does not exist
023Assigned type does not exist
024Enter the rate &3 for conversion from currency &1 to &2 on &4
026Assignment is not possible
027Unassignment is not possible
028Error while converting currency &1 to &2 using rate &3 on &4
029You are not authorized to run data assignment for the specified companies
030Failed to jump to transaction FBIC004; run it manually
031Transaction FBIC004 called
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