FBV_JOB - Messages for Balance Sheet Valuation
The following messages are stored in message class FBV_JOB: Messages for Balance Sheet Valuation.
It is part of development package FINS_BSV_COMMON in software component MM-IM-VP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Balance Sheet Valuation - Common Things".
It is part of development package FINS_BSV_COMMON in software component MM-IM-VP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Balance Sheet Valuation - Common Things".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Wrong job type |
002 | Only one type allowed at once |
003 | Internal error when calling &1 |
004 | Enter date for exclusion of materials |
005 | Enter valuation alternative for base price |
006 | Parameter &1 missing |
007 | Enter minimum percentage for receipt divided by stock |
008 | Choose at least one option for results |
009 | Choose at least one option for base price selection |
010 | Test run: Nothing posted, messages exist |
011 | Test run: Nothing posted |
012 | Posted successfully, but messages exist |
013 | Posted successfully |
014 | Enter valid Company Code |
015 | Enter Currency Type and Valuation View |
016 | Enter Valuation Alternative |
017 | Enter Fiscal Period To |
018 | Enter Fiscal Year To |
019 | Enter Number of Periods back |
020 | Material Ledger Currency Settings are incomplete |
021 | Errors occured during execution |
022 | Invalid Currency Type &1 for Company Code &2 |
023 | Currency could not be determined |
024 | No authorization for company code &1 |
025 | Valuation Alternative &1 contains no values in period &2, year &3 |
026 | Valuation Alternative &1 does not exist or is not usable for process &2 |
027 | Wrong configuration for Ledger &1 in Company Code &2 |
028 | No inventory price for material &1, val. area &2, val. type &3, curtp &4 |
029 | No minimum price for material &1, valuation area &2, valuation type &3 |
030 | No lowest value for material &1, val. area &2, val. type &3, curtp &4 |
031 | No quantity determined for material &1, val. area &2, val. type &3 |
032 | No data selected for posting |
033 | No data posted, messages exist |
034 | Fiscal Year &1 and Period &2 are not maintained |
035 | Error in Fiscal Year configuration |
036 | &1 Periods back requested, but weighting factors exist only for &2 |
037 | Enter minimum percentage for consumption divided by stock |
038 | Consumption Divided by Stock must be between 0 and 99 |
039 | Receipt Divided by Stock must be between 0 and 99 |
040 | Enter at least one value for Consumption or Receipt Divided by Stock |
041 | Upd. Devaluation Counter needs Upd. Inventory Balance Sheet Valuations |
042 | No Valuation Alternative selected |
043 | &1 Valuation Alternatives selected, but only up to 5 are possible |
044 | No value for val. alternat. &1, material &2, val. area/type &3, curtp &4 |
045 | Valuation alternative &1 does not support currency type &2 |
046 | No price for val. alternat. &1, material &2, val. area/type &3, curtp &4 |
047 | Valuation alternative &1 and base val. alternative must be different |
048 | Negative inventory quantity for material &1, val. area &2, val. type &3 |
049 | Ledger of base valuation alt. and of valuation alt. must be equal |
050 | A technical error occured during parallel execution of &1 |
051 | All delta postings in Period &1, Year &2 in Company &3 will be canceled |
052 | Delta posting for material &1, val. area &2, period &3, year &4 exists |
053 | Valuation on company code level only possible after data migration |
054 | Delta Postings exist already for Company &1 in Period &2 / &3 |
055 | Delta Run ID &1 does not exist |
056 | For valuation on company code level all plant selections will be ignored |
057 | No Journal Entries posted |
058 | Configuration error |
059 | Valuation Alternative &1 does not exist; Please check the name |
060 | Configuration for combination of ledger &1 and company code &2 missing |