FCLM_BRM - Message Class for Bank Relationship Management

The following messages are stored in message class FCLM_BRM: Message Class for Bank Relationship Management.
It is part of development package FCLM_BRM in software component FIN-FSCM-CLM-BAM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bank Relationship Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000--- 001-100 Reserved for Bank Fee Importing ---
001Bank account &1 in group ID &2 of statement ID &3 does not exist.
002File &1 was imported.
003Erorr occurred when importing file &1. Please try again.
004No data is found in the required field &1.
005Date &1 is invaild. Please correct it in the source file.
006Report ID &1 was imported. Do you want to overwrite the last import?
007Files were deleted.
008Error occurred when deleting files. Please try again.
009No bank account was found for IBAN &1.
010"&1" has an invalid value "&2". Please correct it and then try again.
011Error in the source file: &1.
012You are not authorized to import bank services billing files.
013You are not authorized to delete bank services billing files.
014You have no authorization.
015This function is not supported. See SAP Note 2347893.
016The file size exceeds the maximal allowed size (100 MB).
017Timestamp &1T&2 is invaild. Please correct it in the source file.
018File &1 was generated.
019Empty file. Please specify a valid source file and try again.
020No bank fee data in this file. Please select a valid source file.
021Cannot delete condition &1. It is assigned to one or more services.
022Bank fee condition &1 was deleted.
023Data imported for bank account &1 in group ID &2 of statement ID &3.
024The file &1 contains one or more bank accounts that do not exist.
101--- 101-200 Reserved for Bank Fee Analysis ---
102The new validation status is the same with the previous status.
103The validation status was changed.
104Error occurred when changing the pricing validation status.
105Error occurred when updating the validation status in the database.
106Condition type &1 is invaild. Specify a vaild one.
107Specify a value for &1 before you save this condition.
108Bank fee condition already exists.
109Bank fee condition &1 was created.
110The base charge must be no greater than the maximum value.
111You can only define one item for pricing type "&1".
112Duplicate entries. Specify a different threshold volume.
113The minimum value must be no greater than the maximum value.
114Enter a positive amount for &1.
115Error when updating bank condition data. Please try again.
116You are not authorized to create bank conditions.
117You are not authorized to change bank conditions.
118You are not authorized to display bank fee conditions.
119You are not authorized to delete bank fee conditions.
120Define one item for the bank fee condition.
121Error occurred when updating the bank fee analysis data in the database.
122Bank fee condition &1 was assigned.
123Bank fee condition cannot be assigned.
124Bank fee validation status is refreshed and up to date
125Bank fee validation status cannot be refreshed.
126Bank fee validation status was calculated.
127Bank fee validation status cannot be calculated.
129Enter an amount less than &1.
201--- 201-300 Reserved for intraday bank statement ---
202Error when updating rule in database. Please try again.
203Rule &1 generated
204Error when updating rule description in database. Please try again.
205Error when assigning rule to bank in database. Please try again.
206Monitoring rule &1 does not exist. Specify a valid rule.
207Specify a rule for monitoring the intraday bank statements.
208Select the "Upload of Intraday Statements" checkbox.
210Test run ends.
211Test run is starting to generate appointments from &1 to &2.
212Cannot find any bank account that is assigned with a rule.
213Appointments were deleted from database table FCLM_BRM_GENAPPT.
214Cannot delete appointments from database table FCLM_BRM_GENAPPT.
216Error when generating appointments for account &1 with rule &2.
217Start of appointment generation from &1 to &2
218&1 appointments were generated for bank account &2.
219Cannot add appointments for account &1 to table FCLM_BRM_GENAPPT.
220End of appointment generation
221You are not authorized to maintain rules for intraday bank statements.
222Specify an end time later than the start time.
223Rule generated and saved.
224Cannot delete rule &1. It was assigned to banks or bank accounts.
225Account &1 receives intraday statements only when transactions occur.
226Account &1 is monitored for recurring intraday statements (rule ID: &2).
227Wrong time intervals, changes cannot be applied.
228Inconsistency in the rule, changes cannot be applied.
229Rule saved
230There is no timeslot in rule &1, changes cannot be applied.
240Invalid planning level &1. Specify one with source symbol BNK.
241Specify a planning level for generating intraday memo records.
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