The following messages are stored in message class FCLM_BT_MSG: .
It is part of development package ODATA_BANKTRANSFER in software component FIN-FIO-CLM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "oData for Bank Transfer".
Message Nr
Message Text
000You are not authorized to make the payment.
001You are not authorized to reverse the payment.
002Payment request &1 cleared with payment run &2,&3.
003Enter a positive amount.
004Bank transfer date &1 must be later than or equal to today.
005Paying and receiving bank accounts cannot be the same.
006Payment request &1 created
007Enter a paying bank account.
008Enter a receiving bank account.
009Enter a transfer date.
010Enter a payment method.
011Enter an amount.
012Enter a currency.
013Specify a valid paying bank account.
014Specify a valid receiving bank account.
015Specify a valid payment method.
016Specify a valid currency.
017Paying bank account number and ID do not match. Correct your entry.
018Receiving bank account number and ID do not match. Correct your entry.
019No payment request created for repetitive code &1.
020Payment request &1 created for repetitive code &2.
021House bank is not defined for paying bank account.
022House bank is not defined for receiving bank account.
023Enter a repetitive code.
024Enter a transaction date that is not earlier than today.
025You have not entered anything. Enter at least an amount.
026You are not authorized to create templates for company code &1.
027You are not authorized to delete templates of company code &1.
028You are not authorized to edit templates of company code &1.
029You are not authorized to release payment requests for company code &1.
030You are not authorized to reverse payment requests for company code &1.
031You are not authorized to make payments for company code &1.
032Payment request in automatic clearing process: run ID &1, date &2.
033Payment request cannot be released.
034Payment request cannot be reversed.
035Payment request cannot be paid.
036Enter a paying company code.
037Specify a valid paying company code.
038Enter a paying house bank.
039Enter a paying house bank account.
040Enter a receiving company code.
041Specify a valid receiving company code.
042Enter a receiving house bank.
043Enter a receiving house bank account.
044Paying bank account does not match the paying house bank.
045Receiving bank account does not match the receiving house bank.
046Specify a valid paying house bank
047Specify a valid paying house bank account.
048Specify a valid receiving house bank
049Specify a valid receiving house bank account.
050Cannot find an active paying bank account. Correct your entry.
051Cannot find an active receiving bank account. Correct your entry.
052Cannot find an active receiving house bank account. Correct your entry.
053Payment request &1 was created.
054Payment run triggered for payment request &1 on &2, identification &3.
055Payment request &1 was released.
056Failed to start payment run for request &1. Fix errors and try again.
059Payment request &1 was reversed.
061User &1 saved the bank transfer.
062User &1 set the "Release and Pay" checkbox and saved the bank transfer.
063User &1 chose the "Release" button.
064User &1 chose the "Pay" button.
065User &1 chose the "Reverse" button.
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