FCLM_STCP - Short Term Cash Position

The following messages are stored in message class FCLM_STCP: Short Term Cash Position.
It is part of development package FCLM_CP_SHORTTERM in software component FIN-FSCM-CLM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Short Term Cash Position".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Higher hierarchy levels must be selected.
002Values of the hierarchy levels should be different from each other.
003Select the valid Hierarchy Source.
004Hierarchy levels are not allowed for Derived fom Bank Account Hierarchy.
005Select the valid Time Step Unit.
006Select the valid View Category.
007Select the valid Balance Category.
008Enter the valid Display currency.
009Select the valid Hierachy Level.
010Enter the valid Exchange Rate Type.
011Balance Category is not allowed for Delta View Category.
012Enter the valid Bank Account Hierarchy ID.
013Enter the valid Factory Calendar.
014Select the valid Flow Shift Option.
015Error occurs in saving filter conditions. Please contact administrator.
016Filter conditions are saved.
017Select one filter to maintain filter conditions.
018Save filters before maintain filter conditions.
019At least one of the selected filters has been assigned to profiles.
026Bank Acct Hierarchy is not allowed for Derived by Bank Acct Master Data.
027Cash position profile &1 is not defined.
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