FCO - Nachrichten zur Fehlerkostenabwicklung FCO

The following messages are stored in message class FCO: Nachrichten zur Fehlerkostenabwicklung FCO.
It is part of development package CO_OBJ_FCO in software component CO-PC-OBJ. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Failure Cost Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**** Customizing ****
001&1 &2 &3 &4
002Enter plant and production type
003For production orders, please enter the order type
100**** Failure Cost Processing ****
101Enter the cost center/activity type or business process
102Enter the activity quantity
103Enter the unit of measure
104Enter material and plant
105Enter material, plant, and production version
106Enter either the order or the material/plant
107Enter the confirmation number
108Inward transfer quantity greater than outward transfer quantity
109Worklist not filled
110Document &1 locked. Make another selection
111Worklist changed. Make another selection
112Select at least one document in the worklist
113Account assignment object not uniquely filled
114Error messages were issued - see log
115Warning messages were issued - see log
116Log contains no data
117Documents are posted - see log
118Enter a material
119Enter a plant
120Enter a quantity
121Enter a unit of measure
122Enter a storage location
123Errors occurred during goods receipt - see log
124Error during goods receipt
125No suitable outward transfer document available
126Select at least one entry in the worklist
127Specify activities, components, and/or inward transfer quantity
128Select only one row
129No row selected
130No log exists
131Transfer documents with automatic goods receipt individually
132Order &1 is neither a production order nor a product cost collector
133Do not enter component withdrawal for inward transfer with goods receipt
200**** Valuation ****
201No documents selected for valuation
202Document &1 has different unit of measure than cost estimate
203Assembly quantities in document &1 are inconsistent
204Cannot determine controlling area currency for item &2 in document &1
205Error in function module &1: wrong document category &2
206Cannot determine overhead group: missing data for plant &1
207Cannot determine overhead group for material &1
208Execution as test run because selected documents already valuated
209Missing documents for call of valuation reversal
210Valuation of failure cost documents with a quantity structure
211Valuation of failure cost documents with cost accounting documents
212Valuation of failure cost documents using reference documents
213Determination of overhead group for failure cost documents
214Number of documents in valuation run: &1
215Number of documents not valuated: &1
216List of unvaluated failure cost documents:
217Document &1
218Number of documents whose valuation was reversed: &1
219List of documents whose valuation was reversed:
220Error during conversion into base unit of measure: document &1
221Differing currency units from valuated quantity structure: document &1
222No valuation for order &1 due to missing costing variant for planning
300**** Document Update ****
301Specified production order document &1 &2 cannot be reversed
302Specified repetitive manufacturing document &1 cannot be reversed
303Internal error in function module &1
304Unable to find document &1
305Document &1 is not an inward transfer document for rework
306Document &1 already reversed
307Document &1 is a reversal document (cannot be reversed)
308Document too large
309Document &1 cannot be reversed
310Document &1 is a reversal document or was reversed
311This function can only be used on document header
312Document &1 locked
313Error occurred while reversing material document &1 &2 - see log
314Error occurred while reversing activity document &1 - see log
315Document &1 reversed and reversal document &2 generated
316Document &1 reversed, reversal doc. &2 with follow-on doc. &3 generated
317First reverse all dependent rework expense documents (&)
318Reverse goods receipt document &1 &2 with failure cost document &3
319Reverse goods receipt document &1 using failure cost document &2
320Document &1 cannot be reversed - see long text
321Document &1 cannot be reversed because reporting point was deleted
322&1 rework expense documents will be reversed (&2 to &3)
323Reversal documents &1 to &2 generated with follow-on document &3
324Document &1 already valuated
325Document &1 was set to "Do Not Valuate"
400**** Additional Expense Postings ****
401Enter the material or order
402Order &1 does not exist
403No account assignment object could be determined
404No movement type could be determined
405Account assignment object not unique
406Mat. doc. &1, activity doc. &2 with failure cost docs &3 and &4 generated
407Activity document &1 with failure cost document &2 generated
408Material document &1 with failure cost document &2 generated
409Enter the material
410Order &1 not suitable for material &2
411Order &1 is not in plant &2
412There were no errors
413Any activities and components already entered will be overwritten
414Operation &1 does not exist in order &2
415Operation &1 not a reporting point in routing of prod. version &2
416Inward transfer document &1 generated
501Insufficient selection criteria
502Make only one selection
503Selected order &1 does not exist
504No document selected
505"To" value must be greater than or equal to "From" value
506Order &1 not suitable for production version &2
507Specify a time frame
508Select a production order or product cost collector
509Product cost coll. &1 not suitable for mat. &2/plant &3/ProdVersion &4
510Data for order &1 not fully maintained
511No data exists
512Select a different document category
513Select at least one document category
514Select at least one cost center
515Select only one account assignment object
516Selected WBS element does not exist
600****Authorization Check****
601No authorization to display failure cost documents
602No authorization to display reports
603No authorization to display reports in plant &1
604No authorization to display reports for cost center &1
605No authorization to reverse documents in plant &1
606No authorization to valuate failure cost documents
607No authorization to valuate failure cost documents in plant &1
608No authorization to reverse documents
609No authorization to enter failure costs
610No authorization to enter failure costs in plant &1
611Activity &1 is not assigned to authorization object K_FCO
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