The following messages are stored in message class FCO_RUN_ALLOCATION: .
It is part of development package ODATA_RUN_ALLOCATION in software component CA-GTF-FXU-FI-CO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Run Allocations".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Limit of cycle count within an allocation run is 100. Current count is &1
002There are no cycles for processing.
003Cycle &1 with validity &2-&3 cannot be run for given periods.
004There is no free backend session available for processing.
005There is no run no.&1
006Allocation run with status &1 can not be reversed
007It is not possible to reverse a test run
008Allocation run has already been reversed
009Allocation cycle &1, start date &2 has been run for the given period
010No documents posted for this run, nothing to reverse
011CDS view I_AllocationRunResult is in inconsistent state
012Missing authorization for productive run
013Missing authorization for test run
014Missing authorization for reversal run
015Unknown error during allocation run save
016Allocation cycle &1 with starting date &2 has more than one segment
017Allocation cycle &1 with starting date &2 is of different kind
018Cycle &1 with starting date &2 has not been defined in interval &3 - &4
019Top down distribution run can contain only one cycle
020Number of periods( &1 ) does not match the number of ref.periods( &2 )
021Cycle is in an inconsistent state, the template has been changed
022Allocation run is partly reversed, refresh the list of runs
023Start reference period is after end reference period
024No company code defined for cycle &1, start date &2
025Too much content for display. Please adjust filters.
026Document type &1 does not exist
027Run name is initial
028Allocation cycle &1 valid from &2 contains errors, check its settings
029Missing interval '01' for FCO_ALLRUN object. Please maintain SNUM trans.
030Unknown error occurred in the allocation processor
031Allocation cycle &1 valid from &2 not found in the database
032No document to reverse
033Run &1 is already being reversed
034Cycle &1 in run &2 is already being reversed for period &3
035It is not possible to combine cycles and groups for batch processing
036This report can be run only through Application Jobs fiori application
037There is no cycle to run
038Please select periods from a same fiscal year
039Ledger &1 errors
040&1 Incorrect format of cycle and start date
041Cycle &1 with start date &2 doesn't exist
042Cycle &1 with start date &2 cannot be reversed for ledger &3
043Run not triggered
044Reversal not triggered
045Allocation Context is initial
046Cycle Ledger is initial
047Allocation Type is initial
048Actual/Plan Indicator is initial
049Fiscal Year is initial
050Fiscal Period is initial
051Reference Fiscal Year is initial
052Reference Fiscal Period is initial
053Allocation cycle &1/&2 and &3/&4 have different attributes
054Allocation cycle &1/&2 has been run for period &3 in ledger &4
055The allocation process ran out of memory
056Error in allocation run: &1...
057Unknown field &1 in the allocation result
058Missing authorization for display of cycle &1 with start date &2
059Missing authorization for Company Code &1
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