FDMO_PR_MSG - OData Forderungen bearbeiten - Nachrichten

The following messages are stored in message class FDMO_PR_MSG: OData Forderungen bearbeiten - Nachrichten.
It is part of development package ODATA_CUSTOMER_RECEIVABLES in software component FIN-FIO-CCD-COL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "OData Services - Process Receivables".
Message Nr
Message Text
001You can only use filter &1 as a parameter (single value)
002PDF invoice cannot be displayed
003Attachment cannot be displayed
004Customer number or company code is not available
005The promised amount must be positive
006The due date of the promise to pay is in the past
007Select invoices with the same company code
010Select invoices for which no dispute case has yet been created
011Invoice cleared; a dispute case is only created for open invoices
012The disputed amount must be positive. Select invoices accordingly
013You are not authorized to display the invoice
014You are not authorized to display the dispute case
015You are not authorized to display the promise to pay
016You are not authorized to create the promise to pay
017You are not authorized to create the dispute case
018Choose a suitable extension for the file name
019File type is not allowed for the upload
020The attachment for the promise to pay cannot be displayed
021Collection segment is not available
022The attachment for the resubmission cannot be displayed
023Customer &1 (&2) does not have any account data
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