FDT_HANA - BRFplus: HANA Integration
The following messages are stored in message class FDT_HANA: BRFplus: HANA Integration.
It is part of development package SFDT_HANA in software component BC-SRV-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BRFplus: HANA Integration".
It is part of development package SFDT_HANA in software component BC-SRV-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BRFplus: HANA Integration".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
010 | Could not establish database connection &1 - see transaction DBCO |
011 | Failed to read &1 &2 (&3) |
012 | Failed to write &1 &2 (&3) |
013 | Failed to search for &1 (&2) |
014 | Failed to delete &1 &2 (&3) |
015 | Failed to activate &1 &2 (&3) |
016 | Could not find &1 &2 (&3) |
017 | An exception occured during the serialization of the meta data for &1 |
018 | Can not convert timepoint type &1 to HANA data object |
019 | Can not convert element type &1 to HANA data object |
020 | A SQL exception occured during the execution of a HANA catalog query |
021 | Catalog object &1 does not exist in schema &2 |
022 | Assign DB connection 'DEFAULT' or secondary DB connection to application |
023 | Schema &1 does not exist. |
024 | &2 '&3' is inconsistent with database connection &1: |
025 | Failed to create package &1 |
026 | Failed to check the existence of package &1 |
027 | Failed to list package(s) &1 |
100 | Condition column &1 is not of type data object |
101 | Row &1 column &2: The low value must not be a data object or expression |
102 | Row &1 column &2: The high value must not be a data object or expression |
103 | Row &1, result column &2: Cells must not refer to expr. or data objects |
104 | &1 cannot be used for dynamic database views: |
105 | HANA database type &1 cannot not be mapped to an ABAP type |
106 | &1: HANA database type &2 cannot not be mapped to an ABAP type |
149 | Content object &1 in package &2 is not active |
150 | &1 is not a valid source type |
151 | Objects of type &1 are no catalog objects |
152 | Objects of type &1 are no content objects |
153 | Package &1 does not exist |
154 | Content object &1 does not exist in package &2 |
155 | Provide either a content object or a catalog object |
156 | Invalid source field mapping for &1: |
157 | &1: The source field name is not specified |
158 | &1: The BRFplus data element is not specified |
159 | &2 and &3: The same source field name &1 is used |
160 | &2 and &3: The source fields are mapped to the same element &1 |
161 | &2: &1 is unknown or deleted |
162 | &2: Object &1 is no data element |
163 | &1 and &2: The data elements share the same name &3 |
164 | &1: Field &2 does not exist in the source |
165 | &3: The type of DB field &1 is not convertible to the mapped element &2 |
166 | &3: The mapped element &2 is not convertible to the type of DB field &1 |
167 | No database field mapping has been defined |
168 | &2: Parameter &1 has not been defined |
169 | &2: Parameter &1 is not mapped to a result column |
170 | Invalid parameter definition for &1: |
171 | &2: Element ID &1 is used also for source field mapping (&3) |
172 | &2 and &3: Both use the same parameter ID &1 |
173 | &2: Name &1 is used also for source field mapping (&3) |
174 | &2 and &3: Both use the same parameter name &1 |
175 | &2: Parameters must not be of type amount or quantity |
176 | &2: Data object &1 must not be of type amount or quantity. |
177 | &2: Name &1 is used also for &3 |
178 | &2: Element ID &1 is used also for &3 |
180 | Invalid result view definition for &1: |
181 | &2 and &3: The same result view field name &1 occurs twice |
182 | &2: Object &1 is no decision table |
183 | &1: &2 is no result element of expression &3 |
184 | &1: Expression &2 has no result of type element |
185 | &1: Choose an element of the result structure of expression &2 |
186 | &1 and &2: More than one expression is used for result calculation |
187 | &1: Different names for mapped field (&2) and result field (&3) |
188 | &1: The result field needs to be specified in each line |
189 | &1: Specify a source field or an expression or a parameter |
190 | &1: Source field must not be used with expression or parameter |
191 | No database fields have been defined |
192 | &1: Different names for result field &2 and expression result &3 |
193 | &1: Parameter must not be used with expression or source field |
194 | &1: Expression must not be used with parameter or source field |
195 | &3: Expression &1 uses &2 which is no database field and no parameter |
196 | &1: Result data object &2 needs to be calculated by an expression |
197 | &2: Expression &1 must not have a result of type amount or quantity |
198 | &2 and source field &3: Both use the same parameter ID &1 |
199 | &2 and source field &3: Both use the same parameter name &1 |
200 | Specify exactly one field |
201 | &1 is no result field of the dynamic database view. |
202 | Insufficient configuration of the dynamic database view |
203 | &1: A renaming of fields is only allowed in comb. with calculated columns |
205 | Provide a &1 |
206 | &2: "CLIENT" is a reserved name that must not be used |
208 | Warnings in source field mapping for &1: |
209 | &3: Data from DB field &1 might not be convertible to mapped element &2 |
293 | &1 cannot be generated in rules on HANA. &1 has no calculated columns |
300 | Row &1 column &2: "Not Between" is not allowed |
301 | Row &1 column &2: "Between" is only allowed for time and number fields |
302 | Row &1 column &2: Invalid option "&3" |
303 | Row &1 column &2: Only single value enumerations are allowed |
304 | Column &2: Amount and quantity columns are not allowed |
305 | Invalid object type &1 |