FDT_TRACE_INFO - Messages to enrich traces with additional info
The following messages are stored in message class FDT_TRACE_INFO: Messages to enrich traces with additional info.
It is part of development package SFDT_EXPRESSIONS in software component BC-SRV-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BRFplus: Expressions".
It is part of development package SFDT_EXPRESSIONS in software component BC-SRV-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BRFplus: Expressions".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
005 | Case parameter not met by any When condition |
010 | Evaluating include conditions with test parameter &1 |
012 | &1 value &2 is between &3 and &4 |
014 | &1 value &2 is not between &3 and &4 |
018 | &1 value &2 is equal to &3 |
019 | &1 value &2 is not equal to &3 |
020 | &1 value &2 is greater than &3 |
021 | &1 value &2 is less than &3 |
022 | &1 value &2 is greater than or equal to &3 |
023 | &1 value &2 is less than or equal to &3 |
026 | Range conditions are evaluated; result is true |
027 | Range conditions are evaluated; result is false |
028 | &1 value &2 contains any &3 |
029 | &1 value &2 does not contain any &3 |
030 | &1 value &2 contains only &3 |
031 | &1 value &2 does not contain only &3 |
032 | &1 value &2 contains string &3 |
033 | &1 value &2 does not contain string &3 |
034 | &1 value &2 matches pattern &3 |
035 | &1 value &2 does not match pattern &3 |
036 | &1 is not supplied; condition is not evaluated |
040 | Evaluating decision table row &1 |
041 | Evaluating cell condition of column &1 in row &2 |
042 | No restriction defined for cell of column &1 in row &2 |
043 | Cell condition of column &1 in row &2 is met |
044 | Cell condition of column &1 in row &2 is not met; row skipped |
045 | All conditions in row &1 met; evaluating result of row &1 |
046 | No row found for which all cell conditions are met; no result found |
047 | Decision table result value: &1 |
048 | Getting a result table from a nested expression |
049 | Test parameter is supplied |
050 | Test parameter is not supplied |
051 | Test parameter is initial |
052 | Test parameter is not initial |
053 | Evaluating Where conditions of loop expression |
054 | Where conditions satisfied; continue with rule processing |
055 | Where conditions not satisfied; rule processing skipped |
057 | |
058 | Function Processing |
059 | Service processed in system &1 |
060 | Context added to workarea: &1; value &2 |
061 | Step &1: Precondition is not satisfied; step &1 skipped |
062 | Step &1: Precondition is satisfied; processing step &1 |
063 | Step &2: Processing function &1 |
064 | Step &2: Result updated to workarea: &3; value &1 |
065 | Step &1: Exit condition satisfied; leaving sequence |
066 | Step &1: Exit condition not satisfied; continuing with next step |
067 | |
074 | |
075 | |
076 | |
077 | |
080 | Operation is &1; evaluating all operands |
081 | Operand &1 evaluated to &2 |
082 | Operand &1 evaluated to &2 and inverted to &3 |
083 | Operation AND: All operands are true |
084 | Operation AND: At least one operand is false |
085 | Operation OR: At least one operand is true |
086 | Operation OR: All operands are false |
089 | |
090 | Boolean operation &1 evaluates to true |
091 | Boolean operation &1 evaluates to false |
092 | Result is inverted to true |
093 | Result is inverted to false |
094 | Evaluating user-defined boolean expression; &1 |
095 | User-defined boolean expression evaluated to &1 |
096 | Boolean operation &1 evaluated to &2 |
097 | User-defined boolean expression evaluated to &1; inverted to &2 |
098 | Boolean operation &1 evaluated to &2; inverted to &3 |
100 | Nested function call of function &1 |
102 | Processing rule &1 |
103 | Evaluating continue condition |
104 | Evaluating exit condition |
105 | Continue condition not satisfied; processing remaining rules |
106 | Continue condition satisfied; skip remaining rules -> next iteration |
107 | Exit condition not satisfied; continue with rule processing |
108 | Exit condition satisfied; exiting &1 |
109 | |
110 | Calling XSL transformation &1 |
111 | Evaluated XSL transformation parameter &1; value &2 |
120 | Calling static method &1 of class &2 |
121 | Calling function module &1 |
130 | Random number &1 lies outside of probability &2; returning false |
131 | Random number &1 lies inside of probability &2; returning true |
132 | Determined borders: [Minimum: &1, Maximum: &2] |
133 | Determined random number is &1 |
140 | Determined expression to be called dynamically: &1; ID &2 |
141 | Called expression &1 processed; value &2 |
150 | Evaluating condition node &1 |
151 | Evaluating leaf node &1 |
152 | Condition evaluated to &1; continuing to evaluate the &2 |
153 | |
159 | Performing search in qualified match mode |
160 | Performing search in first match mode |
161 | Performing search in all matches mode |
162 | Checking condition for node &1 (node ID &2) |
163 | Condition is met, evaluating result |
164 | Evaluating child nodes... |
169 | DB Lookup is processed in &1 mode |
174 | Performing SELECT SINGLE on table &1 with the given conditions |
175 | Performing SELECT on table &1 with the given conditions |
177 | Round &1 to &2 decimal places = &3 |
178 | Max (&1 and &2) = &3 |
179 | Min (&1 and &2) = &3 |
180 | Addition: (&1 + &2) = &3 |
181 | Subtraction: (&1 - &2) = &3 |
182 | Multiplication: (&1 * &2) = &3 |
183 | Division: (&1 / &2) = &3 |
184 | Exponentiation: &1^&2 = &3 |
185 | Boolean operation: NOT (true) => false |
186 | Boolean operation: NOT (false) => true |
187 | Boolean operation: (true AND true) => true |
188 | Boolean operation: (true AND false) => false |
189 | Boolean operation: (false OR true) => true |
190 | Boolean operation: (false OR false) => false |
191 | Boolean operation: (false AND ...) => false |
192 | Boolean operation: (true OR ...) => true |
193 | Absolute value: Abs(&1) = &2 |
194 | Argument &1 is initial |
195 | Argument &1 is NOT initial |
196 | Conversion of &1 to number &2 |
197 | Comparison: (&1 == &2) => &3 |
198 | Constant evaluated to &1 |
199 | Conversion of &1 to string &2 |
200 | Structure type |
201 | Table type |
202 | Comparison: (&1 &4 &2) => &3 |
203 | Fraction: Frac(&1) = &2 |
204 | Integer part: Trunc(&1) = &2 |
205 | Invalid lean trace database table name |
220 | Writing messages to application log object '&1' |
221 | Email sent to &1&2&3&4 |
222 | Email not sent to recipient &1; invalid address |
228 | No condition defined; triggering True action(s) |
229 | Condition fulfilled |
230 | Condition fulfilled; triggering True action(s) |
231 | Condition not fulfilled; triggering False action(s) |
232 | Condition not fulfilled |
233 | Retrieving all lines from table &1 |
234 | Retrieving all lines from table &1 with given conditions |
235 | Retrieving first line from table &1 |
236 | Retrieving first line from table &1 with given conditions |
237 | Retrieving last line from table &1 |
238 | Retrieving last line from table &1 with given conditions |
239 | Deleting all lines from table &1 |
240 | Deleting all lines from table &1 with given conditions |
241 | Deleting first line from table &1 |
242 | Deleting first line from table &1 with given conditions |
243 | Deleting last line from table &1 |
244 | Deleting last line from table &1 with given conditions |
245 | Check if table &1 has exactly &2 lines |
246 | Check if table &1 has exactly &2 lines with given conditions |
247 | Check if table &1 has at least &2 lines |
248 | Check if table &1 has at least &2 lines with given conditions |
249 | Check if table &1 has no more than &2 lines |
250 | Check if table &1 has no more than &2 lines with given conditions |
253 | Number of lines in table &1 is &2 |
254 | Number of lines in table &1 with given conditions is &2 |
255 | Total of column &2 in table &1 is &3 |
256 | Total of column &2 in table &1 with given conditions is &3 |
257 | Average of column &2 in table &1 is &3 |
258 | Average of column &2 in table &1 with given conditions is &3 |
259 | Minimum value in column &2 of table &1 is &3 |
260 | Minimum value in column &2 of table &1 with given conditions is &3 |
261 | Maximum value in column &2 of table &1 is &3 |
262 | Maximum value in column &2 of table &1 with given conditions is &3 |
263 | Sorting table &1 by column &2 &3 |
269 | Evaluating precondition for ruleset &1 |
270 | Evaluating precondition &1 for ruleset &2 |
271 | Ruleset condition not satisfied; rules will not be processed for &1 |
272 | Ruleset condition satisfied; rule processing for &1 begins |
273 | Ruleset exit condition satisfied; exiting ruleset |
274 | Ruleset exit condition not satisfied; processing continues |
275 | Precondition satisfied; rule will be processed |
276 | Precondition not satisfied; rule will not be processed |
277 | Rule processing: &1 (position &2) |
278 | Ruleset initialization |
279 | Processing of ruleset initialization expressions ends |
283 | Loop mode is set to 'Loop over table: &1'. |
284 | Loop mode is set to 'Repeat &1 times'. |
285 | Loop mode is set to 'Repeat until condition is not true' |
286 | Loop mode is set to 'Repeat while condition is true' |
300 | ***************300-500 reserved for Lean Trace Parsing*************** |
301 | Exit condition is met; exit from looping |
302 | Continue condition is met; continue with next iteration |
303 | Until condition is met; exit from looping |
304 | While condition is not met; exit from looping |
308 | No trace available for selected search criteria &1 &2 &3 &4 |
311 | Condition is not met |
312 | Evaluating node &1 |
313 | Checking condition |
317 | Operand &1 skipped; evaluation not necessary |
321 | When condition with position &1 is met |
322 | Test parameter above matches Case parameter |
323 | Result of When condition &1 is returned |
324 | Result of Others branch is returned |
329 | Evaluating decision table in multiple match mode |
330 | Evaluating decision table in single match mode |
335 | Condition node &1 is false |
336 | Condition node &1 is true |
340 | Evaluating whether range "&1" is true or not |
341 | Evaluating include condition "&1" |
342 | Evaluating exclude condition "&1" |
343 | Range evaluated to true |
344 | Range evaluated to false |
350 | Value of context data object &1 has been initialized |
351 | Value of context data object has been updated to &2 |
352 | No condition defined, firing True action(s) |
353 | Precondition fulfilled, triggering rule |
354 | Exit condition fulfilled, exit from ruleset processing |
355 | Exit condition not fulfilled, continue with ruleset processing |
356 | Precondition not fulfilled, skip the processing of current rule |
357 | Value of context data object &1 has been updated |
365 | Saving trace data not possible due to versioning status; see long text |
366 | |
370 | Static method &2 of class &1 was called |
371 | Function module &1 was called |
372 | Exception &1 was raised but ignored while processing static method |
373 | Exception &1 was raised but ignored while processing function module |
374 | |
376 | *************************New Trace Text ***************************** |
377 | When &1; value &2 |
378 | Condition &1 is equal to &2; value &3 |
379 | Condition &1 is equal to &2 |
380 | Condition &1 is not equal to &2; value &3 |
381 | Condition &1 is not equal to &2 |
382 | No condition met; Otherwise branch is evaluated; &1 |
383 | Determined result &1 |
385 | Evaluating &1 &2 &3 &4 |
388 | If test parameter &1; value &2 |
389 | &1 condition &2: is equal to &3; value &4 |
390 | &1 condition &2: is equal to &3 |
391 | &1 condition &2: is not equal to &3; value &4 |
392 | &1 condition &2: is not equal to &3 |
394 | &1 condition &2: is between &3 and &4 |
395 | &1 condition &2: is not between &3 and &4 |
396 | &1 condition &2: is greater than &3; value &4 |
397 | &1 condition &2: is greater than &3 |
398 | &1 condition &2: is less than &3; value &4 |
399 | &1 condition &2: is less than &3 |
400 | Result rounded to &1 decimals (decimals defined in result data object) |
402 | &1 condition &2: is greater than or equal to &3; value &4 |
403 | &1 condition &2: is greater than or equal to &3 |
404 | &1 condition &2: is less than or equal to &3; value &4 |
405 | &1 condition &2: is less than or equal to &3 |
406 | &1 condition &2: contains any &3; value &4 |
407 | &1 condition &2: contains any &3 |
408 | &1 condition &2: does not contain any &3; value &4 |
409 | &1 condition &2: does not contain any &3 |
410 | &1 condition &2: contains only &3; value &4 |
411 | &1 condition &2: contains only &3 |
412 | &1 condition &2: does not contain only &3; value &4 |
413 | &1 condition &2: does not contain only &3 |
414 | &1 condition &2: contains string &3; value &4 |
415 | &1 condition &2: contains string &3 |
416 | &1 condition &2: does not contain string &3; value &4 |
417 | &1 condition &2: does not contain string &3 |
418 | &1 condition &2: matches pattern &3; value &4 |
419 | &1 condition &2: matches pattern &3 |
420 | &1 condition &2: does not match pattern &3; value &4 |
421 | &1 condition &2: does not match pattern &3 |
422 | &1 condition &2: starts with &3; value &4 |
423 | &1 condition &2: starts with &3 |
424 | &1 condition &2: does not start with &3; value &4 |
425 | &1 condition &2: does not start with &3 |
426 | &1 condition &2: ends with &3; value &4 |
427 | &1 condition &2: ends with &3 |
428 | &1 condition &2: does not end with &3; value &4 |
429 | &1 condition &2: does not end with &3 |
430 | A data mismatch error occurred while interpreting traced context data |
432 | Initializing the value |
433 | Performing action &1 |
434 | Processing expression &1 |
435 | Processing rule &1 |
437 | &1 condition &2 unit equals &3 |
438 | &1 condition &2 unit is not equal to &3 |
439 | &1 condition &2 currency equals &3 |
440 | &1 condition &2 currency is not equal to &3 |
450 | Activity &1 is evaluated |
451 | Flow ends at end node &1 |
452 | Flow ends at error node &1 |
453 | Gateway &1 is evaluated |
454 | Condition at branch order &1 is true |
455 | No condition met, taking default branch |
500 | *******************Flow Expression********************* |
501 | Processing activity node &1 |
502 | Processing gateway node &1 |
503 | Gateway branch &1 is satisfied |
504 | Processing of flow reached an error state |
505 | Processing of flow reached an end state |
508 | |
509 | |
510 | |
511 | |
512 | |
513 | |
515 | Trace cannot be parsed; contains unversioned objects that have changed |
530 | Check if table &1 has not exactly &2 lines |
531 | Check if table &1 has not exactly &2 lines with given conditions |
532 | Check if table &1 has more than &2 lines |
533 | Check if table &1 has more than &2 lines with given conditions |
534 | Check if table &1 has less than &2 lines |
535 | Check if table &1 has less than &2 lines with given conditions |