FDT_TRACE_INFO - Messages to enrich traces with additional info

The following messages are stored in message class FDT_TRACE_INFO: Messages to enrich traces with additional info.
It is part of development package SFDT_EXPRESSIONS in software component BC-SRV-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BRFplus: Expressions".
Message Nr
Message Text
005Case parameter not met by any When condition
010Evaluating include conditions with test parameter &1
012&1 value &2 is between &3 and &4
014&1 value &2 is not between &3 and &4
018&1 value &2 is equal to &3
019&1 value &2 is not equal to &3
020&1 value &2 is greater than &3
021&1 value &2 is less than &3
022&1 value &2 is greater than or equal to &3
023&1 value &2 is less than or equal to &3
026Range conditions are evaluated; result is true
027Range conditions are evaluated; result is false
028&1 value &2 contains any &3
029&1 value &2 does not contain any &3
030&1 value &2 contains only &3
031&1 value &2 does not contain only &3
032&1 value &2 contains string &3
033&1 value &2 does not contain string &3
034&1 value &2 matches pattern &3
035&1 value &2 does not match pattern &3
036&1 is not supplied; condition is not evaluated
040Evaluating decision table row &1
041Evaluating cell condition of column &1 in row &2
042No restriction defined for cell of column &1 in row &2
043Cell condition of column &1 in row &2 is met
044Cell condition of column &1 in row &2 is not met; row skipped
045All conditions in row &1 met; evaluating result of row &1
046No row found for which all cell conditions are met; no result found
047Decision table result value: &1
048Getting a result table from a nested expression
049Test parameter is supplied
050Test parameter is not supplied
051Test parameter is initial
052Test parameter is not initial
053Evaluating Where conditions of loop expression
054Where conditions satisfied; continue with rule processing
055Where conditions not satisfied; rule processing skipped
058Function Processing
059Service processed in system &1
060Context added to workarea: &1; value &2
061Step &1: Precondition is not satisfied; step &1 skipped
062Step &1: Precondition is satisfied; processing step &1
063Step &2: Processing function &1
064Step &2: Result updated to workarea: &3; value &1
065Step &1: Exit condition satisfied; leaving sequence
066Step &1: Exit condition not satisfied; continuing with next step
080Operation is &1; evaluating all operands
081Operand &1 evaluated to &2
082Operand &1 evaluated to &2 and inverted to &3
083Operation AND: All operands are true
084Operation AND: At least one operand is false
085Operation OR: At least one operand is true
086Operation OR: All operands are false
090Boolean operation &1 evaluates to true
091Boolean operation &1 evaluates to false
092Result is inverted to true
093Result is inverted to false
094Evaluating user-defined boolean expression; &1
095User-defined boolean expression evaluated to &1
096Boolean operation &1 evaluated to &2
097User-defined boolean expression evaluated to &1; inverted to &2
098Boolean operation &1 evaluated to &2; inverted to &3
100Nested function call of function &1
102Processing rule &1
103Evaluating continue condition
104Evaluating exit condition
105Continue condition not satisfied; processing remaining rules
106Continue condition satisfied; skip remaining rules -> next iteration
107Exit condition not satisfied; continue with rule processing
108Exit condition satisfied; exiting &1
110Calling XSL transformation &1
111Evaluated XSL transformation parameter &1; value &2
120Calling static method &1 of class &2
121Calling function module &1
130Random number &1 lies outside of probability &2; returning false
131Random number &1 lies inside of probability &2; returning true
132Determined borders: [Minimum: &1, Maximum: &2]
133Determined random number is &1
140Determined expression to be called dynamically: &1; ID &2
141Called expression &1 processed; value &2
150Evaluating condition node &1
151Evaluating leaf node &1
152Condition evaluated to &1; continuing to evaluate the &2
159Performing search in qualified match mode
160Performing search in first match mode
161Performing search in all matches mode
162Checking condition for node &1 (node ID &2)
163Condition is met, evaluating result
164Evaluating child nodes...
169DB Lookup is processed in &1 mode
174Performing SELECT SINGLE on table &1 with the given conditions
175Performing SELECT on table &1 with the given conditions
177Round &1 to &2 decimal places = &3
178Max (&1 and &2) = &3
179Min (&1 and &2) = &3
180Addition: (&1 + &2) = &3
181Subtraction: (&1 - &2) = &3
182Multiplication: (&1 * &2) = &3
183Division: (&1 / &2) = &3
184Exponentiation: &1^&2 = &3
185Boolean operation: NOT (true) => false
186Boolean operation: NOT (false) => true
187Boolean operation: (true AND true) => true
188Boolean operation: (true AND false) => false
189Boolean operation: (false OR true) => true
190Boolean operation: (false OR false) => false
191Boolean operation: (false AND ...) => false
192Boolean operation: (true OR ...) => true
193Absolute value: Abs(&1) = &2
194Argument &1 is initial
195Argument &1 is NOT initial
196Conversion of &1 to number &2
197Comparison: (&1 == &2) => &3
198Constant evaluated to &1
199Conversion of &1 to string &2
200Structure type
201Table type
202Comparison: (&1 &4 &2) => &3
203Fraction: Frac(&1) = &2
204Integer part: Trunc(&1) = &2
205Invalid lean trace database table name
220Writing messages to application log object '&1'
221Email sent to &1&2&3&4
222Email not sent to recipient &1; invalid address
228No condition defined; triggering True action(s)
229Condition fulfilled
230Condition fulfilled; triggering True action(s)
231Condition not fulfilled; triggering False action(s)
232Condition not fulfilled
233Retrieving all lines from table &1
234Retrieving all lines from table &1 with given conditions
235Retrieving first line from table &1
236Retrieving first line from table &1 with given conditions
237Retrieving last line from table &1
238Retrieving last line from table &1 with given conditions
239Deleting all lines from table &1
240Deleting all lines from table &1 with given conditions
241Deleting first line from table &1
242Deleting first line from table &1 with given conditions
243Deleting last line from table &1
244Deleting last line from table &1 with given conditions
245Check if table &1 has exactly &2 lines
246Check if table &1 has exactly &2 lines with given conditions
247Check if table &1 has at least &2 lines
248Check if table &1 has at least &2 lines with given conditions
249Check if table &1 has no more than &2 lines
250Check if table &1 has no more than &2 lines with given conditions
253Number of lines in table &1 is &2
254Number of lines in table &1 with given conditions is &2
255Total of column &2 in table &1 is &3
256Total of column &2 in table &1 with given conditions is &3
257Average of column &2 in table &1 is &3
258Average of column &2 in table &1 with given conditions is &3
259Minimum value in column &2 of table &1 is &3
260Minimum value in column &2 of table &1 with given conditions is &3
261Maximum value in column &2 of table &1 is &3
262Maximum value in column &2 of table &1 with given conditions is &3
263Sorting table &1 by column &2 &3
269Evaluating precondition for ruleset &1
270Evaluating precondition &1 for ruleset &2
271Ruleset condition not satisfied; rules will not be processed for &1
272Ruleset condition satisfied; rule processing for &1 begins
273Ruleset exit condition satisfied; exiting ruleset
274Ruleset exit condition not satisfied; processing continues
275Precondition satisfied; rule will be processed
276Precondition not satisfied; rule will not be processed
277Rule processing: &1 (position &2)
278Ruleset initialization
279Processing of ruleset initialization expressions ends
283Loop mode is set to 'Loop over table: &1'.
284Loop mode is set to 'Repeat &1 times'.
285Loop mode is set to 'Repeat until condition is not true'
286Loop mode is set to 'Repeat while condition is true'
300***************300-500 reserved for Lean Trace Parsing***************
301Exit condition is met; exit from looping
302Continue condition is met; continue with next iteration
303Until condition is met; exit from looping
304While condition is not met; exit from looping
308No trace available for selected search criteria &1 &2 &3 &4
311Condition is not met
312Evaluating node &1
313Checking condition
317Operand &1 skipped; evaluation not necessary
321When condition with position &1 is met
322Test parameter above matches Case parameter
323Result of When condition &1 is returned
324Result of Others branch is returned
329Evaluating decision table in multiple match mode
330Evaluating decision table in single match mode
335Condition node &1 is false
336Condition node &1 is true
340Evaluating whether range "&1" is true or not
341Evaluating include condition "&1"
342Evaluating exclude condition "&1"
343Range evaluated to true
344Range evaluated to false
350Value of context data object &1 has been initialized
351Value of context data object has been updated to &2
352No condition defined, firing True action(s)
353Precondition fulfilled, triggering rule
354Exit condition fulfilled, exit from ruleset processing
355Exit condition not fulfilled, continue with ruleset processing
356Precondition not fulfilled, skip the processing of current rule
357Value of context data object &1 has been updated
365Saving trace data not possible due to versioning status; see long text
370Static method &2 of class &1 was called
371Function module &1 was called
372Exception &1 was raised but ignored while processing static method
373Exception &1 was raised but ignored while processing function module
376*************************New Trace Text *****************************
377When &1; value &2
378Condition &1 is equal to &2; value &3
379Condition &1 is equal to &2
380Condition &1 is not equal to &2; value &3
381Condition &1 is not equal to &2
382No condition met; Otherwise branch is evaluated; &1
383Determined result &1
385Evaluating &1 &2 &3 &4
388If test parameter &1; value &2
389&1 condition &2: is equal to &3; value &4
390&1 condition &2: is equal to &3
391&1 condition &2: is not equal to &3; value &4
392&1 condition &2: is not equal to &3
394&1 condition &2: is between &3 and &4
395&1 condition &2: is not between &3 and &4
396&1 condition &2: is greater than &3; value &4
397&1 condition &2: is greater than &3
398&1 condition &2: is less than &3; value &4
399&1 condition &2: is less than &3
400Result rounded to &1 decimals (decimals defined in result data object)
402&1 condition &2: is greater than or equal to &3; value &4
403&1 condition &2: is greater than or equal to &3
404&1 condition &2: is less than or equal to &3; value &4
405&1 condition &2: is less than or equal to &3
406&1 condition &2: contains any &3; value &4
407&1 condition &2: contains any &3
408&1 condition &2: does not contain any &3; value &4
409&1 condition &2: does not contain any &3
410&1 condition &2: contains only &3; value &4
411&1 condition &2: contains only &3
412&1 condition &2: does not contain only &3; value &4
413&1 condition &2: does not contain only &3
414&1 condition &2: contains string &3; value &4
415&1 condition &2: contains string &3
416&1 condition &2: does not contain string &3; value &4
417&1 condition &2: does not contain string &3
418&1 condition &2: matches pattern &3; value &4
419&1 condition &2: matches pattern &3
420&1 condition &2: does not match pattern &3; value &4
421&1 condition &2: does not match pattern &3
422&1 condition &2: starts with &3; value &4
423&1 condition &2: starts with &3
424&1 condition &2: does not start with &3; value &4
425&1 condition &2: does not start with &3
426&1 condition &2: ends with &3; value &4
427&1 condition &2: ends with &3
428&1 condition &2: does not end with &3; value &4
429&1 condition &2: does not end with &3
430A data mismatch error occurred while interpreting traced context data
432Initializing the value
433Performing action &1
434Processing expression &1
435Processing rule &1
437&1 condition &2 unit equals &3
438&1 condition &2 unit is not equal to &3
439&1 condition &2 currency equals &3
440&1 condition &2 currency is not equal to &3
450Activity &1 is evaluated
451Flow ends at end node &1
452Flow ends at error node &1
453Gateway &1 is evaluated
454Condition at branch order &1 is true
455No condition met, taking default branch
500*******************Flow Expression*********************
501Processing activity node &1
502Processing gateway node &1
503Gateway branch &1 is satisfied
504Processing of flow reached an error state
505Processing of flow reached an end state
515Trace cannot be parsed; contains unversioned objects that have changed
530Check if table &1 has not exactly &2 lines
531Check if table &1 has not exactly &2 lines with given conditions
532Check if table &1 has more than &2 lines
533Check if table &1 has more than &2 lines with given conditions
534Check if table &1 has less than &2 lines
535Check if table &1 has less than &2 lines with given conditions
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