FDT_WD_ADMIN_TOOL - FDT WD: Messages for WD Admin Tool

The following messages are stored in message class FDT_WD_ADMIN_TOOL: FDT WD: Messages for WD Admin Tool.
It is part of development package SFDT_WD_ADMIN_TOOL in software component BC-SRV-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BRFplus: Web Dynpro UI: Admin Tool".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Invalid timestamp provided
001Object will be opened in display mode
002Cannot use catalog with ID &1 as navigation -> Fallback to common Navi
003Not a valid BRFplus ID
004No BRFplus object with ID &1 found
005No object selected
006Assigned object is invalid or does not exist in this client
007Rows displayed in decision table defaulted to 15 due to invalid input
008Select the default application you want to show at start-up
010...created by &1 on &2 at &3
011...last changed by &1 on &2 at &3
012Description: &1
013...belongs to application &1 (&2)
014Save or discard the latest changes on the current object first
015Your search did not return any results
016You have not yet created an application
017Left panel size cannot be further decreased
020You can define a default catalog in the user settings
021Zero downtime management is running - objects can only be displayed
024Tool &1 not found
028Minimum columns for horizontal scroll defaulted to 5 due to invalid input
029Number of rules expanded defaulted to 5 due to invalid input
030Support Package warning could not be displayed (translation missing?)
031Number of query results defaulted to 200 due to invalid input
032No application has been provided for the filter
033Open an object to be viewed in full screen view
034Hotkey &1 is assigned to multiple actions; assignment not possible
035Action &1 is assigned to multiple hotkeys; assignment not possible
036Duplicate hotkey assignment for action &1
040Could not create a new virtual system
041Could not access virtual system '&1'
042Virtual system ID '&1' is invalid
043Workbench started in virtual system '&1'
050Transaction obsolete; use transaction FDT_WORKBENCH instead
060&1 added to Favorites
070UI executed with UI mode: &1
071UI executed with filters
100The personalization settings have been saved successfully
150Workbench started
151Workbench exited
160Access to deployable objects not allowed in customer systems
161Access to deployable objects only allowed in system clients
162Access to deployable objects failed
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