The following messages are stored in message class FEB_BS_ML: .
It is part of development package FTE in software component FI-BL-PT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bank accounting: External payment information".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&4 item &1/&2 (bank account &3) could not be locked.
001No authorization to edit &4 &1 (&3).
002No Machine Learning proposal created for &4 &1 (&3)
004There are no &1 selected.
005Selected &1 items are not relevant for receivables clearing.
006Company code &1 is not defined. Enter a valid company code.
007House bank &1 is not defined. Enter a valid house bank.
008Bank account &1 is not defined. Enter a valid bank account.
009Currency &1 is not defined. Enter a valid currency code.
010No company codes selected. Enter valid company codes.
011No house banks selected. Enter valid house banks.
012No bank accounts selected. Enter valid bank accounts.
013No currency selected. Enter valid currencies.
014Item proposal created for &4 &1 (&3).
015See details per item in the log of app Reprocess Bank Statement Items.
016Posting/clearing for &4 &1 (&3) has started.
017Machine Learning Status - &2 &1 (&3) - &4 Item(s) total
018&1 item(s) with Item Proposal Status 10(Invalid proposal)
019&1 item(s)with Item Proposal Status 20(Items proposed-to be reprocessed)
020&1 item(s) with Item Proposal Status 30(Items proposed-not matching)
021&1 item(s)with Item Proposal Status 40(Items proposed-manually cleared)
022&1 item(s) Item Proposal Status 50(Items proposed-automatically cleared)
023&1 item(s) without Item Prop.Status (not relevant for Machine Learning)
024Posting/clearing not started; no Machine Learning proposals made
025Select at least one of the options: Item Proposal and/or Account Proposal
026Account proposal created for &4 &1 (bank account &3).
027&1 item(s) with Item Proposal Status 15(Account proposed)
028No proposals created for item &1/&2 (&3); already edited in reprocessing
029Payment Advice &4 for lockbox batch item &1/&2 (&3) does not exist.
030Payment Advice &4 for lockbox batch item &1/&2 (&3) could not be locked.
032No authorization to edit payment advices for company code &1
033See details per item in the log of app Reprocess Incoming Checks.
034Account Type must be Customer Account(D) or Vendor Account(K)
035Please, select a time range for the posting date.
036Please, do not select a time range that excludes the posting dates.
037A technical error occurred.
038Machine Learning Status &1 is not defined. Enter a valid ML Status.
039Posting Rule &1 is not defined. Enter a valid Posting Rule.
040&1 item(s) with Item Proposal Status 60 (Items cleared in meanwhile)
048&1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 10(Invalid proposal)
049&1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 20(Account proposed - to be reprocessed)
050&1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 30(Account proposed - not matching)
051&1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 40(Account proposed - manually posted)
052&1 item(s) Acc. Det. Status 50(Account proposed - automatically posted)
053&1 item(s) without Acc. Det. Status (not relevant for Machine Learning)
054&1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 60(Items cleared in meanwhile)
100Error storing lockbox data for ML: &1
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