The following messages are stored in message class FEB_BS_ML: .
It is part of development package FTE in software component FI-BL-PT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bank accounting: External payment information".
It is part of development package FTE in software component FI-BL-PT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bank accounting: External payment information".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &4 item &1/&2 (bank account &3) could not be locked. |
001 | No authorization to edit &4 &1 (&3). |
002 | No Machine Learning proposal created for &4 &1 (&3) |
004 | There are no &1 selected. |
005 | Selected &1 items are not relevant for receivables clearing. |
006 | Company code &1 is not defined. Enter a valid company code. |
007 | House bank &1 is not defined. Enter a valid house bank. |
008 | Bank account &1 is not defined. Enter a valid bank account. |
009 | Currency &1 is not defined. Enter a valid currency code. |
010 | No company codes selected. Enter valid company codes. |
011 | No house banks selected. Enter valid house banks. |
012 | No bank accounts selected. Enter valid bank accounts. |
013 | No currency selected. Enter valid currencies. |
014 | Item proposal created for &4 &1 (&3). |
015 | See details per item in the log of app Reprocess Bank Statement Items. |
016 | Posting/clearing for &4 &1 (&3) has started. |
017 | Machine Learning Status - &2 &1 (&3) - &4 Item(s) total |
018 | &1 item(s) with Item Proposal Status 10(Invalid proposal) |
019 | &1 item(s)with Item Proposal Status 20(Items proposed-to be reprocessed) |
020 | &1 item(s) with Item Proposal Status 30(Items proposed-not matching) |
021 | &1 item(s)with Item Proposal Status 40(Items proposed-manually cleared) |
022 | &1 item(s) Item Proposal Status 50(Items proposed-automatically cleared) |
023 | &1 item(s) without Item Prop.Status (not relevant for Machine Learning) |
024 | Posting/clearing not started; no Machine Learning proposals made |
025 | Select at least one of the options: Item Proposal and/or Account Proposal |
026 | Account proposal created for &4 &1 (bank account &3). |
027 | &1 item(s) with Item Proposal Status 15(Account proposed) |
028 | No proposals created for item &1/&2 (&3); already edited in reprocessing |
029 | Payment Advice &4 for lockbox batch item &1/&2 (&3) does not exist. |
030 | Payment Advice &4 for lockbox batch item &1/&2 (&3) could not be locked. |
032 | No authorization to edit payment advices for company code &1 |
033 | See details per item in the log of app Reprocess Incoming Checks. |
034 | Account Type must be Customer Account(D) or Vendor Account(K) |
035 | Please, select a time range for the posting date. |
036 | Please, do not select a time range that excludes the posting dates. |
037 | A technical error occurred. |
038 | Machine Learning Status &1 is not defined. Enter a valid ML Status. |
039 | Posting Rule &1 is not defined. Enter a valid Posting Rule. |
040 | &1 item(s) with Item Proposal Status 60 (Items cleared in meanwhile) |
048 | &1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 10(Invalid proposal) |
049 | &1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 20(Account proposed - to be reprocessed) |
050 | &1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 30(Account proposed - not matching) |
051 | &1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 40(Account proposed - manually posted) |
052 | &1 item(s) Acc. Det. Status 50(Account proposed - automatically posted) |
053 | &1 item(s) without Acc. Det. Status (not relevant for Machine Learning) |
054 | &1 item(s) with Acc. Det. Status 60(Items cleared in meanwhile) |
100 | Error storing lockbox data for ML: &1 |