The following messages are stored in message class FIAAPT_FSCLMAPS_MSG: .
It is part of development package GLO_FIN_IS_AA_FISCMAPS_PT in software component FI-LOC-AA-PT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Asset Accounting Fiscal Maps Portugal".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Generation skipped (no data found) for documents: &1 &2 &3 &4
001Generation failed. &
005Asset &1 - &2 assigned to multiple maps. You have to implement BAdI
006Date is not in the range from & to &.
007End Date must not be lower than Start Date
008'Revaluation Areas' dialog is not used after FI-AA Config Redesign
009'Assign attr. to Val.view' dialog is only used after FI-AA Conf.Redesign
011Wrong setting for validation key & field &. Invalid dtb. field name
012Wrong setting for validation key & field &. Invalid field length
013Wrong setting for validation key & field &. Offsett exceeds max. length
014'Revaluation Classes' dialog is not used after FI-AA Config Redesign
015'National classification' dialog is only used after FI-AA Conf.Redesign
016Evaluation group &1 not used uniquely in "Reval.classes .." (V_IDPT_A021)
017There is no depreciation area customized for Edict 0000.
018Key figure group &1 is missing in the configuration.
020Mandatory selection parameter &1 is empty !
022Ledger for real depreciation area &1 could not be determined.
025Field 'Length' for val.key &1 in maint view &2 must be greater than 0
026Last fiscal period not determined for FY variant &1 and fiscal year &2 !
027Asset values will be selected for fiscal year &1 and To fiscal period &2.
028Data processed for: &1. No. of entries = &2.
029The unique chart of depreciation could not be determined.
030The unique fiscal year variant could not be determined.
031Company code &1, depr.area &2: highest fiscal year &3 < reporting year &4
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