FIBE_VAT - Belgium VAT Declaration

The following messages are stored in message class FIBE_VAT: Belgium VAT Declaration.
It is part of development package GLO_FIN_IS_VAT_BE in software component FI-LOC-FI-BE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Glob. Financials Information System VAT Belgium".
Message Nr
Message Text
000An amount is reported in box 1 and/or 2 and/or 3, but not in box 54
001An amount is reported in box 54, but not in box 1 and/or 2 and/or 3
002An amount is reported in box 86 and/or 88, but not in box 55
003An amount is reported in box 87, but not in box 56 and/or 57
004Difference btw. box 54 and (box 1*6% + 2*12% + 3*21%) greater than �62
005Amount in box 55 is greater than ((box 84 + 86 + 88) * 21%)
006Sum of (box 56 + 57) is greater than ((box 85 + 87) * 21%)
007Amount in box 59 is greater than ((box 81 + 82 + 83 + 84 + 85) * 50%
008Amount in box 63 is greater than box 85 * 21%
009Amount in box 64 is greater than box 49 * 21%
010Sum of boxes (55+56+57) is gt than ((box 84 + 85 + 86 + 87 + 88) * 21%)
011&1:&2: arithmetical operation of box &3 cleared as it is not supported
012No unique value exists in parameter BESTXV (Belgium: Special Tax Version)
013T007K:&1 not migrated because T007L:&2 exists for box &3
014VAT registration no. is missing for company code &1
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