FICA_CD - Massenkontokorrent: Barkasse / Kassenbuch
The following messages are stored in message class FICA_CD: Massenkontokorrent: Barkasse / Kassenbuch.
It is part of development package FKK_CASH_JOURNAL in software component FI-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA: Cash Journal / Cash Desk".
It is part of development package FKK_CASH_JOURNAL in software component FI-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA: Cash Journal / Cash Desk".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | Cash desk clearing account determined |
002 | No unique cash desk clearing account determined |
003 | Database error during insert into &1 |
004 | Database error during update to &1 |
005 | Deposit was posted with document number &1 |
006 | No master data exists for branch &1 and cash desks &2 |
007 | Import parameter &1 not filled in module &2 |
008 | Reversal posted with document number &1 |
009 | Record &1 &2 &3 &4 not found in table DFKKCJT |
010 | Difference posted with document number &1 |
011 | Withdrawal posted with document number &1 |
012 | You cannot post a difference with amount zero |
013 | Withdrawal amount equal to actual balance -> no remaining amount |
014 | Lot selected was closed |
015 | All cash desks are open |
016 | All cash desks are closed |
017 | You are not authorized to open and close cash desks |
018 | Cash desk &1 in branch &2 locked by user &3 |
019 | All cash desks closed successfully |
020 | All cash desks successfully opened |
021 | Cash desk &1 in branch &2 is already closed |
022 | Cash desk &1 in branch &2 is already open |
023 | You have no authorization for the function: &1 |
024 | No items selected for transfer -> posting not possible |
025 | Responsibility for postings transferred to user &1 |
026 | You cannot transfer own items to yourself |
027 | Cash desk &1 is already closed |
028 | Cash desk &1 was successfully closed |
029 | Cash desk &1 is already open |
030 | Cash desk &1 was successfully opened |
031 | Select and activate at least one special posting document |
032 | Select and activate at least one cash desk balance |
033 | Last closing balance with value zero from &1 is not within timeframe |
034 | Last closing balance with value zero was created before &1 |
035 | Cash desk clearing account &1 is not supported |
036 | Payment lot &1 already exists |
037 | Reconciliation key &1 already exists |
038 | Database error on deletion of &1 |
039 | No open lot for cash desk found for user &1 |
040 | No lot found for cash desk for user &1 |
041 | Function "Close Lot" not possible |
042 | Lot &1 is already closed |
043 | Reversal of payment document not performed |
044 | Enter a cash desk clearing account |
045 | Assignment to branch and cash desk was terminated |
046 | Assignment to branch and cash desk missing |
047 | No free cash desks available or no master data exists |
048 | No further assignment exists to cash desk and branch |
049 | All cash desks currently locked - change of cash desk not possible |
050 | No special posting document exists for display |
051 | Entry of payment card type not possible for payment category &1 |
052 | Cash desk &1 in branch &2 locked by user &3 |
053 | Transaction FPB0 obsolete; use transaction FPCD |
054 | Payment category AM only permitted for account maint. doc. in cash desk |
055 | Withdrawal document &1 must also be reversed |
056 | Deposit document &1 must also be reversed |
057 | Posting already assigned to contract account |
058 | Posting already assigned to G/L account |
059 | Change in currency &1 not possible; post a deposit |
060 | Account &1, house bank &2/&3, company code &4 is not a valid combination |
061 | Lot &1 does not exist in table DFKKCJT |
062 | Payment on account to different contract accounts not possible |
065 | Receipt must not be printed with form &1 |
066 | No master data exists for the cash journal |
068 | Cash desk clearing account &1 is not supported |
069 | No card account maintained for company code &1 and payment card type &2 |
070 | Cash desk clearing account &1 is not valid |
071 | Cash desk clearing account &1 is not maintained in posting area 0080 |
072 | No data could be selected |
075 | Data record for posting area &1 does not exist in table &2 |
076 | More than 5 cash desk clearing accounts per key in posting area &1 |
077 | Migration of cash desk clearing accounts successfully completed |
078 | Outgoing check payment must not be combined with other payment categories |
080 | Enter the exchange rate or the translation date |
083 | Entry &1 &2 does not exist in &3 (check your entry) |
084 | Entry &1 &2 does not exist in &3 (check your entry) |
086 | Entry &1 does not exist in table &2 (check your entry) |
087 | Entry &1 does not exist in table &2 (check your entry) |
088 | Error during deletion of data records from table DFKKCDLOTS |
089 | &1 entries deleted from database table DFKKCDLOTS |
091 | Factory calendar of country/region &1 not found |
092 | Payment with different payment types cannot be posted |
093 | Document &1, item &2: Amount in local currency inconsistent |
094 | Cash desk balance determined only for company code &1 |
095 | Check the proposed values for business area/profit center |
096 | Entering merchant ID only possible for credit card payments |
097 | Payment amount not allowed to be less than amount per payment category |
098 | Not possible to uniquely assign payment for each contract account |
099 | Payments on account not possible |
100 | This type of G/L account posting at the cash desk is not possible |
101 | Cash desk closing active - withdraw credit card payments |
102 | No items selected for reversal |
103 | Document is already reversed |
104 | Selected payment documents may not be complete |
105 | Payment category &1 of payment does not agree with payment lot &2 |
106 | Reversal for payment document &1 was canceled |
107 | The reversal leads to a negative cash balance |
108 | Payment document (cash desk) &1 cannot be reversed |
109 | Enter a valid G/L account |
110 | You are not allowed to enter more than &1 G/L account postings |
111 | Payment specifications are not supported for incoming payments |
112 | Payment specification &1 is not supported for the cash desk |
113 | Error occurred when closing check lot &1 |
114 | Payment lot &1 was created at another cash desk |
115 | Cash desk &1 in branch &2 is preselected for deletion |
116 | Error when saving closing data - payment &1 BLDAT &2 BLSEQ &3 |
117 | Outgoing payment not allowed on a prepaid account |
118 | Transferring payment lot not possible for overpayment in foreign crcy |
119 | Reversal entry &1 in table DFKKCJT has no currency |
170 | Payment document &1 cannot be reversed |
200 | The cash register function is not activated in the system. |
201 | Dociment &1 is not a zero document. Please correct this entry. |
202 | Zero document &1 was not posted in branch office &2 and cash desk &3. |
203 | The cash desk clearing account cannot be changed. |
204 | Posting is not possible due to an error in the cash register module. |
205 | Payment type '&1' is not valid. Please correct the entry. |
206 | Reversal for cash register is not possible. |
207 | Process type '&1' for &2 is not valid. Correct the entry. |
208 | Cash desk ('&1'/'&2') in company code '&3' is a cash register. |
209 | Document type '&1' is only permitted for postings to cash registers. |
210 | Document &1 is not a payment document of the cash desk functionality |
211 | Payment document &1 was posted to branch &2 |
212 | You did not enter and post payment document &1 |
300 | TSD reports error at: &1 |