FICA_DCM_DEBT_SET - Debt set messages

The following messages are stored in message class FICA_DCM_DEBT_SET: Debt set messages.
It is part of development package FKK_CM_DCM_DEBT_SET in software component FI-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA: Debt Collection Management - Debt Set".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Business partner &1 doesn't exist.
002Business partner number is empty.
003Debt set &1 couldn't be locked.
004Debt set assignment of item &1 couldn't be locked.
005Debt set &1 already exists.
006Debt set &1 doesn't exist.
007Can't assign item &1 to debt set &2. Already assigned to debt set &3.
008Can't assign item. Item &1 doesn't exist.
009Can't assign item. Item's BP &1 doesn't match debtor &2 of debt set &3.
010Can't unassign item. Item &1 isn't assigned to debt set &2.
011Business function PSCD_DEBT_MGMT_1 is active in the system.
012Item &1 excluded from dunning.
013Items assigned to debt set are being updated in other session
014Installment &1 is assigned to debt set &2.
015Item &1 assigned to the debt set &2.
016Item &1 is proposed for debt set &2.
017Item &1 will be unassigned from its debt set.
018Debt set type &1 doesn't exist.
019Debt set type is initial.
020Creation of new debt set proposed (temporary debt set number &1).
021New debt set &1 created in status proposed for temporary number &2.
022Can't (un-)assign item &1. Debt set &2 is protected.
023Protection of debt set &1 has been changed earlier. Cannot change again.
024Can't (un-)assign item &1. Debt set &2 is partially protected.
031Item &1 is assigned to debt set &2. Cannot be added to collective bill.
032Debt set &1 can't be assigned to EA due to lifecycle status &2.
033Debt set &1 can't be modified due to lifecycle status &2.
034Can't close debt set &1 due to lifecycle status &2.
035Can't activate debt set &1 due to lifecycle status &2.
036Can't discard debt set &1 due to lifecycle status &2.
037Dunning run &1 &2 with debt set has dunning proposal without print date.
038Importing parameter for item classification isn't bound.
042Can't lock business partner &1 for company code &2.
043Can't lock contract account &1 for company code &2.
044No authorization to display item.
045No authorization to create debt set.
046No authorization to display debt set.
047No authorization to change debt set.
048Internal error. Action '&1' isn't allowed in state '&2'.
049Collection strategy &1 doesn't exist.
050Collection step &1 doesn't exist.
051Collection strategy couldn't be determined.
052Collection strategy &1 derived for dunning group.
053Error during determination of collection step.
054Invalid input. Currency key is initial.
055Invalid input. Currency key &1 doesn't exist.
056Debt collection management: error when processing dunning header.
057Item &1 moved from debt set &2 to debt set &3.
058Item &1 unassigned from debt set &2.
059Item &1 remains assigned to debt set &2.
060Item &1 remains unassigned to any debt set.
061Debt set can't be archived because it is used in enforcement action.
062Debt set &1 is in status &2. Can't set status &3.
063Protection value &1 is invalid. Protection can't be set for debt set &2.
064Can't lock item split for item &1.
065Interval &1 is external. Only internal intervals are supported.
066Number range interval is initial.
067No number range interval found for debt set type &1.
068Data can't be processed. Business Partner is blocked.
069Number range interval &1 not found.
070Debt set for debtor &1 can't be assigned to enf. action for debtor &2.
071Can't assign item. Document &1 doesn't exist.
072More than one suitable debt set found.
073Debt set &1 can't be locked due to lifecyle status &2.
074Not supported. Item &1 is inbound correspondence request.
075Not supported. Item &1 is collective bill item.
076Not supported. Item &1 is substituted by collective bill.
077Not supported. Item &1 isn't dunned by collection strategy.
078Not supported. Item &1 is installment plan template.
079Invalid item key. Document number (opbel) or item number (opupk) initial.
080Program error. Action '&1' isn't allowed in session of state '&2'.
081Can't use API due to state of internal session. See previous exception.
082Item of debt set has been split in this LUW (e.g. by partial clearing).
083Debt set number is initial.
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