FICO1 - Zentrale Finanzkonditionen
The following messages are stored in message class FICO1: Zentrale Finanzkonditionen.
It is part of development package FICO in software component CA-FIM-FCO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Conditions".
It is part of development package FICO in software component CA-FIM-FCO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Conditions".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Error inserting in table &1 |
002 | Error making change in table &1 |
003 | Error deleting from table &1 |
004 | Enter a currency for &1 |
005 | Application &1 not found |
006 | No amount category or date category assigned to condition type &1 |
007 | Condition type &1 has amount and date category |
008 | Amount category &1 does not exist |
009 | Date category &1 does not exist |
010 | Condition group type &1 does not exist |
011 | There are no amount items for condition number &1 |
012 | There are no forward items for condition no. &1 |
013 | Differentiation value &2 is not permitted for differentiation category &1 |
014 | Conditions are of different categories (standard and individual) |
015 | Differentiation category "&1" does not exist |
016 | Differentiation category &1 is not permitted for condition type &2 |
017 | No differentiations allowed for condition type &1 |
018 | Differentiation category required for condition type &1 is missing |
019 | Field '&1 contains invalid value |
020 | Differentiations within a condition must be the same |
021 | There is no entry in table &1 |
022 | There is no condition group category for condition group tyoe &1 |
023 | Internal error: Unexpected EXCEPTION in function module/method &1 |
024 | Condition list not found |
025 | Field &1 does not exist in ABAP Dictionary |
026 | Error in input data for function module/method &1 |
027 | Obsolete |
028 | &2: &1 does not contain any data &3 |
029 | Condition no. &1: Specify both amount and date categories |
030 | Record in table &1 could not be deleted |
031 | You are not authorized to create condit. type &1 in condit. group type &2 |
032 | Obsolete |
033 | Obsolete |
034 | Obsolete |
035 | You are not authorized to change condition type &1 in cond. group type &2 |
036 | Condition no. &1: Amount or date category entered incorrectly |
037 | Minimum/maximum entries are not allowed for a markup condition |
038 | You do not have authorization for this function |
039 | You must make an entry in either the minumum or maximum field |
040 | &2: Validity period already used until &1; change not possible |
041 | Validity period already used until &1; deletion not possible |
042 | Condition used until &1; valid-from date is not modifiable |
043 | Condition group used to &1 - valid to date cannot be changed |
044 | Valid-from date of the validity period must be after &1 |
045 | Conditions used until &1 - valid-to date must be later or same |
046 | Date overlap: valid to date of current period was deleted |
047 | Data overlap: valid to date of previous period was deleted |
048 | Validity period with same valid from date already exists |
049 | Valid-to date must be on or after the date of the last usage |
050 | &1: Valid-to date must be after or same as valid-from date |
051 | Choose a period that does not overlap another period |
052 | Complete the entries |
053 | &1: Validity period must have a valid-from date |
054 | &1: Enter a date within the period |
055 | No other period exists |
056 | Enter a period between 1 and 12 months |
057 | As per month-end indicator, start date must be the last day of a month |
058 | Enter the start date |
059 | Enter either a percentage rate or an interest reference rate |
060 | You can only enter a markup/markdown with an interest reference rate |
061 | Entry of min./max. interest rate only possible with interest reference |
062 | Enter either a base amount or a base reference |
063 | Condition &1 has been successfully created |
064 | Number of calculation dates must equal number of due dates |
065 | Enter a condition type |
066 | Enter a condition ID |
067 | Condition does not exist |
068 | Condition type &1 does not exist |
069 | Only zero condition allowed for completely replacing indiv. condition |
070 | Enter addit. amount and/or amount limit for automatic scale calculation |
071 | For a zero condition there may not be a value in field '&1' |
072 | Only one tier allowed for a zero condition |
073 | You cannot enter "&1" for an amount counter |
074 | Specified valid-to date requires reason for assignment |
075 | If you specify an amount, entries for min/max amount are not permitted |
076 | Either 'lower/upper limit' or 'lower/upper limit f. condit.determination' |
077 | Tiers not allowed for an amount counter |
078 | There are no tiers; Only one entry allowed in item table |
079 | Tiers not allowed for condition determination |
080 | Lower/upper limit allowed only for tiered/interval/scaled calculation |
081 | Either tiered/interval/scale calculation or tiers for cond. determination |
082 | Interval calculation and automatic scale calculation not permitted |
083 | Automatic scale calculation not permitted |
084 | Number and unit not permitted for this pro rate calculation |
085 | Number of and/or unit for the pro rate calculation missing |
086 | Interest calculation method not specified |
087 | No factory calendar may be specified for this interest calculation method |
088 | This interest calculation method requires details of a factory calendar |
089 | Reason for assignment only possible if valid-to date is specified |
090 | Select the checkbox for Tiered or Interval Calculation |
091 | &1 Tiers/intervals not allowed |
092 | Tiers/intervals: Amount limits or number must be different |
093 | Condition &1 valid from &2: Negative percentage rate not possible |
094 | A condition with the same currency / differentiation already exists |
095 | Enter an amount for condition type &1 that is valid from &2 |
096 | Enter either a percentage rate or an amount |
097 | You can only enter a divisor together with an amount |
098 | Condition &1, valid from &2: negative amount not possible |
099 | Maximum interest rate must be higher than minimum interest rate |
100 | Maximum amount must be greater than/equal to the minimum amount |
101 | Enter an amount limit or an amount from the application object |
102 | Enter a month-end date or delete the month-end indicator |
103 | Only key dates on or before &2 are allowed for repetition unit &1 |
104 | Frequency of calculation date and due date must be the same |
105 | Enter frequency either for calculation date or due date |
106 | Annual date block for calc. date: No frequency allowed for due date |
107 | Annual date block for due date: No frequency allowed for calc. date |
108 | The calendars for calculation day and due date must be the same |
109 | The number of dates for calculation and due date must be the same |
110 | Frequency for adjustment and determination must be the same |
111 | Periodic adjustment and fixing: Time period must be same |
112 | No frequency allowed for determination of individual dates for adjustment |
113 | No frequency allowed for adjustment of individual dates for determination |
114 | Number of dates for adjustment and determination must be the same |
115 | Calendars for adjustment and determination must be the same |
116 | Adjustment required in the case of interest references |
117 | The differentiation types must be the same for conditions of one type |
118 | &1 requires the entry of a calendar for &2 |
119 | Enter the number and unit for the shift |
120 | Shift must be specified for reference date |
121 | Determination period requires entry of a period of use |
122 | Condition type &1 not permitted for condition group category &2 |
123 | Component does not exist |
124 | Text for status &1 not found |
125 | Condition already exists |
126 | Data is missing - the component cannot be created |
127 | List already exists |
128 | Fields for shift only permitted if determination period is specified |
129 | Turnover class/balance method only permitted for specified calc. period |
130 | Balance/period category only permitted if determination period specified |
131 | Tiers for cond. det. must be active to make entries in "amount limit" |
132 | You must specify a period of use for 'tiers for condition determination' |
133 | "Effective days" only allowed for "average" and "credit-" or "debit bal." |
134 | There is no condition group type for the component |
135 | &1 data records converted |
136 | Reference date must be specified before specifying shift and key date |
137 | Pro rate calculation requires specification of an application period |
138 | There is no amount or date category for condition type &1 |
139 | Error creating condition number &1 |
140 | Condition type &1 not allowed for condition group type &2 |
141 | Condition determination not allowed for a markup condition |
142 | Amount category &1 requires entry of reference condition type |
143 | If amount limits specified, you must make entry in field &1 |
144 | &1 allowed only for individual conditions |
145 | Error in import parameters |
146 | Condition type not permitted for target condition group.Copy not allowed. |
147 | No tiers/intervals: Entry of &1 not allowed |
148 | "&1" only allowed for overdraft interest |
149 | No data available |
150 | Valid-from date is before date of use - release not possible |
151 | Duplicate key in table &1 |
152 | No condition record exists for item record &1 |
153 | No item record exists for condition record &1 |
154 | Duplicate valid-from date &1 for condition &2 |
155 | Duplicate valid-to date &1 for condition &2 |
156 | Differentiation category &1 does not exist |
157 | Differentiation value &1 not allowed for differentiation category &2 |
158 | Missing entry in field &1 |
159 | Dependent dates do not exist |
160 | &2: Start date cannot be empty for &1. |
161 | &2: Repetition period cannot be empty for &1. |
162 | &2: Condition type &1 not defined |
163 | &3: Amount category &2 not defined in Customizing for condition type &1 |
164 | &3: Date category &2 not defined in Customizing for condition type &1 |
165 | &3: Amount category &2 not created for condition type &1 |
166 | &3: Inconsistent Customizing for condition types or incorrect data |
167 | Customizing error: Condition category &2 invalid for condition type &1 |
168 | Customizing error: Amount category &2 invalid for condition type &1 |
169 | Customizing error: Amount category missing for condition type &1. |
170 | Customizing error: Condition type &1 has more than one amount category |
171 | Customizing error: Date category &2 invalid for condition type &1 |
172 | Date category &2 must be added to condition type &1 |
173 | Reference condition type &1 does not exist or not allowed |
174 | Condition &1, valid from &2, does not exist |
175 | &3: Only one relative reference allowed, either for &1 or for &2 |
176 | Define at least one individual date for annual date block |
177 | No data found for individual condition |
178 | &1: You can define a key date for the month end only |
179 | &1: Valid-from date &2 must be on or before start date &3 |
180 | Enter either a base reference or a base amount |
181 | Enter either an amount or a percentage with base amount |
182 | Enter either an amount or a percentage with base reference |
183 | Enter either an amount or a reference interest rate |
184 | Enter an amount, percentage, or reference interest rate |
185 | Enter an amount or a percentage/reference interest rate with base amount |
186 | Enter amount or percentage/ref. interest rate with base reference |
187 | Determination: "Relative" update rule requires calendar |
188 | Formula &1 not permitted |
189 | Replacement category does not match condition type Customizing setting |
190 | Validity period ready for release |
191 | Free items only allowed if item counter is specified |
192 | Tiers/intervals not permitted for collective currency |
193 | No tiers allowed for condition determination for cross-crcy condition |
194 | Payment currency not allowed when entering percentage rate |
195 | Only positive amounts possible for &1 |
196 | Parallel interest conditions not allowed (see long text) |
197 | You can enter 'maintain in columns' once only as a dimension |
198 | You can enter 'maintain in rows' once only as a dimension |
199 | Table maintenance not possible for condition type &1 |
200 | No change document inserted |
201 | Table &1 does not exist in ABAP Dictionary |
202 | &1 not allowed for &2 |
203 | You must enter a currency for differentiation category &1 |
204 | &1: Capitalization is not possible for unit-quoted interest |
205 | Absolute markup and relative markup are not possible at same time |
206 | Release: Valid-from date cannot be changed to date before &1 |
207 | Condition determination not allowed for scaled/interval condition |
208 | Reference interest rate &1 does not exist |
209 | Reference interest rate &1 not permitted for condition type &2 |
210 | Condition category &1 does not exist. Select valid value. |
211 | Condition type &1 does not exist |
212 | Enter a condition category |
213 | Calculation category &1 does not exist; select a valid value |
214 | Save not possible. Customizing cannot be changed in client &1. |
215 | Condition category &1 does not exist |
216 | Customizing error: Application &1 does not allow differentiations |
217 | Interest adjustment does not permit day shift (+/- calendar days) |
218 | File contains text in language(s) other than the logon language &1 |
219 | Entries in base amount field not permitted for interest conditions |
220 | Valid-to date of validity period must be before &1 |
221 | Enter a valid-to date between &1 and &2 |
222 | Valid-to date of validity period must be before &1 |
223 | Condition determination requires you to specify the currency |
224 | No entry allowed in &1 for markup conditions |
225 | Currency &2 of reference interest &1 does not match condition currency &3 |
226 | Relative interest adjustment does not permit working day shift |
227 | Interest definition: Direction of +/- working days shift |
228 | &1: No &2, as only one tier specified without limits |
229 | Cond. group type &1:Diff. value &3 not permitted for diff. category &2 |
230 | &1: Value of key date must be on or after this date |
231 | &1: Only the values 29, 30, and 31 are supported for the key date |
232 | &1: The start date must be inclusive when entering key date |
233 | No application specified |
234 | Operation not possible because the applications are different |
235 | Change of condition group type is not possible for unreleased conditions |
236 | Error in BDT customizing: Screen &1 missing from screen sequence |
237 | Individualization error; tier/range order is incorrect |
238 | Valid-from date must be before valid-to date |
239 | No instance could be created |
240 | &1: You cannot make an entry in field &2. |
241 | Determination period cannot be blank for tiers of condition determination |
242 | &3: Enter either &1 or &2 |
243 | &3: &1 requires entry in &2 |
244 | &1: No markup conditions allowed for condition form 4 |
245 | As no date category &1 exists, frequency category for &2 must be blank |
246 | Enter amount, percentage or reference interest rate |
247 | Amount/percentage/reference interest rate blank for all tiers/intervals |
248 | Enter either a formula or an interest reference |
249 | No skip allowed for condition type &1 |
250 | Base amount must be less than &1 |
251 | Minimum amount must be larger or the same as the trivial amount |
252 | Maximum amount must be larger or the same as the trivial amount |
253 | Status of item record &1 different to status of condition item &2 |
254 | For condition type &1, only calendar &2 is allowed. |
255 | Condition type &1 ( &2 ): Incorrect order in differentiation categories |
256 | No key dates permitted if repetition unit is 'days' |
257 | Errors in the specified key dates |
258 | Only one key date is permitted if repetition unit is 'weeks' |
259 | You do not have authorization to display cond.type &1 in cond.grp type &2 |
260 | Condition category &1 does not permit markup conditions |
261 | Enter a percentage/number of days and a reference amount |
262 | Condition contains invalid formula |
263 | There is no BAdI for reading formula operands |
264 | Percentage must be between 0 and 100 |
265 | Only the last condition item does not have to contain a rule |
266 | No rule permitted in combination with turnover classes |
267 | Define a formula, or enter a percentage or an amount |
268 | Rule only permitted for individual/ (complex) multiple condition rules |
269 | Percentage rate not permitted |
270 | Formula not allowed &1 |
271 | Invalid formula &1 |
272 | No item record exists for item rule record |
273 | Reference condition type is missing |
274 | Reference condition type &1 is missing |
275 | Setting for period of use or calculation period is not allowed |
276 | No variable amount limit allowed for markup conditions |
277 | No authorization for backdated change to condition type &1 |
278 | You are making a backdated change to condition with condition type &1 |
279 | You cannot make backdated change to condition type &1 |
280 | Enter a valid formula in at least one position |
281 | No template condition allowed for condition group type &1 |
282 | Number of Days for &1 and Frequency Category &2 not Permitted |
283 | Condition determination for condition type &1 is not permitted |
284 | Specify an amount for automatic tiered calculation |
285 | Field &1 must have the same value in all items |
286 | All items must have the same MIN/MAX value for &1 |
287 | Enter a valid-from date between &1 and &2 |
288 | Incorrect object (type) passed for check category &1 |
289 | Unknown check category &1 |
290 | Exemption amount is only allowed if item counter is defined |
291 | Enter Either the Number of Free Items/Max. Nr. of Items or Exemption |
292 | Exemption amount initialized: Item counter is not an amount counter |
293 | Validity period &1: No unique value for field &2 |
294 | Conditions could not be merged for &1 |
295 | No customizing exists for application &1 |
296 | If You Specify an Amount and Percentage Rate, Addition Takes Place |
297 | No reference exists for object &1 |
298 | Valid-to and valid-from dates required |
299 | &1 must be initial in complex tiers for condition det. of item charges |
300 | Error calling function module &1 |
301 | Invalid OK code for maintenance of condition types |
302 | Invalid OK code for display of condition types |
303 | Enter condition type |
304 | Condition type &1 '&2' exists already |
305 | No data to be saved |
306 | Data saved |
307 | Action canceled by user |
308 | No condition type selected for processing |
309 | Condition type &1 '&2' has no errors |
310 | No change possible. Components &1/ &2 flagged for archiving. |
311 | Parameter &1 required to determine callbacks |
312 | Callbacks could not be determined for &1 &2 |
313 | Valid-to date of previous period restored |
314 | More than one BAdI implementation is active for callbacks |
315 | Errors in the input parameters &1 for method &2 |
316 | Unable to find an object for key &2 in method &1 |
317 | Object &1 does not exist in status &2 |
318 | Object &1 does not exist in the object buffer |
319 | Key &1 is invalid |
320 | List &1 does not exist |
321 | Global status and object status for list version &1 are inconsisten |
322 | Object &1 is not in change mode |
323 | Markup conditions are not allowed for standard conditions &1 |
324 | Internal error: I_MERGE_ORDER not allowed to be filled |
325 | Internal error: I_BASIS_ORDER not allowed to be filled |
326 | Basis condition not found for markup condition for &1 |
327 | Markup conditions allowed only for settlement conditions |
328 | &1 is ignored for &2 because &3 is not a pro rata calculation |
329 | Percentage of markup &1 ignored for automatic scaled calculation |
330 | Position &2: you can only use counter &1 once |
331 | Position &2: you can only use ordinal number &1 once |
332 | Counter &1 not permitted in postion &2; use the input help |
333 | Entry missing for ordinal number in postion &1 for counter group |
334 | Enter at least one counter per counter group |
335 | Enter free items at least once for tiers of condition determination |
336 | &1: Relative date categories do not allow you to enter time period data |
337 | &1: Annual date block does not allow you to enter time period data |
338 | Repetition per. of calc./due date cannot be converted into use per. unit |
339 | Repetition period of calc./due date is not a multiple of the use period |
340 | Use period and calculation/due date do not have common key date |
341 | &1: Markup condition and base condition do not match |
342 | You have entered a unit for use period &1 but not a number of periods |
345 | &1 &2 allowed only for use with &3 &4 |
346 | &1 &2 only allowed for date categories &3 and &4 |
348 | Condition type &1: &2 can be changed with &3 only |
349 | Condition type &1: Reference condition type "&2" does not exist |
350 | Condition type &1: Reference condition type "&2" not allowed. |
351 | Condition type &1: Reference condition type missing. |
352 | Condition type &1: Delete reference condition type. |
353 | Cond. type &1:Condition group type &2 does not contain ref. cond. type &3 |
354 | Ref. condition type &1 also used in other conditions. |
355 | Reference condition type does NOT agree with Customizing (&1). |
356 | Condition type &1 requires differentiation category &2 |
357 | Condition type &1 not defined in Customizing |
358 | Condition type &1: Data transferred for differentiation is inconsistent |
359 | Condition determination time &1 does not exist for condition type &2 |
360 | Required reference date does not exist |
361 | Condition type and condition must have same differentiation categories |
362 | Unable to find Customizing for condition group type &1 |
363 | List &1: Access with time stamp only if versioning is active |
364 | You are not allowed to change business time stamps |
367 | Waiver period &1 is not permitted because of reference condition type &2 |
370 | Internal error: invalid value for field &1 from table &2 |
371 | Fill either parameter &1 or &2 |
372 | You entered a percentage of 0% |
377 | Invalid activity '&1' |
382 | Condition type &1 and ref. condition type &2: Different date categories |
383 | Condition type &1 and ref. condition type &2: Different diff. categories |
384 | Cond. type &1 and ref. cond. type &2: Different cond. determination time |
385 | Condition type &1 and ref. condition type &2: Different amount categories |
386 | Invalid value for negative interest for condition type &1 |
387 | Condition type &1 and reference condition type &2: Same posting sign |
388 | Wrong posting sign for condition type &1 |
400 | Condition types &1 and &3 have different periods of use |
401 | There is already a period to be deleted that has the same valid-from date |
402 | Condition types &1 and &2 must have same payment currency |
403 | Condition type &1 has differentiation &2 with different currencies |
406 | Enter a value in the "Reference Interest Rate" and Interest Rate" field |
410 | Validity of condition &1 and condition &2 overlap |
411 | There is no condition &1 for condition &2 |
412 | Percentage of condition &1 or condition &2 should be 0 |
413 | Levels set for condition &1 and condition &2 do not match |
414 | Cond. &1 and cond. &2 have an interest reference and a percentage |
415 | Condition &1 and condition &2 have different interest references |
416 | Condition &1 and condition &2 have different formulas |
417 | Condition &1 and condition &2 have different settings for date categories |
418 | Differentiation values of condition &1 and condition &2 do not match |
419 | Condition &1 and condition &2 have different inheritance settings |
420 | Markups/markdowns of condition &1 and condition &2 do not match |
421 | Cond. determination of condition &1 and condition &2 are not identical |
422 | Complex levels of condition &1 and condition &2 are not identical |
423 | Condition &1 and condition &2 have different interest calculation methods |
450 | No conditions found for specified filter criteria |
451 | No change documents for change document filter |
452 | Error when reading change documents from database |
453 | Error when preparing read change documents |
454 | Period cannot be changed because following period is still "In Release" |
470 | Make entries for both the result calculation type and percentage |
471 | You cannot enter the amount |
472 | Enter a percentage greater than/equal to 0% and less than/equal to 100% |
473 | Enter a percentage >= 0% |
474 | Complex multiple rule not permitted if result calculation type is filled |
480 | Only one reference amount limit is permitted |
481 | Enter reference amount limit &1 in the &2 tier |
482 | Enter &2 in the amount limit of tier &2 |
483 | Reference amount limit &1 is not valid |
484 | &1 and &2 cannot both contain entries |
485 | Value &1 is not valid for field &2 |
486 | Complex tier &1 can have one tier only |
490 | Only one date category can be assigned for &1 &2 |
491 | &1 &2 is not permitted for date category &3 |
492 | &1 &2 assumes &3 &4 |
500 | Enter a valid number |
501 | Value &1 not valid for field. Use input help. |
502 | Value &1 is not valid for field |
510 | Field &1 must be initial as specified in the customizing settings |
511 | Field &1 can contain interest conditions only |
513 | Use period "As Settlement Period" is not allowed for transaction charges |
515 | There can be only one entry for "no tier or interval calculation" |
520 | Enter the amount limits of tiers or intervals in ascending order |
530 | ------------------------Interest Reimbursement-------------------------- |
531 | &1 zero condition is not permitted for floating spread |
532 | &1 negative percentage rate is not permitted for fixed spread |
533 | &1 formulas are not permitted for the fixed spread |
534 | &1 reference interest rate is not permitted in the fixed spread |
535 | &1 fixed interest rate is not permitted in the floating spread |
550 | ----------------------- Condition Set of Rules--------------------------- |
551 | No set of rules exists for cross-currency conditions |
552 | Codition set of rules exists already for same type/currency/diff. |
553 | Set of rules exists already for condition |
554 | It is not possible to make changes as rules used already up to &1 |
555 | You must define rules for selective replacement |
556 | No set of rules exists |
557 | No standard condition exists for validity period of rule |
558 | Rule does not exist |
559 | You did not specify a category for the set of rules |
560 | No change can be made to set of rules |
561 | &1: No editing allowed on &2 |
562 | Rule for &1, valid-from &2 is empty |
563 | Condition &1:Individual condition maintenance not allowed by set of rules |
564 | &1: No editing allowed. Delete validity period &2 |
565 | Rule is used already, change not possible. |
566 | Rules overlap. Change validity data. |
567 | &1: No maintenance allowed |
568 | Selective replacement of conditions not possible in release |
569 | Existing validity period for this condition has not been released |
570 | &1: You are not allowed to delete an unreleased validity period |
574 | Field &1: Entry does not agree with set of rules. See following message. |
575 | ----------------------- Field property maintenance-------------- |
576 | &1: &2 is not a valid value. Use the input help. |
577 | &1: Value &2 is less than &3 |
578 | &1: Value &2 is greater than &3 |
579 | Change status &1 for field &2 |
580 | Field &1: It is not ermitted to change rule in the system. |
581 | &2: &1 is the only permitted value |
582 | You cannot Make an Entry in Field &1 |
583 | Required Field &1: You must make an entry. |
584 | The valid-to date must be on or before &1. |
585 | Field &1 has been individualized but individualization is not permitted. |
586 | Select the field to be individualized |
587 | Valid-from date must be equal to or later than &1 |
588 | Period valid from &1 deleted; new period valid from &2 generated |
589 | These problems occur as of &1 |
590 | Rule set of condition group &1 of category &2 (cond. type &3) violated |
591 | Violation by cond. type &1 valid from &2 in cond. grp &3 of cat. &4 |
592 | Violation (rule category &1) of condition (cond. type &2) valid from &3 |
600 | ---------------------------- Customizing Messages--------------------- |
601 | Condition type &1 exists already for application &2 |
602 | Condition group type &1 exists already for application &2 |
603 | You cannot edit condition group types for condition group category &1 |
604 | Value &1 not allowed for condition group type |
605 | Blank value for condition group category not allowed |
700 | No reference was passed to the instance manager |
701 | The instance manager does not contain a reference for the display object |
702 | Instance manager does not contain a reference for the maintenance object |
703 | It was not possible to create an object for diplay |
704 | It was not possible to create an object for maintenance |
705 | &1: No field control data exists |
706 | Field &1 not allowed |
707 | Field &1 cannot contain a value |
708 | Conditions use more than one condition group type |
709 | Provider can process a maximum of two condition lists |
710 | Condition group type &1 is not defined in application &2 |
711 | Only validity periods that are valid on &1 and after are displayed |
800 | Choose interest calculation method with days method act for &1 |
801 | &1 only for cond. with interest adjustment and fixing |
802 | &1 possible only with an interest reference |
803 | Max. average interest rate must be greater than minimum average int. rate |
804 | &1: Entry permitted in &2 field only if &3 |
805 | &1 not possible for conditions of condition type &2 |
806 | &1 possible only if interest rate time unit is "per annum" |
899 | Condition group &1 not found |