FILAE - Messages for Lease Accounting Engine

The following messages are stored in message class FILAE: Messages for Lease Accounting Engine.
It is part of development package FI_LA_GF in software component FI-LA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Lease Accounting General Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Customizing-related messages 001 - 199
001No deprec. areas assigned for comp. &1,chart of depr. &2,acctg princ. &3
002No subprocesses assigned for process &2
003Assignment FILA_ACINF inconsistent for process &2 method &3
004No depreciation areas assigned for component &1 chart of deprec. &2
005Classification &3 determined for acct princ.&2 not defined in Customizing
006Assignment not allowed, the assigned area &2 adopts values from another
007No authorization &1 &2 &3
009LAE is not compatible with Asset Accounting (new)
011Customizing inconsistency, value ID &2 not assigned to payment schedule
012No processing methods assigned for component &1
014Customizing inconsistency; no entries in TFILA_GF_004 for component &1
015No accounting principle assigned for component &1 company code &2
016No company code assigned for component &1
017Customizing inconsistency; incorrect reference for value ID &2 method &3
018Customizing inconsistency; no entries in TFILA_GF_007 for component &1
019Customizing inconsistency; no process assigned for component &1
020Value ID &2 already exists, field mapping from structure &3 not possible
024Adjustment process &2 is not defined for component &1
026Customizing: incorrect transaction type &2 assigned for method &3
027No active methods assigned for subprocess &2
028Method &1: Reference method &2 is not assigned to subprocess &3
030Customizing: Assigned transaction type &2 for method &3 cannot be used
031Adjustment process &1 incorrect, initial status has to be 'processed'
032Component &1 is not defined
033Value ID &2 not used in component &
034Value ID &2 still used in component &
041Payment plan balance &1 not the same as accrual amount &2
100*** Messages 100 - 199 relate to dialog transactions ***
101Object &2 does not exist in company code &1
102Contract &2-&3 does not exist in company code &1
103Adjustment not possible, already processed subsequent processes exist
104Contract &1 cannot be processed - check status
105Adjustment not possible due to data inconsistency
106Enter adjustment process and adjustment reason
107Adjustment not possible, not all prior processes processed
108Adjustment not possible, only processing modes '1' and '4' allowed
109Adjustment process not possible, no base process &1 in status &2
110There is no adjustment that can be reversed
111Reversing adjustment not possible, processes to be processed still exist
112Contract &1 already exists
113Interface incomplete - contract & parameter & & &
114Object &1/&2 already exists in company code &3
115Transaction &1 is not allowed, company code &2 is live
116No entries corresponding to your selection found in table &1
117Processing not possible because this item is locked
118Company code not found, check your entry
119Client is productive; Customizing changes not permitted
120Company code not used in Leasing
150**** Messages from SAPLFILAADMN *****
151Process &1 does not exist for object &2-&3-&4
152Process &1 already exists for object &2-&3-&4
153Action performed successfully
154Object &1-&3 already exists, creating it is not possible
155Process &1 &2 that is to be reversed is not the last in the chain
156Process &1 &2 that is to be reversed has an unallowed status/mode
157Inconsistent process sequence, reversal is not possible
158Select exactly one process
159Changing is not possible, only display, since process already processed
160Processing/simulating process not possible due to current status
161Action terminated due to error
162Select exactly two processes
163Choose only one process for display
164Processes must agree, including time stamp and processing mode
165Only processes with "error" status and mode 0 or 5 allowed
200*** Reporting (Log. DB) ***
201Database could not be determined for logical DB &1 and node &2
202No data was found that agrees with the selection made
300***** Messages for Logging Customizing Actions ****
301TABWA entries created for trans.type &1 and chart of dep. &2
302Value ID &1 created for accounting principle &2
303Process &1 created with processing mode &2
400*** General Functions (Archive etc.) ***
401Archiving only allowed for leases over 2 years old
402Contract header was not transferred
403Error while writing to database table &1
404Parameters for the selection are missing
405Error when reading from database table &1
406Data inconsistency, no entry in table &1
407Contract &1 has been archived
408No authorization to change acct determination def. for one-time postings
409No authorization to display acct determination def. for one-time postings
410No authorization to change account determination for one-time postings
411No authorization to display account determination for one-time postings
412No LAE document was found with the specified partner search
420No authorization for company code &1 accounting principle &2
421No authorization for company code &1
500*** Messages 500-599 - Output results from LAE methods ***
501Subsequent process: base process not yet processed for object &3
502Change/adjustment process exists for object &2
503Process &1 already processed completely; object &2
504Processing not possible, fiscal year &3 already closed for &4
505Reversal not possible, process &1 for object &2 not yet processed
506Process &1 for object &2 has processed/locked status
507There are no actively assigned assets for object &2
508Data inconsistency; reference object data &3 does not exist, method &4
509Fiscal year &3 before last closed year for company code &4
510Internal error occurred in method &3
511Reversal not possible, fiscal year &2 already closed for company code &3
512Customizing inconsistency: entries for TTY &3 in TABWA are not correct
513Error in sequence, process &1 for object &2 not yet processed
514Not possible to add value ID &3, it is already there
515Error in calculation of retirement percentage in LFILAFASFU20
516Prior process &3 not relevant for object &2
517Subprocess &3 unknown, further processing not possible
518Reversal not possible, no process found to be reversed
522Error in time stamp of conversion
523Error while converting AMOUNT field from CONTENT field in table ACEDSOP
600*** Messages 601-649 - output results from LAE substitutions ***
601Enter a currency
602Combination of application component and value ID not allowed
603&2: Errors in determination/transfer of parameters
604&2: Validation/substiution could not be determined
605&2: Error occurred during processing of validation/substitution &3
606&2: Validation/substitution did not return a result
607Company code &1 does not exist for country &2
608Action terminated
609&2: internal error
610Processing not allowed for application area &1
611No accounting principles for CRM financing classification
612Field &1 not in parameter structure &2
613Parameter structure not found for application area &1
614Financing classification for acct princ. &1 could not be determined
615No previous process found with 'Inception' status
650*** Messages Related to Lease Acct Validation Functions 651-699 ***
651System found incorrect data constellation for validation &1
652Error in call of validation
700*** Messages from Update 701- 749 ***
701Create/change entry failed for object &2, table &3
702Creating number range was unsuccessful &1 &2 &3 &4
703Document number already exists AWSYS &1 AWORG &2 AWTYP &3 AWREF &4
704Processing terminated prematurely due to database error
707Database insert for table &1 failed
708Database update for table &1 failed
709Database delete for table &1 failed
748Enter a posting date for the accruals
749Due date &1 is not in settlement period &2 - &3
750**** Messages from DB access modules 751- 799 ****
753Data inconsistency: no active assets for further processing
754Internal error; method &3
755Entries required to convert table ACEDSOP missing in table UMGCONTAINER
800***** Messages related to global service functions 801 - 899 *****
802Maximum nesting depth reached for determining value of value ID &
803Value ID & not defined
804Value/contents for value ID &1 not supplied by assigned method &2
805Value/contents for value ID & not supplied by application
806Method (FM) &4 does not exist for content/value determ. of value ID &3
809<<< 810 - 820 >>> Error messages from formula interpreter
810Error "INVALID_VALUE" in formula for determining value of value ID &
811Error "DIVISION_BY_ZERO" in formula for determining value of value ID &
812Error "EXP_ERROR" in formula for determining value of value ID &
813Error "INVALID_EXPRESSION" in formula for determining value of value ID &
814Error "PARAMETER_ERROR" in formula for determining value of value ID &
815Error "LOG_ERROR" in formula for determining value of value ID &
816Error "SQRT_ERROR" in formula for determining value of value ID &
817Unspecified error in formula for determining value of value ID &
818Value ID &1 is too long - maximum of &2 characters allowed
820Formula overflow when replacing value IDs by their contents
887Processing caused a dump - for description: &1
888& & & &
889Table &1: &2 entries deleted
890XPRA &1 only relevant for component LAM-ACC Patchlevel 0001
891XPRA &1 only relevant for LAM-ACC component patch level &2
892Tables converted successfully
900*** Messages Related to Lease Accounting Reporting ***
901Enter value IDs to be selected
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