FILA_RE_APPL_MESS - Messages for Refinancing

The following messages are stored in message class FILA_RE_APPL_MESS: Messages for Refinancing.
It is part of development package FI_LA_RE_APPL in software component FI-LA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Applications for the Refinancing Solution".
Message Nr
Message Text
000A system error occurred - contact your system administrator
001Tranche number &1 not found - enter a valid tranche number
002A database error occurred while reading the header data of tranche &1
003Tranche &1 does not have any items
004A database error occurred while reading tranche &1
005An error occurred while downloading tranche &1
006You cancelled the download for tranche &1
007An error occurred while saving tranche &1
010Company code &1 does not exist; enter a valid company code
011Refinancing program &1 does not exist; enter a valid refin. program
012A database error occurred in &1; contact your system administrator
013A database error occurred while reading refinancing program &1
014No values found in table &1
015Tranche number &1 already exists; enter a new number
016A system error has occurred; see long text
017Database error in table &1
018Tranche has status "&1" and cannot be changed
019You cancelled the upload for tranche &1
020You cannot execute this function for status "&1" of tranche &2
021Enter a valid status change (see long text)
022No entry for refin. categ. &1 in field CASHFLOWID of table TFILA_RE_VAL
023Refinancing program number &1 already exists - enter a new number
024A database error occurred while saving refinancing program &1
025Refinancing program &1 was saved
026Application log number is &1; see log &2 with transaction SLG1
027An error occurred while reading refinancing category &1
028"&1" is a required-entry field - enter a valid value
029Check the values in the selection screen
030User &1 has already started the program for company code &2
031An error occurred while posting document &1 (GUID: &2; refin.: &3)
032Company code &1 does not agree with CCode &2 from refinancing program &3
034You did not select any documents
035Processing terminated
036Application log for &1; see log &2 with transaction SLG1
037Contract &1 could not be processed because tranche status is "&2"
038&1 contracts processed
039Status "&1" of tranche &2 does not allow further processing
040Tranche &1 is blocked by another user
041Tranche &1 does not have any items for processing
042Entry &1 was not found in the link table
043Could not determine contract data correctly from logical database FILA
044Enter the first day of a month
045Enter a date in the future
046Contract &1 processed in tranche &2; see long text for status change
047Error uploading tranche &1 - contact your system administrator
048Present value of selected contracts is less than min. PV of tranche
049Test run: Tranche &1 created (temporarily) with &2 selected contracts
050Tranche &1 created with &2 selected contracts
051Present value of reserved contracts is less than min. PV of tranche
052Contract &1, &2 deselected - already refinanced/reserved (tranche: &3)
053Contract &1: Start date &2 &3 refinancing key date &4
054Contract &1 is not asset-relevant in the accounting rules
055Lease &1 not processed correctly: Status &2 is not 9
056Contract &1 deselected: &2
057&1 contract processed
058Test run: Tranche &1 created (temporarily) with &2 selected contracts
059Tranche &1 created with &2 selected contracts
060Lease &1: Lease special payment could not be determined
061Lease &1: Sales price could not be determined
062Final due date contract &1: Fair market value is required
063Manually determined contracts: Reason for cancellation is required
064Lease &1: &3 cannot be refinanced with process &2
065Manually determined contracts: Restrict the contract numbers
066Enter the last day of a month
067Required Customizing is not available
068Contract &1: Refinancing key date &2 > contract end date &3
069Contract &1: Could not determine total outstanding payments
070Contract &1: No Asset Accounting found in table FILA_GF_ITEMVALS
071Contract: &1 error while determining the interest rate
080Selected contract &1 not found in company code &2
081Posting cancelled - error in contract adjustment BAdI
082Contract &1 in company code &2 has not been refinanced
083Unspecified error
101No processes defined for cluster &1 &2 &3 &4
102&1 contract items selected (&2 &3 &4)
103&1 links selected (&2 &3 &4)
104&1 contracts selected (&2 &3 &4)
105Started setup of tranche with &1 links
106Tranche with &1 entries created
107No partner contract found for contract &1 &2
108Tranche &1 saved with &2 entries
109Test run for tranche &1 ended with &2 entries
110&1 contracts removed; already contained in other tranches
111Cluster type for contract &1 not found (&2 &3 &4)
112Contract &1 &2 &3 has status &4
113Link contract &1 for contract &2 removed from tranche
114Start date &4 after buyback date for contract &1 &2 &3
115Test mode: No items selected after entry of contract number
116&1 entries removed from tranche due to cluster type
117User &1 has already started the program
118Contract number (test purpose) not supported in this mode
119Number of successful postings: &1
120Number of incorrect postings: &1
121Contract &1 &2 &3 is linked with a reservation (type &4)
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