The following messages are stored in message class FINS_ACDOC_PLANNING: Messages for Package FINS_ACDOC_PLANNING.
It is part of development package FINS_ACDOC_PLANNING in software component CO-FIO-OM-PL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Planning Document".
It is part of development package FINS_ACDOC_PLANNING in software component CO-FIO-OM-PL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Planning Document".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | An internal error &1 &2 &3 &4 occurred. Contact your system administrator |
001 | Internal error; contact your system administrator |
002 | Plan data scope contains constraint for field &1. |
003 | Plan data scope excludes &2 for field &1, but it exists in plan data. |
004 | Plan data scope excludes &2 for field &1, but it exists in plan data. |
005 | Plan data scope doesn't contain value &2 for field &1. |
006 | For plan data scope, only use relational operators (OPTION) EQ and BT. |
007 | For the plan data scope, only use I and E for SIGN. |
008 | Period &1 doesn't exist in fiscal year variant &2.� |
009 | Category &1 doesn't exist.� |
010 | CO Debit/Credit Indicator (CO_BELKZ) &1 is invalid.� |
011 | Ledger &1 doesn't exist.� |
012 | Company code currency (RHCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
013 | Field &1 of the plan data scope doesn't exist as data field in ACDOCP. |
014 | Plan data records posted: &1;�reversal records posted: &2 |
015 | Sorry, the plan data couldn't be saved due to errors. |
016 | You are not authorized to save plan data for company code &1 category &2. |
017 | Controlling area currency isn't &1. Please use &2. |
018 | Sorry, but &2 in RYEAR and fiscal year &1 in FISCYEARPER don't match. |
019 | Sorry, but &2 in POPER and period &1 in FISCYEARPER don't match. |
020 | Customer &1 doesn't exist. |
021 | Material &1 doesn't exist.� |
022 | Field &1: Master data &2 is invalid in company code &3 and CO area &4. |
023 | Aggregation level is invalid. |
024 | &1 isn't permitted as a field of the aggregation level. |
025 | AMDP Execution Failed |
026 | RYEAR or FISCYEARPER must be a field of the aggregation level. |
027 | KOKRS or RBUKRS must be a field of the aggregation level. |
028 | &1 must be a field of the aggregation level. |
029 | &1 doesn't exist as a data field in�&2.� |
030 | The aggregation level must contain at least an amount or a quantity. |
031 | Aggregation level contains &2. Please add reference field &1. |
032 | Aggregation level contains�&1. Therefore, it also must contain KOKRS. |
033 | Aggregation level contains�&1. Therefore, it also must contain RBUKRS. |
034 | Aggregation level contains�&2. Therefore, it also must contain &1. |
035 | Aggregation level contains�&2. Please add dependent field &1. |
036 | Table ACDOCP isn't active in the data dictionary. Please activate it. |
037 | &1 &2 doesn't exist.� |
038 | Add sel. condition for either RYEAR or FISCYEARPER to plan data scope. |
039 | Add a selection condition for either KOKRS or RBUKRS to plan data scope. |
040 | Please add a selection condition for field &1 to the plan data scope. |
041 | Freely defined currrency 1 (ROCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
042 | Freely defined currrency 2 (RVCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
043 | Freely defined currrency 3 (RBCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
044 | Freely defined currrency 4 (RCCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
045 | Freely defined currrency 5 (RDCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
046 | Freely defined currrency 6 (RECUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
047 | Freely defined currrency 7 (RFCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
048 | Freely defined currrency 8 (RGCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
049 | Chart of accounts &1 isn't used by company code &3. Please use &2. |
050 | Chart of accounts &1 isn't used by controlling area &3. Please use &2. |
051 | Fiscal year variant &1 isn't used by company code &3. Please use &2. |
052 | Fiscal year variant &1 isn't used by controlling area &3. Use &2. |
053 | WBS element &3 doesn't belong to project &1. |
054 | Fiscal year variant &1 doesn't exist.� |
055 | Chart of accounts &1 doesn't exist.� |
056 | You are not authorized to save plan data for &1/&2/&3/&4. |
057 | Value &1 for input parameter IV_MODE is invalid. Please use R, D, U or A. |
058 | You are not authorized to retrieve plan data for &1/&2/&3/&4. |
059 | Planning independently of company code: Please use leading ledger &1. |
060 | You plan with activity type &1, then the cost center must be filled, too. |
061 | Please add HSL to the aggregation level. |
062 | You cannot plan data for categories starting with ACT. |
063 | You cannot import plan data into category &1. Check its definition. |
064 | Please add a selection condition for RBUKRS to the plan data scope. |
065 | Please add a selection condition for KOKRS to the plan data scope. |
066 | Controlling area &2 isn't assigned to company code &1. |
067 | Sales document &1 with position &2 doesn't exist. |
068 | Fiscal year &2, posting period &1, and period/year &3 don't match. |
069 | Account assignment &1 &2 doesn't belong to profit center &4.� |
070 | Account assignment &1 &2 doesn't belong to company code &4. |
071 | Account assignment &1 &2 doesn't belong to business area &4. |
072 | Account assignment &1 &2 doesn't belong to plant &4. |
073 | Profit center &1 doesn't belong to segment &3. |
074 | Profit center is empty. Post at least to dummy profit center &1. |
075 | No errors in test run. |
076 | Aggregation level contains KDPOS. Please add compound field KDAUF. |
077 | Aggregation level contains AUFPS. Please add compound field AUFNR. |
078 | Order &1 with position &2 doesn't exist. |
079 | Work item ID &1 doesn't exist. |
080 | Posting period &1 and fiscal year &2 induce the posting date &3, not &4 |
081 | Sales order item &1/&2 doesn't belong to order &4. |
082 | Sales order item &1/&2 doesn't belong to WBS element &4. |
083 | Plant &1 belongs to company code &2, not &3 |
084 | Extension Ledger &1 is not allowed for planning |
085 | Planning data was not changed. Because of that the data was not posted |
086 | Lot-Size-Independent Indicator (PSKNZ) &1 is invalid.� |
087 | When writing to ACDOCP, you can't plan data for category &1. |
088 | Financial management area &2 isn't assigned to company code &1. |
089 | Financial management area &2 isn't assigned to controlling area &1. |
090 | Only value NRG is allowed for grant |
091 | The following error(s) occured at RFC call during parallel processing |
092 | &1 plan data records posted. |
093 | Statistical key figure &1 doesn't exist in CO area &2. |
094 | You can plan data for statistical keyfigures only for one single ledger. |
095 | You can plan data only for categories of one application type. |
096 | You cannot copy plan data into category &1. Check its definition. |
097 | You cannot delete plan data from category &1. Check its definition. |
098 | Enter only exactly one account assignment. |
099 | Unit of statistical keyfigue &1 isn't &2. Please use &3. |
100 | &1 |
101 | Field &1 is not contained in the structure FINS_API_PLANDATA |
102 | Input table &1 is empty |
103 | RFC function module FINPLAN_API_POSTDATA finished successfully |
104 | RFC function module FINPLAN_API_POSTDATA ended with errors |
105 | Aggregation level contains invalid fields |
106 | Plan data with the attributes &1 &2 &3 &4 are locked |
107 | The data slice &1 is locked by user &2 |
108 | Sorry, but a communication failure with the lock server occured. |
109 | Sorry, but a system failure of the lock server occured. |
110 | Sorry, but an unknown failure of the lock server occured. |
111 | AWTYP is missing |
112 | User &2 has an exclusive lock on data slice &1. |
113 | User &2 has a shared lock on data slice &1. |
114 | The select option contains an unknown column |
115 | Number of deleted plan data records: &1 |
116 | Data contains plan categories with different usages |
117 | Data contains no plan category |
118 | Data contains no valid plan category |
119 | A FM area is not defined: Therefore a value (&1) for grant is not allowed |
120 | Add &1 to delete scope |
121 | Parallel processing faild because data package &1 was not returned by RFC |
122 | Field &1 is not supported. |
123 | System error occured during parallel processing of package &1 |
124 | Communication error occured during parallel processing of package &1 |
125 | Maximum number of failed attempts reached when processing package &1 |
126 | External Calls to RFC 'FINS_PLAN_PROC_PACKAGE_WRITE' not allowed |
127 | No prerequisites to check RFC 'FINS_PLAN_PROC_PACKAGE_WRITE' on ext. call |
128 | Plan data posted successfully |
129 | Value &1 for input parameter I_MODE is invalid. Please use R or U. |
130 | CO object currency of WBS element &3 (RCO_OCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
131 | Project &1 hasn't project currency defined: Amount CO_OSL is not allowed. |
132 | CO_OSL is only allowed for WBS elements with a project currency defined. |
133 | Maintenance order planning indicator (PLKNZ) &1 is invalid. |
134 | Fiscal year less than 1800 not supported. |
135 | CO object currency (RCO_OCUR) of &3 &4 isn't &1. Please use &2. |
136 | For the plan data scope, only use I for SIGN. |
137 | POPER or FISCYEARPER must be a field of the aggregation level. |
138 | Sorry, the plan data couldn't be deleted due to errors. |
139 | No planning data is to be processed. Because of that nothing was posted. |
140 | For plan data scope, a selection condition for field &1 isn't permitted. |
141 | Equity group &2 doesn't belong to account assignment object(s). |
142 | Production month &2 doesn't belong to account assignment object(s). |
143 | Recovery indicator &2 doesn't belong to account assignment object(s). |
144 | Joint venture &2 doesn't belong to account assignment object(s). |
145 | Date &1 is invalid. |
146 | Add Company Code (RBUKRS) to selected fields or aggregation level. |
147 | Assembly/Operation Scrap Included (ASSL_SCRAP_INCLD) &1 is invalid.� |
148 | Field Balance Flow Type is used but does not contain Opening or Changing. |
149 | Service order item &1 is not assigned to service contract item &2 |
150 | Functional currrency (RFCCUR) isn't &1. Please use &2. |
151 | LE, LT, GE, GT selections are not allowed |
152 | Plan data records to be posted: &1;�reversal records to be posted: &2. |
153 | Number of plan data records to be deleted: &1. |
154 | It is only allowed to replace field values for fields AUFNR and PAUFNR. |
155 | API was not set-up for replacing of field values. |
156 | Plan data can be posted successfully. |
200 | You are not authorized to delete plan data for &1/&2/&3/&4. |
201 | &1 plan data records were deleted. |
202 | Test mode: In real mode &1 records from table ACDOCP will be deleted. |
203 | This will delete &1 records in table ACDOCP. Do you wish to continue? |
204 | Your selection does not contain any data. No records were deleted. |
205 | Action was canceled by user. |
206 | Category is empty. Please specify a category. |
207 | You cannot delete plan data for a category of type '&1' |
208 | Parameter &1: &2 |
209 | Select options &1 (SIGN|OPTION|LOW|HIGH) |
210 | &1|&2|&3|&4 |
211 | Starting deletion run with user input: |
212 | Deleting plan data from table ACDOCP for select options: |
213 | Select options for field &1 (SIGN|OPTION|LOW|HIGH) |
214 | You cannot delete plan data due to external application check errors. |
215 | Starting deletion run using filter options. |
230 | Cost element &1 with primary celem categ &2 has partner data: No transfer |
231 | Cost element &1 with secondary celem cat &2 has no partner data: No Trans |
232 | Celem category &1 of cost element &2 is not supported: No Transfer. |
233 | From &1 selected plan records &2 records are transferred successfully. |
234 | Cannot create application log. |
235 | From period &1 is greater than to period &2. |
236 | Number of selected record(s): &1. |
237 | Use commensurable units of measurement for the consumption quantity. |
238 | Use commensurable units of measurement for activity input. |
239 | Value &1 for field &2 can not be converted to internal format. |
240 | &1 primary record(s) and &2 secondary record(s) posted. |
241 | &1 plan record(s) selected. |
242 | &1 record(s) posted. |
243 | Filter option entered: Plan Category equals &1 |
244 | Filter option entered: Ledger equals &1 |
245 | Filter option entered: Ledger Fiscal Year equals &1 |
246 | Filter option entered: Ledger Fiscal Year is between &1 and &2 |
247 | Filter option entered: Fiscal Period equals &1 |
248 | Filter option entered: Fiscal Period is between &1 and &2 |
249 | Filter option entered: Company Code equals &1 |
250 | Filter option entered: Timestamp is greater than or equal to &1 |
251 | Activity type &1 cannot be manually allocated: No transfer. |
252 | Account &1 is not a cost element: No transfer. |
253 | Cost element &1 with category 90 planned on cost center &2: No transfer. |
254 | Use commensurable units of measurement for activity quantity of &3. |
255 | Use commensurable units of measurement for capacity of &3. |
256 | Activity quantity with ATyp category 2 (&1) cannot be transferred. |
257 | Credit without cost center and activity type: no transfer |
258 | Error occured at saving SQL Log. Please contact SAP. |
259 | An error occured during cleaning up SQL log table: &1. |
260 | Cleaning up SQL log table for &1 was finished |
261 | Error occured at scheduling of SQL log clean-up job. Please contact SAP. |
262 | Job for cleaning cache tables could not be released. |
263 | Error during select for jobs to clean up cache. |
264 | Job for cleaning cache tables could not be opened. |
265 | Job for cleaning cache tables could not be submitted. |
266 | Mengenumrechnungs�berlauf f�r Kennzahl &1 Objekt &2: &3 |