FINS_DAR_ML - Messages for FINS DAR Machine Learning Framework

The following messages are stored in message class FINS_DAR_ML: Messages for FINS DAR Machine Learning Framework.
It is part of development package FINS_ML_DAR in software component CA-ML. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Machine Learning: Data Attribute Recommendation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001------------------ general messages -------------------------------------
002Sent HTTP POST : &1&2
003Sent HTTP GET : &1&2
004Sent HTTP DELETE : &1&2
005Received HTTP Error: "&1" Message: "&2&3&4"
006No application logs found
007No runs selected for specified actions
100------------------ CL_FINS_ML_DAR_API -----------------------------------
101Selected number of training runs to check for process: &1
102Selected training run &1/&2/&3 with running or pending upload
103Selected training run &1/&2/&3 with running or completed training job
104Selected training run &1/&2/&3 with running deployment
105Run & activated. Looking for old runs to be deleted
106Found & old runs to be removed.
107Error opening RFC destination &1
108Error sending authentication request
109Error receiving authentication response
110Authentication response returned HTTP status code &1 (&2)
111No active model found for APPLICATION = "&1", ORGUNIT = "&2"
112INFER method called with initial table IM_REQUEST
113FEATURE field "&1" not found in INFER data structure IM_REQUEST
114LABEL field "&1" not found in INFER data EX_RESPONSE
115Structure "&1" not found, check call to method SET_APPLICATION_CONTEXT
116FEATURE "&1" not found in structure "&2"
117FEATURE "&1" with type "&2" added to schema
118LABEL "&1" added to schema
119FEATURE "&1" cannot be added (unsupported DDIC type "&2")
120HTTP Error "&1" reading model "&2"
121Model created (ACCURACY: &1, F1SCORE: &2, PRECISION: &3, RECALL: &4)
122REST Client Error: &1
123Service returned an unexpected status code: "&1"
124Table FINS_DAR_MLRUNS is blocked; key &1
125Enqueue error: &1
126Deletion of run &1/&2/&3 failed
127Dataset schema created for training run &1/&2/&3
128Dataset created for training run &1/&2/&3
129Uploading training data for training run &1/&2/&3
130Training data upload for training run &1/&2/&3 was successful
131Training data upload for training run &1/&2/&3 failed
132Training job was created for training run &1/&2/&3
133Training job for run &1/&2/&3 was successful
134Training job for run &1/&2/&3 failed
135Model &1 was created for run &2/&3/&4
136Deployment of model &1 was started
137Model deployment for run &1/&2/&3 was successful
138Model deployment for run &1/&2/&3 failed
139The model was activated
140Run &1/&2/&3 was deleted
141Training data upload verification is still running
142Training is still running
143Model deployment is still running
144Error compressing training data for upload
145Model &1 for run &2/&3/&4 has low quality values. Repeat training !
146Runs for application area &1 (org. unit: &2) could not be deleted
147Number of runs deleted from the service: &1
148Number of entries deleted from table FINS_DAR_MLRUNS: &1
149Deletion from table FINS_DAR_MLRUNS failed
150Using RFC destination &1 for DAR service (application &2 )
151Using RFC destination &1 for DAR authentication (application &2 )
152LABEL "&1" not found in structure "&2"
153Number of records matching selection conditions: &
154Number of training records (&1) too small, provide at least &2 records
162No training runs with running or pending upload
163No training runs with running or completed training job
164No training runs with running deployment
170Deleted record with SCHEMA_ID = &1
171Failed to delete record with SCHEMA_ID = &1
172Run with SCHEMA_ID = &1 was deleted
300------------------ View maintenance -------------------------------------
301Mantain RFC destinations before activating the Application area !
302RFC destination "&1" does not exist.
303Maintain both RFC destinations !
304You cannot use the same RFC destination for authorization and service!
305RFC destination(s) created successfully.
306Invalid JSON file for service key uploaded.
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