FINS_FI_MASS_DATA - Mass Data Handling

The following messages are stored in message class FINS_FI_MASS_DATA: Mass Data Handling.
It is part of development package FINS_FI_MASS_DATA in software component FIN-MIG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting (SAP_FIN): Mass Data Handling".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
00150% of available work processes are selected by default
002Number of batch jobs set to &1% of available jobs. SAP Note 3036450
003Number of batch jobs set to as per customizing. SAP Note 3036450
100--- Mass Data Handling --------------------------------------------------
101&2 job &1 scheduled for immediate execution
102Cannot lock table &1; &2 is already running (user &3)
103&2 is complete in client &1
104&3 step &2 completed in client &1
105Preparation for step &1 failed
106Cannot create background job &1
107Report can run as batch job only
108Completed &1 &2 work packages
109No background work processes available
110&3 step &1 failed for work package &2; try again
111&3 step &1 for work package &2 was completed successfully
112Program must be started from a transaction
113No log available
114Cannot display job log; insufficient authorization
115Cannot display application log for client &1
116&2 is not necessary in client &1; no data available
117No data needs to be processed in step &2 in client &1
118&2 was not yet started in client &1
120&1 does not support repeated runs
122New run not allowed. Predecessor job &1 (&2) exists
124Reset method not implemented for set id &1, step id &2
125Reset not allowed in Near-Zero-Downtime mode
126Analysis of Transactional Data not allowed in Near-Zero-Downtime mode
127Trigger tables can only be filled in Near-Zero-Downtime mode
128&1 jobs scheduled for immediate execution
129Cannot display overview log for client &1
130No error or warning messages in the selected packages
131Some logs no longer exist; Overview is incomplete
132Too many messages found. Cannot show complete overview
133Error processing for &1 in client &4 is locked by user &2
134Run &3 still active for &1. Try again later
135Upgrade still running. Function is currently not available
136Process stopped for load balancing reasons
137Reset run is only possible with a previous run
138Process stopped because lock could not be set
139Start of run not allowed currently (see long text)
140Previous run &1 was already reset
141No run allowed before the reset run &1 is finished
142Reset activity &1 in simulation mode
143Reset activity &1 in update mode
144No of packages selected for reset: &1
145Reset data for step &1, package key &2
146Resetting potential leftovers for step &1
147Selection criteria for &1: '&2'
148Reset run only possible for all steps, not for single step &1
149Cannot perform activity &1 currently
150Cannot reset activity &1 currently
151&3 step &1 for work package &2 was reset successfully
152Resetting &3 step &1 failed for work package &2; try again
153Previous runs contain no packages to reset
154Mark a line for which to show the single messages
155You can only accept errors in completed work packages
156Action was only partially executed
157Set ID &1 is invalid
158Application class &1 does not exist (Set ID &2 / Step ID &3)
159Cannot re-run activity &1 currently
160Unit Test: Project &1 is processed
161Unit Test: Set ID &1, Step ID &2, Package &3 is processed
162Unit Test: Some Error Message
163Unit Test: Package &1 sucessfully processed in &2 seconds
164Unit Test: Package &1 sucessfully reset
165Unit Test: Remaining Data of Set ID &1 / Step ID &2 reset
166Re-run of run &1 with type &2 not possible (project &3)
167No error overview available (select node on lower level)
170Creation of new packages is only allowed if final package exists
171Server group &1 is invalid
172Enter a positive number
301Running in client &1
302Processing key &1
303&1 entries deleted from shadow table FINS_ACCEPT_TRA
304&1 entries read from message table FINS_ACCEPT_MSG
305&1 entries inserted into shadow table FINS_ACCEPT_TRA
306&1 entries read from shadow table FINS_ACCEPT_TRA
307Entries for accepted errors updated in message table FINS_ACCEPT_MSG
308Running in client &1 (target client "&2", upgrade="&3")
309Export conflicts with import of request &1
310Transport &1 marked as processed
311Analysis of workpackages and logs for activity &1 &2 successful
401ABAP class &1 for mass data activity &2 does not exist
402ABAP class &1 does not implement mandatory interface &2
403Enter an ABAP class. &1 is an interface
404Mass data activity &1 is still used in tables; For example: &2
405&1: Names starting with U are reserved for test automates
406&1: Names starting with &2 or &3 are reserved for Central Finance
407No versions exist for mass data activity &1
408General text with name &1 does not exist
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