FINS_FI_MPROJ - Mass Data Project

The following messages are stored in message class FINS_FI_MPROJ: Mass Data Project.
It is part of development package FINS_FI_MASS_DATA in software component FIN-MIG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting (SAP_FIN): Mass Data Handling".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Project &1 does not exist
002Project &1 already exists
003Invalid Database Operation: &1
004Trigger on table &1 is currently not supported
005&1 &2 &3 &4
006Data processing for project &1 already started
007Data processing for project &1 not yet started
008Data processing for project &1 already completed
009Data processing for project &1 not yet completed
010Data transfer for project &1 has been confirmed
011Unknown trigger mode &1
012You don't have sufficient authorization for this activity
013Preparations have been completed
014Operation failed; please try again
015&1 for project &2 was already confirmed by user &3 on &4
016&1 for project &2 has been confirmed by user &3
017Action has been canceled
018Preparations were already completed by user &1 on &2, &3
019Preparations for project &1 have been completed by user &2
020Execute and Reset cannot be started simultaneously
021Iterations are only possible for Minimal Downtime Approach
022Project &1 was already completed by user &2 on &3, &4
023Project &1 is not active
024Action was not processed due to errors
025Project &1 has been set to status "Completed" by user &2
026Project &1 is completed
027Authorization for status display of some existing projects missing
028Preparations for project &1 are not completed
029Preparations for project &1 have been set to completed
030Service Class &2 as defined by Project Type &1 does not exist
031Data transfer for project &1 is not yet confirmed
032No status entries found in status table for project &1
033Action not allowed
034Setting DB-trigger for database table &1 not supported
035Project &1 is currently running, start of data processing not possible
036Project &1 was executed after this project, reset no longer possible
037Execute action isn't allowed for activity &1
038Reset for activity &1 skipped because nothing was done during processing
039Reset not allowed for activity &1
040Customizing settings were changed after completion of preparation
041Preparation for project &1 was completed on &2 at &3 by user &4
042Data processing for project &1 was confirmed on &2 at &3 by user &4
043Project &1 was completed on &2 at &3 by user &4
044'Complete Preparations' was reset for project &1 on &2 at &3 by user &4
045'Confirm Data Processing' was reset for project &1 on &2 at &3 by user &4
046'Complete Project' was reset for project &1 on &2 at &3 by user &4
047Specify a valid project
048Project &1 is not completed
049Data transfer for project &1 is not confirmed
050Reset of data hasn't been run for project &1
051Reset of &1 was successful
052No action log entries for manual status changes found for project &1
053It is not possible to reset data in productive systems
054Data processing for project &1 has been started
055Data processing for project &1 has been completed
056Packages for activity &1 are being created
057Packages for resetting activity &1 are beeing created
058Data processing for project &1 has been completely reset
059Data processing completion information for project &1 has been reset
060Activities of project &1 are currently processing
061Reset activities of project &1 are currently processed
062Please specify all mandatory settings
063Activity &1 is not valid for current project &2
064Entry is not yet activated for notification
065Please check the e-mail address &1 for correctness
066A log is not yet available for this node
067&1 new or modified entries are not yet activated for notification
068The selected event does not require any activity; it will be ignored
069Project status has been changed
070Select a message first
071Project &1 does not have the required project type
072Conflicting project &1 of type &2 (&3) is currently active
073No organizational units were locked when project &1 was started
074Run data for project &1 has been deleted
075Event '&1' is only for manual activities. &2 is not a manual activity
076Event '&1' is only for automatic activities. &2 is a manual activity
077Package/Org.Unit &1 not processed due to current user selection
078Package/Org.Unit &1 not processed due to current status of activity &2
079Package/Org.Unit &1 was already processed; it can't be processed again
080No package/org.unit can be processed because activity &1 hasn't processed
081Nothing processed because package &1 of activ. &2 isn't completed
082Package &1 of activity &2 excluded because not all packages will be reset
083Nothing processed because subsequent activity &1 wasn't reset
084Start of < &1 > at &2
085End of < &1 > at &2
086End of < &1 > at &2 (Reason: &3)
087Packages for further processing: &1 (&2 packages were filtered out)
088Status was changed to "&1" on &2 at &3 by user &4
089No action log available for the current node
090Action "&1" for activity &2 started by user &3 at &4
091Status change for activity &1 at &2 already performed
092Status of activity &1 at &2 has been changed to "&3"
093Creation of the initial status entry on &1 at &2 was started by user &3
094Conflicting project also applies to company code &1
095Cannot reset 'Project Completed' in production systems
096Documents exist that were posted after Data Transfer was confirmed
097Project &1, which has project type &2, is still active
098Processing the current action caused errors or warnings
099**** Messages from Driver **************************************
100Execution not possible because preparation has not been set to completed
101Reset not possible because preparation has not been set to completed
102Execution of activity &1 not possible; preparation not set to completed
103Reset of activity &1 not possible; preparation not set to completed
104Data processing termination impossible; preparation not set to completed
105Stopping data processing not possible; preparation not set to completed
106Project &1 was already completed, further processing is not possible
107Data transfer cannot be confirmed; preparation not set to completed
110Executing activity &1 not possible because it is not the first activity
111Resetting is not possible because data processing has not started
113Resetting up to activity &1 is not possible, data processing not started
114Stopping data processing is not possible, data processing has not started
115Stopping data processing is not possible, data processing has not started
116Preparations cannot be completed again
117Completion of data transfer cannot be confirmed
120Data processing is running, no additional run possible
121Processing must be stopped prior to resetting the data
122Data processing is running, no additional run possible
123Processing must be stopped prior to resetting the data
125A single activity is currently processing; stopping not necessary
126Preparations cannot be completed again
127Data processing is not completed; confirmation not possible
130Processing of activity &1 is currently not possible
131Reset of activity &1 is currently not possible
132Activity &1 was already run; execute not possible
133Activity &1 was not run; reset not possible
134Data processing has stopped; it is not possible to terminate it
135Data processing is already stopped
136Preparations cannot be completed again
137Data processing is not completed; confirmation not possible
138Processing activity &1 / package &2 currently not possible
139Resetting activity &1 / package &2 is currently not possible
140Data processing is complete; no further processing needed
141Reset of activity &1 is currently not possible
142Data processing is completed, no further processing needed
143ReRun of activity &1 is currently not possible
144Data processing is complete; it is not possible to terminate it
145Data processing is complete; it cannot be stopped
146Preparations cannot be completed again
147Activities cannot be processed
150Completion of data transfer confirmed; no further processing possible
151Completion of data transfer confirmed; no reset of data possible
152Completion of data transfer confirmed; no further processing possible
153Completion of data transfer confirmed; no reset of data possible
154Completion of data transfer confirmed; no termination possible
155Completion of data transfer confirmed; stopping not possible
156Preparations cannot be completed again
157Completion of data transfer is already confirmed
160Action &1 cancelled
161Action &1 processed successfully
162Action &1 is processed
170Start of &1 (&2) at &4 (Run ID &3)
171End of &1 (&2) at &4 (Run ID &3)
172Termination of &1 (&2) at &4 (Run ID &3)
173Confirmation for &1 (&2) at &4 (Run ID &3)
174All packages of Run &1 of &2 (&3) invalidated: &4
175Packages with Error of Run &1 of &2 (&3) invalidated: &4
177No Packages created for activity &1 at &2
180Driver program for &1 is started (Preparation not completed)
181Driver program for &1 is started (Data Transfer not started)
182Driver program for &1 is started (Data Transfer completed)
183Driver program for &1 is started (Data Transfer is stopped)
184Driver program for &1 is started (Data Transfer is currently executed)
185Driver program for &1 is started (Data Transfer already confirmed)
186Driver program for &1 is completed
190Rerun not possible, as preparation not completed
191Rerun not possible, as data transfer not started
192Rerun not possible, as data transfer currently executed
193Rerun for activity &1 not possible
195Rerun not possible, as data transfer already confirmed
200Execute without an activity not possible
201Reset without an activity not possible
202Rerun without activity not possible
205Execute of several activities not allowed
206Reset of several activities not allowed
220Status changes for activity &1 aren't possible
221No organizational units selected for processing
222Errors during status update in database table &1
223Project &1 has no active company codes assigned
224No valid org.units for current selection condition found in project &1
230Project &1 is currently running (Cockpit)
300*--------------- Messages Cockpit (300-399) --------------------------
301Please choose a different column for getting status details
302Function is not supported for the hierarchy column
303Please position the cursor on a valid node first
304Please position the cursor on a package node first
305Please position the cursor on a valid hierarchy node first
306Please enter a valid and non-initial search string first
307Data processing has not started or is already completed
308Data processing has been started; jobs will be scheduled
309Reset of data has been started
310No (further) hits found
311Packages have been re-sorted for temporary display only
312A re-sort with this criteria has no effect on the current display
313Please position the cursor on an activity node of the project first
314Search in filtered display
315Current search result is filtered out from cockpit display
316Due to performance reasons, all relevant nodes have not been expanded
317Processing will be stopped
318Summary logs are only available for Run-ID nodes with errors
319Function is only supported on latest Run-ID nodes with errors
320Current status of Driver: &1
321Only status info can be displayed; no log is currently available
322Active status aggregation logic: &1
323Inactive actions have been cancelled
324Project type &1 isn't supported
325This action isn't supported for the current status of activity &1
326Processing settings for Driver processing: &1
327Processing settings for Checks (of Customizing, Sequence): &1
328This action isn't supported for manual activities
329This action is only supported for manual activities
330Please position the cursor on a manual activity or an org.unit first
331Enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero
332This action isn't supported for manual activities
333Please position the cursor on an activity or Run-ID node first
334Function is not yet supported for manual activities
335No user selection available
336User selections cannot be defined for cockpit activity &1
337Documentation for activity &1 is not yet available
400**** Miscellaneous Messages ********************
401Project &1 doesn't have the suitable project type of &2
420Unit test timeout
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