The following messages are stored in message class FINS_UTIL: .
It is part of development package FINS_FI_UTIL in software component FI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting - Utilities (SAP_FIN)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Start of Generation &1: Date &2, Time &3
002Generation of View &1 in Set &2 successful
003Generation of View &1 in Set &2 failed
004Generation successful: Date &2, Time &3
005Generation failed: Date &2, Time &3
006Generation &1 locked
007CDS View &1 does not exist
008Display log &1 with report RADPROTA
009Regeneration of NewGL total tables not successfull
010Table &1 does not exist
011Activation of DDL-Source &1 successful
012Activation of DDL-Source &1 failed
013DDL-Source &1 has not been saved successfully
014DDL-Source &1 has been saved successfully
015No data available for process &2
016Read accesses successfully redirected from &1 to &2
017Redirection of read accesses from &1 to &2 failed
018Read access redirection from &1 to &2 has been deleted
019Deletion of read access redirection from &1 to &2 failed
021*** Generation of G/L Indices: Date &1, Time &2
022*** Generation of AP/AR Indices: Date &1, Time &2
023*** Generation of G/L and Migration: Date &1, Time &2
024*** Generation of CO: Date &1, Time &2
025*** Generation of BCF: Date &1, Time &2
026*** Generation of Cash Management: Date &1, Time &2
027*** Generation of Material Ledger: Date &1, Time &2
028*** Generation of Migr. Mapping: Date &1, Time &2
029Following views has been reset to delivery state
030Generation of class &1 successful
031Error saving generated class &1
032Error instantiating generated class &1
033Syntax error in generated class &1
034*** Start of Redirection: Date &1 Time &2
035*** Finish of Redirection: Date &1 Time &2
036*** Start of Activation &1: Date &2, Time &3
037Activation &1 successful
038Activation &1 failed
039*** End of Activation &1: Date &2, Time &3
040Start: Date &1, Time &2
041Finish: Date &1, Time &2
042Mass-Activation was successful
043Mass-Activation was failed
044CDS View &1 is up-to-date - generation is not necessary
045No views to activate
046Generation of View &1 was successful
047Generation of View &1 failed
049*** Generation of AR Infosystem Views: Date &1, Time &2
050Program &1 neither found in table FINSTS_BIACCTYPE nor in FINSC_BIACCTYPE
051Program name not found in table APQI for QID = &1 and DATATYP = &2
052Account type &1 is not allowed for program &2
060CDS views regenerated successfully, please restart balance carry forward
061Error when trying to regenerate the CDS views -> Long text
062CDS views are currently generated by another process -> Long text
100************* 100 - 120 DRF Cost Center Message *************************
101Field ID &1, &2 contains separator character <#>, can be ambiguities.
102Update returned status code: &1, reason: &2
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