FIP_BAL_MSG_CLASS - FIP messages related to errors from BAL

The following messages are stored in message class FIP_BAL_MSG_CLASS: FIP messages related to errors from BAL.
It is part of development package FIP_BACKEND_CONN_BAPI in software component LO-RFM-OBS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Backend Connectivity (BAPI) for Fresh Item Procurement".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Suppliers not available for material &1
002Suppliers not available for supplying plant &1
003Supplier ID parameter is initial
004Supplier information not available for supplier ID &1
005Material not available for supplier &1
006Material not available for supplying plant &1
007Material not available for recipient &1
008Purchasing organisation not available for supplying plant &1
009Plant data not available for supplying plant &1
010Customer not available for your selection
011Only one table ID is allowed as parameter for Find_by_elements query
012Document type &1 of document &2 not supported
013Material &1 is locked by another user
014Purchasing document &1 is locked by another user
015Sales document &1 is locked by another user
016Method &1 called with wrong parameter; try again
017Internal error in method &1
018Error while reading the message log
019Error while updating the receiving documents
021Delivery relationship does not exist for plant &1
022Delivery relationship determination was unsuccessful
023Supplying plant &1 is not available
024Order type is not available
025Item category is not available
026MRP type relevant for delivery relationship determination not available
027Customizing entry for MRP type &1 is not available
028No entry in database table MARC
029No delivery relationships exist
030Collective order does not exist for current selection
031Rounding of material &1 was unsuccessful
032Store data does not exist for your selection
033Receiving plant does not exist for material &1
034Material documents not found for supplying plant &1 in year &2
035Sales documents not found for supplying plant &1
036Sales documents not found
037Supplier &2 does not exist for supplying plant &1
038Material number is initial for &1 &2 &3; cannot read PPA
039No suitable purchasing documents found
040&1 collective purchase orders were generated (&2)
041No entry found in &1
042No sales price found for recipient &1, material &2 and date &3
043Supplying plant does not exist for material &1
044No stock quantity selected in Customizing
045There is no pricing/purchasing information for vendor &1
046Distribution chain not found for recipient &1
047Material Range did not provide 'BELONGS_TO' information for material &1
048Customizing error occured
049Invalid date entered (&1)
050Stock transport order &1 not relevant for collective purchase order
051Sales order &1 not relevant for collective purchase order
052Error in 'CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURR' function for recipient &1, material &2
053Sales price data not found for customer &1 material &2
054No detailed information could be found for recipient &1
060No promotion found for plant &1 and material &2
061No promotion found for material &1
065Default purchasing org. could not be found for supplying plant &1
066&1 created under the number &2 for vendor &3
067&1 created under the number &2
074No variants for material &1
075No components for material &1
076Error getting Conversion of Units for material &1
077At least one parameter is required for READ_MATERIAL_BY_ELEMENTS method
078Supplying plant IDs in IT_SUPPLY_PLANT_ID must exist in IT_WERKS_EKORG
080Note have been changed by another user in the meantime
081Material is locked by anther user
082Material cannot be locked
083No material note available
084Material note could not be saved
085Material note was saved successfully
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