FIQA_LOC - FI Localization for Qatar

The following messages are stored in message class FIQA_LOC: FI Localization for Qatar.
It is part of development package GLO_FIN_FI_QA in software component FI-LOC-FI-QA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Developments for Qatar".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Specify a date range within a single month
001Monthly clearing date should be greater than the payment date
002Company code &1 does not exist
003Extended withholding tax functions are not active for company code &1
004No tax file number defined for company code &1
005No tax card number defined for company code &1
006Tax card validity expired for company code &1
007Document does not exist for the specified criteria
008No vendor exists in the specified range for this company code
009No tax code exists for this service category
010GL account &1 not defined in the chart of accounts
011Currency specified in the bank account for tax payment is not QAR
012Bank account & is either marked for deletion or blocked for posting
013No unpaid tax lines exist for the given selection criteria
014No unpaid tax lines exist for this service category
015Tax payment code not generated
016Vendor Account & is not defined for &
017Vendor account & is either marked for deletion or blocked for posting
018Customizations to assign the number range and document type is missing
019Tax payment date should be in the next month of the posting date
020Enter account number
021No authorization to update the MOF serial number
022No records found with payment method &1 for run date &2 and run ID &3
023Payment form is not updated with the check number
024Payment order text not maintained for vendor invoice &1
025Commitment item text not maintained
026Update failed
027Bank name not maintained for the specified company code
028Bank account number not maintained for the specified company code
029Bank data not maintained for the vendor &
030Fiscal year variant not maintained for the specified company code
031No line items found for vendor invoices
032No invoice found with payment method &1
033Fund center text not maintained
034Role text and ID not maintained
051Component for QA is not active
052&1 is not a monthly payment document
053Document & already reversed; reversal not possible
054Certificate already generated for document &1; reversal not possible
055Payment documents not found; reversal not possible
056Document & reversed by &
057Enter the payment document number
058Enter the reason for reversal
059Enter posting date of the reversal document
060Return or certificate generated for document &; reversal not possible
061Posting date must be greater or equal to &
062No document found
063Month must be between 01 to 12
064Enter either posting date or the posting month
065Enter the month
066Enter the posting dates
067Document is cleared with &, can not be reversed
100Certificate &1 already exists for contract number &2 and vendor &3
101No payment document exists for contract number &1
102Certificate &1 not deleted
103Certificate &1 deleted
104Certificate not generated
105Certificate &1 generated
106Maintain contract number or contract date or vendor number
107Certificate &1 does not exist
108Withholding tax details not retrieved for certificate &1
109Taxpayer address does not exist
110No contract order found
111No FI document found
112Vendor invoice not found
113No payment document exists against vendor invoices
114Withholding tax not cleared with monthly payment document
115Withholding tax details not retrieved for vendor payment
116Withholding tax details not retrieved for down payment or partial payment
117Enter withholding tax certificate number
118Enter withholding tax certificate date
119Select any row
200Vendor & does not exist
201Extended withholding tax functions are not active for company code &
202Tax file number does not exist
203Tax card number does not exist
204Tax card number is not in validity period
205Tax card number and tax file number are missing
206Enter a valid company code
207No documents for reporting
208Corresponding financial document reversed
209Tax payment code is not available in the system
210Tax payment code and tax payment date do not match
250The system did not find any certific. that match your selection criteria
301Asset accounting functions are not active for company code &1
302Fiscal year variant not maintained for company code &1
303No tax file number defined for company code &1
304Define depreciation rates for evaluation groups of company code &1
305No active version of form &1 available
306Error while generating form &1
307Form &1 processing could not be completed
308Transaction type group not found for asset transaction type &1
309No data found for asset transaction type &1
310Define asset transaction type
311Define transaction type group
312Define evaluation groups for asset classes
313Define depreciation area &1
314Evaluation group not maintained for asset class &1
315No assets found for the given selection
316Depreciation rate not maintained for &1 for reporting date &2
317Define company name for company code &1
318Fiscal year variant &1 not maintained
401Service start date not to be after the service end date
402Tax card details not maintained for the company code
403Article details not maintained
404Address not maintained
405Address not maintained for the company code
406Maintain tax article details
407Maintain customer company code
408Maintain service category
409Country/Region name for & not maintained in &
410Provision account not defined for company &
411Provision ID not defined
412Provision text not defined for provision ID &
420Organization code not maintained for company code &
421Transaction type chapter code not maintained for company code &
500COA assigned to the company code and FSV are different
501Enter a valid financial statement version
502Financial statement data does not exist
503G/L account not assigned to all financial statement items
504Financial statement item texts not maintained
505G/L account information does not exist
506Tax file number is not maintained for the company code
507Activity type (line of business) not maintained for company code &
508You have neither maintained role text nor role title for the role ID
509Legal form not maintained for company code &
550No accounts from provided range are valid for company code &1
551Beginning date of selected range is not the first date of FI period
552FI period for date &1 and company code &2 was not defined
553Beginning date for the period &1 and company code &2 was not found
554Balances by periods information were not fetched correctly
555Key &1 does not correspond to any printing form
556Printing form &1 was not found. Check customizing settings
557Not able to open spool job
558Errors occured while printing form &1
559Spool job was closed incorrectly
560Error in definition of company code &1
561Financial period version is not defined correctly
600Incorrect level
601Error in general ledger account balances; no list generated
602No PDF form assigned to the report &1 for company code &2
603Specify information in all required fields
604You cannot delete an inactive record
605You must enter the tax card no. before entering the date
606Tax card &1 is expired
607Change payment block
608Two records cannot be added at the same time
609Tax data will be lost
610Tax card date is not specified or it is expired
611This is the last payment of &1 and the vendor is liable for retention
612Payment for &1 exceeds 97% of contract; vendor is liable for retention
613Service category classification for &1 is not specified
614WHT type &1 and code &2 are not specified in vendor master data
615Residual payment is not allowed, use partial payment instead
616Vendor not liable for Qatar WHT; check withholding tax accounting view
617Vendor is liable for Qatar WHT, check withholding tax accounting view
618The amount &1 exceeds the permissible limit
700No valid values in customizing table &1
701New GL is not active
702Company code &1 does not exist
703Invalid form structure or financial statement version selected &
704FSK & / & is not maintained for language &
705No PDF form assigned to report &1 for company code &2
706Error while calling data from financial st.; contact your administrator
707No form lines defined for form structure &
709Specify the name of the printer
710Specify a valid form structure key for provision calculation
711Specify a valid finanacial statement version for provision calculation
712Specify depreciation area
713Define tax rates for legal status in customizing
714Specify external figures for line 16500 (depreciation)
715Specify external figures for line 16600 (provision)
716Tax card details missing or invalid for supplier.
717Cannot process payment for invoice due to invalid tax card.
719Specify origin of service as Local or Foreign or Exempt.
720Specify NOC status as ' - No' or 'X - Yes'
721Select valid withholding tax type for company code &1 &2 &3 &4
722Select valid withholding tax code for company code &1 &2 &3 &4
723Supplier is liable for withholding tax
724Withholding Tax Type and Code is mandatory for local services &1 &2 &3
725WHT Type and Code can not be maintained for foreign services &1 &2 &3
726WHT Type and Code is mandatory for foreign services &1 &2 &3
727Select a valid material group
728Select a valid Block Key for Payment &1 &2 &3
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