FIRO_IS - Mess. class TB-RO

The following messages are stored in message class FIRO_IS: Mess. class TB-RO.
It is part of development package GLO_FIN_IS_RO in software component FI-LOC-FI-RO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Globalization Financials Information System Romania".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Organizational unit COMPANYCODE is not configured for Reporting Entity &
002No Leading Company code customized for Reporting Entity &
003Use only Leading Company code & of Reporting entity &
004Document & has unallowed combination of BP type and Operation type
006No G/L account selected according to input parameters
007Company code & not found. Check user authorizations.
008No settings found for ledger & and company code &. Check authorizations.
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