FIRU_LAND_TAX - Russia Land Tax

The following messages are stored in message class FIRU_LAND_TAX: Russia Land Tax.
It is part of development package GLO_FIN_RU in software component FI-LOC-FI-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Globalization Financials Russia".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 does not exist
001Tax Concession &1 does not exist for OKTMO &2, please check
002Special Tax Category &1 does not exist for OKTMO &2, please check
003Please enter an OKTMO code for Special Tax Category &1
004Special Tax Category &1 does not exist
005Please enter an OKTMO code for &1 &2
006Please delete values before changing the current concession type
007Enter "Valid To" date for the Tax Concession value that is valid from &1
008Entered period clashes with another concession (from &1 to &2)
009Unit value "&1" is not possible for the operation "&2"
010Please enter a Tax Concession Value lower than 100%
011Enter to date for the existing periodicity that is valid from &1
012Select from date out of the existing period from &1 to &2
013Date From &1 is greater than Date To &2. Please check
014Define OKTMO code for Tax Office &1
015Maintain tax rate for asset &1/&2
016Base reduction &3 does not exist (asset &1/&2)
017Base reduction &3 is not valid during the reporting period (asset &1/&2)
018Rate reduction &3 does not exist (asset &1/&2)
019Rate reduction &3 is not valid during the reporting period (asset &1/&2)
020Amount reduction &3 does not exist (asset &1/&2)
021Amount reduction &3 is not valid during reporting period (asset &1/&2)
022Rate reduction &3 increases tax rate for asset &1/&2. Base tax rate is &4
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