The following messages are stored in message class FIRU_VATREF_MESSAGE: .
It is part of development package GLO_FIN_IS_RU in software component FI-LOC-FI-RU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Globalization Financials Information System Russia".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Document in line & already submitted in VAT Return. You cannot change it
001Document in line & has later revisions for it. You cannot delete it
002Errors occurred during saving, please see log
003Document in line & must exist in the system
005Errors occurred during saving, please see log
006Saved successfully
007Please select at least one line
008There are inconsistencies in the data
009Selected successfully
010Errors occurred during data insertion, please see log
011Data inserted successfully
013Line item &1 already exists
014Line item & must have a specified Company Code, Document number and year
015Original document exists in the system, cannot create long texts
016You want to add & row(s). Are you sure?
017You want to change & row(s). Are you sure?
018You want to delete & row(s). Are you sure?
019You want to add &1 and change &2 rows. Are you sure?
020You want to add &1 and delete &2 rows. Are you sure?
021You want to change &1 and delete &2 rows. Are you sure?
022You want to add &1, change &2 and delete &3 rows. Are you sure?
023Please select at least one line that was not submitted in a VAT Return
024Please select only one line
025No changes for selected line(s)
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