FKKBIX2 - Abrechnung im Vertragskontokorrent

The following messages are stored in message class FKKBIX2: Abrechnung im Vertragskontokorrent.
It is part of development package FKKBIX in software component FI-CA-INV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Billing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Schema &1 for checking duplicates is not suitable in class &2
002No comparison field is entered in schema &1 for duplicate check
003Source transaction &1 not transferred due to duplicate check &2
004Source transaction &1 moved to status &3 due to duplicate check &2
005There are already &2 duplicates for check schema &3 for source trans. &1
006Maximum number of entries reached in duplicate table for &2
007Item for source trans. &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
008Item for source trans. &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
009Item for source trans. &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
010Item for source trans. &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
011Item for source trans. &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
012Item for source trans. &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
013Item for source trans. &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
014No duplicate check possible using check schema &2 for source trans. &1
015Source transaction &1 remains in status &3 due to duplicate check &2
016Action not possible because configuration of check schema was changed
017Action not possible because configuration of check schema was changed
018Duplicate entry cannot be adjusted.
019Duplicate entry cannot be adjusted.
020Consumption item &1 not transferred due to duplicate check &2
021Consumption item &1 moved to status &3 due to duplicate check &2
022For consumpt. item &1 there are already &2 duplicates for check schema &3
023Maximum number of entries reached in duplicate table for &2
024Consumption item &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
025Consumption item &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
026Consumption item &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
027Consumption item &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
028Consumption item &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
029Consumption item &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
030Consumption item &1 is a duplicate according to check schema &2
031No duplicate check possible using check schema &2 for consumption item &1
032Consumption item &1 remains in status &3 due to duplicate check &2
033&1 is not a valid value for the calculation level
034Billing document not prepared for integration with Revenue Accounting
035Posting document not prepared for accruals/deferrals postings
036The fields entered in schema &1 do not exist or are blank
037Schema &1 does not exist for the duplicate check
038Field &1 does not exist in the billable items
039No exception or reversal reason maintained for duplicate check schema &1
040Deleting duplicate check entries is not allowed in a productive system
041Consumption item &1 remains in status &3 due to duplicate check &2
042Field &1 does not exist in the consumption items
043The fields entered in schema &1 do not exist or are blank
044Schema &1 was changed, data has to be adjusted.
045Schema &1 is consistent, no data adjustment is necessary.
046Schema &1 in class &2 not active --> only deletion for class &2 allowed
047Schema &1 in class &2 active --> deletion for class &2 not allowed
048Process started: date &1, time &2
049Process ended: date &1, time &2
050It is not possible to return to the original selection criteria
051No consumption item found because key not specified completely
052External data for the integration with Revenue Accounting is incorrect
053The service type of the billable item is not uniquely defined
054Activation of index &1 in table &2 suppressed
055No billable item can be created for consumption item &1 &2
056Activation of index &1 in table &2 suppressed
057Rating date must be entered.
058Rating date of billable item &1 &2 is in the future.
059Billing document has not been prepared for the external exchange rate.
060Check simulated - see check results in the individual items
061Indicator "adjustment of date" is not unique (reversal task &1).
062Start date must match (without date adjustment in reversal task &1).
063Reversal items have been created for the billed items.
064Exception reason &1 does not match processing rule 5 for schema &2.
065Source transaction &1 moved to status &3 due to duplicate check &2
066Item &1 of the provider contract &2 is not valid for time of origin &3.
067Pepaid account &3 does not permit posting to the contact account entered.
068Billing document not prepared for intercompany clearing
069Data for intercompany clearing is incomplete
070Parameter name &1 is not available
071Data has been processed under the data package ID &1
072Consumption items have been processed under the data package ID &1
073Supplying company code missing in billable item
074Intercompany clearing type &1 is not valid
075An error has occurred during the grouping of &1 to &2.
076Error During Execution of Event &1 for Schema &2 (&3)
077Simulation mode - data has not been saved
078Additional parameter &1
079Error during import in line: &1 | environment: ...&2...
080Incorrect file type client or class (file &1, schema &2).
081Invalid value &1 for field &2.
082Error during import in Line: &1 | Field: &2 | Value: &3
083The field &1 is not available in the target structure &2.
084The reference field &1 of field &2 is not available in the source.
085Technical settings (module &2) of schema &1 are incorrect.
086Please select a schema.
087Log &1
088Please import a source first.
089No report name is assigned to schema &1.
090ALV expert mode &1
091*************** START OF FILE UPLOAD ******************
092*** &3 upload: Import of '&1' with schema &2
093Error during import (please see log):
094&1 lines have been imported of which &2 have errors.
095&1 lines have been imported.
096During file upload, no class was specified for the file.
097Cannot open file &1
098*** &3 Upload: Loading of '&1' with schema &2
099*************** END OF FILE UPLOAD ***************
100No entries exist for the selection criteria entered
101Number of revenue accounting items (main items)
102Number of Revenue Accounting Items (Conditions)
103Number of Items - Legacy Data (Main Items)
104Number of Items - Legacy Data (Conditions)
105Number of Items - Legacy Data (Planned Fulfillments)
106Intercompany clearing procedure &1 is not valid
107Billable document not prepared for allowance
108Selection does not contain items to be processed
109Your selection does not contain any billable items
110Your selection does not contain any items that can be transferred.
111Your selection does not contain any items that are excepted.
112Your selection does not contain any items that can be excepted.
113Your selection contains items of multiple contr. accounts/bus. partners
114The selected item was not yet saved, transfer is not possible.
115Your selection contains items that cannot be transferred
116Selected items are not yet billed or already invoiced
117Selection contains multiple contract accts/bus. partners to be invoiced
118Billable items for subprocess &1 are not allowed to be reversed
119Selected items are already reversed
120A reversal request exists for source transaction &1 &2
121The billable items that are to be reversed are already invoiced
122Reversal reason &1 unsuitable due to the alloc.except.reasn
123No Raw Items have been excepted
124No raw items have been restored
125Number of excepted or cancelled raw items
126Number of restored raw items
127Search help for source transactions of type '&1' is not supported
128Data for intercompany settlement type &1 is incomplete
129Intercompany settlement not active for company codes &1 &2
130&1 items selected
131Number of items selected for transfer
132&1 items transferred
133Number of items transferred
134&1 items excepted or reversed
135*** Items for business partner &1 with ID
136***** &1 &2
137No items have been selected for transfer
138&1 billing documents were created.
139Number of billing documents created
140Number selected raw items for restoration
141Number raw items selected for exception
142Number of items selected for restoration
143Number of items selected for exception
144No raw items have been selected for restoration
145No raw items have been selected for exception
146No items have been selected for restoration
147No items have been selected for exception
148&1 invoicing documents were created.
149Number of Invoicing Documents Created
150Error when mapping &1 to &2
151Mass Change not applicable to multiple amount fields
152Mass change not applicable to multiple currency fields
153Selected amount and currency fields do not match
154Mass change not applicable to multiple quantity fields
155Mass change not applicable to several unit of measure fields
156Selected quantity and unit of measure fields do not match
157Selection contains items with amounts in various currencies
158Amount and currency are not modifiable in all selected items
159Selection contains items with quantities of various units of measure
160Quantity and unit of measure are not modifiable in all selected items
161The package of billable items (&1) has not been completely changed
162The source translation in a rated consumption item cannot be empty
163Source transaction type &1 can only be reversed by reversing billing doc.
164Posting relevance is required for intercompany clearing posting
165Selection contains &1 non-billable intercompany settlement items
166*** Non-billable source transactions for intercompany settlement:
167No active intercompany settlement types found
168Intercompany settlement not maintained for company codes &1 &2
169Intercompany settlement subitem &1 is not valid
170&1 billing items selected for posting
171Number for Posting Selected Items
172&1 items processed successfully
173Number of items processed successfully
174Posting for &1 items successfully tested
175Number of items tested successfully
176&1 posting document created.
177&1 accrual items not processed because of errors
178Number because of error items not processed
179Type of accrual/deferral posting &1 is unknown
180An exception has occured while saving the billing documents
181An exception was reported while saving the billing document
182*********************** B I L L I N G **********************
183The document type is not allocated to the type of acc./def. posting &1
184Acc./def. procedure is not allocated to the type of acc./def. posting &1
185Accrual/deferral items for type of acc./def. postings &1 have errors
186Alternative master data is maintained f. itms relevant to Revenue Accting
187Incomplete or no itemizations for selection.
188&1 was not defined as calculation key for offset amount
189Definition of calculation rule for offsetting amount incomplete
190Selection already contains &1 reversed consumption items.
191*** Reversed consumption items or consumption items flagged for reversal:
192Creation of consumption items without master data only in raw status
193Contract account &1 is blocked for rating from &2 until &3
194Rating type &1 is unknown
195Source for DDL view &1 could not be determined.
196No authorization to create data in authorization group &1
197No authorization to change data in authorization group &1
198No authorization to display data in authorization group &1
199No authorization for value help for data in authorization group &1
200Please Restrict Selection to Items of an Account Assignment
201Selection for the display is too big, &1 of &2 items are displayed
202Error in module &1 of event &2 (note log)
203Event &1 delivers inconsistent intercompany settlement items
204Billable items to be reversed are already billed
205Number of reversed billing requests: &1
206Billing Request Reversed
207Credit memo cannot be greater than the total amount.
208Credit memo may not exceed 100%.
209Choose a valid reason for billing request type &1
210Billing request &1 not available
211No authorization for activity &3 of billing request (&1, &2)
212No authorization for release/rejection of billing request (&1, &2)
213No authorization for release simulation of billing request (&1, &2)
214Action &1 for billing request &2 in status &3 is not allowed
215Specify a reason for the billing request
216Enter a billing request
217Billing request released
218Billing request discarded
219Billing request rejected
220Billing request deleted
221Billing request released for checking
222Release of billing request simulated
223Billing request completed
224Billing request reopened
225Billing request &1 created
226Billing request changed
227Plus/minus sign of credit memo amount must be different from original
228The absolute debit memo amount cannot be greater then the original amount
229Debit memo amount cannot be smaller than the original amount
230Debit memo amount must have the same plus/minus sign as the original
231Billing request cannot be created without invoicing document
232Items with original amount of 0 are not taken into account
233Debit memo amount cannot be greater than the original amount
234No billing request can be created for invoicing document &1
235Billing request adjustment category &1 and category &2 do not match
236Number of released billing requests: &1
237Number of discarded billing requests: &1
238Number of rejected billing requests: &1
239Number of deleted billing requests: &1
240Number for checking released billing requests: &1
241No qualified items chosen
242Billing request &1 could not be released.
243Number of billing requests with successful simualted release: &1
244Error during the creation of billable items for billing request.
245Value check successful
246Billing request &1 can only be deleted &2 days after completion
247Number of successfully simulated releases: &1
248Amount cannot be greater than the original amount (than absolute amounts)
249Plus/minus sign of amounts adjusted in keeping with billing request Cat.
250Total of flatrate amounts cannot be greater than the amount of orig. inv.
251Billing request items not saved cannot be simulated
252Adjustment category &1 not suppoted for type &2 of billing request
253Assign a billing request type to a reason &1
254No authorization to create items in company code &1.
255No authorization to change items in company code &1.
256No authorization to display items in company code &1.
257No authorization to delete items in company code &1.
258No authorization to reverse items in company code &1.
259No residence time maintained for billing request type &1.
260No deletion of billing requset &3 due to event 90 for type &1.
261A billing req. already exists for invoicing doc &1. No reversal possible.
262Reversal of billing req. &1 not possible, because it is already invoiced.
263&1 billing requests created with the reference &2
264The followng data has been archived sucessfully for billing request &1.
265Bo Billing request type has been specified.
266Billing request &1 has not been recognised.
270Internal error: GUID is missing for the package of the consumption item.
271Internal error: the consumption item has no unique ID for the item line.
273Error During Execution of Module &1.
274Line &1 of file &2 cannot be imported.
275Source: &1
276&1 successfully imported (please see log &2).
277&1 successfully imported.
278&1 could not be imported (please see log &2).
279Import from &1 processed without errors.
280The file was not created.
281&1 could not be loaded (please see log &2).
282&1 loaded successfully (please see log &2).
283&1 successfully loaded (log &2).
284Load processed with errors.
285Load processed without errors.
286No data available for loading.
287No lines imported
288*** FILE UPLOAD - List of lines with errors: ***
289*** FILE UPLOAD - List of lines with errors that are not activated ***
290*** line &1 &2
291&1 &2 imported.
292&1 not imported.
293It is not possible to import sources from presenation server in batch.
294Module &1 cannot process sources of type &2.
295&1 files processed.
296&1 files scheduled successfully.
297&1 files not scheduled.
298&1 files loaded successfully.
299&1 files not loaded
300Job &1 could not be scheduled
301Invalid data entry
302Items in record type &1 cannot be processed without source transaction.
303Record type &2 (source transaction &1) cannot be assigned to a main item.
304Type of consumer ID for service ID &1 is not unique
305No type of consumer ID defined for service ID &1
306No technical resource exists for contract &1
307Provider contract for ID (type &1; ID &2) is not unique
308This function is not supported for direct entry
310Source trans. &1 type can only be canceled by reversing the billing req.
311Source trans. type &1 can only be canceled by reversing billing plan req.
315&1 raw items have been created.
316Number of raw items created
317&1 excepted raw items were created.
318Number of excepted raw items created
319&1 billable items were created.
320Number of billable items created
321&1 excepted generated items have been created.
322Number of excepted billable items created
323&1 billable items have been created.
324Number of billable items created.
325&1 items failed
326Number of failed items
330Payment method &1 (country/region &2) does not exist
331Business partner &1 does not have any payment cards.
332No standard payment card has been defined for business partner &1.
333Business partner &1 does not have a card with payment card ID &2.
334Payment method &1 is not suitable for card payment.
337Program error: Posting item &1 deleted in event 8230
340Reason &1 has already been specified as an exception reason.
341Reason &1 has already been specified as a reversal reason.
342The list was updated. Please restart the program
343Item types must not start with '0' (&1)
344Source document types must not begin with '0' (&1)
345Source document types must begin with '0' (&1)
346Item types must begin with '0' (&1)
347Form the group name without gaps from letters or numbers (&1)
348Form extension name without gaps from letters or numbers (&1)
349Extension names cannot be the following: &1
350Transport of class is not possible.
351The class does not have the status transportable.
352Deletion of objects for class &1 is not permitted.
353The generation of classes is not allowed in S4 Cloud systems.
354Deletion of source document type &1 is not allowed (SAP delivery)
355Group &1/&2 hierarchy too deep: &3 (max. 2); grouping variant &4
359No &2 item found for the customer enhancement (ID: &1).
360********** Start Creation of Billable Items **********
361********** Stop Creation of Billable Items **********
362Error during field allocation of &2 item (ID: &1)
363Error when assigning parameter &1 to field
364No main item found for &2 item (ID: &1)
365Consumption item &1 set to reversed due to duplicate check &2
366Consumption item &1 set to reversed due to duplicate check &2
367Multiple main items found for &2 item (ID: &1)
368********** CREATION OF BILLING PLANS START **********
369********** CREATION OF BILLING PLANS END **********
370No duplicate check could be made for class &1
371Type &1 of the dependent item is unknown
372Different business partner/contract account for settlement is not unique
380No residence time maintained for archiving object &1
381No authorization for archiving billing plans of type &1.
382No retention period maintained for billing requests of the type specified
383Archiving of billing request &1 is not permitted.
384The followng data has been archived sucessfully for billing request &1.
385Billing request &1 does not exist in the database. Request archived?
386Change of archived data not possible.
387Deletion for billing req. type &1 not permitted, only archiving possible.
388No billing plans selected for archiving.
389&1 consumption items were rated successfully.
390Consumption item &1 was rated successfully.
391At least one consumption item is not qualified for rating
392Source transactions &1 &2 and &3 &4 do not match
393Link with errors between primary- and secondary items
400No billable items found for processing.
401Number of restored raw items
402Number of restored billable items
403Number of excepted raw items
404Number of excepted billable items
405Automatic exception started: Date &1, Time &2
406Automatic readmission started: Date &1, Time &2
407Automatic exception completed: Date &1, Time &2
408Automatic readmission completed: Date &1, Time &2
409Exception reason &1 does not exist.
410Readmission reason &1 does not exist.
411Raw Items Excepted: &1
412Billable Items Excepted: &1
413Excepted raw items restored: &1
414Excepted billable items restored: &1
415Excepted raw items permanently excepted: &1
416Excepted billable items permanently excepted: &1
417********************* FINAL EXCEPTION *********************
420Number of excepted raw consumption items.
421Number of excepted consumption items
422Raw consumption items excepted: &1.
423Rateable consumption items excepted: &1
424Excepted raw consumption items restored: &1
425Excepted rateable consumption items restored: &1
426No rateable consumption items found for processing
427Number of restored raw consumption items
428Number of restored rateable consumption items
429Choose a reversal reason.
430Reversal reason &1 does not exist.
431Raw consumption items reversed: &1.
432Excepted raw consumption items reversed: &1.
433Rateable consumption items reversed: &1
434Excepted rateable consumption items reversed: &1
435Automatic reversal completed: date &1, time &2
436Automatic reversal started: date &1, time &2
437Number of reversed raw consumption items
438Number of reversed excepted raw consumption items
439Number of reversed rateable consumption items
440Number of reversed excepted consumption items
441Number of reversed excepted raw items
442Selection contains no items that can be restored
444Business partner &1 is not known
450Reversal reason &1 does not match processing rule 4 for schema &2
451Exception reason &1 does not match processing rule 3 for schema &2
452Reversal reason &1 does not match processing rule 4 for schema &2
453Exception reason &1 does not match processing rule 3 for schema &2
460********** TECHNICAL EXTENSION START **********
461********** TECHNICAL EXTENSION FINISH **********
462Technical extension processed successfully (log &1)
463Error when processing technical extension (log &1)
464Please maintain a retention period for technical extension type &1
465Deletion ot to-date &2 of type &1 must exceed the retention period
466No technical extensions qualified for deletion
467&1 LOG entries found for deletion of technical extensions
468Error when deleting LOG table
469Error when deleting technical extensions
470No technical extensions deleted because ev_delete_success = space
471&1 IDs of technical extensions deleted successfully
472Please specify an existing type of technical extension
473Implement Event 40 (Delete) for the type of technical extension &1
490No entries present in table &1 for user &2
491Entries deleted in table &1 for user &2
501Master data ID '&1' created
502Master data ID '&1' does not exist
503Master data ID '&1' deleted
504No authorization to create a new master data ID
505No authorization to display master data ID '&1'
506No authorization to change master data ID '&1'
507No authorization to delete master data ID '&1'
508Changes to master data ID '&1' were saved
509No changes exist
510Error when generating dependent consumption items
520Consumption item ID for ID type &1 must not be initial
521No currency key transferred in consumption item
522Amount has too many decimal places (&1) for currency key &2
527Event &1 provides inconsistent cost items
528No subtype maintained for cost type &1
529Cost items must not be business-partner-relevant
530Minimum value for offsetting amount is greater than maximum value
531Percentage for offsetting amount is greater than 100
532Percentage for offsetting amount must not be negative
534Base amount for offsetting amount must be smaller than maximum amount
535Offsetting amount per rounding unit must be smaller than max. amount
536Calculation rules for offsetting amount are consistent
537BIT &1 does not match combination of cost type &2/subtype &3
538No cost subtype specified in the billable item
539Cost &1 subtype is not valid
540&1 was not defined as calculation key for cost amount
541Definition of calculation rule for cost amount is incomplete
542Minimum value for cost amoount is greater than maximum value
543Percentage for cost amount is greater than 100
544Percentage for cost amount must not be negative
545Basic amount for cost amount must be less than maximum amount
546Cost amount per rounding unit must be less than maximum amount
547Calculation rules for cost calculation are consistent
548No cost type specified in billable item
549Cost type &1 is not valid
550Number of loaded items
551Billable Item Class
552Number of excepted raw items created
553Number of excepted raw payment data items created
554Number of excepted raw tax items created
555Number of raw items created
556Number of raw payment data items created
557Number of raw tax items created
558Number of billable items created
559Number of billable payment data items created
560Number of billable tax items created
561Number of billable items with errors
562Number of payment data items with errors
563Number of tax items with errors
564Number of source transactions with errors
565Number of excepted billable items created
566Number of excepted billable payment data items created
567Number of excepted billable tax items created
568Number of excepted billable text items created
569Number of raw text items created
570Number of excepted raw text items created
571Number of billable text items created
572Number of consumption items with errors
573Number of rateable consumption items created
574Number of excepted rateable consumption items created
575Number of raw consumption items created
576Number of excepted raw consumption items created
577Number of rated consumption items created
578Consumption item class
579Number of billing documents created
580Number of invoicing documents created
581Number of text items with errors
582Number of source transactions created
583Main items
584Payment data items
585Tax items
586Text items
587Class not specified
588Selection is too complex and cannot be evaluated
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