FKKESCH - Nachrichten f�r Scheckabtretung

The following messages are stored in message class FKKESCH: Nachrichten f�r Scheckabtretung.
It is part of development package FKK_CHECK_MANAGEMENT in software component FI-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA: Check Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Specify a company code
002No receiver code settings maintained for company code &1
003No settings maintained for company code &1 and receiver code &2
004No receiver code determined for business partner &1
005Specify a text (company code &1, receiver code &2)
006Specify the days until check escheatment
007Specify the days until the start of the check escheatment process
008Escheatment not allowed to be before start of escheatment process
009Specify a currency for the amount (company code &1, receiver code &2)
010Specify an amount for the currency (company code &1, receiver code &2)
011Specify either a G/L account or business partner/account
012Specify a contract account for the business partner
013Specify a business partner for the contract account
014Escheatment process has not been started yet
015No escheatment planned for this check
016Check of escheatment type for check &1
017Update of the escheatment data in check management was successful
018Specify either a G/L account or business partner/account
019No text for receiver code &2 with company code &1
020Receiver code &2 with company code &1 does not exist
021Escheatment process has already been started
022Start of escheatment process reached on &1
023Start of escheatment process not reached on &1
024Error in the UUID generation for the escheatment data
025Minimum amount &1 &3 for escheatment not reached
026Check escheatment takes place on &1
027Escheatment process is manual (clarification case will be created)
028Escheatment process is automatic
029Correspondence created for business partner &1
030Status of escheatment process changed: Check &1 has been cashed
031Status of escheatment process changed: Check &1 has been voided
032Status of escheatment process changed: Check &1 is locked
033Check of checks for escheatment
034Posting of checks for escheatment
035Check &1 is in clarification for cashed checks
036Check &1 has been deposited, clarification case will be completed
037Check &1 has been voided, clarification case will be set to completed
038Check &1 is locked, clarification case will be set to completed
039Check &1 is not in the check repository
040Check of posting area 1042: Specify a company code
041Check of posting area 1042: Specify a voiding reason
042Check of posting area 1042: Specify a document type
043Voiding of check &1 successfully simulated
044Voiding of check &1 successfully executed
045Check of posting area 1042: Voiding reason &1 is invalid
046Escheatment posting: Document &1 successfully posted
047Escheatment successfully simulated
048COMMIT WORK executed
049ROLLBACKWORK executed
050Check &1 does not have escheatment data - clarific. case set to completed
051Correspondence created for &1
052Correspondence could not be created
053No changes were made
054Escheatment data was changed
055Status of escheatment process changed: check &1 deleted
056A clarification case was created for check &1
057No data found for this selection
058Escheatment process for &1 is being executed manually
059The escheatment process for &1 is already completed
060Changed data records: &1
061There is no reference document for the payment documents
062Program was started as simulation run
063Program was started as update run
064Preventing correspondence creation is only possible in a simulation
065Enter a receiver code
066Enter an escheatment date
067Country/region of company code &1 and of check recipient &2 differ
068Start of escheatment process calculated with &1 days (default)
069No check escheatment to foreign countries (&1)
070Not possible to determine profit center for key &1, posting area &2
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